Kam's tweet

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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Players calling out the Offense is a bad look, even from our favorite players. Doesn't exactly scream team guy. And Kam has always been a team guy. What does it prove to call out ANY part of the team, let alone the offense? I don't give a rip if it's 2018, and this is what guys do now on Twitter etc. Still not acceptable to just call out your teammates.


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Jan 8, 2013
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It is important to point out that Kam never called out any PLAYER from the offense.

I think it was more a lament that a defense like that would have done amazing things with even an average producing offense. Sure the offensive #s were not as horrible as you would expect, but that is because variance was so great.

Whenever someone points to the aggregate #s to justify why the defense has no reason to complain, I know they are an idiot. Because the problem is that these are human beings, no video game players. They tire. They get frustrated. In some instances they lose hope (watch the reaction on the sideline to some of those 3 and outs).

By the midpoint of the 3rd quarter when the offense started to bother to produce, the defense was often ground down.

Sure they sometimes gave up scores at the end of games, because they were depleted in the 1st half.

And average TOP for the 1st half won't really show the #s because the team gets more possessions, you have to look at the average TOP per DRIVE in the 1st half and given the massive # of 3 and outs....it wasn't good.

Either way, it is pretty clear this was not a callout but a lament. That defense is dead. It isn't coming back.

Carroll does not have the ability or time to build a new one with the players we have available. So we have to find other ways to win, either figure out how to win with the QB because we already replaced a number of great players with guys that are not great. And likely won't be, but maybe they will be good. Who knows? Still the strategy of putting the game on the shoulders of the defense while the offense comes alive in the 2nd half won't work anymore.

We have a QB that should be able to be able to be leveraged as the primary mechanism to win games. It is frustrating they only bother to focus on using him adequately when they fall behind or in the 4th.

And changing to focus on offense might be good because that other plan was garbage football to watch. I quit going to games because of it, and I love defense.


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Feb 11, 2010
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TwistedHusky":qqigro22 said:
Until the defense gets 3/4 of the cap, then the offense is not pulling its weight when the defense is doing 3/4 of the work.

And 54% of the cap is barely 'a majority'.

The simple truth is the QB is eating a tremendous amount of the offensive spend but not producing a tremendous amount. That needs to change.

Not really think about this.. 54% + the QB= 60% or more + Special teams that probably puts it at 62% So that means for all the rest of the offense they had 38% give or take for the offense. That's a sizable difference in what you can pay for the "rest" of the offense surrounding RW.


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Jan 8, 2013
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Well then you better get your money's worth from the QB since he is chewing up that much of the cap on offense, right?

Makes no sense to pay a QB big $ and then literally barely use him (as far as results) for 3/4 of the game. If the QB needs so much of your spend that you cannot get results with him because the rest of the team is stripped bare? Then he isn't worth the money.

But that is not the case, we had a QB that COULD produce but inexplicably chose not to create a gameplan that maximized his chances to score in ALL quarters. So we squandered all this spend for a guy that only brings results in the 4th, but only because we only put him in a position to do so until the 4th.

You don't get to spend on a QB, get no results from the QB for a fair % of the time, then complain that the reason you cannot get the results you need is because you are spending that much on the QB. The QB is paid that amount because he gets results. If he does not, then he isn't worth the money. At that point, spend less on the QB and more on the rest of the offense. (Or just use the QB you have and are spending money on for all freaking 4 quarters)

I've seen our QB produce in the 1st half when we get behind, so I am chalking this up to the stupidity of our coaching staff than some magical barrier that prevents our QB from being good until 3 quarters later.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Shanegotyou11":31tokr14 said:

Yes Kam, it's called "turnovers."

They even break it down into turnovers on your side or your opponents side of the field.............AND even turnovers in the red zone.


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Nov 16, 2015
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Uncle Si":5nnmw1b6 said:
you drew all that from a vague one sentence tweet?

That is the cool thing about using mechanical pencils! One light press and you just keep on drawing more pictures without having to stop and sharpen it.:twisted:


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May 27, 2011
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Vancouver, WA
Pretty clear that Wilson people are taking this as a direct assault against Wilson. Everyone knows how high a percentage of the offense that Wilson was last year. We also know, or sane people know rather, that can't happen again.

This is why Wilson freaks are moot. You're fans of a player more so than fans of the Seahawks or even the sport itself.


