Russell Wilson is Elite | I'm Putting the Nail in the Coffin

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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
Tical21":1kll0k52 said:
I dont understand what any of the above has to do with being elite. Degree of difficulty makes it so he's automatically elite, even with middling results?


58 G | 34-23-1

112 TD
35 INT
7.8 YPA
100.6 Rating


5.3 YPC
1625 Yards
5 TD

3 Receptions for 3 Yards and a TD.

PFF O-Line Rankings 2015-2018 [[ 30,32,27,19 ]]

Factor in the OC & the O-Lines he has played behind, an injured 2016 season which was the worst statistically of his career mixed into this sample. I have no idea how you cannot come away impressed. Getting the O-Line play up to a measly 19th has people doing cartwheels. Think long and hard what Wilson's numbers would look like playing behind the Pittsburgh O-Line, or having Andy Reed as a playcaller. It is insane what he is pulling off.

Middling results....



I got the right words for you Tical. This will make things click. Trust me on this. This is the one. Ready.

You expected Russell Wilson to provide consistent traditional QB play, behind an Offensive Line that was incapable of providing consistent traditional QB play. No other QB could've done it (been productive), but Wilson did. If no other QB could've done it (been productive) doesn't that make him....................... "Elite".

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Tical21":1kll0k52 said:
Brown got beat, and is more at fault than Russ on the play, but if the ball comes out on time, it's a completion. Elite qbs complete that pass on 3rd and 3. Simple read, ball needs to come out.

You must not have been watching Aaron Rodgers on THUR Night. When he threw the ball in the dirt right in front of the wide open WRs feet on 3rd and 2 in the 4th quarter with the game on the line. Rodgers isn't elite either by you standard.

Ad Hawk

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Sep 6, 2011
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Tical, you must not have watched the great Tom Brady last week against the Titans. The 5-time SB Tom Brady. Maybe the excuse is that he's old now. I'm sure we can come up with some reason why he's elite, but still has games like that.


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
Ad Hawk":1jkpi0vt said:
Tical, you must not have watched the great Tom Brady last week against the Titans. The 5-time SB Tom Brady. Maybe the excuse is that he's old now. I'm sure we can come up with some reason why he's elite, but still has games like that.

I like Tical, I really do, but he is just being stuck in his ways. I think he may have a touch of the "Mythical Franchise Quarterback Syndrome" though.

The double standards are what I am tired of.

He clearly cites Brown got beat, but it is still Wilson's fault. Because "Elite" QBs make that play.

But seems to have caught amnesia watching Rodgers play on THUR Night. He was dreadful the entire 2nd half, and with the game on the line in the 4th quarter Rodgers messes up an even easier play than Wilson's cited play, but Rodgers is still elite.

The double standards. I am tired of it.

And if you don't think Rodgers is elite you're crazy, and need to stop posting. Even though personally I don't like him (attitude).

SeaHawk80":1jkpi0vt said:
Although I miss Kearlry.. Fade you have taken his spot as my Favorite Poster. Well done Sir.. Wilson is ELITE and the best QB for the Seahawks ever.. All the haters are delusional, or just Idiots.. Thanks man

Kearly liked me. Well at least he told me that, maybe he was just being nice.

I am your favorite poster's favorite poster. :2thumbs:


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Dec 30, 2014
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Never understood why everyone is so high on Luck. He's a great talent but the Colts are garbage, he's a turnover machine, and he's hurt all the time. Russ hasn't missed a practice.


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Dec 26, 2014
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whidbeast":1fslu5bk said:
Never understood why everyone is so high on Luck. He's a great talent but the Colts are garbage, he's a turnover machine, and he's hurt all the time. Russ hasn't missed a practice.

Wilson's drive and work ethic are a HUGE part of his success. Dude puts in 12-14 hour days all week. I can't wait to see how he handles Carolina's defense.


