Are Pete and John on the Hot Seat?


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Apr 30, 2009
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Orting WA, Great Northwet
Anybody - and I mean ANYBODY - who thinks that Pete and John are on some sort of 'hot seat' is showing their absolute ignorance of how Paul Allen works.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

MO Hawk

Jul 30, 2009
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SoulfishHawk":3c6tk8nj said:
Seat will not be warmer with a loss. They are missing a TON of players.

That's my point and why I think they are getting close to being on the hot seat. We can't keep blaming injuries year in and year out. There is a reason we are so banged up and it's only week 2. Worried about injuries to come if it is this bad already. Can we say year after year, " well we got killed by the Rams, but you have to look at all the injuries we had which explains why we lost so bad"? What happened to NEXT MAN UP? We don't have the depth we once had and what depth we do have is also injured.

Tonight will show us a lot, if we play close and take a loss I say good for Pete and we are on the right track. If we get blown out?

I'm not hating Pete or John, just trying to figure this whole thing out?


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Sep 11, 2011
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We are not getting blown out by a QB named trubisky. No way


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Mar 7, 2012
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If we miss the playoffs again this season, Carroll and Schneider are gone.

All you have to do is look back to 2007/2008. Holmgren was 2 seasons removed from a SuperBowl (that should have been a win) when he was asked to retire. The team looked a lot like this squad. Fighting amongst themselves. Discord. Players aging, getting injured, things getting progressively worse with more losses each season. Bad trades, mistakes in free agency, etc.

Paul Allen fired everyone after letting Mora take a shot for a year. He's doing exactly the same thing right now with Carroll, letting him stay another season while he looks for a replacement.



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Mar 7, 2012
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GeekHawk":2fxcf64x said:
Anybody - and I mean ANYBODY - who thinks that Pete and John are on some sort of 'hot seat' is showing their absolute ignorance of how Paul Allen works.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Guess you weren't paying attention in 2007/2008?


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Mar 3, 2007
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HansGruber":1ljw8yp6 said:
GeekHawk":1ljw8yp6 said:
Anybody - and I mean ANYBODY - who thinks that Pete and John are on some sort of 'hot seat' is showing their absolute ignorance of how Paul Allen works.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Guess you weren't paying attention in 2007/2008?

Ya lost me. There is no ongoing rift between the head coach and the general manager. If anything, the lessons of 2007/2008 compelled Paul's insistence on the consensus style he demands and we see today.


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Dec 27, 2012
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Jville":hewo8byr said:
HansGruber":hewo8byr said:
GeekHawk":hewo8byr said:
Anybody - and I mean ANYBODY - who thinks that Pete and John are on some sort of 'hot seat' is showing their absolute ignorance of how Paul Allen works.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Guess you weren't paying attention in 2007/2008?

Ya lost me. There is no ongoing rift between the head coach and the general manager. If anything, the lessons of 2007/2008 compelled Paul's insistence on the consensus style he demands and we see today.

He allows the Trailblazers to flounder in mediocrity every year so yeah as long as there are no ripples or controversy he's just as laid back like alot of owners. Pete has a cushy position considering he has a QB and fanbase aren't rioting about the underachieving the last couple of years.


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Mar 3, 2007
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bandiger":13glrxbi said:
Jville":13glrxbi said:
HansGruber":13glrxbi said:
GeekHawk":13glrxbi said:
Anybody - and I mean ANYBODY - who thinks that Pete and John are on some sort of 'hot seat' is showing their absolute ignorance of how Paul Allen works.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Guess you weren't paying attention in 2007/2008?

Ya lost me. There is no ongoing rift between the head coach and the general manager. If anything, the lessons of 2007/2008 compelled Paul's insistence on the consensus style he demands and we see today.

He allows the Trailblazers to flounder in mediocrity every year so yeah as long as there are no ripples or controversy he's just as laid back like alot of owners. Pete has a cushy position considering he has a QB and fanbase aren't rioting about the underachieving the last couple of years.

Gee Wiz I haven't followed the NBA in years. I know they shoot hoops at the VMAC to relax. But the Seahawk program is focused on football.


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Sep 13, 2009
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Pete needs to retire. This team has looked the same for four year in a row, even with new management it looks the same.


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Mar 7, 2012
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bandiger":24jythtk said:
He allows the Trailblazers to flounder in mediocrity every year so yeah as long as there are no ripples or controversy he's just as laid back like alot of owners. Pete has a cushy position considering he has a QB and fanbase aren't rioting about the underachieving the last couple of years.

