Circle the wagon time, let's cheer Hawks 2022.


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Jun 16, 2009
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Its football.....its fun to watch. Hope for the best..prepare for the worse. There's bright spots either way. And its only a game after all. My loyalty is not based on win vs loses.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Thru thick and thin, you're either in or you're out. It's that simple. It's gonna' be a rough season. Suck it up and get ready to pull for your team. Not just when they are winning.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
They'll drive us to more drinking, but the future is bright and this team is going to be good in 2023. It's my opinion and I stick to it :)


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert

No reason to circle the wagons...
Just sit back and watch the damage our draft pick rise and rise......:)
National media are having field days bad mouthing our team and players. We are countering those negatives with positive energy like "watch our draft picks rise and rise" :)


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2022
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I visited a friend in Colorado last week. One night in Denver, I went into a bar to get a bite to eat, and being that I was alone, I opted to sit down at the bar along with a number of other patrons, mostly Bronco fans, and when they saw my Seahawks baseball cap, they asked me if I watched the Bears game a few days earlier, which of course, I had. They began teasing me about it, a clumsy quarterback doing a face plant, a punt coverage player standing on the goal line with his head up his arse, and so on.

It was a fun, playful exchange and not at all confrontational, but wearing that Seahawks cap into enemy territory was very embarrassing, like I was walking around with my fly unzipped. Nevertheless, I'll continue to do so even though our prospects don't look very good. Over the years, I've given plenty of crap to other team's fans, and this season, it will likely be my turn to be the butt of every joke.

Oh, well.....
I have the same situation when I wear my Urlacher jersey here in Seahawks territory, but it’s all fun. I think both my teams are making good decisions in their rebuilds.

Go Hawks!
Bear Down!
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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
I have the same situation when I wear my Urlacher jersey here in Seahawks territory, but it’s all fun. I think both my teams are making good decisions in their rebuilds.

Go Hawks!
Bear Down!
Yeah, that's one of the reasons why I like going to Las Vegas on an NFL Sunday, as everyone wears their colors, including casino employees, as it identifies where you're from and makes for a great icebreaker.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
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National media are having field days bad mouthing our team and players. We are countering those negatives with positive energy like "watch our draft picks rise and rise" :)
Since when does the national media get anything right about Seattle? Only when it is so obvious that a 3-year-old could figure it out.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
Hoping for a bit of this Geno for the season opener? an unranked West Virginia played a #25 ranked Baylor, Geno had a 8TD, 0INT day. Geno displayed his arm strength in this game.



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2011
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I visited a friend in Colorado last week. One night in Denver, I went into a bar to get a bite to eat, and being that I was alone, I opted to sit down at the bar along with a number of other patrons, mostly Bronco fans, and when they saw my Seahawks baseball cap, they asked me if I watched the Bears game a few days earlier, which of course, I had. They began teasing me about it, a clumsy quarterback doing a face plant, a punt coverage player standing on the goal line with his head up his arse, and so on.

It was a fun, playful exchange and not at all confrontational, but wearing that Seahawks cap into enemy territory was very embarrassing, like I was walking around with my fly unzipped. Nevertheless, I'll continue to do so even though our prospects don't look very good. Over the years, I've given plenty of crap to other team's fans, and this season, it will likely be my turn to be the butt of every joke.

Oh, well.....
You should have acknowledged all the jokes and all of it being true, then ended it with "Oh well, I'll always have 43-8" Mic drop


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
You should have acknowledged all the jokes and all of it being true, then ended it with "Oh well, I'll always have 43-8" Mic drop
That 2013 super bowl remains unbelievable, how we totally dominated that Peyton led offense. Quite sure the Bronco fans gathered in CO bars were silent and shocked, rightfully so. We had a great defense, a great running game, and an elite game manager. A wonderful formula for success .... if only we built on that.


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2011
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I think it will be REALLY ugly early on and once the defense solidifies we will look a lot better. This is not a good team right now but its young and I think we had a great draft. Still sticking with 4 wins. Russ will hang a 40 burger on the Hawks and this place will melt down, which in itself will be highly entertaining. I think Pete still has a little bit of the magic left and in couple years we'll be back in the playoffs.


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Jun 7, 2009
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Anchorage, AK
After making it through camps and the 3 preseason games, I think I'm just going to set my expectations really low, but continue to root just as hard for wins each week. I honestly don't see us breaking .500 and I can understand why some people would go ahead and root for us to lose games to increase our draft status, but i just have never been like that. Whether we are winning 12 games or 2 games, I can't watch a Seahawks game and actively root for them to lose. I do hope though, that lowering my expectations now, will lead to less heartache and possibly maybe even a good surprise victory or two along the way.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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It feels like we've gone into a wayback machine back to 2010.

