Probables: Mitch Keller (5-1, 2.44 ERA) vs George Kirby (5-3, 2.62 ERA)
First pitch: 7:10 pm PDT (Late start for fireworks night)
TV: ROOT Sports Radio: KIRO 710AM or KDKA FM93.7
John Stanton doesn’t eat contracts.Caballero benched again. M's should just eat Wongs contract which is about 10m this year. Caballero is on a rookie contract (700k per year tops). At this point you gotta win ball games. The good news is Wongs contract ends after this season. If Wong doesn't get one base somehow today I'm done.
Avoid sitting near anyone eating garlic fries, or order some!I will be at the game with my son and his momma tomorrow afternoon. Haven't been to a M's game since the Dome, any tips/suggestions/pointers?
I don't drink, but I will be getting some fries. Thank you.Avoid sitting near anyone eating garlic fries, or order some!
Because if you're not the problem you sure will still be smelling it!
Oh and beer in plastic bottles is VERY spendy!
Unfortunately, the whole place pretty much is the smell of garlic fries and garlic breath. Great ballpark, save for the smell.I don't drink, but I will be getting some fries. Thank you.
or just DFA him.. plus Moore is about to come back as well, but yeah, Cabbys gotta stay.Damn, I actually like Caballero in the lineup. When are we trading Kolten Wong?!