Geno is THE GUY (this year)


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Dec 30, 2015
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Expensive my ass.....Like ONE SINGLE PENNY is coming out of your pocket?
Like I said, top ten QB with a Bottom ten O-Line, what the hell else y'all expect?, never mind, I really don't care.

Expensive my ass.....Like ONE SINGLE PENNY is coming out of your pocket?
Like I said, top ten QB with a Bottom ten O-Line, what the hell else y'all expect?, never mind, I really don't care.
Let us know when you start paying Hawk players salaries. Great you think the only problem is the O-line. Geno sucks! He's way over paid, I've seen college kids that can process faster than Geno. As long as Pete is still HC and Geno is QB Hawks will be lucky to sniff a playoff birth.


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Jan 28, 2011
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This is a big part. However, Geno had very good pass protection yesterday, especially in the 1st half. He was constantly getting 3-5 seconds with no pressure and he just couldn't do anything.

I'm sure he must have had nobody open. /s

There's really good Geno (4th qtr) and there's really bad Geno (1st-3rd qtrs). I just want to see more than 1-2 quarters of good Geno, and less than 2-3 quarters of bad Geno every frigging week.
Geno, for sure, has to pull his head out. I think Waldron bears some of responsibility for this, because he needs to call a game that is predicated on lifting Geno out of funks. This is something we know about Geno - he's prone to funks. You can't get that completely out of him, but Waldron can call better games that ride the hot hand in the run game and use that success to dial up easier hits for Geno. That's the recipe. You can build from there into Good Geno offensive operation.
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Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Let Pete speak for himself…

Maybe, but I take everything Peye says with a grain of salt.

No Good coach is going to throw his QB under the bus. Geno is struggling for entire games and halves, that's not 100% on his receivers and/or coaches.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2022
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Geno really bounced back and turned in a nice outing yesterday. The Bengals game still sucked but I like our shot at 11 wins if they can manage to beat the Rams this week


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Dec 1, 2009
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My novice eyes see a couple things going on.

1. Timing. It seems like when these "miscommunications" happen it's because of Geno's timing on the throws. Balls are late when receivers have given up on the routes. Tyler's TD and the throws to DK on the last drive? On time with no accuracy or miscommunication issues.

2. Route tree priority. A couple times I've seen Geno throws balls into double coverage where it looks the receivers (Fant and DK particularly the past couple of weeks) aren't expecting the ball because their routes are going into double zone coverages (under and over the top defenders).

So IMO blame the receivers all you want, the main problem when this stuff happens is indeed Geno.
It's a mix of things it's not just one person's fault. Geno is a rhythm QB... he is one of those guys who needs players around him to play well and rightfully so. everybody has some responsibility. They are going to start to play clean this week against the Rams... everybody is going to forget about the slow start... next week against the Rams is when the season starts..



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May 7, 2012
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Let Pete speak for himself…

Geno has been here for how long now and can't get on the same page as his vet recievers? I mean cmon. That is a lame excuse.
Everyone but JSN are long time vets. The two who seem the most off is Geno and D.K whom Geno throws to constantly and very often misses.
Give me a break on the miscommunication non sense. If that is the problem then why? How is that these vets haven't figured it out after so long?


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Aug 5, 2009
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Reps matter when you're trying to establish a rhythm. DK hasn't practiced much this season. It's a factor for sure, but not the only reason for the struggles.


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Nov 7, 2023
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Geno has been here for how long now and can't get on the same page as his vet recievers? I mean cmon. That is a lame excuse.
Everyone but JSN are long time vets. The two who seem the most off is Geno and D.K whom Geno throws to constantly and very often misses.
Give me a break on the miscommunication non sense. If that is the problem then why? How is that these vets haven't figured it out after so long?
Geno has been here for how long now and can't get on the same page as his vet recievers? I mean cmon. That is a lame excuse.
Everyone but JSN are long time vets. The two who seem the most off is Geno and D.K whom Geno throws to constantly and very often misses.
Give me a break on the miscommunication non sense. If that is the problem then why? How is that these vets haven't figured it out after so long?
Umm… I think you missed the point I was trying to make.
Your Geno hatred and/or “Geno-itis” might be fogging up all rational thinking?
Let me slow it down and make as clear as possible for you. If your QB participates in practice, but your wide receivers don’t, there’s going to be timing and tempo issues. Doesn’t matter whether they’re vets, rookies, playing in little league, or the NFL.
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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2012
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In a lofty place tanglin' with Satan over history.
He's damn good when he's locked in, and pretty bad when he not. It's not unlike many starters in the league.
He was nails in the 4th quarter, that was good too see, and we needed every last bit of it.