Jan 3, 2013
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Good work Fade. Here is who I think is better than Russ right now: Rodgers, Brees and that's it. Mahomes is putting up monster numbers but I need to see it for a longer period of time. I think its really hard leaving him out of a top 5 though which is elite enough for me. Factor in he's second all time in passer rating, been to two super bowls, elite TD/INT percentage, as good a leader as there is in this league, Plays his best in the 4th quarters and it all adds up to an elite QB.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Great post Fade. Unfortunately, many CHOOSE to believe and/or convince themselves how things really are with Russ. Whatever fits their narrative on how good he is. They will NEVER think he's good enough. Meh, waste of energy imo. In the meantime, the team is coming together and the best QB in history is leading the team.


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Jan 14, 2015
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Fade":3d054vn9 said:
Tical21":3d054vn9 said:
I'll fully admit that he produces like them. I can't find you the numbers of man vs zone, because they don't exist. I did analysis of 4 games from 2015 and 6 games from 2017 in a similar debate, and found that the percentage of the time that we actually saw zone was wayyy different than the PFF statisticians said that we saw zone. So I would have to watch 4 seasons myself and chart every play to get you that analysis.

You know elite QB play when you see it. We've seen plenty of elite QB's over the years. Against zone, elite QB's can often make it look easy. They hit their back foot, ball comes out, quite often. Do we ever really see that? How many times in Russ' career has a commentator noticed that he manipulates a defender with his eyes, or that he has set defenders up? He can do it against man-1, but that's really about it. If you're not going to go back and look at the all-22, while you're watching the next game, try to figure out what coverage the other team is in pre-snap. IF you think they're in zone, watch what happens.

He might be an elite player, I'm not saying there are many guys I'd rather have, but to make a claim that he is an elite passer is a little baffling.

You know elite systems, when you see it.

Look I know what you mean Tical and totally understand where you are coming from. Brees, Brady, Rivers etc. those types are superior to him in that one area. He isn't going to sit back in the pocket the whole game, and pick apart a zone as good as those guys. He doesn't posses the quick trigger those guys have, he doesn't process it as quickly.

I think a lot of that boils down to being stuck in Pete's system with Bevell. I am fairly confident had he been drafted by Andy Reed as an example he would be far more advanced in this area.

(See Goff w/Fisher --> w/McVay) (See Trubisky w/Fox -> w/Nagy).

Coaching plays a huge factor in this. The Pete Carroll -> don't turn it over (don't take unnecessary risks)

Because when Wilson is let off the leash when they have no choice but to throw or lose the game. He is otherworldly statistically. 4th qtr comebacks, and game winning drives. You do not put any stock into that?

And there is also a flip side to that coin.

Those statues don't possess the running production, and the ability to play behind Cable O-Lines and be an escape artist on a consistent basis for six seasons. Yes, they would've helped mitigate the damage at times, with quicker decision making, but in the end they would have died, or retired. It was unsustainable. Wilson was so damn amazing Carroll naively stuck with the fable that was Cable for far too long because he was performing at high level despite the dumpster fire. WILSON KEPT CABLE & BEVELL EMPLOYED, that is how good he was/is.

Brady & Brees are not the same players when under pressure. Wilson isn't either, but he some how found / finds a way to produce in spite of it, and keep up with those guys. That does not impress you? These guys that you deem so amazing in well oiled machine offensive systems. Yet there is Wilson hanging with them, and rushing for 1700 yards in the process.

Watch Derek Carr two-three years ago when he had a great O-Line, many were considering him for MVP. Now he has been Cable'd. It didn't stop Wilson for 6 years.

Look at Newton's numbers outside of when he played behind the #2 O-Line. Look at Matt Ryan's numbers when he didn't have strong O-Lines. Look at Luck outside of this year. These guys could not survive for 6 seasons under that kind of duress (Luck already proved that). Wilson didn't only survive, he thrived and produced at a high level.

