ADB gets real (KJ podcast)

Year of The Hawk

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Dec 30, 2012
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Angry discussed the 2nd SB and said he was open every play and
kicking the defenders ass yet only had 2 targets..
It still bothers him even today-You can see it in his eyes(love the guy)
Then you get to the last play...Oh man another no target!

Loved how he explained winning was everything not the money
When he saw the culture change from winning then he started
to question what was he killing himself out there for?

Now I really want Me3 to suffer more losing and decline of his game!
I feel that was some of the most telling. Most of this stuff we already knew but I did not realize our best receiver only got 2 targets all game during the Super Bowl. I would have to look to verify Dougs comments about how he had D Revises number all game. If true it shows some fracture between him and Russ even before the “play”. I love me some Pete and think Russ was not all that but this situation of accountability is more Petes fault than Russ. Pete is the Boss plain and simple. Sure Russ was the baby but Pete needed to enforce his culture and hold him accountable just like everyone else. Who knows but maybe Pete not holding Russ accountable might have stunted Russes growth by not letting him face his mistakes???


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Jan 13, 2010
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Houston Suburbs
Well, when Russ made an infamous, less-than-perfect pass in that Super Bowl, he claimed it was because God told Russ he was using him. I’m not sure Pete using tough love would have mattered much if Russell can’t even admit he just should have thrown it better or checked out of the play.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2015
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I feel that was some of the most telling. Most of this stuff we already knew but I did not realize our best receiver only got 2 targets all game during the Super Bowl.
Is he referring to Jermaine Kearse getting more throws then him? Because Kearse made some all time clutch catches, including late in that game we're discussing. Not unlike sour grapes if you ask me.
All of this reminiscing and scapegoating is just going to fester and going to sully some reputations.


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Mar 5, 2007
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If you want to know if ADB is telling the truth, rewatch the game. He is literally open every single throw. He abused Revis, literally destroyed him. I’m positive the game plan was to not let their best player turn the game. Which in turn took our best player (-Marshawn) out of it. Russell never looked ADB’s way, even though he was open every play. His shit celebration says everything. I’ve been shitting on you all game and he was. Bad QB play.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2015
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Marshawn Lynch had 24 carries. I guess that was the game plan. Sorry Doug, quit your complainin'. It's a bad look.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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Marshawn Lynch had 24 carries. I guess that was the game plan. Sorry Doug, quit your complainin'. It's a bad look.
Go watch the All-22. Doug has every right to be pissed off. He abused the best DB playing the game. Russ never looked his way. We took their best defensive player and erased him with our 2nd best. If Russ actually went through his reads, this is a blowout. Doug could have caught 15 balls that game if it came his way.


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2022
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Go watch the All-22. Doug has every right to be pissed off. He abused the best DB playing the game. Russ never looked his way. We took their best defensive player and erased him with our 2nd best. If Russ actually went through his reads, this is a blowout. Doug could have caught 15 balls that game if it came his way.

Maybe. hypothetically if Doug was tearing up the Pats that game, their coaches would have made adjustments to help out Revis. But as you alluded to, he wasn't getting any targets, so they didn't have to.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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Maybe. hypothetically if Doug was tearing up the Pats that game, their coaches would have made adjustments to help out Revis. But as you alluded to, he wasn't getting any targets, so they didn't have to.
That is very true. I’m sure they would have made adjustments as the original plan wasn’t working. What we saw is on tape. Doug was open and open again. We didn’t make the adjustments and didn’t force them to do it.


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May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
Is anyone surprised? The QB position is the most protected, coddled and pampered position in all professional sports. What makes it even worse is it's not equal among all the QB's, either. It's selective. The media also inflames the situation too.

Does anyone else notice the media does this weird thing with their headlines to promote games they cover? Particularly ones that garner some hype.

A simple example would be: "The Vikings take on the Chiefs on MNF." Or something along those lines. Simple and straightforward.

In reality, it will usually say something like: "Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs take on the Kirk Cousins and the Vikings on MNF."

Th QB always comes first. No matter what. It does feel a little disrespectful to the rest of the players IMO but that's what we got. I may be reading too much into it. The players are grown men and professionals. Maybe it doesn't bother them. Maybe it does. Why ESPN, ABC, FOX, and NFL Network speak in these terms I'm not sure. Maybe because it's easy to understand and follow and the easiest way to promote anything is to have a name attached to it. A name can create a storyline.

I listen to Rich Eisen quite often on his podcast and he does this all the time.
The QB is normally the marquee player , sometimes they'll say something like
"Patrick Mahommes and the Chiefs take on Aaron Donald and the Los Angeles Rams"

But usually the QB.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
Angry discussed the 2nd SB and said he was open every play and
kicking the defenders ass yet only had 2 targets..
It still bothers him even today-You can see it in his eyes(love the guy)
Then you get to the last play...Oh man another no target!

