Trying to comb through highlights because I missed the first part but this is the most frustrated with players I think Pete has ever been, at least publicly. Assuming he's had a chance to dig through a bit of tape by now. I brushed it off initially when he once again said they basically just out-executed us while not being surprised by what they did but Pete never names guys. Adams has been terrible, Woolen might be the softest DB in the league, Diggs mostly terrible, Love scraps but gives up some big plays each week. I still believe the coaching staff could be way better but Pete is laying this 100% on the players feet for not saying enough's enough. Good for him.
This lines up with KJ's podcast last night that there are dudes just cashing pay checks on that side of the ball and there isn't an alpha calling out the bullshit in the locker room. Pete wants his guys to dictate the expectations internally, when your highest paid guys are the biggest issue, you got problems.