Offensive coordinator candidates for 2024


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Jan 27, 2014
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Geno's definitely missing seeing open receivers and hesitant to let it rip on time.

But that's not the problem, the problem is our offense isn't doing a good enough job of establishing the run or making enough explosive plays downfield to force defenses to get out of their cover two zones.

Which was the question, where are the simple route options. They aren't consistently there.
You are correct and i relent. The theme is more overall strategic offensive coordinator. I guess i went more on a tangent of why situationally we just can’t hit in many of the must have moments. And when we don’t it seems like a weird miss. Like going deep to JSN on 3rd and short.
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Mar 30, 2010
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corner of 30th & plum
I was wondering if the NFL made a mandate that all the teams must pass the ball 90% of the time to try to make it more exciting for the viewers ?


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Oct 1, 2023
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Port Angeles Washington in the mountains
What you guys aren't understanding is, Geno struggles to see the field.

So this how the games go:

-Waldron puts together an excellent opening script.

-Geno rehearses the script throughout the week. These are defined reads, where the 1st guy is usually open. They've put in the work in the film room, and know these plays are going to work and guys are going to be open.

-The script runs out, teams adjust and take those plays away. Now Geno has to play real QB. Read and process the field. He doesn't. He guesses, most of the time wrong. (Lot's of throws into coverage, where other guys are open.)

-4th Qtr. Trailing, other teams are playing prevent, to keep the clock running. Geno is throwing against simple shell coverages, and the underneath throws (which he likes) are wide open. He can read those coverages, any QB playing in High School right now can read those coverages.

Actual critiques of Waldron is - abandoning the run game too often. And forgetting about the TEs. However, Pete is on the headset. He needs to be in Shane's ear telling him these things. So Pete is just as culpable for allowing this mess to happen. Pete continues to steer the ship into an iceburg, no matter who his assistants are.

The defense, which no one seems to want to talk about surrenderd a 9 point lead in the 4th qtr, after blowing a double digit lead the weak prior. They stopped blitzing Stafford and went prevent like they had a 3 score lead. This horrible tactical error on defense helped also contribute to this loss. The have coaching issues on both offense and defense.

McVay and Shanny are getting better, Pete is getting worse.
Good analysis. The worst part and the best part, is it’s all fixable cause it’s not about talent, it’s about patience, and smart decisions. If they bear down and stay intent on doing the right things they can win against anyone. I mean you got the lead pound the ball and hit those slants to keep the clock moving. Make ‘em come up to stop you and when they are fully committed to the line of scrimmage then hit dk deep


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Oct 1, 2023
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Port Angeles Washington in the mountains
Is it possible there are check downs built in that Geno isn't hitting? That's how I see it anyway. Very few plays have everyone just running 15+ yard route progressions. We usually have a slant or two, someone in the flat etc. I just don't think geno is seeing them a lot of the time. There are also a lot of "choice"calls at the line where Geno picks a play based on what the defense is showing and I'm guessing they are respecting our run game more and trying to force Geno into throwing deep with their looks.

A long winded way to say its highly unlikely Waldron is dialing up long bombs every play and it probably has much more to do with execution than we think.
Not seeing, can’t see, or not looking


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Jan 28, 2011
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Actual critiques of Waldron is - abandoning the run game too often. And forgetting about the TEs. However, Pete is on the headset. He needs to be in Shane's ear telling him these things. So Pete is just as culpable for allowing this mess to happen. Pete continues to steer the ship into an iceburg, no matter who his assistants are.
This critique is in direct conflict with your previous critiques of Pete, though. You have been constantly of the opinion that he is far too involved in the offense and needs to lay his hands completely off of calling either side of the ball, and now you're advocating for the exact opposite.

If they do well, it's because Pete removed himself from the equation. If they do badly on offense, you accuse him of meddling and arguing too much behind the scenes. If signs point to Waldron actually calling subpar games, you criticize him for doing the thing you yourself have said he should be fully restricted from doing.

If we throw on the tape for the majority of these passing third downs, the concepts are generally significantly deeper than they need to be.

Saying that Pete doing exactly what you have said he should do is "steering the ship into an iceberg" is a self-indictment of years of what you've said...


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Nov 23, 2023
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We need to go go back to what was working in the beginning of the year. More 2 Tight end sets, play action, more motion, using our players to their strengths, and we need to clean up these penalties that absolutely destroy our drives on offense and continue drives on defense.
I like the roster construction but the execution is lacking


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May 1, 2009
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Waldron ain't cutting it. Even with the issues at QB, I see no scheming or adaptation or variation in what he's doing.

I'm for letting Pete have another crack at QBOTF, but he'd better find himself an OC who's light on his feet.


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Dec 26, 2012
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Waldron needs to be gone immediately. There's no excuse for this putrid offense. Waldron or no Waldron they are going to get wrecked by the Cowboys. Might as well can him and get someone else in here to finish the season. We may actually score a touchdown again...


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Jan 28, 2011
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I keep forgetting the HCs that are losing their jobs, but Frank Reich has been fired.

Frank Reich had a terrible tenure in Carolina, but it may not be all his fault. He DID want Stroud, which is a big feather in his cap, but ownership overruled the staff for Bryce Young.

Reich has coordinated under Doug Pederson, who we interviewed for our OC job in 2021 but he was holding out for another HC job. Frank Reich led the Andrew Luck Colts to 10-6 in his first year, but couldn't find his groove with the one-year vets he had to use as replacements in the coming years.

Reich was the offensive coordinator of the Eagles when they won the Super Bowl off of Nick Foles run, and presided over Carson Wentz playing MVP-level ball until his injury that year.

Reich is quoted about his offensive philosophy as stating: "It's a passing league, but you have to run the ball to be a championship team."

Prior to that, he was the OC of the Chargers for 3 seasons, ultimately being fired in 2016.

In his tenure as head coach, he has generally been the primary playcaller. His Colts teams were above average on explosives and fourth down conversions.

As of now, I think Frank Reich is the favorite to get our OC job, should Waldron be fired. I know many will be skeptical of that, but I expect them to at least interview him, as he fits the profile they have considered at OC before. We need a steady hand, and I think they're going to lean toward experience.
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Jan 3, 2013
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Reich is interesting for sure and he may fit with Pete's overall philosophy as well. I still think Pete dictates/mandates a general template and you have to follow it which will cause many to not want to work here but if you guys agree on most points it may not matter.


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Apr 11, 2010
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Logic tells me that IF an OC's system is working, Pete is pretty much "Hands Off", but if it's trending downward for several games? I think he HAS TO get involved like ANY GOOD HC WOULD & SHOULD DO.
Just my 2 cents.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
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It doesn't matter who we hire. So there's no reason to get excited over a new OC. At all.
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