Sherman on ESPN first take. 12:30


Mar 5, 2007
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All the negative things people are saying about Sherman today used to be said about Deion Sanders and Muhammad Ali. Today they are celebrated because they became the greatest.

Sherman is trying to follow the same path. He knows what he is doing. This is a conscious decision on his part. He is "burning his ships and bridges behind him" so that he has no choice but to excel and be great. He can't turn back and mellow out now... and just be a decent CB... or he will face utter humiliation on the field and in public. He is forcing himself to be great.

He has the talent to make it happen. Time will tell if he has the mental willpower and work ethic to make himself what he claims to be. Lets hope foe the Seahawks sake he does.


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Apr 11, 2010
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Hawkfan77":fh6per3a said:
scutterhawk":fh6per3a said:
theENGLISHseahawk":fh6per3a said:
When you have a professional troll like Bayless, it's best to play him at his own game. Call him John Clayton on air or something like that. Or just don't go on the show. Fact is, Skip takes this reaction to the meeting about his next contract. His job is to get people talking about him.
Hell no, Sherman told him, that he produces no facts, only opinions, "THAT'S WHY NOBODY LISTENS TO YOU"
If no one listened to Skip Bayless, then no one would have an opinion of Skip Bayless...
Sherman could hav chosen his words a little better in that statement, something like That's why Nobody BELIEVES You,,That's more to the truth of what Sherman probably intended to insinuate.


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Apr 30, 2009
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SHOCKER315":a8vr94kn said:
All the negative things people are saying about Sherman today used to be said about Deion Sanders and Muhammad Ali. Today they are celebrated because they became the greatest.

Sherman is trying to follow the same path. He knows what he is doing. This is a conscious decision on his part. He is "burning his ships and bridges behind him" so that he has no choice but to excel and be great. He can't turn back and mellow out now... and just be a decent CB... or he will face utter humiliation on the field and in public. He is forcing himself to be great.

He has the talent to make it happen. Time will tell if he has the mental willpower and work ethic to make himself what he claims to be. Lets hope foe the Seahawks sake he does.

Nice post, SHOCKER. I always like it when you break away from PWR and offer your take on sports matters. I'm not certain it's entirely conscious, however. He seems to have chosen this path, that's for sure. As with most choices and paths there will be rewards and unforeseen consequences. I hope he handles both with grace.


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Mar 5, 2007
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An awkward interview and I loved every minute of it. Bayless had nothing to say back, but he accomplished what he was going for. That interview will be talked about a lot on the sports/radio shows.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
drdiags":sra6vrqf said:
kag0331":sra6vrqf said:
Well definitely thought the comment about him being better at life was a little bizarre considering they both are successful at their respective fields but I can't help but laugh because you hawk fans will jump at the opportunity to hate on harbaugh for his side line antics but you love Sherman's "sideline" antics all his trash talk was that why he was overlooked at the pro bowl? I agree about skip being an ass but come on so is Sherman maybe they met their match...hhaa maybe he can make the first team next year....

"Ha ha ... let me slip in some random comment about my team, you know, the niners. Why are we not talking about them? You guys always dumping on Harbaugh but he is better than Sherman ... ha ha."

Thanks for sharing 9ers dude. Your complaint is duly noted. Seahawks fans are big meanies to 9ers fans, coaches and players on their forum.


Niner fans think that every topic should include their team in some way. It is almost like he is calling Seahawk fans to be hypocrites, when they exhibit so much of that behavior on their own. Even when SF was stinking it up for 8 of the past 10 years they wanted "respect". That after the Hawks had a long string of successful seasons. When the Hawks went and lost the SB, Niner fans were all over it because they didn't win it. 13-3, none of that mattered, it was nothing. But the Niners do less in the regular season and lose the SB and we are supposed to bow to their achievement.

I like what Sherman did because it was Bayless. A figure who has made more nonsensical claims than Homer Simpson. One who draws pay for expressing his personal opinion as fact instead of reading between the lines.

Sherman, plays corner as well as Revis. How many balls did he knock down in casual fashion? Making it look easy. Sherm has an argument and rather than give Bayless the easy way out of his statement, he called him on it. Then measured him in the world of sports reporting where Clueless is known as being a complete idiot who rarely makes accurate comments. A professional troll he is.


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Oct 31, 2009
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Axx":35phx6hf said:

Wow I hate Bayless and love sherm so i had multiple orgasms from this video
It was awesome. And to the people who don't like the way he represents, well, no comment as that's smack shack material. I love that fact that he shoveled that shit right back in skip's lap.

Off the wall comments based upon zero factual data don't deserve a dignified answer. Skip's agenda was to put Sherm in his place, with the illusion that his tenure as a mediot somehow commands any kind of respect. It just so happens that our Stanford boy flipped the script on him. Good on ya Sherm!


