Wilson wanted PC and JS fired?


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Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
I don't believe the reporters created this article out of their imagination, they had the sources. Now, are those sources reliable and trustworthy? And why did those source pick this time of the year to talk? Did they talk with OK from the management?

In short, I don't doubt what the reporters reported, but am intrigued by the timing and objectives.

Wilson has been throwing rocks at Pete and John long before the trade, so he spoke to the ownership ought not be a surprise as he believed Pete owe his success to Russell Wilson. Whether he did it by himself, or though his agent, is irrelevant, the ownership was forced to act, and they did.

Wilson's response to the article was very telling. Wilson did not say that he didn't approach the ownership, or he wanted Payton. All Wilson said was "I never wanted them fired.", LOL, so his intent wasn't wanting Pete and John fire, Wilson wanted the world to believe the ownership misunderstand his intent. His lawyer wrote this for him?

To me, what Wilson said was, he went to the ownership and expressed his wish for Payton, the rest was up to the ownership, they coulda promote Pete to team president, a do nothing job with no direct influence, or something of that nature. He, Russell Wilson, did not explicitly asked for Pete and John to be fired, all he did was condition for him to stay.

I stood by threads I created in 2020 and 2021 calling for trading Wilson, he was not coachable and hasn't been for a few years.


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Dec 18, 2013
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Kalispell, MT
It's my opinion that Wilson has just had bad advice from the people around him (feeding his ego) and is basically immature as a person, which has led to bad choices being made. I've seen this before with young men and their ambition.

Just my take

Wilson is basically a "nice guy," covert narcissist who has surrounded himself with supply for his ego. Likely, he is horribly insecure, and constantly feels the need to prove himself, and measure up, but constantly comes up short, in his own eyes.

No amount of success or yes men will ever be enough to decrease his constant yearning to be good enough, to prove that he is better than everyone else. No amount of positive thinking, deeply spackled over the holes in his soul, will be enough to hide the deeply held insecurities around which his psyche revolves.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Staying neutral in the face of negativity and chaos fits right in with all of this. He and his people just ignore everything and power right on through. I'm sure it's snake oil just like every other motivational speaker or movement, but I can't imagine this Mowad fellow is suggesting that staying neutral in the face of negativity that you, yourself are responsible for creating is healthy in any way

They're definitely ignoring the press and criticisms, that's for sure.

My opinion is even if someone in Russ's camp and PR team tries to talk some sense into him, Ciara jumps in and tells him how amazing he is and to stay the corny course.

Because she knows Russ cutting off any and all social media and press is bad for her.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Wilson is basically a "nice guy," covert narcissist who has surrounded himself with supply for his ego. Likely, he is horribly insecure, and constantly feels the need to prove himself, and measure up, but constantly comes up short, in his own eyes.

No amount of success or yes men will ever be enough to decrease his constant yearning to be good enough, to prove that he is better than everyone else. No amount of positive thinking, deeply spackled over the holes in his soul, will be enough to hide the deeply held insecurities around which his psyche revolves.

I agree strongly with this.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Staying neutral in the face of negativity and chaos fits right in with all of this. He and his people just ignore everything and power right on through. I'm sure it's snake oil just like every other motivational speaker or movement, but I can't imagine this Mowad fellow is suggesting that staying neutral in the face of negativity that you, yourself are responsible for creating is healthy in any way
The neutral philosophy isnt anything new. its a centuries old buddhist tenet thats been hijacked, repacked and sold in the west as 'new' thinking. At its core, its not just about staying neutral when things go bad, its about trying to stay close to neutral always, recognizing that highs are high, because there are lows, and vice-versa. its life teaching stuff.

But Russ has been Russ from the beginning. it for sure goes as far back as NC State when he lied about his exit story and glorified his own character at the expense of that of his coach.

Nothing has changed, its just now that every can see it as not hate, but the fact of who Russ is - Always looking to maximize 'ME' at most any cost. And he weaves a web of conspirators into his narratives to bolster his version of the truth.

He characterized his college coach as a guy who held him back because he didnt want to support his 2 sport passion. Wasnt true.

He, according to teammates, wasnt one to shoulder blame squarely for his own struggles early in his career when HIS flaws were the weak link in a legacy team that featured generational talent on defense and in the backfield. Its now obvious the fracture that caused in the lockerrom and PCs refusal to check Russ's ego became a chasm too far to span in the half dozen years that followed.

