You Be The Commish | Fines & Suspensions


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Aug 22, 2012
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So I've heard nothing but constant complaining about the commissioners decisions, obviously warranted, but I wanted to see what you guys think he should have done.

Understanding your job is to:
-Protect the shield
-Make the owners money
-Create a fair, safe and fun game
-Avoid lawsuits

You have drug suspensions, domestic abuse and other serious off the field issues as well as on the field things.



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Aug 20, 2013
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Not saying this because of current events. This is actually what I believe:

The commissioner/NFL should limit themselves to suspensions involving on-field infractions and performance related infractions. They should be aggressive as heck on those as it's the job of the NFL to protect the integrity of the game.

The NFL should have no role whatsoever in on-field suspensions for off-field infractions or infractions that have no bearing to the integrity of the game on the field. We have a legal system for that. Asking the NFL to adjudicate between the lines of what is essentially a roulette wheel of a legal system causes a ton of problems. Put this stuff in the hands of teams, and let them be the ones who react to or ignore public pressure or scorn. If you clearly make it the responsibility of teams to take moral action, teams can no longer shirk that responsibility by pawning it off on the wider NFL. In the end it is individual teams that benefit from playing scumbag players much more than it is the NFL, and they should be the ones taking on the full weight of public condemnation. The NFL doing this dirty work for them introduces many more problems than it solves, IMO.

(translation -- yes, I'm a 9ers fan, but that the NFL levies suspension and penalties for off-field incidents gives the 9ers an "out" that they don't deserve. They're the ones that benefit from Ray McDonald playing, and the full weight of public scorn should be directed at them rather than them being able to rely on the NFL's adjudication as an escape hatch for their own decision making).


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Feb 7, 2014
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I think if Goodell would of suspended Rice for 4 games off the bat none of this bs would be going on...... 4 games is their typical first offense (or atleast first suspend)

Gotta get rid of the weed suspensions, thats legal in 2 states..... more to come, I read Philly is close.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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The key to being any effective leader is to not only work hard, but to be as transparent and honest as you can.

Goodell's problem was not the punishment, it was the cover up..........this is why he's in hot water now. If he would have just said "I saw the video, and since there's was no precedent for a suspension of a player hitting his GF/fiance/wife, I decided on two games..........and I was wrong, so I apologize and will do better next time."

That's all he had to say, but he decided to lie nor not watch the video at all so he could cry ignorance, and now he's getting hammered.


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Feb 7, 2014
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Sgt. Largent":2qnujkj2 said:
The key to being any effective leader is to not only work hard, but to be as transparent and honest as you can.

Goodell's problem was not the punishment, it was the cover up..........this is why he's in hot water now. If he would have just said "I saw the video, and since there's was no precedent for a suspension of a player hitting his GF/fiance/wife, I decided on two games..........and I was wrong, so I apologize and will do better next time."

That's all he had to say, but he decided to lie nor not watch the video at all so he could cry ignorance, and now he's getting hammered.

Bingo,, he already admitted he screwed up with the 2 game suspension. He could of reiterated that and said Monday. "I agree that second video is disgusting. I am again very sorry about the initial two game suspension that was on me and I already owned it, and reiterate the new changes for DV" then called it a day.

Story goes away, and were talking about football and the new HGH/Drug policy.....

Cover up always gets you in more trouble then the truth.


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Mar 6, 2007
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I would have handled this Rice situation the same way that Goodell did (I would have made the same mistakes). In the 1 in a zillion chance I'm NFL commissioner someday, I'd hope to have smart advisers to listen to.

In retrospect, the least damaging way to handle this issue would be to see the tape before the public did, assume it would get out, revamp the punishment system to allow for special cases (like Rice) to receive stiffer punishment, and then hit Rice with an 8 game suspension (back in July). That would be enough to look like a harsh punishment (at the time) without being seen as going too far (since the public hadn't seen the video yet, you want to avoid Sean Payton type accusations). It's a tricky balance, and there is no action that is immune from criticism.

