Who is Russell Wilson?


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Sep 17, 2013
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There is a lot of Russell hate, not just here, but around the league in general. And I admit to having some myself, but I'm conflicted, because I remember some amazing plays. Will never forget the Atlanta game that we lost in his first full year. The two Superbowls and the Greenbay playoff game we won with an onside kick and a deep pass to Kearse. Those were giddy times to be a Seahawk fan. But I also remember the frustration with his sandlot style of play as he lost a step. And Mr Unlimited is a very unlikeable guy. He's also the winingest QB in Seahawk's history. It's just weird to have such disparate feelings about a player, a player that seems to be nose diving and seeing people kick him when he's down seems petty and mean, but they guy keeps doing things that are soooooo mockable.

Maybe he deserves it. Maybe he's a self centered jerk, I don't know. That's why I ask, Who is Russell Wilson?

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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I think who Russell USED to be was kind of a nerdy super focused, worked his ass off and was generally liked by his teammates even if he was corny, it was all in good nature.

But who is Russell now? I honestly think he doesn't even know. I think once he married Ciara he became a try-hard. Trying too hard to be something he's not. So now he's this DangerRuss alter ego who pretends he's slick, suave, cool and is too focused on things like his image, legacy and other self interest.

Ciara ruined him man. Not all her fault, but I don't think it's a coincidence that Russell's focus changed after he married her, and has been chasing other distractions since.


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Jul 18, 2010
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Vancouver, Wa
Russ was never a big favorite of mine but I always liked the dude and appreciated how he handled himself in the media and how he represented the Seahawks.

His work with his foundation and Children's hospital has been inspiring and I never once doubted that he gave 100% to the game.

yeah he's corny as heck but there's worst things to be as the face of the franchise.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Kennewick, WA
Agree with these posts. I think another thing that brought about a change: After the Super Bowl win he hung with Bey and Jay-Z. Two moguls/icons who do big things. That very moment he was focused on finding not just a wife but a partner to build an empire. I admire his ambition but it clouded his NFL journey a bit. This is all my opinion by the way and am nothing but thankful for the time he was here in Seattle especially those early years.
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Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Agree with these posts. I think another thing that brought about a change: After the Super Bowl win he hung with Bey and Jay-Z. Two moguls/icons who do big things. That very moment he was focused on finding not just a wife but a partner to build an empire. I admire his ambition but it clouded his NFL journey a bit. This is all my opinion by the way and am nothing but thankful for the time he was here is Seattle especially those early years.

Again Ciara is part of this equation.

I hope they're happy, they look happy, and that's awesome. But make no mistake before Ciara met Russell she had just had her backwoods small county fair concert tour cancelled after a failed record release that got no traction on the charts, that's how bad her career was going.

So no one can tell me she didn't see marrying Russell as an opportunity to increase her own brand and career, and that's distracted him.


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Sep 7, 2010
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When Russell was drafted, he reminded me of a stereotypical marketing intern. They are always concerned about personal advancement and their image. These people co-opt traits from external sources to build their ideal selves. And most of this is immaturity, so once they realize no one expects them to be perfect, they stop putting on the facade. I think the difference for Russ is that, as a QB, he is a brand, so he never grew out of that stage. Thus, Russ is so well-versed in co-opting sports cliches/ideals that he's become one.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
Again Ciara is part of this equation.

I hope they're happy, they look happy, and that's awesome. But make no mistake before Ciara met Russell she had just had her backwoods small county fair concert tour cancelled after a failed record release that got no traction on the charts, that's how bad her career was going.

So no one can tell me she didn't see marrying Russell as an opportunity to increase her own brand and career, and that's distracted him.
Wait a minute, wasn't or isn't she a BIG deal in music world? I don't follow her genre, but somehow I was given the impression that she is really up there with Beyonce etc.?


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2014
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Wait a minute, wasn't or isn't she a BIG deal in music world? I don't follow her genre, but somehow I was given the impression that she is really up there with Beyonce etc.?
She was on my daughter's library card - I don't think my daughter ever heard her sing unless she was a back up singer for a Disney song.

I think she did something notable outside of a Wendy's. With a strong warning, don't search at work or at home....just don't search at all - your world view may never be the same if you do.


