Sherman on ESPN first take. 12:30


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A lot of what Sherman said was juvenile ("I'm better at life than you," What the hell was that?), though he pointed out the same thing that Mark Cuban pointed out regarding Bayless: he knows nothing more about sports than fans do. You can't say that Sherman isn't in the same league as Revis without sounding like an idiot and discrediting yourself.


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The Rain Forest
It's simple, really...
he can back it up on the field.

More importantly, as a human being he backs it up OFF the field.

Cool dude. Love his work.


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The Rain Forest
Barthawk":34w1ps29 said:
very difficult decision.. previously I told others that I would rather jerk off a bobcat in a phone booth than listen to Smith and Bayless.. but I would love to hear Sherm put them in their place...

How'd that bobcat thing work out for ya??? :th2thumbs:


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May 5, 2012
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I love Sherman on the field, I mean like really really love him.

I have to say though that he came across like a punk. Telling Skip he's better at life than he is? He did go personal in my opinion and I lost some respect for him for how he handled that interview.
May 3, 2009
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Boom. Awesome. Just because Sherm trash talks in public and not just on the field doesn't make him any better/worse. People loved Gary Payton, MJ, the Reign-Man - only difference is that the majority of the time they didn't trash talk in public. The comparison of Sherm to Ali is apt. People either love it, or hate it.


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Aug 1, 2011
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I can't get over how much I love Sherman. It's so hard to choose between his jersey or Wilson's next year. Maybe I should switch between the two. Wilson when I go to the games and Sherman at the bars for the away games? ET had me all year 2 years ago, and Kam had me last year. I was trying to stick to one player per season, but it's hard, because I want a Lynch and a Wagner jersey, too.

First world problems for sure...


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Aug 12, 2011
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I'm goin for a home Wilson and away Sherman for my next two


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May 18, 2012
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-The Glove-":vnrwtl69 said:
Don't get what a lot of people expected. Bayless has been going at Sherman since the Revis Twitter fight. Just look at his Bayless' tweets to Revis. Should Sherman, as a man, and as a highly accomplished athlete, just take it when this clown downplays his abilities, accomplishments, and stats? Good for Sherman for standing up for himself. A lot of people get their info from mediots like Bayless and co. Things they say resonate with the uninformed fans around the NFL. I bet you they'll think twice about Sherman now. And I bet you a lot of them have been forced to look up what Sherman's done in such a short time. Where as before, they might've said, "Well he sucks. He didnt even make the Pro Bowl", they'll now say, "he has to be great. He's an All-Pro"

Not just that, people will be watching him now thinking "he's a punk, I want to see him fail" and realise... actually this guy is pretty damn good.

Getting people to watch what you actually do is the biggest hurdle to be known as great


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SHOCKER315":xwugn2gf said:
All the negative things people are saying about Sherman today used to be said about Deion Sanders and Muhammad Ali. Today they are celebrated because they became the greatest.

Sherman is trying to follow the same path. He knows what he is doing. This is a conscious decision on his part. He is "burning his ships and bridges behind him" so that he has no choice but to excel and be great. He can't turn back and mellow out now... and just be a decent CB... or he will face utter humiliation on the field and in public. He is forcing himself to be great.

He has the talent to make it happen. Time will tell if he has the mental willpower and work ethic to make himself what he claims to be. Lets hope foe the Seahawks sake he does.

Great post. I've viewed his actions with this same lens as well.


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Mar 4, 2007
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The first half of the interview had me in tears laughing. The second half of the interview was actually a really really good interview. Talked about the QB's (Kaep, Wilson, RG3, Luck) and where Sherm thought the athletic QB's were going to stick around or if it was just a fad like Aaron Rodgers thinks. Sherm pointed out that it was odd that it was Rodgers saying that since he's basically a hybrid of the pocket passer and the read option QB, a guy that is great in the pocket but makes a lot of stuff happen with his legs. Also said Philly would be the team to watch as far as the read/option stuff goes because of the way Chip Kelley runs that offense, that he would possibly change the way the NFL game is played completely. Sherman also thinks Luck and Wilson will last longer and have better NFL careers than RG3 and Kaep, only because the latter two try to do too much and take too many unnecessary hits.

Sherman went on First Take with 0 intention of answering any questions about Revis that he already answered for the NFLAM crew two weeks ago. He went in with one goal; trash Skip Bayless on his own show for 15 minutes. Mission accomplished.


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Tacoma, WA
I don't think Sherm had that intent at all, I think after Skip said what he said, it got personal and Sherm started firing bullets back.