Loved how he explained winning was everything not the money
When he saw the culture change from winning then he started
to question what was he killing himself out there for?

Now I really want Me3 to suffer more losing and decline of his game!
I think the way you feel about #3 is not uncommon even if it’s not verbalized by most.

I know for a fact, if Seahawk fans would listen to these KJ interviews and Sherman’s interviews with an open mind more of them would see what you and I see (what we believe to be).

The body of these interviews, the “sum” of them is very telling and should be for even the most diehard Russ fans.

Don’t misunderstand me, I truly appreciate the “wins” that Russ contributed to but I’m no longer blindly in love with him.
My eyes have been opened by the words, emotions, voice deflection, and facial expressions of those being interviewed.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
Marshawn Lynch had 24 carries. I guess that was the game plan. Sorry Doug, quit your complainin'. It's a bad look.
Doug complaining?

Have you listened to the body of these interviews?

It’s not just Doug complaining, there is a very common theme.
Go look/listen for yourself, it will take a time commitment because at this point we have a few hours of interviews but the evidence is there if you’re willing to hear it.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2015
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Surely they have an offensive coordinator calling the plays. Give the ball to Marshawn 24 times.

In fact, after that game, no one in the whole wide world was saying " if only we gave the ball to Baldwin".
No, this is revisionist b.s. , egoist- driven bitterness and sour grapes. Reliving it over and over.

And that is the history people do, and are going to remember about this Seahawks team.

You see it here on .net every day. And to what end? Sad.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
I don't understand how you don't believe it's not Russ.

Luke Willson stated how poor the culture was when he came back and mentioned in a round about way that the MVP pursuit wasva potential reason ( he was careful to not point directly at Russ, as all of his former teammates have).

KJ has remarked on the lack of accountability and how that tore tye team apart and mentioned the same meeting ADB did when Pete told the whole team to not be critical of Russ.

Richard Sherman was quoted in the Athletic article (anonymously) after the 2020 season that stated pretty flatly that the issue in Seattle between Russ and the FO was that he was for the first time being held accountable for his mistakes and didn't like it.

And Sherm also corroborated KJ and ADBs account of the break in culture that occurred with Pete putting a bubble around Russ.

And now ADB gives that interview and essentially credits the lack of accountability around Russ as a contributing factor to him even losing passion for the game and ultimately retiring...

His story about about the game in San Diego when he got into it with Pete and Wags about the 3 and out crap fest the offense was on again...

And still you don't think it wasnt Russ?

The former players all coming out for game 1 last year and standing in solidarity with Pete against Russ...

And his play now, in Denver when he's been guven Rodgers OC and now Brees's coach and hes STILL a dumpster fire reading defenses...

If Russ came out and actually admitted he was a fraud, there'd be some who'd STILL not believe it and swear he was only saying it to cover for Pete.

Richard Sherman never criticized Petes offense. He criticized Russ. Adb? Never criticized the plan and Doug doesn't pull punches. He's squarely saying he prepared rye way he should have , as the others did, as the culture demanded, and there was someone who was protected who was allowed to make the same mistakes day after day in practice and then in the game.

They've all been interviewed and asked about their experience during that time and have all pointed to the same thing. And not one pointed to game planning or coaching.
Say you have a little brother that gets away with bloody murder. Your parents let him slide.

Are you mad at your little brother, or the parents?


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Surely they have an offensive coordinator calling the plays. Give the ball to Marshawn 24 times.

In fact, after that game, no one in the whole wide world was saying " if only we gave the ball to Baldwin".
No, this is revisionist b.s. , egoist- driven bitterness and sour grapes. Reliving it over and over.

And that is the history people do, and are going to remember about this Seahawks team.

You see it here on .net every day. And to what end? Sad.
It's not revisionist anything.

If every fan had the All22 coaches tape and could go back and watch games and see how many games we played that we could have won handily, had we just run the offense and hit the open wrs on a guven play, it woukd change the perception of #3 entirely. I've done it and still do it now. It changes your perspective if the game.

Doug was open in that SB, as he was in other games he played where he SHOULD have been more of a factor. Had he played on another team for the duration if his career, he'd likely have played longer and been considered among the shortlist of great contemporary wrs.

Our offense wasn't a 3 and out machine because the OC was bad. It was often that way because, like now in Dnever and as he showed over the duration of his career now, Russ isnt a system thrower. It doesn't matter if his wrs beat their guy by a foot or a yard. He very often simply doesn't see the play and leaves it to create on his own.

It woukd have made a significant difference in that game had Wilson been able to do, with Doug, what Brady did with Edelman. More possessions, more first downs, less Brady on the field = increased odds of a win. It mattered then and it mattered in every game we played where wrs were running around open and didn't get the ball.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Say you have a little brother that gets away with bloody murder. Your parents let him slide.