Brady & Brees production goes down playing behind Cable O-Lines than their current situation. Wilson's production would go up playing with Payton or McDaniel in that situation. It went up with Schottenhiemer who isn't a savant when it comes to the passing game.

Wilson is the one being handicapped here.

Yet he finds a way to statistically keep up. He belongs in the group.

PS Ben Roethlisbeger is a fraud.

So much truth in this post .


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Jan 14, 2015
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austinslater25":35pafld4 said:
Good work Fade. Here is who I think is better than Russ right now: Rodgers, Brees and that's it. Mahomes is putting up monster numbers but I need to see it for a longer period of time. I think its really hard leaving him out of a top 5 though which is elite enough for me. Factor in he's second all time in passer rating, been to two super bowls, elite TD/INT percentage, as good a leader as there is in this league, Plays his best in the 4th quarters and it all adds up to an elite QB.

Why is Rodgers better? H es on a better team with a worse record this year and Wilson's numbers are better on a team that runs more and Doesbt have as offensive minded of a coach / oc


Jan 3, 2013
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That's fair and its a debate worth having. I was just trying to make the point that Wilson is a top 3 QB. I think Rodgers is the most talented QB in the league. Wilson is pretty dang close for me.


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Jan 7, 2014
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Most of those that have been hard on Russ including myself has been because of his last 14 weeks of football. Historically he has been good but denying that he hasn't regressed the past year and a half is purely blind fandom. First half against the Packers was a perfect example. The two previous weeks against San Diego and Rams the same type of story. Taking bad sacks, holding onto the ball too long, missing wide open receivers. He's always had head scratcher moments throughout his career. Just not with the consistency he's done them as of late. That's it really. Calling RW out for his bad play doesn't make me or anyone else a hater. To me that's what makes a good fan. This forum's act of punishing those members who post anything about Wilson in a negative light is alarming. There's a reason the attendance has dropped off a cliff here. Let people have honest football discussions without the fear of being banned based of their individual takes.

Mad Dog

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Aug 11, 2015
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Tical21":1j6tqcw3 said:
Scorpion05":1j6tqcw3 said:
Tical21":1j6tqcw3 said:
I'll fully admit that he produces like them. I can't find you the numbers of man vs zone, because they don't exist. I did analysis of 4 games from 2015 and 6 games from 2017 in a similar debate, and found that the percentage of the time that we actually saw zone was wayyy different than the PFF statisticians said that we saw zone. So I would have to watch 4 seasons myself and chart every play to get you that analysis.

You know elite QB play when you see it. We've seen plenty of elite QB's over the years. Against zone, elite QB's can often make it look easy. They hit their back foot, ball comes out, quite often. Do we ever really see that? How many times in Russ' career has a commentator noticed that he manipulates a defender with his eyes, or that he has set defenders up? He can do it against man-1, but that's really about it. If you're not going to go back and look at the all-22, while you're watching the next game, try to figure out what coverage the other team is in pre-snap. IF you think they're in zone, watch what happens.

He might be an elite player, I'm not saying there are many guys I'd rather have, but to make a claim that he is an elite passer is a little baffling.

Nevermind, now I know you're just making stuff up and letting your perception or stereotype of Russ lead your argument.

Russ is one of the best QBs in the league pre-snap. Schotty will even attest to this, and his insane work ethic. The Cowboys game, and a couple of touchdowns against the Rams in the first a perfect example of Russ looking off the receiver and throwing long bombs to Lockett and Moore. We can all acknowledge that Russ doesn't fit what people THINK a QB is supposed to look like. And no, Russ isn't perfect at everything. Drew Brees for example has phenomenal mechanics..although he still misses throws. But he looks great while missing those throws. Brees is also a QB that relies so much on his mechanics that if you pressure him, like Brady he falters a bit. How do you think we beat him in Seattle in the playoffs, twice? Russ has continuously read the defense, audibled, and made tight window throws...even if he does it looking differently

Russ is unorthodox. But thus far you've implied he doesn't do what the film has clearly shown him do on more than one occassion, what players and coaches have acknowledged about Wilson...and you've basically questioned his intelligence using zero facts.
If he was so fantastic pre-snap, why has he never been given the responsibility at the LOS that the others have?

