What in the holy hell happened?


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May 19, 2017
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McVay is overrated. He called screens in the second half which is what any competent play caller would have done after watching Seattle defend screens on film.

Other than that, he barely beat team that missed the game winner, and with help from the refs on that phantom PI.

Lol ok. Tell Pete Carroll that who McVay practically owns. McVay has a vastly inferior team talent wise and he swept good old Pete (again).


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2009
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Lol ok. Tell Pete Carroll that who McVay practically owns. McVay has a vastly inferior team talent wise and he swept good old Pete (again).
I'm not arguing that he's a better or worse coach. I'm just saying he's overrated by many on this board and wasn't the reason why Seattle lost this particular game. Seattle lost the game more than LA did anything to win it.


Jan 3, 2013
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Yep, once again the offense was mostly terrible after the 1st quarter until the last drive of the game (something we've seen a lot this season). Once again terrible on 3rd downs after the 1st quarter until the last drive of the game. An absolutely absurd amount of penalties and penalty yardage, most of which was legitimate and warranted. Head scratching play calling with a lead in the 2nd half against a team that was struggling to score (calling way more passing plays than running plays on offense). I could go on, but I won't.

Having said all that, the PI in the end zone on 3rd down was a game changing call, and it was a terrible call. The receiver tripped. Even the commentators were emphatically stating how bad of a call it was. Without that call it's very likely the Rams kick a FG there. It's also very likely that call changed the outcome of the game.

We were also a missed FG away from winning that game, even with all of that other stuff. Yes, it's a 55 yarder which is no gimme, but Myers had made 15 in a row, several of which were from 50+. That was absolutely within his range in his recent run of form.

So basically, even with the offense once again being terrible for nearly 3 quarters, horribly undisciplined play, bad play calling and bad decisions, and losing our starting QB for most of the 4th quarter, it still took a game changing grossly incorrect penalty at a critical time and a missed game winning FG to lose that game.
Yeah that's fair that one in the end zone was a terrible call that I forgot about.

I do think they need to run the ball more. I think/wonder how many are changed at the line though as Geno/Lock have a choice based on what they're seeing from the defense. It's possible teams are respecting our running game more hence more of those plays being switched at the line based on pre-snap reads. Not trying to make excuses as its still their job to figure it out and make it work but it might be a small factor in the lack of running plays. I think Pete even alluded to this before.


Jan 3, 2013
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I have not rewatched the game, but it seemed to me the same old familiar play calling problems pointed out this forum all year. I could be off, but my perception was there were a lot of slow developing long routes with no outlet receiver, just when the Rams pash rush started turning up the heat. Once again, nobody open in the limited time Gino had to throw.

I do not understand why so many people say Gino this and Gino that. The entire OFFENSE had 9 straight missed third down conversions, not just Gino, and that includes the OC.
I've done the same and I do think there are outlets on many of these plays that we're just not hitting. I remember one play everyone was upset about and on replay you had to slants there and they weren't taken.


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Dec 1, 2009
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I am sitting on the plane, 34,000 feet in the air, wondering how the hell we lost to a crappy Rams team? The game felt in hand the whole time until the very end.

Stadium is nice. Not 5 billion nice but nice. Rams fans were super chill and cool. Even they were surprised they won.

Our seats were nose bleeds. They looked like ants. So tell me. What the hell happened?!?!
There is a lot of negativity about this team right now. Everybody wants to assign blame to someone. Geno, Waldron, Carroll.. just someone!!

I've seen this before... this is a case of a young team just not being consistant.. this O is flashing, they are right on the edge of making it happen and finding rhythm. They are really close! They can't seem to put 4 quarters of clean consistant football. It's like they run the ball for 2-3 yards, maybe a penalty, a good play by the opposing D and like a miscommunication between Geno and JSN, or a miscue by the O line...and I think it's just they are not as consistant as they need to be. I REALLY think it's NOT as major as people think.

I think part of it is that they don't really have a good right tackle. They don't have great play and consistancy from this O line. It's not just one thing it's a lot of small things that are correctable. It looks like it is Waldron but it's not.. It's EXICUTION of what Waldron is calling.

