Pete or McVay as HC?


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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Total straw man argument. But you are good at spin. You obviously know that and named yourself appropriately
You missed back when before Fade existed:There was the "SpinZone"
It was actually pretty good for the time it ran.
I miss that guy


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
You missed back when before Fade existed:There was the "SpinZone"
It was actually pretty good for the time it ran.
I miss that guy
Naw I have been around. I know all about Fade. Had him blocked, but no more, I read his posts to get a laugh. But thanks for the reply.

Ps u must have been gone recently, Fade is still here posting his spin as well

Indy go look, Fade is posting lots of posts trying to prove Pete is garbage. One trick pony.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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Naw I have been around. I know all about Fade. Had him blocked, but no more, I read his posts to get a laugh. But thanks for the reply.

Ps u must have been gone recently, Fade is still here posting his spin as well

Indy go look, Fade is posting lots of posts trying to prove Pete is garbage. One trick pony.
Yeah I know he is..My post was talking about years before Fade
no biggie..


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2013
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Seems like a very legit question. How many times has McVay outcoached Pete? Several times
He also ADJUSTS in game, all the time.
What do the Hawks do when Pete drops dead, which is likely to happen to 72 and older individuals. I would retire him for that reason alone. Like almost 10 years ago. The day after they won the Super Bowl.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
I won't quote anyone here, because there are several quotable posts here. So, just a few points:

First, the sanctions came down on USC six months after Carroll left. Was he warned that it might happen? Quite possibly, but the truth is that Allen came to Carroll with a boatload of money and total autonomy to run the organization how he wanted. Was Carroll supposed to turn it down? That is ludicrous.

Second, Russell Wilson's failures played the biggest part in the playoff losses. His slow crap starts while missing open receivers is what cost us in '15 (Wilson screwed us with turnovers and didn't play well until we were down 31 and the Panthers were in prevent), '16 (Wilson only led one sustained drive and hit one bomb that Richardson had to make an acrobatic catch to get us into field goal range until we were already down three scores, the comeback failed due to Wilson's interceptions) and '20 (I'm going to let Kurt Warner take this one: ) . The loss in 2019 was in large part due to no running game after we were literally signing retirees off the street due to injuries. The loss in 2018 was directly on Pete and a very poor game plan.

Third, the whole thing about giving McVay the edge because of their roster and knocking Pete for it is intellectual dishonesty at it's finest. McVay does not have the say that Carroll does on personnel matters. I'd also argue that Pete gives his underlings too much say as to who we draft. Everyone here accepts that Cable was given his druthers to draft poor linemen. Why not accept that Clint Hurtt has been the largest voice as to the linemen we draft since he became the D-Line coach? That means he is responsible for Malik McDowell's bust status and LJ Collier's bust status.

Fourth, saying that McVay didn't get anything out of Goff is also not accurate. Goff had three very good seasons under McVay. The problem was that the route tree got stale. People were jumping routes and some of them were poor decisions by Goff which led to quite a few interceptions. His supposed lack of arm strength was a big factor in the Rams moving him in favor of Stafford who could make all the throws.

Fifth, my answer for the question is McVay. I loathe some of Pete's coordinator choices. It has played a large part in the decline in the Seahawks. I also loathe the protecting of Russell Wilson's fragile psyche. McVay has made good choices in coordinators for years. He also shipped out Goff when it was apparent that he was not going to improve under McVay's system. He also knows when he needs to step back and part of what he is doing is not working. He also was able to get something out of Baker Mayfield who is trash.


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Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
Even though many of the seahawk fans here want McVay the comments in this article are better than the article. Looks like most of the rest of Football fandom doesnt have the same appreciation of the posters here.