Yeah because Sherman and Thomas, 2 future Hall of Fame players, openly complaining about Carroll, and numerous other players and all the drama we went through last season wasn't actually drama. Lol. Having all your best players leave the team, talk trash about how nobody respects the coach. See your players fighting each other on the sidelines. Watching draft picks get wasted, failing to sign players that you have up draft capital for, watching your cap space disappear on numerous players that aren't even on the team anymore... That's not drama. Lol.

Carroll is done. He got us to two Superbowls and that's great, but this era is over. The Seahawks are trash right now. And Allen, above everyone else, sees it and knows it.

And anyone who compares the Blazers to the Seahawks.... Just clueless. Allen has always taken a totally different approach with those teams. He's been aggressive as any owner in football with demanding wins and success.

Sorry, but the last 5 years have been one continuous downhill slide. Carroll and Schneider are done. And I'll anxious to see what the future holds now.


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Oct 14, 2012
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yep, its on. slow starts and all, but this aint yojr ordinary bad start, this is an absolute joke on all levels


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Aug 26, 2011
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MO Hawk":1j1r10al said:
What do they have to do this season to keep their job? What has to happen for them to lose it?

I'd say 10-6 and the team being headed in the right direction to keep it. 8 losses and a team in disarray as the season progresses may cost both of them their job.

As some (not all) predicted before the start of the season, we are looking at 8 losses (or more).


Let's wait a few more games.

I don't expect those you mention to lose their job after the end of the year.

It seems (obviously) that this may be a rough year for us.


Active member
Dec 7, 2014
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They should be. Even with all the changes this off season too many of the same problems remain. Ready for a new direction.


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Mar 7, 2012
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This team is hot garbage. Possibly worse than 2008.

Don't even know how Carson has had so few carries.

The team is painful to watch. Love Carroll and what he brought us, but man... Ugh... Just bad coaching out there for the last couple seasons. That underdog hunger is gone. It's just bad.


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
It's bad man.


I was thinking 7-9, 8-8. No way. 5-11 at best.

I wonder what Paul Allen is thinking right now?

Attyla the Hawk

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Mar 11, 2013
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I said at the beginning of the thread:

However I think the manner in which the record is compiled is important. By end of year I think the tune begins to switch if we're not competitive and it looks like the recent components added in the last two years are basically JAGs who all need replacing. If that comes to pass, then this isn't a retooling year. It's basically a 2-3 year rebuild. Without future picks to achieve it.

I think you're seeing that now. This team cratered in it's first two games -- probably 2 of the 6 easiest matchups of the year on paper.

I also said elsewhere, that I believed this would be a referendum year on Pete. Not because I want to run him out of town. But precisely because this entire offseason we witnessed Pete adding talent and retooling his coaching to reflect his own personal brand. The entire effort was a means to get back to playing Carroll ball. Which I can't even tell if that's what we are seeing. Return to tough gritty ground game? Seems we just abandon it at will. We establish an offseason blueprint to succeed and then abort it completely in the heat of a game. And we're seeing this from Pete.

Certainly it's still early to entertain this notion of a coaching hot seat. But as this season continues, if we're sitting around at 1-6 to start this season, with no discernable identity, with the heavy hitting teams coming into town -- this season is going to be extra tough.

I do believe that if this drags out in the nightmare scenario that this season has thus far projected, then this team's outlook is going to be seen as an institutional failure. Blame won't be sprinkled on injury luck. It'll be bad drafts -- the product of bad philosophy and design. Seattle had the opportunity to remake it's philosophy and add young dynamic ideas to the club. But chose to inexplicably harden it's desperate grasp on the old.

I still see this year being a referendum year for precisely that reason. All of the blame/credit is going to land on Pete. He ensured that with the offseason moves this year. Looking ahead, it seems much more likely than it did three weeks ago that Pete will be the Eli Manning of coaches by year's end. The manner of these failures is the most compelling part.


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May 1, 2009
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Attyla the Hawk":3og1v4as said:
This team cratered in it's first two games -- probably 2 of the 6 easiest matchups of the year on paper.

I think I'd beg to differ there. Denver's defense wasn't being slept on by anyone who knows who Von Miller is. The Bears defense was talented but green - and then they got Mack. The strengths of those two teams matched up perfectly with our weakness (QB/OL/OC unwilling to change). Combine that with playing away from home, consider that we did not lose horribly, and those weren't blowouts. Just frustrating.

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