Fades Take on Seahawks Culture with this Hire

Who would you rather Have coaching the Seahawks, right now? And why?

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Mar 5, 2010
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Toronto Canada
I have been one of the many calling for Pete to go for many years. Now that the shoe has dropped and we have new. Im willing to give the new coach rope/leash to do it his way. We need to see Pete for what he was good with great talent. Good to middling talent not so much. And Way to loyal to people not at cordinators level. Fade still has the hate i had for Pete years ago. It takes time to let it go. But now we have Macdonald (who i wanted btw). Lets look forward not back. We are about to be the class of this conference. So Pete can get his Flowers and Mad Mac will get us Bowls.


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Aug 26, 2009
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Fact: ONE playoff win in the last SEVEN seasons. Why does anyone need more than that?
- And John Harbaugh has two playoff wins in the last 9 years. And he was just one bad offensive performance from being in the Super Bowl.

- To be clear, I am fine with moving on. I like the hire. But as to Carroll, it is hard to maintain a great team when you don't have that great QB to hang your hat on. Some here thought we had that, but I think it is becoming clear that we did not.



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Jan 28, 2020
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-Pete does less with more. Mike does more with less.
This is the only point I would take issue with.

I'm not sure that there are many coaches out there who would, after trading their franchise QB, take a Geno Smith QB'd team to back to back winning seasons; or beat the defending Super Bowl champs in the playoffs with that atrocious roster that he inherited from Ruskell/Mora.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
I swear I'm in the Twilight Zone reading through some of these comments. I don't see how Fade "hates" Carroll. He's been critical of him for years, as have I. Being critical and having hate toward someone are two different things.

Fade liked Carroll when he was winning and competing for Superbowls, then once the other teams figured out our D and the talent dried up, it was never the same. It was time for a change and Carroll kept with the same old, same old.

The level of group think on these forums sometimes is wild for a bunch of folks who act smarter than this.

What I also find funny is these are the same people sh***ing all over Wilson, despite his level of high play for this franchise for YEARS. Before he became ME3" Wilson sacrificed a lot for this team. Why is it okay to hate on Wilson, years after he's gone, but it's not okay to bash on Carroll for turning this franchise into a middling .500 club, constantly beaten by the likes of McVay and Shannahon Jr?
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Oct 3, 2010
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On a spreadsheet
- Some of the bullet points from the original post are correct, like one guy is 72 and the other is 36. Beyond that, it shows a complete lack of understanding of what a culture is. Pete is a person, NOT A CULTURE. Anyone who understands culture knows the person at the top does not even have to reflect the culture they are trying to create, because it isn't about them, it is about the environment they create. They just have to encourage it. Pete was never trying to get players to run up and down the sideline chewing gum. He just wanted them to feel seen and respected. MacDonald does not have to do any of that jumping around, or constant positivity to the media, he can be quiet and reserved. But as long as he maintains that positive environment and embraces the players as grown men, then the CULTURE stays the same.

- I'm sorry that doesn't fit the bash Pete narrative, but learn what a word means, or pick a different word.

Whether they reflect the culture they are trying to create, their personality will absolutely impact it. At this point it really seems between Schneider and Macdonald the culture will retain many of the current positives while adding less negatives than it loses (things such as lack of discipline leading to fouls.)


Oct 3, 2010
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On a spreadsheet
This is the only point I would take issue with.

I'm not sure that there are many coaches out there who would, after trading their franchise QB, take a Geno Smith QB'd team to back to back winning seasons; or beat the defending Super Bowl champs in the playoffs with that atrocious roster that he inherited from Ruskell/Mora.
In the beginning, he was absolutely getting more than should be expected of his players, probably across the board. Recently (like the last 4 years or so), I think there are more losers in that category than winners. Just another part of the ongoing erosion.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I swear in in the Twilight Zone reading through some of these comments. I don't see how Fade "hates" Carroll. He's been critical of him for years, as have I. Being critical and having hate toward someone are two different things.

Fade liked Carroll when he was winning and competing for Superbowls, then once the other teams figured out our D and the talent dried up, it was never the same. It was time for a change and Carroll kept with the same old, same old.

The level of group think on these forums sometimes is wild for a bunch of folks who act smarter than this.

What I also find funny is these are the same people sh***ing all over Wilson, despite his level of high play for this franchise for YEARS. Before he became ME3" Wilson sacrificed a lot for this team. Why is it okay to hate on Wilson, years after he's gone, but it's not okay to bash on Carroll for turning this franchise into a middling .500 club, constantly beaten by the likes of McVay and Shannahon Jr?
Russ was 17-4 vs. Santa Clara. Something that often gets ignored.



Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Hearing Pete pulled a Gary Payton, and landed his gum in Fades hair.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
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It’s time to just move on with your life, Fade.

You don’t need to bash the former coach in order to show your support with the new coach and ownership now.

That’s pretty much a “you’re still stuck on the past, type approach.”

It’s like, you’re reaching to prove that your new girlfriend is “so much” better than your ex-girlfriend. This path is quite dangerous cause you put individuals on a pedestal and immediately when something does not go your way, you start to create perceptions of flaws and place blame when it’s probably an inappropriate thing to do so.

But this all goes back to somehow, someway, and many here on dot net, can only speculate why, but, however it is, Pete Carroll, “continues to live rent free” in your head.

Just leave it as it is today.

We have a new coach.

Celebrate that!

And just move on with that, man!

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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I do not know how JS and ownership could have made it any more clear that Pet's "culture" IS THE FOUNDATION upon which we will attempt to build our future. Get it right folks. Stop with the bashing and lets get on with the building of our future.

Not sure why you think this, MacDonald comes from the polar opposite of culture building. The Harbaugh tree culture is a much more buttoned down strict culture than Pete's.

Now do good coaches take from what's been working as well? Sure, but to say the foundation of what MacDonald and his coach's culture building is Pete's? Nope, couldn't be further from the truth.

You'll see, the Hawks will look MUCH different in all facets with MacDonald and what he expects out of his coaches, players and organization. It'll look like what we saw in SF, Baltimore and even some Green Bay from Schneider's years there. Accountability, structure, buttoned down seriousness........with some fun sprinkled in for sure.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Seattle, WA
What Fade doesn't seem to understand is that two things can be true at the same time. You can be stoked about the new hire and all that comes with it, the changes etc. AND you can appreciate what Pete did here for 14 years. Both can actually exist. Imagine that.
Seems to be a lot of people who operate with dichotomous thinking patterns. The ambiguity and infinite shade of gray in reality makes em uneasy.

Culture doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive. I think mad Mike will build off of the foundation Pete laid out

Glasgow Seahawk

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Feb 5, 2013
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And it is an incredible thing. John Schneider hired a Jim/Jon Harbaugh disciple completely opposite of what Pete Carroll is.

-Pete Carroll is the oldest coach. Mike Macdonald is the youngest.

-Pete had an antiquated scheme. Mike has a cutting edge, modern scheme that adapts to the players.

-Pete is exuberant. Mike is reserved.

-Pete is rah rah. Mike is about the x's and o's.

-Pete does less with more. Mike does more with less.

-Pete will smoke anybody at a press conference. Mike will be bland and boring.

-Pete was sloppy on the details. Mike is all about the details.

-Pete has to have his hand in every pie. Mike will focus on just being the coach.

John got the #1 Defensive Coaching candidate available. If you were looking to hire a defensive Head Coach this was the guy everyone wanted. And John landed him. Impressive. John probably wanted Ben Johnson more, but if he doesn't want to leave there is nothing you can do about that.

This is a win-win hire long term. As either, he will be a hit and shutdown McShanahan, -or- he will be mediocre, and will be moved off from in a couple years for an offensive HC. Right about that time when you're looking for your young and talented QB already drafted or about to be drafted needs help. This is a great way to think about it, they are taking a shot and giving defense one last try, if it works, it works. If it don't, well… No one in the league will be employing defensive head coaches at that point. And Seattle will go offensive HC as well.

I think Mike Macdonald will be a success at fixing the defense, and I expect them to take a big leap in yr 1. The 1100lb Gorilla in the room, as John even brought up in his presser is, now you will be playing musical chairs at OC and that can do a number on a young QB. This will be Mike Macdonald's biggest challenge. Is pairing an offensive coach with his QB--who is good, but not good enough to get hired away.

This hire is a slap in Pete's face as he is a Harbaugh disciple as mentioned earlier, severing all ties with Pete. They are not keeping the same culture, but pivoting in a new direction entirely. The only contribution Pete could make at this point to the football team is audition for head cheerleader.

I give this hire an A-

It fixes the defensive coaching issues they were having for years, and are modernizing across the board which is exciting! But you still face potential issues on offense by having a defensive HC, which are getting harder to solve without just having, straight up--An OFFENSIVE HC. 11 of 14 teams that made the playoffs were lead by offensive HCs. Only 2 were defensive (PITT & BUF)(BAL Special Teams) A defensive HC hasn't made the SuperBowl since Bill Belichick, which feels like a long time ago.

The Seahawks are one of the best run franchises in the league. The future is bright!
I don't know how you can grade the hire until the coordinators are appointed. I'm still scarred from the Jimmy Lake-Donovan hire at UW and that eye bleeding offense.