Back then normal was never much more than average except for a few Holmgren years and the very odd flash in the pan moments like occasionally being in the playoffs. At least were are not again changing conferences as that has happened too many times.

We've been very fortunate to have experienced the best ever period of the prospects of the team but are now in a rebuilding mode. Have to say the FO didn't do too bad a job fielding competitive teams although some of the recent drafts have been quite unproductive for a lot of different reasons some of which were beyond their control. Of course it's easy to criticize but harder to actually be successful and the present regime has been the most successful ever.

I've seen great, good, acceptable, not acceptable, and occasionally very awful Seahawks teams since becoming a fan in '76. I prefer them winning more than losing but know we need to be patient to allow the team to find it's new self.

No wagons need to be circled for me I'm a lifer and will take the good with the bad. Somehow though I suspect this team might just be a bit better than the Nellies are predicting.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
My personal attitude to the approaching football season with regard to the Hawks has changed over the years. Back in the 80's, I was a huge optimist, convinced that we had one of the best teams in the league and that we were Super Bowl bound. It never happened as after that exciting year in the '83 season, we never even got to the conference championship, each season leaving me extremely disappointed.

Now, I'm more practical about my assessments, and take a more of a 'prove it' attitude, not getting too excited about the upcoming season until I've had a chance to see the current edition. I've also intentionally lowered my expectations, which creates a sort of win-win situation. If we lose, then I'm not as disappointed as I would have been otherwise because I've anticipated it and if we win, I'm more jacked because it was such a pleasant surprise.

This year, I'm expecting a sub .500 season. I really like our two new OT's, but they're going to have a learning curve, and given some of the edge rushers they'll be facing (the Bosa brothers, Kahlil Mack, etc), we're going to experience some growing pains. I also have zero confidence that Rashaad Penny can put in an injury free season, and that he'll miss multiple games. And of course, we do not have a reliable QB, although I do think that Geno will have a few golden moments. I'm predicting a 6-11 season.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
My personal attitude to the approaching football season with regard to the Hawks has changed over the years. Back in the 80's, I was a huge optimist, convinced that we had one of the best teams in the league and that we were Super Bowl bound. It never happened as after that exciting year in the '83 season, we never even got to the conference championship, each season leaving me extremely disappointed.

Now, I'm more practical about my assessments, and take a more of a 'prove it' attitude, not getting too excited about the upcoming season until I've had a chance to see the current edition. I've also intentionally lowered my expectations, which creates a sort of win-win situation. If we lose, then I'm not as disappointed as I would have been otherwise because I've anticipated it and if we win, I'm more jacked because it was such a pleasant surprise.

This year, I'm expecting a sub .500 season. I really like our two new OT's, but they're going to have a learning curve, and given some of the edge rushers they'll be facing (the Bosa brothers, Kahlil Mack, etc), we're going to experience some growing pains. I also have zero confidence that Rashaad Penny can put in an injury free season, and that he'll miss multiple games. And of course, we do not have a reliable QB, although I do think that Geno will have a few golden moments. I'm predicting a 6-11 season.
6-11 sounded about right, 6 wins are much better than the 3 or 4 wins national media has been predicting.

Go Hawks.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
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6-11 sounded about right, 6 wins are much better than the 3 or 4 wins national media has been predicting.

Go Hawks.
Pete seems to think 10 wins. If one were to look at all the position groups they all look pretty good except maybe depth for inside line backer.. most think the weak spot is qb. Ok...Im just not sure thats completly acurate. I just think the Hawks are going to scheme around that and with a really solid run game it wont be as much of an issue as people think...if your asking your QB to be a game manager, in which im not certian thats even true, then scheme and exicution has to be the factor that make up the difference. Thats the way i see it any way...

Sports Hernia

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Pete seems to think 10 wins. If one were to look at all the position groups they all look pretty good except maybe depth for inside line backer.. most think the weak spot is qb. Ok...Im just not sure thats completly acurate. I just think the Hawks are going to scheme around that and with a really solid run game it wont be as much of an issue as people think...if your asking your QB to be a game manager, in which im not certian thats even true, then scheme and exicution has to be the factor that make up the difference. Thats the way i see it any way...
Time to drug test Pete if he thinks THIS team is a 10 win team.
Looks like Grandpa Pete is hitting the cough syrup if he actually believes that.

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