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Jan 9, 2011
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Cedar Rapids, IA
I would choose Pete again and again simply from his time here. When Pete first got announced I was like many in skepticism of him from what he left at that time. He transitioned me from skepticism to liking his approach with completion and obvious love of the game quite quickly. Over the years it’s only gotten stronger, this year exemplified that with his belief that this squad could compete while everyone said we would be trash along with all the former players coming back and showing love. Pete has fallen on the sword at times for certain players, especially one in particular, but just proves the guy he is and was never the problem. But sit back for a second on a debate of McVey or Carroll and just take in how cool it is that the oldest coach in the league and one of youngest has found the success they each have had doing it each’s own way.


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Oct 9, 2017
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He is coming back so props to McVay. However, he keeps threatning retirement would be annoying.


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Oct 8, 2012
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It still got them a Super Bowl win. Wouldn't you be excited if the Seahawks came away with a Super Bowl win, even if they had to mortgage the future? Hell, even if Carroll won a super bowl in 2013 and walked away I would still be excited. Unless you're the mid 2010 Patriots, it's rare that teams are even able to get to the Super Bowl.

I certainly hate this limbo that we're in where we are always in the playoffs but never truly competitors. It's the ultimate tease.
Mortgaging a team's future for a super bowl seldom works and is a horrible thing to do to your fans. Sure, winning a super bowl is fun, but only until the next season starts. A decade of .500 is very painful...anybody remember the Behring years? The NFL is so competitive that making the super bowl is hard let alone winning it.

People like to point out coaches great seasons but lack of success in the post season as some negative. These people seem to think these coaches forget everything they know or they change their technic in the playoffs. That is ridiculous. This is nothing more than the competitive nature of the NFL.

I would much rather see a team be competitive every season. Make the playoffs every season. Fight for home field advantage every season. That is what Carroll has given us. If the team makes the playoffs, they have a chance to win to super bowl. For me, that is much more fun than 1 superbowl win and a decade of suckage afterwards.


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Jan 14, 2023
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Glad the McVay question has been laid to rest. Pete has a very young team that's gone farther than expected this year. We can look forward to a great 2023. I'd like to see Pete last here (with success) until he's ready to retire from football...about the time my season ticket number finally comes up.


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
I choose Pete all day. I think McVay is a front runner who destroyed a franchise for a ring and wants to leave town now. Pete literally wins everywhere he goes. McVay was a "Genius" who made Qb Goff look respectable was the public's opinion. However, Goff best year has been in Detroit.

McVay had a loaded Squad and sold out to win a ring. He did that so kudos for that but leaving a broken franchise is a bad look imo. Can you imagine if Pete pulled this?

I know people will say look at the H2H record. Rams also have had the better roster until this yr for awhile and then what happened H2H? Pete swept Mcvay.

Pete may be boring, old school,etc but he wins and wins often. He will be in the HOF.

Mcvay is a very good coach who is over rated imo so far in his career. If he stays and rebuilds? Then i am wrong on him front running.

I still think if careers ended today that Pete would be in HOF and McVay would not.
Careers ending today?! McVay is 36 years old!

McVay is an amazing coach.

Clock Management, adjustments, gameplans, getting the most out of his personnel.

The bottom fell out this year due to injuries. And he has a quite a big hole to climb out of with the mortgaging they've done for many years. But he will bounce back.

Pete is the one that's overrated. Dude hasn't made a playoff run in YEARS with no signs of that changing anytime soon, hiring guys like Norton and Hurtt, makes it nigh impossible.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2012
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Riverside, California
Careers ending today?! McVay is 36 years old!

McVay is an amazing coach.

Clock Management, adjustments, gameplans, getting the most out of his personnel.

The bottom fell out this year due to injuries. And he has a quite a big hole to climb out of with the mortgaging they've done for many years. But he will bounce back.

Pete is the one that's overrated. Dude hasn't made a playoff run in YEARS with no signs of that changing anytime soon, hiring guys like Norton and Hurtt, makes it nigh impossible.
He wouldn't be an amazing coach if he were in Seattle, you would pick him to pieces because you know more than any coach...

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