And along the way, his lack of football accumen resulted in two OCs being let go for their inability to either get through to him and force him to improve, or not having the creativity to find a way to design a coherent scheme around him - a centerpiece that was almost impossible to nail down because what Russ did well was what he wanted to do, not what the playbook dictated or the coach asked for. How do you solve for constant unpredictability? You cant, unless you limit the influence of it and build your philosophy around something else, like the run game.

But absent the ability to evaluate exactly what the failures were game to game, fans and the media glammed onto the highlight reel that was Wilson and assumed the fault for the team's failures lay elsewhere. And Russ, no doubt hearing frustration from his coach and FO decided to again lean on a conspirator - this time the tide of the masses to lift him up ... and then drown his critics with it, all the while proclaiming himself a victim in a plot to squelch his Goodguy, God-fearing, do-gooder image and immense talent that he built through hardwork while guys like Obrian, PC and JS tried to hold him back. And along the way, he leaned on people he good get to early and manipulate to see his side - DK, Marshall, Olson... he apparently tried to sway Bobby on his exit.

Its no wonder Russ lobbied so hard for Antonio Brown when the entire league knew he was too much to deal with. Russ saw a character that he no doubt knew would be on his side with blind criticism of anyone or anything that stopped him from getting the ball. They would have been like peas in a pod.

But for certain, had he had his way, Shane would have been the next to fall, and after, anyone else who might see the truth in him and not side with his victim narrative... PC and JS.

You need look no further for verification of this than the way he handled PC's and even Shane's criticism in the media during his last year here. Obstanant, indignant, unapologetic. He'd lready passed the point of mutiny and flat didnt care anymore. It would either be his way or no way. So it didnt matter what Shane drew up. Russ was doing what Russ wanted.

As much as you might want to criticize Pete and John for their misses over the years, one thing you can certainly say is that they are salt of the earth, good human beings. That characteristic precedes them both. And from all accounts, its one they share with the team owner. So, for JS to be as cold and critical of Russ sat the announcemnet of his trade speaks volumes. For a player that should have menat the world to this organization, JS offered what amounted to a 'thanks, bye'. And jody followed with about a strong a rebutal to Russ's claim that he didnt know the trade was coming and that he loved the team and city as one could without flat calling him a liar. PC, though he was much softer early on obviously saw no shame in trying to do whatever he could week 1 to beat Russ and then in the weeks that followed, periodically dropped veiled criticisms toward #3 with remarks celebrating the coachability, likeability and even football knowledge his new QB possessed - elememts the last guy at the position lacked.

And none of that even touches on his self serving, image boosting 'philanthropic' initiatives.

I know it sucks to have been duped by the guy over all of these years, but he WAS legitimately an incredible talent and he did deliver some of the most iconic plays in our team's history. But he is what he is. and what he's shown to be is self interested, with a willingness to lie and tear down others if it means he benefits. Plain and simple.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
yeah. yet a year ago i couldn't post anything there "anti-me3" without instant blacklash. with how last season played out and now that everything is out in the open, it's all anti-me3. what a difference a year makes.

echo chambers gonna echo

almost like how everyone sports ukraine flags after our government had already exploited/destroyed that country. mind blowing.
That's true. Whether it's accurate or not, I like to think of myself as an objective fan. I used to defend Russell more than I was critical of him, to the point of preferring that he stay and Pete leave/retire following the 2021 season, that although he had some problems he needed to fix with his quarterbacking skills, like getting rid of the ball quicker, that he could make those adjustments. I thought that he was a decent guy, that even though he was a certified Pollyanna and tended to blow a lot of smoke up people's hind ends, that he was basically honest.
That response from Pete pretty much confirms the story of Russell's lobbying to get Pete fired. He couldn't confirm the report, as if he did, he'd be calling Russell a liar, something that he's very reluctant to do. So Pete had two choices: Lie about it like Russell has and deny the story, or come up with some gobbledygook answer that no one can understand and has nothing to do with the question then hope like hell that the reporter doesn't follow up and demand that he give a yes or no answer.
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Mar 3, 2007
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From the link >>>

Carroll was asked about Wilson’s me-or-them demand to Seahawks’ ownership, and the coach didn’t deny the story.