Typically it will be one game that sets this team off. Someone will make a big play then off we go. The O finds rhythm and they are off to the races. That hasn't happened yet.... but it will. It's just a matter of time staying healthy and putting together 4 quarters of consistant football.

This O when clicking can score on any team in the league...

Many think the season is over... it's not true. Yeah, I was hoping by this time they would have found consistancy. If Lucas was back, I think they would have found that consistancy. If they can't get something going on that right tackle position they are going to be in trouble. They gave to shore up that O line or SF is going to destroy them

12 penalty for 130 yards is NOT a winning solution that has to be cleaned up

Penalties were the reason the D gave up those TD drives. The D is playing well for the most part.

If Geno had not gotten hurt the Hawks would have won that game. Lock had I think, three possessions to make something happen and I think his poor performance was because he doesn't get enough reps. If Geno would have had those reps I'm totally confident he would have put points on the board.

Geno did his job. He went in hurt got his team in position to win the game and Myers missed from 55 yards. He has to hit that.. pure and simple...he did not. Hawks lose. Tough loss..



Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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I've done the same and I do think there are outlets on many of these plays that we're just not hitting. I remember one play everyone was upset about and on replay you had to slants there and they weren't taken.
This entire season, I've seen plenty of open players while Geno is standing there not throwing the ball for 3+ seconds. I'm pretty sure he's been coached hard on this because he is finally starting to hit checkdowns once in a while. But even then, his processing from the time he looks at the checkdown to the time he gets the ball to the target is sooooo slooooow that the receiver has a defender on him when he finally gets the ball. Geno just processes too slowly to ever be effective when things aren't perfect.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2012
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This entire season, I've seen plenty of open players while Geno is standing there not throwing the ball for 3+ seconds. I'm pretty sure he's been coached hard on this because he is finally starting to hit checkdowns once in a while. But even then, his processing from the time he looks at the checkdown to the time he gets the ball to the target is sooooo slooooow that the receiver has a defender on him when he finally gets the ball. Geno just processes too slowly to ever be effective when things aren't perfect.
I have the all 22. I just have not had enough free time to sit down and go through it yet this season. I am trying to keep mental notes of games where people have called this out to go watch and see if they are actually telling the truth. What you see on TV doesn't usually match what you'll find in the all 22 film. But that's why I haven't argued on this point, unless other reviews have been done using all 22 film. Of which, at least for the reviews I've seen, Geno usually has nowhere to go with the ball.


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Jan 13, 2014
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I am sitting on the plane, 34,000 feet in the air, wondering how the hell we lost to a crappy Rams team? The game felt in hand the whole time until the very end.

Stadium is nice. Not 5 billion nice but nice. Rams fans were super chill and cool. Even they were surprised they won.

Our seats were nose bleeds. They looked like ants. So tell me. What the hell happened?!?!

We may be a crappy team, not sure. Yesterdays win didn't feel great, that's for sure.

But we're 4-6 and in those ten games we have played two teams that are under .500, and one of those we had to start Brett Rypien.

With Stafford we're 4-5, and those opponents are: Seahawks, Niners, Bengals, Colts, Eagles, Cardinals, Steelers, Cowboys, Seahawks - with Stafford that's 6 games against teams with winning records, 2 at .500 and then the Cardinals.

The big difference between the Rams being 4-6 and Seattle being 6-4 IMO is that y'all got the Commanders and Giants while we've already played the Cowboys, Eagles and Niners once. I think if you flip those games there's a solid chance we're 6-4 and Seattle is 4-6. Although we do still have our beat down in Baltimore coming and Seattle already got that out of the way.

For as good as McVay is, we have never really won a game where it felt like that. That's why we were surprised.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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It looks like it is Waldron but it's not.. It's EXICUTION of what Waldron is calling.

Disagree. Yeah, players can always execute better, but when you have the lead and you pass the ball 75% of the time with a mediocre injured oline, that is the coach setting players up for failure. Calling mostly pass plays with Lock when you have a lead in the 4th only makes it tougher to execute properly. How about not double teaming Donald and expecting a mediocre guard to stop him all game.