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Feb 16, 2013
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I've seen a lot of posts (not here necessarily though there have been some) acting like Sherman can't be a great player because he talks too much sh!t. Saying that the great ones let their play do the talking and that he should just shut up.

I dunno where "part of being great is being classy" came from. I mean, I'm not saying it's bad to be classy and great but just it's not a requirement. It just comes down to the person I guess, everyone's different.

Some guys are like Barry Sanders. Absolutely amazing talents that are also humble and meek


Some guys are like Muhammad Ali. Trash talkers to the core, cocky and arrogant at times

Sherman is obviously like Ali

Who are we to say which ways right or which is wrong? The right way is whatever works best for the Athlete, and it's pretty evident all this trash talk etc. feeds Sherman and gets him playing harder. More power to him...


Mar 5, 2007
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bestfightstory":2dxazt3k said:
SHOCKER315":2dxazt3k said:
All the negative things people are saying about Sherman today used to be said about Deion Sanders and Muhammad Ali. Today they are celebrated because they became the greatest.

Sherman is trying to follow the same path. He knows what he is doing. This is a conscious decision on his part. He is "burning his ships and bridges behind him" so that he has no choice but to excel and be great. He can't turn back and mellow out now... and just be a decent CB... or he will face utter humiliation on the field and in public. He is forcing himself to be great.

He has the talent to make it happen. Time will tell if he has the mental willpower and work ethic to make himself what he claims to be. Lets hope foe the Seahawks sake he does.

Nice post, SHOCKER. I always like it when you break away from PWR and offer your take on sports matters. I'm not certain it's entirely conscious, however. He seems to have chosen this path, that's for sure. As with most choices and paths there will be rewards an unforeseen consequences. I hope he handles both with grace.

Quotes from Sherman in the last few days on his Twitter. I sense the guy knows what he is doing.

"Failure, Humiliation, Embarrassment are some individuals greatest fear. Understand they are mentally created and can be mentally defeated."

"The difference between the individuals that leave a footprint on this world and those who simply walk in those steps is that there is no unattainable goal. There are simply adverse avenues to greatness and smooth roads to mediocrity."

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

I wonder if he has been reading this classic book perhaps? I wouldn't doubt if he came across it at Stanford.



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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
bestfightstory":1k05fjpz said:
SHOCKER315":1k05fjpz said:
All the negative things people are saying about Sherman today used to be said about Deion Sanders and Muhammad Ali. Today they are celebrated because they became the greatest.

Sherman is trying to follow the same path. He knows what he is doing. This is a conscious decision on his part. He is "burning his ships and bridges behind him" so that he has no choice but to excel and be great. He can't turn back and mellow out now... and just be a decent CB... or he will face utter humiliation on the field and in public. He is forcing himself to be great.

He has the talent to make it happen. Time will tell if he has the mental willpower and work ethic to make himself what he claims to be. Lets hope foe the Seahawks sake he does.

Nice post, SHOCKER. I always like it when you break away from PWR and offer your take on sports matters. I'm not certain it's entirely conscious, however. He seems to have chosen this path, that's for sure. As with most choices and paths there will be rewards and unforeseen consequences. I hope he handles both with grace.

He is baiting every opponent the Hawks have. Sherm is far more intelligent than people give him credit for. He gets frustrated when balls don't come his way and wants the chance to make a play. Just look at the games, how many passes really thrown at Sherman actually get completed? Not many, the percentage is probably very, very low.

When they finally do complete one, it is usually a very amazing play. The whole time the focus is on Sherm, the pressure is not on guys like Wilson, Lynch, Ir the rest of the secondary. Who can quietly go about their business kicking ass. It is intentional and Sherm will be the first guy to say that the Seahawks are a team, not just one man.

On NFLN, when he did his one word description of receivers that he faced, he describes every one in a very positive word. That was after keeping most of them FAR under their typical day.


