Who is Russell Wilson?


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Dec 11, 2016
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It's honestly not even worth typing this up. PNW25 knows exactly why people dislike Russ (fans and players alike). He chooses to ignore all of it. He will point to one or two quotes of a single interview to back his opinion, and write off dozens of other interviews/comments that oppose his opinion.

He's heavily invested in loving Russ. It's also why he was a big supporter of Fade's Russ>Pete campaign.
Where is Fade?


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Apr 21, 2011
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The Dude Perfect video seems sooo long ago. He seemed genuine there. But we also know, from trusted, first-hand accounts of .netters, he's always thought pretty highly of himself...to a fault.

The honest, accurate entirety of "Who is Russel Wilson?" comes down to whatever and whomever his publicist tells him to be today.


Jan 3, 2013
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I just don't think he's the asshole this board wants him so badly to be. Again I can see why people don't like him or whatever but some of the stuff just goes too far for me. That's ok though, we're all free to view this differently and really who cares at this point. we're all rooting for Denver to keep losing so we can benefit from it.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Ciara was a symptom. She wasn't the cause. The negative critique of Russ and his tendency to twist reality to suit his own purposes goes back to his NC State days.


If we put on our psychologists hat, maybe Russell wasn't the super confident self assured person he tried to portray he was.

Maybe he was overcompensating for his lack of self assurance, and Ciara took advantage of that and led him down this road of distractions, asking for trades and doing all the Hollywood nonsense...........because that's what SHE wanted.

Russ certainly didn't seem like he cared about any of this when he was drafted, that much I know.


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Jan 8, 2013
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I haven't seen him lie or act out of character. He knows what he wants, says what he wants, and then tries to get it. I appreciate honesty more than just about anything else. He's often a bad QB, but that's not part of his character.


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2013
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Yeah I wonder if the Ciara thing changed everything. Things did seem to get weird after that. I think internally the dude is struggling at the moment. Call me a Russ apologist or whatever but I don't think he's a bad guy and sort of hope he figures it out and the Broncos keep losing lol
I was just about to post something very similar. I feel I've gotten a pretty good picture of who Russ was, who he became and the only question is who he will become. When he first got here and for the first 5 or 6 years, while he was robotic, he was about winning games and he had a magic where he could take a game over. 3rd and 4 late in the game, no problem Russ was going to get it done. After that things went sideways and he became Mr Unlimited who wanted to win MVP and collect accolades. He also lost a step and couldn't run out of trouble as well. The disastrous stretch where he threw those 10 or so turnovers was a breaking point for him and the org. At this point he is way out over his skis and possibly headed to being a laughing stock. Hope he figures it out...next year. ;)


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Jan 28, 2020
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Without knowing for sure, I think he is a genuinely good person, Father and citizen. But, has evolved into something highly inauthentic.

Even though much, if not all, of the clowning of him at present is of his own creation, I do feel some empathy. He has become a target without anyone in his corner (aside from maybe hyper-Christian Twitter) - Seahawks fans have no love for him anymore; no equity in the bank with Denver players, media and fans for them to defend him. A man without a country. So I do feel for him a bit, because somewhere deep down is that kid who won the QB job here as a rookie.

Young Russ was authentic, even if that guy was a dweeb/dork/goober - you can be well liked in a locker room by your teammates even as a dweeb/dork/goober (Mannings, Luck, Cam, OBJ) if people think it is authentic.

But, over time he went from Hawaiian shirt at the airport Russ to sunglasses at night /green tux Russ talking about legacy instead of team non-stop. He started seeing himself as Brady, Brees, Manning without realizing and accepting what he actually was.

Once he air'd out the Oline on a national radio show instead of keeping things in house you lose the benefit of other people keeping things in private and man to man.

Inauthenticity is a killer in a locker room and dudes can smell it a mile a way.

Given the contract, the assets given up, and his deteriorating play it is only going to get worse and worse.

An absolute weight has been lifted off of this organization and it is readily apparent.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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I already said I get some of it. He's corny and is an easy target. But people acting like he had nothing to do with the success the team had is bizarre. We've had two teammates come out and talk shit about him. Sherman and Baldwin...both have a history of being clowns. Multiple players have spoken out in his defense including Wagner and Lockett just this week.

You're starting to sound like fender, exaggerating points to be contrarian.

No said he had nothing to do with our success. No one said he's an asshole. No one said he's a jerk. No one said he's a bad person.

He's now an inauthentic human being who got too caught up in his brand, image and craving credit for his and his team's success.......and MOST importantly for our football team, someone who wouldn't admit he had shortcomings to try and fix the locker room and offensive issues, and that combined with his diminishing skills was eventually traded, and it's extremely obvious now that our FO did the right thing.

The End.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2013
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Phoenix az
I just don't think he's the asshole this board wants him so badly to be. Again I can see why people don't like him or whatever but some of the stuff just goes too far for me. That's ok though, we're all free to view this differently and really who cares at this point. we're all rooting for Denver to keep losing so we can benefit from it.

Nobody is calling him an asshole

They are claiming he is a phony fake try hard who threw his team under the bus on the way out of town.

