Jamals quad isn’t right a year later. Could miss tc


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Dec 19, 2013
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I think its more the fact that Jamal Adams has never really invested himself into this team. He is invested in himself and making money but the vibe he gives is that is all that really matters to him.

He gave that vibe in N.Y. as well.
Brock pointed out that he is the highest paid player this season.
I have to agree that he can show support and do the rehab in Seattle.
Geno,Tyler and Dk are going to be there..It's called being part of the
Adams may not make it back but like Kam we will still have to pay him
and we all know Kam was there after he knew he was done.
I'm not sure at all if Jamal is that kind of a team player


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May 7, 2012
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If you are invested in a team you would be around your teammates and be a part of the team building that takes place in OTA's etc. No its not a big deal in the sense of him knowing plays or the defensive scheme or whatever but when you choose not to be around the guys you are going into battle with so to speak there is something lost there.
By the way even during the season last year he was off doing his own thing rather than being with the team. He does not strike me as someone invested in the team. I'm not saying he isn't committed to playing football. I am strictly saying he doesn't seem overly invested in being a part of this team.
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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2012
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Jamal has to get his body right before even thinking about playing. He is rehabbing and around people he grew up with getting the support and courage to make it one day at a time. I am sure his team of trainers and physicians are keeping the team counterparts updated.I wouldn’t read too much into it, let him focus on his first goal of being available to play again. Marshawn did his training and rehab with his own personal trainers in Bay Area. Sometimes home is the best place to recover faster with familiar surroundings, weather and people who naturally care for him like family and friends.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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Jamal has to get his body right before even thinking about playing. He is rehabbing and around people he grew up with getting the support and courage to make it one day at a time. I am sure his team of trainers and physicians are keeping the team counterparts updated.I wouldn’t read too much into it, let him focus on his first goal of being available to play again. Marshawn did his training and rehab with his own personal trainers in Bay Area. Sometimes home is the best place to recover faster with familiar surroundings, weather and people who naturally care for him like family and friends.

Damar Hamlin is in Buffalo Rehabbing as opposed to being home with mommy and daddy and little bro. His injury was a lot more life threatening.

If a grown man prioritizes mommy and daddy, maybe we need to give him the injury settlement.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
A quadricep tendon tear is a rare injury (less than 2 in 100,000). This injury typically happens to older people, in their 50s or older and those people usually have some other co-morbidity.

But it has happened to other NFL players, and some have been able to recover and resume their careers. There was even a study done on the impact of this injury on NFL players that was published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine:

14 NFL players between 1994 and 2004 had a quadricep tendon injury. All 14 players had the injury surgically repaired, and half of them were able to play again. Those are not very good odds. Hopefully treatment of this injury has improved since 2004, and that the chances of successful rehab are higher.

In any case, it's a tough road to recovery, and I wish Jamal the best in his rehab efforts.
My quad tendon fully separated from my knee and was found in surgery high in my quad. Maybe my injury was more severe so I can have more hope for Jamal. I winced watching him run on the treadmill with that hitch. He's really putting forth effort there, so I'll try to remain cautiously optimistic he can attempt a return at some point this season.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Ahh yes, the age old fan and sports media outrage over the players who don't show up to "voluntary" OTA's.

Maybe I could muster up some outrage too if I actually thought it mattered with rehabbing players. If their teammates don't care? Then why should I care?


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
Trey Lance travelled with the team, he gets ripped for it by the same people that are now blaming Jamal for not being with his team. Ah, the dichotomy.

As far as the gimmick of ripping Jamal, do you. I'd prefer he was not with the team as he should be a June 1 cut and I don't want him influencing anyone who will be with the team after that.


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Sep 15, 2015
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I have full confidence the seahawks have all the things necessary to do rehab at their facility.
This is a prime example of a conflict of interest.

Adams has his own team that has overseen his rehab since he began but if he switches it and now the Seahawks are in charge of his rehab, there can be (could happen) some time bad information being transferred to Adams from the Seahawks medical staff.

Yes, the Seahawks medical staff, first and foremost work for the best interest of the team, not necessarily Adams. What if Adams feels he isn’t “ready” but the Seahawks medical staff says he is? Seahawks medical staff may want to put the highest paid player on the field cause they are paying him to do so BEFORE Adams feels he is ready to go.

Since Adams has an independent team focusing on his rehab without being under the scrutiny and pressure of a Seattle FO, maybe Adams is more comfortable and trust this rehab team more?

There is always a chance. Not saying it’s true. But players think about this as well.

The most recent comparison with this scenario in which a team rushed a player back and the player said they didn’t feel ready was Kawhi Leonard with the San Antonio Spurs. The Spurs pressured Leonard to come back from injury and Leonard did not want to come back cause he was not yet healed. Leonard came back and got re-injured. This eventually led to a split with Leonard and the Spurs. Leonard since went on the win an NBA Championship with the Toronto Raptors and was awarded NBA Finals MVP.

The Seahawks have to be very careful with how they communicate with Adams.

If Seattle forces their hand with Adams and Adams rehabs specifically with Seattle’s medical staff and the same thing with Leonard happens with Adams, this season would a total wash with Adams again.