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Apr 11, 2010
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McGruff":2f66b5mo said:
I like Sherman, but didn't like this interaction at all.
Sherman's Just answering the blathering disrespect coming out of Bayless' egotistical pie hole.
Sherman enjoying the ride playing across from Browner, and the outstanding front seven, insinuating that Sherman wouldn't have garnered the same success playing on a lesser accomplished Defense, well how does Brainless compare the Seahawks Defensive Secondary of 2010 to 2012, without seeing an extreem upgrade at the Corner positions.
Bayless wanted to dismiss Sherman's accomplishments as being the by-production of everybody elses outstanding play.
Sherman's big problem is his not accepting the disrespect that some of those dolts want to dish out, without rebuttle.
His answer to a lot of these guys?, "so you say that you are better than me out there?, prove it, because that's what I intend to do when we meet out there on the field.
I've heard Sherman give mad props to some opponents around the League, but he does answer to disrespect from others with besting them, come game time.
Sherman says I WILL, while some others say I'LL TRY.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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Don't get what a lot of people expected. Bayless has been going at Sherman since the Revis Twitter fight. Just look at his Bayless' tweets to Revis. Should Sherman, as a man, and as a highly accomplished athlete, just take it when this clown downplays his abilities, accomplishments, and stats? Good for Sherman for standing up for himself. A lot of people get their info from mediots like Bayless and co. Things they say resonate with the uninformed fans around the NFL. I bet you they'll think twice about Sherman now. And I bet you a lot of them have been forced to look up what Sherman's done in such a short time. Where as before, they might've said, "Well he sucks. He didnt even make the Pro Bowl", they'll now say, "he has to be great. He's an All-Pro"


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Mar 3, 2007
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Central WA
I love it. So many times we talk about wanting to hear truths for those we watch on TV. Sherman does what many people would do if someone cheapened their accomplishments. All this does is bring attention (negative/positive) to both Sherman and ESPN's show. Everyone wins. No one is rooting for Bayless; he is paid to be an offensive hack. Sherman is getting something that so many Seahawks fans crave... attention. Now it's here and we cringe at it?

Not every team gets only positive attention. Now on the scale of "unwanted" attention, this is pretty comical. He's not hurting anyone, he's not damaging the team's name, every time he pops up it says "Richard Sherman - Seattle Seahawk," and it's the offseason... unless you have a way to make it April for the Draft and then Training Camp, this will make the time off more fun.

Go Richard.


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Oct 28, 2012
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DohBoy":330tth4q said:
I don't know who Chris Chase is, but he seems to like how Sherman handled things: ... t/1971737/

"Master Troll."


Chris Chase is the worst sports writer for Yahoo!. He tries to make (drama) stories out of nothing thats why he is hated. I actually agree with him for once though

There has been a lot of negative feedback for sherman, These same people were probably praising Cuban when he slammed Skip Bayless. They're just jelly that Sherms not on their team


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Jul 26, 2010
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North Pole, Alaska
For me, the difference is that I am eager to pay $$$ to watch Sherman do his job... no so much for Skippy Dippy.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Quotes from Sherman in the last few days on his Twitter. I sense the guy knows what he is doing.

"Failure, Humiliation, Embarrassment are some individuals greatest fear. Understand they are mentally created and can be mentally defeated."

"The difference between the individuals that leave a footprint on this world and those who simply walk in those steps is that there is no unattainable goal. There are simply adverse avenues to greatness and smooth roads to mediocrity."

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

I wonder if he has been reading this classic book perhaps? I wouldn't doubt if he came across it at Stanford.

That last quote sounds more along the lines of Jackie Gleason in the role of Minnesota Fats in The Hustler.


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May 4, 2009
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Just saw it for the first time. I will admit that I hate Bayless, and never would have watched if it wasnt Sherm. Skip completely showed his ignorance when he said that Sherm played in front of one of the best front 7's in the NFL. We will probably be drafting front 7 players with our first 2 picks this year along with signing a Free agent or 2, so swing and a miss there jack ass. Having said that. I agree with BFS. He is painting himself in a corner here. His ego and mouth are overshadowing the good things he does as a player and a team mate. STFU and go play Dude


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Aug 12, 2011
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-The Glove-":2bgbjywy said:
Don't get what a lot of people expected. Bayless has been going at Sherman since the Revis Twitter fight. Just look at his Bayless' tweets to Revis. Should Sherman, as a man, and as a highly accomplished athlete, just take it when this clown downplays his abilities, accomplishments, and stats? Good for Sherman for standing up for himself. A lot of people get their info from mediots like Bayless and co. Things they say resonate with the uninformed fans around the NFL. I bet you they'll think twice about Sherman now. And I bet you a lot of them have been forced to look up what Sherman's done in such a short time. Where as before, they might've said, "Well he sucks. He didnt even make the Pro Bowl", they'll now say, "he has to be great. He's an All-Pro"


I love what Sherman does on and off the field! KEEP TALKIN THAT SHIT SHERM!

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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Hawkfan509":27gotjzm said:
Just saw it for the first time. I will admit that I hate Bayless, and never would have watched if it wasnt Sherm. Skip completely showed his ignorance when he said that Sherm played in front of one of the best front 7's in the NFL. We will probably be drafting front 7 players with our first 2 picks this year along with signing a Free agent or 2, so swing and a miss there jack ass. Having said that. I agree with BFS. He is painting himself in a corner here. His ego and mouth are overshadowing the good things he does as a player and a team mate. STFU and go play Dude
He can't. It's the offseason.