6-3, very nice.
Yep! My doubt is waining, too. I mean, imagine having someone who F's up so royally like Josh Allen. Actually, that's what I was afraid Geno was turning into. Just an "AUTOMATIC 2 TO's A GAME". Nah... can't have that.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2012
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Sorry if I missed any related comments...i skipped ahead.

In High School sports I had an "undefeated season"...the next year I fell apart. I was playing with an attitude to "protect and to not loose" rather than having a confident "go out and win attitude". The old saying "Ignorance is Bliss" is true, because when you are winning, you are not trying to "live up to a memory" and don't feel the stress of trying to "live up to that memory".

I still am "all in" on Geno...because he will "rebound" once he realizes he needs to "seize the moment" or "carpe diem" and can go on to "shed insecurities and hesitation" while trusting himself, as he showed last year.

Let the insecurities go Geno...Play to win!
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Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Geno has been here for how long now and can't get on the same page as his vet recievers? I mean cmon. That is a lame excuse.
Everyone but JSN are long time vets. The two who seem the most off is Geno and D.K whom Geno throws to constantly and very often misses.
Give me a break on the miscommunication non sense. If that is the problem then why? How is that these vets haven't figured it out after so long?

For as candid as Pete is with the media, and we love him for it. He's full of crap when it comes to taking bullets and protecting his players. Especially his QB's.

Read, listen or watch any of the dozens of local and national reporters and analysts on Geno. It's mainly him. He's not throwing with the same assurance and confidence he was at the beginning of last year. This is 2nd half 2022 Geno still playing in 2023. He's playing scared to make mistakes and not making good decisions.............and this is all affecting his rhythm, timing and getting on the same page with his receivers.

Tyler Lockett's never run a damn wrong route in his life. Don't tell me it's the receivers.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
As much as I critique Waldron for calling the same routes during down and distance (I was already up on my feet and yelling at the tv, "How many times are we going to run that route" when on third and three we ran the little boot out to the right with the TE, in this case Fant, trickling out of the backfield before the TE motioned across. Of course it was tackled for a two yard loss), the plays are not run with the same timing or out of the same formations. This is the NFL, you can't run things the same all the time or you get a defense running your plays better than your offense like the Ravens did to us.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2022
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In High School sports I had an "undefeated season"...the next year I fell apart. I was playing with an attitude to "protect and to not loose" rather than having a confident "go out and win attitude". The old saying "Ignorance is Bliss" is true, because when you are winning, you are not trying to "live up to a memory" and don't feel the stress of trying to "live up to that memory".

I still am "all in" on Geno...because he will "rebound" once he realizes he needs to "seize the moment" or "carpe diem" and can go on to "shed insecurities and hesitation" while trusting himself, as he showed last year.

Let the insecurities go Geno...Play to win!
I agree that success can sometimes be a hindrance. It can make you overconfident in the wrong ways and overly cautious about other things. Look at Josh Allen and his troubles this year. Despite his high ratings, he is definitely losing games for the Bills.

So much of playing the QB position is mental. Geno has to get back to playing like he has nothing to lose and everything to prove. Its a fine psychological line between fearless and reckless and between relaxed and unfocused.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2023
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Port Angeles Washington in the mountains
Let us know when you start paying Hawk players salaries. Great you think the only problem is the O-line. Geno sucks! He's way over paid, I've seen college kids that can process faster than Geno. As long as Pete is still HC and Geno is QB Hawks will be lucky to sniff a playoff birth.
No one in the nfl stares down receivers as well as geno

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