Adams would lose trust with Seattle and it would all be over from there.

Again, this is just a possible scenario.

Not saying this is how it will play out but if teammates are fully supporting Adams to rehab in Texas or whatever with his own team, if Seattle, takes that away, Seattle will also may lose the trust from other players as well. Not sure if Seattle will want that.

Seattle has to tread carefully, is all.

I want Adams to play a full season again and if Adams is more comfortable rehabbing on his own, I will give him that.

That way, he has no excuses if he isn’t ready. Seattle cannot be blamed. And the teammates cannot blame Seattle’s medical staff either.

We shall see.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Very cautiously optimistic. But it has zero impact on me. I've never understood people getting mad at a player for being hurt. Let alone calling him soft etc.
Meh, we'll see how it plays out. Fingers crossed he shocks us all. But I'm not holding my breath.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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Trey Lance travelled with the team, he gets ripped for it by the same people that are now blaming Jamal for not being with his team. Ah, the dichotomy.

As far as the gimmick of ripping Jamal, do you. I'd prefer he was not with the team as he should be a June 1 cut and I don't want him influencing anyone who will be with the team after that.

Trey Lance was on ir. He had barely Played And had no way Of being part of 2022. The Niners should have had him do his rehab in Santa Clara and who then cares about him.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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Trey Lance travelled with the team, he gets ripped for it by the same people that are now blaming Jamal for not being with his team. Ah, the dichotomy.

As far as the gimmick of ripping Jamal, do you. I'd prefer he was not with the team as he should be a June 1 cut and I don't want him influencing anyone who will be with the team after that.
Whoah!Nice take..
If that could happen without serious cap issues I'm all in and agree now with
him staying away.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2022
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My quad tendon fully separated from my knee and was found in surgery high in my quad. Maybe my injury was more severe so I can have more hope for Jamal. I winced watching him run on the treadmill with that hitch. He's really putting forth effort there, so I'll try to remain cautiously optimistic he can attempt a return at some point this season.
Wow, scary. @TeamoftheCentury I know this is off-topic, but how did you suffer your quadricep tear? (If you don't mind sharing.)


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
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I had a quad injury playing baseball as a teenager, and it took years to get back to 100%. You can't rush it.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Trey Lance travelled with the team, he gets ripped for it by the same people that are now blaming Jamal for not being with his team. Ah, the dichotomy.

As far as the gimmick of ripping Jamal, do you. I'd prefer he was not with the team as he should be a June 1 cut and I don't want him influencing anyone who will be with the team after that.

You can't cut an injured player without an agreed upon injury settlement.

Adam's is set to make what this year, almost 20M? No way in hell he accepts a lesser injury settlement.
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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Well I think he is still under the surgical guidance to rehab it, once past that and he has normal motion gate and mobility he would be released to get to football rehab and shape anyway. Not a big thing really.

The Seahawks get progress reports and updates pretty regular I am sure like any employer does, when he is cleared to participate in training exercises he will be back at the facility.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
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As much as a lot of fans would like to see Adams cut, me included. I don't think it makes a lot of team or cap sense, even after June 1st.

Cutting one of the biggest locker room leaders that's well respected by his defensive teammates mid-rehab is a bad look, and that doesn't warrant the small cap savings.

IMO Pete's gonna give Adam's all summer to see if he can get back and help the team in 2023. Even if that means into the start of the season, which it probably will.

The optics of cutting Adams June 1st I just don't think looks good.
One of the best ways to part and cut a notable vet without upsetting the culture of a team is to have a young and up and coming talented player be seen by others making plays.

This is how they handled the Matt Flynn scenario. Flynn got paid. Rookie Russ came in and took his job. The team totally accepted it.

So if one of the young guys or even rookies, come in and absolutely crushes it while Adams is sidelined, BAM, you can cut Adams and no one will bat an eye at your decision!

Culture protected! Locker room intact! And Adams gone.

I personally believe Adams will stick around for another 2 years, this upcoming season and the next. After that, Adams is gone.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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I personally believe Adams will stick around for another 2 years, this upcoming season and the next. After that, Adams is gone.

This year, yes. Next year with the big cap savings? Nope. He's gone. Even if he comes back and miraculously stays healthy, he's still gone.

The combo of Love's signing (through 2024), and drafting of Reed tells you Pete and John have already moved on from Adams. They know with all his injuries the likelihood of him coming back and resembling even 75% of what they're paying him is extremely low.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2012
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I hope he recovers. Getting injured is never good, and if I were injured in the way Jamal was it would probably take me years and years to recover and I'd likely never be the same. I'm hoping we can get a good year out of Jamal before his inevitable cut next season but moreso I hope he heals up and gets better. When he was at his best he was very exciting to watch play. If I can watch another 17 game of that it'll be sweet.

Worth the price? Probably not, but that's done and over with.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
Brock pointed out that he is the highest paid player this season.
I have to agree that he can show support and do the rehab in Seattle.
Geno,Tyler and Dk are going to be there..It's called being part of the
Adams may not make it back but like Kam we will still have to pay him
and we all know Kam was there after he knew he was done.
I'm not sure at all if Jamal is that kind of a team player

He’s better off rehabbing rather than making an appearance for fans to feel better