“My response to that is a similar response that’s always been with the guys that I’ve coached,” Carroll said Tuesday. “I’m always going to hang with them, and I’m never going to leave them. I’m going to be there at the end, with all of the good stuff and all of the bad stuff. I’m going to still be there. That’s it. I’m hanging. It doesn’t matter who the guy is. If you look at all of the guys that have come to our program, not just back to the college days, but just here at Seattle, regardless of what has happened or has taken place or things that have been said at all, if you hang with them, it all comes back around. I like to demonstrate that faith in the relationship and the depth of what we did together and hang through whatever the growth challenges bring along the way, so I’m good.”


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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And, with regards to John Schneider .....


........................ John and Pete and Jody remain above the noise.


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Sep 18, 2015
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From the link >>>

Carroll was asked about Wilson’s me-or-them demand to Seahawks’ ownership, and the coach didn’t deny the story.

“My response to that is a similar response that’s always been with the guys that I’ve coached,” Carroll said Tuesday. “I’m always going to hang with them, and I’m never going to leave them. I’m going to be there at the end, with all of the good stuff and all of the bad stuff. I’m going to still be there. That’s it. I’m hanging. It doesn’t matter who the guy is. If you look at all of the guys that have come to our program, not just back to the college days, but just here at Seattle, regardless of what has happened or has taken place or things that have been said at all, if you hang with them, it all comes back around. I like to demonstrate that faith in the relationship and the depth of what we did together and hang through whatever the growth challenges bring along the way, so I’m good.”

”If you hang with them, it all comes back around.”

This isn’t exactly a denial of what Russ is Suspected of. Sounds to me like Pete is pointing out karma.

Russ said he wanted Peyton. Well Now he’s got Peyton, who will put him on a shorter leash.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
From the link >>>

Carroll was asked about Wilson’s me-or-them demand to Seahawks’ ownership, and the coach didn’t deny the story.

“My response to that is a similar response that’s always been with the guys that I’ve coached,” Carroll said Tuesday. “I’m always going to hang with them, and I’m never going to leave them. I’m going to be there at the end, with all of the good stuff and all of the bad stuff. I’m going to still be there. That’s it. I’m hanging. It doesn’t matter who the guy is. If you look at all of the guys that have come to our program, not just back to the college days, but just here at Seattle, regardless of what has happened or has taken place or things that have been said at all, if you hang with them, it all comes back around. I like to demonstrate that faith in the relationship and the depth of what we did together and hang through whatever the growth challenges bring along the way, so I’m good.”
That's about as classy a way to handle it as can be and entirely in keeping with who Pete is. Both he and JS have been nothing but class tbrough this whole deal, going back 4 years now when Russ 's tantrums started # and to their own detriment because in their taking the high road, remaining silent, and not shedding light on what was really happening, Russ was able to hijack the narrative and steer it to suit his end goal. Rather than slander him when they could have in 2019 / 2020 they kept it in house.

It's also about as clear a confirmation that Russ did what was said as can be.
But when you're on the right side of things you don't have to fabricate narratives. You don't have to slander or pile on. Eventually, the truth always comes out. For guys like Schotty and Bev.. they had to lose their jobs. For past Hawks teams... players lost out on a dynasty over the drama that would ultimately lead to Russ's deoarture last year. But in the end, the truth always reveals itself.

For Pete and John and the guys who are still here and had to wade tbrough all the BS, it's no doubt a good feeling to be free of the distraction. No need to gloat. Its all crystal clear and for them, the future is pretty bright.

What happens in Denver doesn't even matter. Chapter turned.


Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Wilson's response to the article was very telling. Wilson did not say that he didn't approach the ownership, or he wanted Payton. All Wilson said was "I never wanted them fired.", LOL, so his intent wasn't wanting Pete and John fire, Wilson wanted the world to believe the ownership misunderstand his intent. His lawyer wrote this for him?

Wilson was trying to wrestle control of the organization for years. Some of his efforts were successful (new coordinators, trading for offensive players, input into scheme/playcalling, etc)

This was his unsuccessful attempt, and I have no doubt it happened.

If we're parsing Russell's comment, I'd say "I never wanted them fired" means he probably pushed Jody to "promote" Pete to one of those nebulous advisor or President roles, and allow Russ to pick the next head coach and/or GM.

Obviously Jody said thanks but no thanks.