Shoot, keep him on as long as it takes for a youngster to usurp his position. It's not guaranteed that a drafted QB is going to be ready year one. Might be smart to let him watch and learn something from Geno. If you put in the work, in due time it will pay off...something along those lines.
If Geno keeps goitng all year st this clip, he deserves to be QB1 going into next season. I thought he was not very good (liked him at WV), but he always seemed confused in the NFL. Glad to be wrong about that, he's an even better stop gap than one could ask for. Hope he balls out all the way to an mvp trophy, THAT would be so deliciously fantastic (he's got to be team mvp right now).
Seahawks issue is that if Geno actually does play this well all year... he might cost more than we can afford to sign him. The QB market is ridiculous in the NFL right now, like, a legit problem. I mean, I don't want to get on my soapbox about their being too much money in professional and collegiate sports altogether, so I'll stick to this point: NFL teams are giving mediocre QBs way, way too much money let alone how much they are giving to GOOD QBs.
It should be considered a problem in the NFL that what is now considered the 'smart' play is to draft a rookie and work him until he's about to get paid and then move on. Like, that's bad for fans and bad for the game. But you can't afford to put winning pieces around the contracts a lot of QBs are getting right now.
I mean, these talks about whether we keep Geno for next year and stuff seem early, but Geno will attract a huge contract from someone if he's even 75% of this by the end of the year. If Pete is at all serious about keeping him, they'll have to be in full on earnest contract talks by
week 9 and even then, if Geno's still putting on the type of tape he is now, a shrewd agent is probably going to be tell him not to sign. It'd be about loyalty to Pete and wanting to stick with the team would be the deciding factors.