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Jan 8, 2013
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Maybe you are right. That said, the whole 'Wilson is 83% of the offense' crap irritates me.

It isn't true and it gets annoying.

But I don't think Kam was taking a shot at Wilson.

He was pointing out (rightfully) that his defense got little to no help from the offense.

Seems reasonable because the defense was proud of their accomplishments, got blamed when they slipped, and never got much credit for the games they saved because Wilson finally started scoring in the 4th.

But I don't think that was Wilson's fault. And I don't think he was taking aim at Wilson. Even though he sometimes deserves it.


Jan 3, 2013
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Ok just throwing out an idea... What if Kam heard about news of early getting traded and is just upset about it? Wouldn't shock me if something is already in place or close and Earl/Kam have talked about it.


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Sep 24, 2012
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TwistedHusky":3dgboa34 said:

Maybe you are right. That said, the whole 'Wilson is 83% of the offense' crap irritates me.

It isn't true and it gets annoying.

Wait, since when is this not true?

Even if it's not statistically 100% correct, anybody who watched the '17 Hawks knows it was the Russell Wilson show on offense.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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austinslater25":sz5f81z4 said:
Ok just throwing out an idea... What if Kam heard about news of early getting traded and is just upset about it? Wouldn't shock me if something is already in place or close and Earl/Kam have talked about it.

idk, Kam's doesn't usually tweet like Richard all butthurt trying to incite.

My guess is this is just him being genuinely curious about there being a defensive stat. But of course as fans, we have to try and read into it and turn it negative.

Who cares, dude isn't even going to play this year, and we'll cut Kam next year when his dead cap drops to 5M.


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May 27, 2011
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Vancouver, WA
I don't think it IS Wilson's fault. Basically every QB should be a playmaking game manager, IMO.

But that's not the point. Kam isn't specifically attacking Wilson. The week before this tweet he was with the rest of the LOB at Sherm's wedding. Now, Kam should probably keep this to himself, but it still might as well be as true as 2+2=4.


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Mar 5, 2007
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If this tweet pissed you off ... well the truth hurts I guess. nobody really wants to see that stat


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Very good points. Pete has allowed these guys to be who they are and do things that very few if any coach would have.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2013
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TwistedHusky":2p4dwe2v said:
Until the defense gets 3/4 of the cap, then the offense is not pulling its weight when the defense is doing 3/4 of the work.

And 54% of the cap is barely 'a majority'.

The simple truth is the QB is eating a tremendous amount of the offensive spend but not producing a tremendous amount. That needs to change.
Not producing a tremendous amount? What QB were you watching?


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Nov 21, 2013
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The_Z_Man":1a7em6hi said:
Well, it's obvious to me why this team failed.

Defense had all the money -- all the defensive players got paid. Offensive players that weren't going to sign on a "bargain deal" --- Golden Tate, Sweeny, Okung, et. got released...

That told me "we are putting this on the defense"

And what does the defense do after they got all the money and the star acclaim?

Show leadership?

Move on from things that happened in the past, as ALL GOOD LEADERS DO.

Nope.... they endlessly bitched, sat there and stewed and dwelled on one play call in the past, and blew this team apart and ensured themselves a ticket out of town.

Legion of Boom may have been great players, but they FAILED, utterly failed as championship style leaders.

Did you ever hear Ray Lewis bitching about his offense? No, when the Ravens offense didn't produce and they got criticized, Lewis would go after the press that was picking at them. They had some terrible playoff exits and some frustrating losses, but they didn't implode, and ended up hanging around long enough with that core of defensive players to grab another ring because their QB got a little bit hot one year.

That's all you need... work, work, work, stay positive, be great, and an opportunity will come.

Did Pete Carroll ever once throw one of his players under the bus? Sherm after all those stupid stunts, Earl after his little Cowboy pow-wow? Michael Bennett being caught in a blatant lie?

Nope, he actually defended them!

He always had their backs.

Did they show him the same consideration in return?

Hell no.

That tells me EVERYTHING about what their characters are. I really, really, loved that defense but now it's tainted for me, because it's obvious those players were a bunch of spoiled little babies, and I will always think of them that way.

LOB, great players, spoiled babies and finger pointers.
While I agree with you, I’d like to point out that Ray Lewis was the only player on that team that was around for that ‘other’ ring. If I’m not mistaken, he was the only person in the entire organization that was around. Even the owner was different. But you are correct in saying he never complained about the offense.
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