I'm sorry, I'll just come out and say it...he cant read zone. He just doesn't have that sixth sense. Watch. Next time you see the opposing defense is in zone, watch Russ presnap and then see what happens. You'll see his body slump. He has no idea what to do. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

You are just making crap up at this point. Reading body language now, sheesh.

You are clearly delusional at this point so its time to move on. Fade made a fantastic post and you've failed to convince anyone that he's off base. You are know using body language as a determinant of eliteness. If you want to watch crappy body language, go watch the Panthers.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Attendence and posting here has grown, considerably. Facts and data often intefere with narrative, however.

Citing errors that Wilson has made as signs of regression while ignoring not only his overall stats but also the stats of the games specified is where the argument turns to ambiguity.

It becomes the eye test, or a birds eye view of something without acknowledging there is probably a lot more to it than people understand.

Then there is the defensive and abrasive nature it gets caed out balanced by playing the victim and (unbelievably) suggesting refutation of those posts is assault on the conversation.

Mad Dog

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Aug 11, 2015
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RCATES":17dx7mbf said:
Most of those that have been hard on Russ including myself has been because of his last 14 weeks of football. Historically he has been good but denying that he hasn't regressed the past year and a half is purely blind fandom. First half against the Packers was a perfect example. The two previous weeks against San Diego and Rams the same type of story. Taking bad sacks, holding onto the ball too long, missing wide open receivers. He's always had head scratcher moments throughout his career. Just not with the consistency he's done them as of late. That's it really. Calling RW out for his bad play doesn't make me or anyone else a hater. To me that's what makes a good fan. This forum's act of punishing those members who post anything about Wilson in a negative light is alarming. There's a reason the attendance has dropped off a cliff here. Let people have honest football discussions without the fear of being banned based of their individual takes.

it's called recency bias.

And the fact that his run game and OL were historically bad last year. And this year he's developing rapport with a new OC.

The haters tendency to punish forum members with irrational complaints about the QB is far more alarming. Fade just gave a very rational assessment of where Wilson stands and yet people just throw up the "he has bad quarters so he's clearly regressed" statement as if that is even at all indicative of overall performance as a QB.

Fact is, great QB's throw TDs, don't throw INT's and win games. That's all you need to know. All QB's take bad sacks and hold the ball too long. It's just that when its Rodgers, Brees or Brady we call it a coverage sack. When it's Russell it's a bonehead sack. More bias at play as usual.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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It is an interesting argument.

I don't think you could consider him elite but I am not going to argue about it. Certainly, I don't put him as a top 3 in the league.

Ultimately, again, the problem is that elite is subjective. Tical's expectation of an elite QB is different than Fade's. Some people just care about the raw #s.

Honestly, I hope Fade is right. I don't believe it but it probably does not matter. What does matter is that Wilson had a terrible game, kept throwing and then made great throws at the end of the last game.

For several years now Wilson has had people making excuses for why he is falling short in wins and playoff production. And for several years those people have been right. Wilson has produced despite missing a lot of pieces that you would expect a QB to need.

Now he has those pieces. There are no more excuses. If he is an elite QB he is going to deliver elite results. Not numbers but wins when it matters.

If Rodgers has a bad game, they lose and people will point out that was on him. If Brady has a bad game, they lose and people will point out he fell short. If Wilson has a bad game, people make excuses for him.

Elite QBs produce in the playoffs. In fact, they elevate their play in the playoffs. So the litmus test will be making the playoffs and then getting something beyond the wildcard game in terms of wins. Or you can just go with the version of 'elite' QB that doesn't do anything in the playoffs if that definition makes you happy.

