Pete Is Officially Pissed Off


Jan 3, 2013
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I think Seattle wins at least 2 of these remaining games and with that buys Pete another year as the coach. He will probably dump cooridinators and then rinse and repeat.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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I have been a "glass half full" with this team my entire life. My glass has finally broken. I can't stand the leadership of this team any more (from Jody Allen all the way down). I want wholesale change. This team needs fresh blood and a fresh set of eyes. The silver lining in all this is that Allen is eventually going to be forced to sell this team, and Carroll is so old he'll naturally age out at some point any way.
My friend what you feel I have felt at times this year but the D has shown it is terrible and not consistent at times passable, and then simply horrible, actually beyond horrible, and now laughable.

The loudest voices of Pete Haters assume some level of micro management on his part which with a whole team to manage is silly overstatement, though the buck stops with him and he needs to fix things as the skid continues.

Hurrt showed promise as DLine coach, but he is way over his head as a DC, he’s now proven that reality. The D is the problem.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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I think the OC stays but the DC should be looking for a new job.


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Aug 5, 2009
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Hurrt showed promise as DLine coach, but he is way over his head as a DC, he’s now proven that reality. The D is the problem.

If Pete's Seattle career was a movie trilogy, it would be like this:

Chapter 1 - A New Hope - The Legion and a Quest for a SB.
Chapter 2 - Russell Wilson Strikes Back - Is he 'the guy' to carry the team in the Post Season?
Chapter 3 - Return of the Bad Coordinators - We may have seen this movie before.

Unfortunately, his final chapter could have been written much differently... but he made some fatal errors.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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Assuming that most of the players can read and comprehend ; they surely must realize that much of media and fan base are projecting that PC has lost the team and want him gone ; and the season is lost . That's why when they get behind in these games they don't seem to give a phuk , because it's expected . imho


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Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
I think Pete struck the right tone in his messaging to the team and its obvious its not a case of the lockeroom being lost. Moreso, hopefully it's not a case of too little too late. Winning g this game with Spoon down, Woolen benched, and Adams sat down sends a message to the team that guys who have fire have a place on the team. Love balled out after being called out. MJ played hard every down. Diggs seemed to be more on point. And the defense now saw the real truth in the compete mantra. They didn't have their best player at CB, sat their paper Champs, and pulled out the biggest win of the year.

Pete said last week that WHEN this team makes it to the playoffs, they will be a tough out. I believe he believes that because he knows better than any what the potential of the squad is. I don't think it's bluster. This 23 team can still make some noise. Whether they can beat the 9ers? That's tough. But they've beat the Eagles. They beat the Lions. They almost beat the Cowboys In their house and arguably should have if not for some BS calls.

I say that because I guarantee you that if they make the dance, those 53 guys in the lockeroom will be fully aware that the only team they haven't succeeded against is the one no one else has either. And that does more than you can know for their belief in themselves.

Question is can Pete keep the fire stoked and his guys on point to actually achieve their potential?

Hopefully it's a fun ride figuring that out.