Are you mad at your little brother, or the parents?

Both. Because little brother will without a doubt become spoiled, entitled, and take advantage of the fact that the rules are skewed to him and that he can leave me out to dangle to save his own ass whenever he wants and be treated as if nothing happened.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Yet they were the second most winning team during that decade, just behind the Patriots.
All that means is that they could have and likely should have been the best.

They left a legacy on the table. They left a dynasty at the doorstep. That's a fact.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2015
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It's not revisionist anything.

...., had we just run the offense and hit the open wrs on a guven play, it woukd change the perception of #3 entirely. I've done it and still do it now. It changes your perspective if the game.

Doug was open in that SB, as he was in other games he played where he SHOULD have been more of a factor.
It sounds like what your saying is that coach Carroll should have let Russ cook in that game instead of 24 running plays.

And I'm in wholehearted agreement.

Well that's not the gameplan that was on the dinner table that day.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2022
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Both. Because little brother will without a doubt become spoiled, entitled, and take advantage of the fact that the rules are skewed to him and that he can leave me out to dangle to save his own ass whenever he wants and be treated as if nothing happened.
I played that card ALL THE TIME growing up being the youngest. I could punch my palm just to make noise, start yelling, and bam my parents would be all over my siblings, haha. I've since apologized for my terrible anrics but still.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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I don't understand how you don't believe it's not Russ.

Luke Willson stated how poor the culture was when he came back and mentioned in a round about way that the MVP pursuit wasva potential reason ( he was careful to not point directly at Russ, as all of his former teammates have).

KJ has remarked on the lack of accountability and how that tore tye team apart and mentioned the same meeting ADB did when Pete told the whole team to not be critical of Russ.

Richard Sherman was quoted in the Athletic article (anonymously) after the 2020 season that stated pretty flatly that the issue in Seattle between Russ and the FO was that he was for the first time being held accountable for his mistakes and didn't like it.

And Sherm also corroborated KJ and ADBs account of the break in culture that occurred with Pete putting a bubble around Russ.

And now ADB gives that interview and essentially credits the lack of accountability around Russ as a contributing factor to him even losing passion for the game and ultimately retiring...

His story about about the game in San Diego when he got into it with Pete and Wags about the 3 and out crap fest the offense was on again...

And still you don't think it wasnt Russ?

The former players all coming out for game 1 last year and standing in solidarity with Pete against Russ...

And his play now, in Denver when he's been guven Rodgers OC and now Brees's coach and hes STILL a dumpster fire reading defenses...

If Russ came out and actually admitted he was a fraud, there'd be some who'd STILL not believe it and swear he was only saying it to cover for Pete.

Richard Sherman never criticized Petes offense. He criticized Russ. Adb? Never criticized the plan and Doug doesn't pull punches. He's squarely saying he prepared rye way he should have , as the others did, as the culture demanded, and there was someone who was protected who was allowed to make the same mistakes day after day in practice and then in the game.

They've all been interviewed and asked about their experience during that time and have all pointed to the same thing. And not one pointed to game planning or coaching.

When one of them comes out and flat says its Wilson that screwed everything up, i'll buy in. Nobody has said that. Not being held accountable could mean Pete too as none of the players have ever gotten a straight answer for the play call even when it was clear Pete and Bevell were lost and in a state of panic when Belechick didnt call a timeout. And Baldwin complaining he didnt get enough passes and he was open all the time is nothing different from any other WR in the NFL. Every last one of them are convinced they are open every play. In the Super Bowl, Matthews had a monster game and Baldwin was being covered by Revis. They went heavy towards the better matchup like they should have so Doug can quit crying about that already.

Another aspect of the culture being lost is that the defense regressed and couldnt be counted on to shut other teams down. Whats the alternative? Look at the offensive side of the ball and rely on them. I'm sure the defense wasnt thrilled since they were relied upon to shut down their opponents for 2 to 3 years prior to that. Heck, they even complained when they were expected to do that. As for Wilson, he was the best player on the field from 2015 going forward so why wouldnt you lean on him? Good lord, there was a season he accounted for every single TD but one. Read that again because thats insane. And i'm not sure why everybody needs to point out his lack of success in Denver now when he's not the same player he was 4 years ago. He's done now. If he was in his prime and failing then its a valid point, but thats clearly not the case.

I get it. I really do. Seahawk fans hate Russell Wilson because he supposedly betrayed the team so he's the villain number one. What Seahawk fans dont do is consider that their martyr Pete Carroll who walks on water could be the problem also. Lets face it, he dismantled a near dynasty team quicker than he built it. The problems and issues that have plagued him forever are still plaguing him today. He isnt the perfect messiah fans see him to be.

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