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Rocket":3o80go4i said:
It's simple, really...
he can back it up on the field.

More importantly, as a human being he backs it up OFF the field.

Cool dude. Love his work.

Good post. I'm with you on this one.

When the smoke clears and Sherman's playing days are over, people will look back at this clip with a jackass like Bayless with reverence. It'll be an example of how Richard Sherman didn't take no mess and that he always kept it real. Sometimes a little too real for people's liking but that's the risk you run when you've fully committed to that way of living.

This is some legendary stuff right here. Insane that @ the deadspin link that kearly posted, there are actually people siding with Skip Bayless. Those kinds of people use the same basic logic as Bayless (state opinions as facts, don't back it up with proof/analysis) and are set in their ways.

Seriously, all it would take is to sit Skip Bayless (or any of these other clowns that don't think Sherman is elite and on Revis' level) down in a room and have him watch all of Sherman's game tape from this past season and even 2011 if he'd be up for it. But you know he wouldn't be. That would make too much sense and ultimately serve to prove him wrong. That's the crazy thing about this. None of these people have seen Sherman play outside of 2 or 3 games this past season so they think he's a nobody. If any of these morons would just get NFL Rewind they could see that this level of play from a CB this early on in his career is amazing. We're watching a living legend. Shhh, don't tell anyone though. Just like the city he plays for, Sherm's one of America's best kept secrets.


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Dallas, TX
Scottemojo":3cnyjwmh said:
After the Bears game, Skip Bayless said this:


The man is already a proven moron. There is no purpose in arguing with him.

I made it :52 in before I had to stop it...5'10" is still his argument?


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Jan 17, 2011
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Middle of Nowhere, Washington
I've only watched that 4 minute clip (the juicy part of the interview), so my reactions are based solely on that. I'm actually with bestfightstory on this one. I'm fairly old school as well in the way that I played sports and the way that I teach kids to play sports. That is -- shut your mouth and let your play do the talking. And I learned that and really came to treasure that growing up from watching one of the greatest figures in all of sports that I've ever seen -- Steve Largent. Largent was never out there self promoting. You never heard him telling everyone that he was the greatest ... because he didn't have to. Instead, he let his play and his heart do the talking for him. All of his teammates knew what he was about -- so did any Seahawk fan (or anyone in the Pacific Northwest really) because he was always out in the community giving of himself when he wasn't working overtime after practice perfecting his craft. Russell Wilson would have LOVED working with Largent because in so many ways, he was just like him. It didn't matter what sport I was playing -- that's how I approached things on the field, the court, etc. Let your play shut the mouths of the detractors and the ignorant.

Now I know that this is what gets Richard Sherman going -- this whole chip on the shoulder and thinking that everyone disrespects him. I get that. I'm uncomfortable with all of this me, me, me stuff ... but I get it. I'll live with it. The question I would really be pressing him on is why go on First Take at all? I know that in your mind it was to show everyone out there what an idiot that Skip Bayless really is ... but in all honestly, was that really necessary? Everyone who pays any attention to sports knows who Bayless is. He's a shock jock -- the Howard Stern of sports. No one has to SHOW anyone that Skip Bayless is an idiot because he does a marvelous job of that all by himself already. Watching this, not only did Bayless come off looking like an idiot ... but honestly Sherman came off looking bad as well IMO. In watching Sherman, I almost saw a little boy tearfully confronting the playground bully who he is sick and tired of. That was my take on it. As I said, I know there were plenty of guys back in the day like Dick Butkus putting themselves out there like this -- I was just never a fan this kind of self promotion. Promote yourself by the way you play and let the idiots think what they will. Arguing with fools like Bayless is like trying to wrestle with Brer Rabbit's Tar Baby. In the end, you're going to get stuck and he's going to drag you down to his level. Solomon, one of the wisest men in all of the ancient world put it this way, "Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself." (Prov. 26:4) Richard -- let your play and what you do on the field show this guy for the true fool that he really is. That would be by advice to him.


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Sep 13, 2009
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EDIT: I have mixed opinions on this in one sense I think the interview was very uncomfortable and Shermans own words made him look foolish. In another sense I think it was funny and may have made Bayless cry.

I don't get why he needs to keep putting himself in the media like this and on First Take he looked really really bad. If I wasn't a Seahawks fan I would think the guy was a douche.

But anyway I guess we should expect 20 INT's from Sherman this coming year which is good for the Seahawks super bowl run.

Skip Bayless hates Richard Sherman