Until we start getting playoff wins outside of the wildcard game (ie against playoff caliber teams), nobody gets to put a nail in any coffin on whether or not we have an elite QB. It is possible though since a lot of things that held Wilson back are now addressed.


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May 1, 2009
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RCATES":3iswswg6 said:
He's always had head scratcher moments throughout his career. Just not with the consistency he's done them as of late.

I'm calling BS. I remember his first halves of 2013.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Why I can't call Russell Elite is because he doesn't show the same consistency as the two QB's I consider Elite, Brady and Brees.

Russell vacillates from bad to good to great far too often for me to put him in the "elite" conversation........and I know my definition is much stricter than most. So I'm cool with people saying he's elite if your definition is more top 5-7 QB, then he'd qualify.

But me? No. Too many bad 1st quarters like Thursday, and too many bad slow starts taking entire halves getting into rhythm. That's not elite to me.

Drew Brees yesterday? That's elite, just destroying defenses week after week after week like the god damn Terminator.


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Dec 26, 2014
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TwistedHusky":epj77h77 said:
It is an interesting argument.

I don't think you could consider him elite but I am not going to argue about it. Certainly, I don't put him as a top 3 in the league.

Ultimately, again, the problem is that elite is subjective. Tical's expectation of an elite QB is different than Fade's. Some people just care about the raw #s.

Honestly, I hope Fade is right. I don't believe it but it probably does not matter. What does matter is that Wilson had a terrible game, kept throwing and then made great throws at the end of the last game.

For several years now Wilson has had people making excuses for why he is falling short in wins and playoff production. And for several years those people have been right. Wilson has produced despite missing a lot of pieces that you would expect a QB to need.

Now he has those pieces. There are no more excuses. If he is an elite QB he is going to deliver elite results. Not numbers but wins when it matters.

If Rodgers has a bad game, they lose and people will point out that was on him. If Brady has a bad game, they lose and people will point out he fell short. If Wilson has a bad game, people make excuses for him.

Elite QBs produce in the playoffs. In fact, they elevate their play in the playoffs. So the litmus test will be making the playoffs and then getting something beyond the wildcard game in terms of wins. Or you can just go with the version of 'elite' QB that doesn't do anything in the playoffs if that definition makes you happy.

Until we start getting playoff wins outside of the wildcard game (ie against playoff caliber teams), nobody gets to put a nail in any coffin on whether or not we have an elite QB. It is possible though since a lot of things that held Wilson back are now addressed.

So based on losing playoff games are you saying Brady, Manning, Rogers, Rapistburger and Brees aren’t elite? Heck I remember when Brees was beat by a 7-9 Seahawks team in the wild card. He must be nowhere NEAR elite.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Sep 25, 2012
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semiahmoo":2d2b6ehn said:
The only stat that really matters:

Super Bowl Wins:

Tom Brady = 5 (going for #6?)

Russell Wilson = 1

Now here is where I give Wilson a big break. He's had to play behind crap lines for way too long w/o the benefit of a legit run game and a coach who doesn't put up with repeated distractions from "look at me" players, etc.

That has changed this season and I don't care what this season's stats are vs the last couple - he's a better QB overall because of it. He still brain farts out there a bit too much but as he keeps settling into this new OC program his upside potential is huge which, given his level of play already, could be really fun to watch.

The big question, perhaps the biggest for the team (bigger than if Pete stays or goes?) is if that upside happens in Seattle or somewhere else and for how much $$$$$$.

I'll say this - the front office has put together a team with potential and just a few more pieces involved this next off season and we could be back to dominating opponents again.

We may or may not make the playoffs, but this season has been many times more enjoyable to watch - including Wilson's play/game management/whatever people want to call it.

QB SB wins is also an overused stat that incorrectly crowns the QB as the only reason the team won. For example, did Brady have anything to do with his first win other than having the Tuck Rule gift. How about Big Ben. Among worst SB performance in modern era, but he got a he's better by default.

We often forget it's a team game with all this QB crowning.
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