I'm sure hes a nice guy at the heart of it all. But based on his actions, he has lost his way


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Nobody is calling him an asshole

They are claiming he is a phony fake try hard who threw his team under the bus on the way out of town.

I'm sure hes a nice guy at the heart of it all. But based on his actions, he has lost his way

By all accounts, PC is a man beloved by most everyone who has played for him. And the guys like Sherm who have left and been critical of him, he's never held a grudge against.

Russ? He has a special place for him that ain't all ' aw shucks, that was the past '.

PETE was put off by him in the end.

And the 'poop don't stink' attitude and fallout with thr lockerroom preceeded Ciara.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
I think he's a good guy that let fame and ego take over. I don't think he even knows who he is at this point


Jan 3, 2013
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Nobody is calling him an asshole

They are claiming he is a phony fake try hard who threw his team under the bus on the way out of town.

I'm sure hes a nice guy at the heart of it all. But based on his actions, he has lost his way
Like I said that's a fair take and I understand it.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2013
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Phoenix az
Like I said that's a fair take and I understand it.

So help us out then. Genuinely.
You come racing in to every Russ thread to defend him, but what exactly are you defending?
You acknowledge that his shots at his teammates, etc on the way out the door rubbed people the wrong way
You acknowledge that he comes across to many as fake
You (obviously) acknowledge that his play has fallen off a cliff due to a variety of reasons and that he probably was able to mask those deficiencies early in his career with athleticism.

So what exactly are you defending every time?
What are we getting wrong here that upsets you so?


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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If we put on our psychologists hat, maybe Russell wasn't the super confident self assured person he tried to portray he was.

Maybe he was overcompensating for his lack of self assurance, and Ciara took advantage of that and led him down this road of distractions, asking for trades and doing all the Hollywood nonsense...........because that's what SHE wanted.

Russ certainly didn't seem like he cared about any of this when he was drafted, that much I know.
I would agree (again) with you.

I've been thinking (less and less) - that he's just got some kinda massive insecurity complex (you call it lack of self assurance) - same kinda thing.

And I'm talking 'massive'. Like the truck. Big.

He's just the dude that's 'trying to hard' at the party (or other venue). All his "let's play good guys!" over and over again. High stepping in the plane aisles on the flight over to UK/etc.

Anyhow - in answer to the original question again, and to agree with your former post: "I'm not sure he knows".

I agree with the other poster - DudePerfect - Russel Wilson edition - that seems a F*** of a long time ago now - but it was fun! I can remember seeing that video for the first time - the glasses - the pete throws, the throws to the garbage can. Neat stuff.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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PNW, I don't hate your takes as much as many here do but to question why Seattle has turned on this guy is being naive. This is the guy that was just doing cartwheels, jumping jacks, backflips, etc... On a damn airplane while his teammates were trying to get some damn rest. That stupid incident alone should tell you how selfish he is.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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I'll say it so someone has.."Russ is a fake asshole".
When you stab in the back and throw team members/mates under the bus.
When you use the media to say "look at me" "look at what I did" "MY LEGACY!"
"I don't have to carry a team anymore".

When it gets tough I love how he uses and hides behind religion but before that it's all
"I'm Mr.Unlimited" "It's the wolverine blood" "I'm DangerRuss/wich"
You don't promote yourself over religion,on the backs of others and then switch when
it is convenient.
What type of person does this?A wolf in sheep's clothing is who.


Jan 3, 2013
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Because I think people are reading i
PNW, I don't hate your takes as much as many here do but to question why Seattle has turned on this guy is being naive. This is the guy that was just doing cartwheels, jumping jacks, backflips, etc... On a damn airplane while his teammates were trying to get some damn rest. That stupid incident alone should tell you how selfish he is.
lol other than the super hateful Russ posters I don’t think I’m that hated.

I don’t disagree he’s done some goofy as shit and he’s someone that would drive me nuts. Two reasons I tend to give him slightly more credit than most in here. I know people who’ve been around him and they all speak highly of him. Secondly if he was such a shitty teammate why is literally everyone other than Sherman being vocal about it? Wagner just listed him as one of his very few best teammates he’s ever played with. Lockett just said they’re still super close and he owes Russ a ton. DK, KJ, Kam, Olsen, Marshall. McCourty on nfl network played against Russ and said yes close with many people who’ve played with Russ and said almost everyone speaks highly of him. I guess I just take what the one guys say at face value.

Again he drives me nuts and our personalities in real life wouldn’t mesh I just don’t view him as a piece of shit like everyone else. I don’t think most of us are all that far off on him it just gets lost in this format.

Also to be fair I worded it terribly either. I understand why he drives people nuts and his working his way out of here was bullshit so I do understand that…..I guess I just don’t understand the re-writing of history on how good he was here, that’s my main issue


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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No. Public perception is one thing but personal relationships are different PNW. There have been plenty of underhanded digs at Russ from former team members. He is not getting the backing that you imply. He is getting mocked by everyone. For good reason.

He was a great player for us no doubt but he is taking the Kanye route.

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