Seattle Mariners @ Kansas City Royals Sep 23-25


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Aug 24, 2022
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I was mainly just talking about TIMD, the guy is just posting like we are the worst team. Just look at the last post on the previous page of this thread.

Yeah everyone has every right to be upset about the last couple weeks. But for the poster or posters that just flat out have nothing positive to say about the team, I don’t know what to say.
Ok fine..... So they are the worst team who will back into the expanded playoffs. And lose in the first round. And during the off season exchange bad players (Winker, Frazier, Hanigar) for more bad players. Everyone thought they were going to coast into the post season because of their "easy schedule" in September..... Not remembering this is the SEATTLE MARINERS we are following. They are not guaranteed anything except mediocrity. And look at the September collapse. Injuries? Everyone has injuries. The M's don't have any depth & very few legit Major League hitters. I'm a die hard fan, but I'm realistic.


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2019
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Ok fine..... So they are the worst team who will back into the expanded playoffs. And lose in the first round. And during the off season exchange bad players (Winker, Frazier, Hanigar) for more bad players. Everyone thought they were going to coast into the post season because of their "easy schedule" in September..... Not remembering this is the SEATTLE MARINERS we are following. They are not guaranteed anything except mediocrity. And look at the September collapse. Injuries? Everyone has injuries. The M's don't have any depth & very few legit Major League hitters. I'm a die hard fan, but I'm realistic.
People who relate "past" to anything current in sports.. is delusional


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I'm just hoping he doesn't kick any puppies today. I mean, possibly making the playoffs, oh the horror. Always strange when someone calls themselves a die hard and literally hates the team and everything about them. And to double down, almost seems ANGRY if they actually win.

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