Well-known member
May 9, 2009
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Wait a minute, wasn't or isn't she a BIG deal in music world? I don't follow her genre, but somehow I was given the impression that she is really up there with Beyonce etc.?
Lol. No. She had a few songs that charted decently in like 2005-2006 or something. And I think they were collabs. Nothing else that I’m aware of.


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Jan 9, 2021
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Russ had a chip on his shoulder for being short and people not believing in him. With a SB win, hot wife, and top paid in his role, he became cocky with his Mr Unlimited persona. He thought that he can be Brady or Payton Manning and succeed in the pocket, and at times, refusing to run in open lanes.


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2019
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Central Valley, CA
I don't think he's a "jerk", just highly inauthentic. His priorities are all over the place.

Rookie Russ wasn't married to a celebrity and didn't have endorsement deals up the wazoo, he came off as a humble family man-type who wanted to win football games & inspire the younger generation, and I thought his visits to the children's hospital were an awesome story.

Then his first marriage fell apart, and he decided to become a celebrity QB. Did Russ have his sights set on that before, and he saw marrying Ciara as step 1, or did Ciara influence him after the fact? I don't know.

Of course, he's free to live his life according to how he wants, he's got a more luxurious life than any of us, but I can't honestly say it wasn't a let-down to have my perception of him change, and see his ego grow to the point that it did. I started watching football in 2011, and decided that Seattle was the team I wanted to root for, so I came at a good time. Russ is a big reason for that. At the beginning I was singing Wilson's praises, it was an exciting time to be a Seahawks fan, so again, looking back to 2012-15, then looking at things now...I wouldn't have ever thought it could change so drastically.

Apologies for the long rant. Maybe my take's a bit dramatic.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2022
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There is a lot of Russell hate, not just here, but around the league in general. And I admit to having some myself, but I'm conflicted, because I remember some amazing plays. Will never forget the Atlanta game that we lost in his first full year. The two Superbowls and the Greenbay playoff game we won with an onside kick and a deep pass to Kearse.
That 2015 NFC championship game encapsulates what I think about Russell Wilson. He was terrible for most of the game, throwing four, yes four, interceptions, fumbling once and taking 5 sacks. (Russ never learned how to play in the rain, which would have been a great advantage if you're playing in Seattle.) Then came the wild and furious comeback, which the defense, Marshawn Lynch and the improbable onsides kick recovery were responsible for as much as Russ--although we only remember the wild two-point conversion that had zero chance of succeeding and the TD pass to Kearse in overtime. I re-watched that game after Russ was traded, I suppose as a way of mourning the end of an era. But if you watch that game, you don't feel like damn, we lost a superstar, instead you come away more impressed by the defense (held Rodgers to 178 yards passing) and Marshawn (157 yards rushing and a 24-yard run for the go-ahead TD). Russ was 14 of 29 and had a QBR of 25.3! In one of the most important games of the year! And yet we forget that because he got lucky on that two-point conversion and came off looking like a magician when really he was just throwing it up for grabs. Of course, then Russ throws the interception in the SB, and he never made it back to the conference championship game.


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Sep 20, 2009
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Port Townsend, WA
I don't even remember a time when I was confident Russ could sustain a drive. Seriously, take away the extreme talent we have at receiver, and the long freak balls, and he's not even a "good" QB. I feel hope on 3rd down since he's gone, but back before he left? Third down was like a granted we'd end up punting most times. Sure he has that ability to hit the big play, but the holes in his game, and the fading mobility, and letting his head get too big, Russel Wilson, until he proves otherwise is a has been.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
I am of the opinion that Russell Wilson is a complex person, a highly ambitious man fuel by determination but not by intellect. He wants ultimate fame and fortune, playing football is just a means towards that end. Getting super bowl, league MVP, are all merely milestones or a check on his long list. He will stop at nothing until he gets his ultimate fame and fortune, for that, he has throw Pete Carroll, someone who sold his soul to him under the bus, and willingly do it again.

I, for one, am totally in awe of Russell Wilson, someone so dedicated to achieve his ultimate goal, one checked point at a time.

May be the person who knows Wilson is John Schneider, here, how John discovered Russ. And we found out later that John was the one actively looking for Wilson replacements, Josh Allen, Patrick Mahomes etc., John found Wilson, sold Wilson to Carroll, John also traded Wilson away. John Schneider knows Russell Wilson.


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