Watch the Baltimore game, Waldo kept calling run plays up the middle when the Ravens have stopped middle runs all year. That is the coaches not executing during gameday


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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I was wondering what happened too. I've learned not to bother watching games against the Rams anyway, especially away games. So I skipped this one. Probably a good thing.

But that said, if KW was injured - there was no way they were winning this game. Charbs is like a crappier Jon L. Williams. I love him as a threat catching passes, and he is money on short yardage. But he is still a FB playing RB. He is going to get you 3 yds. If you need 3 yds, great. If you need 1, he is money. But if you need 4, you're probably screwed. Whatever the case, running him on 1st down means you are down to 2nd and 7. Doing the math, you probably notice that means if you use him as your every down back, you're likely punting more unless your passing game can cover on those 2nd and 7s, 3rd and 4s.

The problem is you beat the Rams by running the ball. Passing plays right into their strengths. Regarding matchups, we won't be able to win passing against them. Without a viable starting RB, we were screwed.
At least it makes sense why we lost this time. Sometimes it doesn't.

Not sure how any Seahawk fan can be surprised we lost to the Rams though. It isn't uncommon.

Also, the box score shows Lock played QB? **shudder**
Does that put to rest all the people clamoring for Lock for a while?


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2011
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I am sitting on the plane, 34,000 feet in the air, wondering how the hell we lost to a crappy Rams team? The game felt in hand the whole time until the very end.

Stadium is nice. Not 5 billion nice but nice. Rams fans were super chill and cool. Even they were surprised they won.

Our seats were nose bleeds. They looked like ants. So tell me. What the hell happened?!?!
It's the same thing thats been happening for the last 6 or 7 years. Pete and his coaching staff failed yet again to emphasize disciplined football by minimizing bone headed mistakes and penalties.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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Coaches failed, undisciplined stupid penalties combined with some bs calls. Personally, I think most the blame goes to Waldron. 14 called pass plays to 4 runs in the 2nd half before the final drive when they had a lead the whole time. Waldron forgot he had tight ends again, Fant has 10 yards in 3 games. Should be running more plays that scheme our tight ends open.

Defense held them to only 17(you could argue 20 if McVay kicks a FG in the 1st), but after 6 years of facing McVay, you would think they would change up the defense that allows easy passes over the middle. Hurt should have also been blitzing quite a bit more, it was disrupting Stafford quite a bit but they always resort back to the play it safe and give up long drives strategy.

Oh yeah, why does this team refuse to double Donald? They love having mediocre guards block him 1on1 all game
Pretty much nailed it.

Why don't we double Donald? 'cause apparently we like the 'rush' of almost losing our starting QB, that's why!?

It was from the first game, wasn't it; Geno shrieking "Oh my god!" as Donald blew through the line? Shoulda learned from that!


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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I am sitting on the plane, 34,000 feet in the air, wondering how the hell we lost to a crappy Rams team? The game felt in hand the whole time until the very end.

Stadium is nice. Not 5 billion nice but nice. Rams fans were super chill and cool. Even they were surprised they won.

Our seats were nose bleeds. They looked like ants. So tell me. What the hell happened?!?!
As an aside - how much $ were the tickets?


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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Disagree. Yeah, players can always execute better, but when you have the lead and you pass the ball 75% of the time with a mediocre injured oline, that is the coach setting players up for failure. Calling mostly pass plays with Lock when you have a lead in the 4th only makes it tougher to execute properly. How about not double teaming Donald and expecting a mediocre guard to stop him all game.

Watch the Baltimore game, Waldo kept calling run plays up the middle when the Ravens have stopped middle runs all year. That is the coaches not executing during gameday
Well.. can't say I disagree with passing the ball long when Lock was in. I would have tried to Establish the run there, and maybe some short passing to get Lock in rhythm... but ya know it's so easy to second guess in hind sight ... if JSN turns around sooner to see that long pass up the seam that's a TD. It's just another example of a young players not being consistant because of lack of experience. If that was Lockett or Metcalf that's a TD all day.

If Myers hits the FG we are having a completely different conversation.



Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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Feels like Solari being forced out was the thing that screwed it all up. Man knew how to scheme up a run game.
I liked Solari as well.... but I'm not complaining about Dickerson he has done a really good job with very little to work with


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