The problem on the coaching side of this team is the same as it's always been. Contrary to popular belief Pete defers control of the systems of the team to his coordinators. When he's done that we'll, we've been good. When we haven't, we've been bad. Schotty was great for the teambut matched with KNJ. We were a power on Offense but the defense was average as best.
Quinn was great, but matched with Bevell. The only thing that saved that marriage was Cable who by all accounts, the players had great respect for.
Pete hasn't identified the correct generals he needs to run this thing. And by generals, I mean men who are smart enough to craft intelligent gameplans, and hard nosed enough to offset the ever optimistic tone he sets that, while for all the good that it does, is apparently bereft of the stern accountability required to get players to play intelligent, error free ball... for fear that if they don't, there will be hell to pay.
When we were up and coming we had Gus Bradley to corral an already hungry squad of men. Then we had stone faced Dan Quinn. On offense, for all his foibles and the crap Pete gets for not knowing offense, I think he knew it well enough to win multiple championships when he had a two headed OC in Cable and Bevell to independently coordinated run and pass games. The plan was solid enough that Bev didn't screw it up too much and Cable would demand respect and 100% effort.
Beyond his lack luster Xs and Os, is Waldron enough of a hard ass to DEMAND accountability? Is Andy Dickerson? These are the guys you have not just coordinating thr plan, but executing and enforcing Pete's vision in an environment where fear of failure is absent.
On D, at least Clint had his guys flying around and flashing the potential they carry. But is he enough Dan Quinn to balance Pete?
I think above all else, what we are seeing is a failure to balance the culture of positivity with ultimate accountability. Guys are flying around and 'competing ' in practice for playing time when the measure iss individual performance bit they are not all 22 competing cohesively as a team. At all.
And I think that is on Pete not being aware of his own deficiencies enough to see that he needs disciplinarians to help him run things. The team smells of a bunch of guys bought in to the idea of flying around and playing hard on defense, but not playing together. On offense, it's the same issue but with that added problem of execution not being tight on the side that requires greater attention.
And as a result, we are squandering opportunity after opportunity and a team that should be far better than it is.
Does that mean Pete has to go? I don't know. But if I have to choose between a true tear down and rebuild with Pete and entirely new coordinators, chosen by him or maintaining the roster we have and getting more accountability in leadership... I have to think about that one.
This has zero to do with meddling in offense, or not updating a defense... being past his time or out of touch. It has to do with a failure to assemble the right men who will coalesce around an otherwise solid vision and balance positivity with intelligence and accountability. If Pete is going to be the Ring Leader who stands back in the shadows and keeps everyone pumped and jacked, the men he appoints to stand in the light can't be soft, silent and have weaknesses that cause players to question their quality.
That's been the issue on one side of the ball or the other for a long time.