I also would have put an end to the ridiculous one year bans for weed, which only serve to make punishments for real crimes seem too lenient. As commissioner, I would want an 8 game suspension to feel like a big deal, instead of a slap on the wrist. Part of making that work is getting rid of huge punishments for petty crimes.

Unfortunately, as commissioner you would have to tailor your image to satisfy the lowest common denominator. Just like a politician. Roger Goodell just learned that lesson. It's no surprise then that the insane punishment system for recreational drugs is about to go bye-bye.


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Jan 18, 2013
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It's really easy to pass judgment in retrospect after all of the available evidence comes out and you have the public's reaction readily available to work off of. Knowing what was on the tape now, it's easy for us to say "how could he not run a full-on investigation to track down the tape earlier?" However, if that was such a no-brainer, where was the Twitter-rage machine demanding he track it down back then? It was non-existent, so I'm led to believe that a lot of smart people would've made the exact same error in judgment that Goodell did. Another problem is that we're transfering blame from the public officials who had the evidence and still gave Rice a slap on the wrist to a private entity who's really just trying to manage its brand and PR.

With that being said, I pretty much agree with kearly. Something in the 6-8 game range probably would've been appropriate and would have shielded them from some of the reaction we're seeing now. However, like kearly said, it's such a difficult balance to strike between appearing authoritative and being labeled the unjust "moral" police. I very well could have made the same mistakes that Goodell did. My guess is that he looked at the precedent and tried to find a middle ground -- historically, we've seen 1 game for first-time, unconvicted DA; Big Ben got 4 games (reduced from 6) for his sexual assault charge. Within that context, 2 games might have made sense. However, Goodell (and his team of highly educated advisers, lawyers and PR people) failed to account for the visceral impact the video (even the short version) had on the public. That was an error in judgment, though hardly one that could have been so easily predicted at the time.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Sammamish, WA
I would suspend players immediately. No one should be practicing or playing in games during this time. Even if it's pending investigation. Once the investigation or case has been concluded then tack on fine/penalty as needed or reinstate them (if proven to be innocent, then they can receive payment for the time they were suspended for). It's a privelege to play in the NFL not a right. More players need to understand that.

What they have right now is no or very little deterrent to their actions. Even when they commit infractions, the penalties are a joke. They don't stop anyone. How many times we have seen a player commit the same infractions over and over. Then the stupid rule of letting players participate while there is an appeal process. Depending on how long that is it could mean the rest of the season or majority of the games. I firmly believe that punishment should be along the same time frame as the infraction. It's a bad mark or pubilicity on the shield. If anyone else brought a bad mark in public light in any other business in world, they would be put on leave or fired. No ifs ands or buts. Should be the same way with the NFL. This can be harsh but hopefully it will prevent (deter) this type of behavior. That's the goal to deter so there is no need to enforce. But enforce if necessary.


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Aug 29, 2014
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-ensure michael sam gets on a team
-life time bans for AP and Rice


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, Washington
I think the idea floated by some sport show commentator has some merit. Deal with players that have pending legal cases the same as cops put on administrative leave while reviewing a shooting incident. The problem is that the player still would be getting paid, so that most likely wouldn't fly with the owners.

Plus it wouldn't satisfy those looking for punitive actions as soon as possible. I would do it anyway and do something with the salary cap so that the team affected could bring in replacements if a team had multiple knuckleheads being put on leave at the same time.


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Aug 24, 2012
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Anchorage, AK
drdiags":1ripmbc5 said:
I think the idea floated by some sport show commentator has some merit. Deal with players that have pending legal cases the same as cops put on administrative leave while reviewing a shooting incident. The problem is that the player still would be getting paid, so that most likely wouldn't fly with the owners.

Plus it wouldn't satisfy those looking for punitive actions as soon as possible. I would do it anyway and do something with the salary cap so that the team affected could bring in replacements if a team had multiple knuckleheads being put on leave at the same time.

You put the pay in a hold account. If not suspended later then they get the money back. If suspended then money is forfeited.

Problem is legal system can take years.

They need to set suspensions clearly then Godell should excuse himself and setup a committee so that he isn't involved. Will protect him going forward and maybe help him retroactively b
Mathis would be separate from PED suspensions or illegal tackles etc


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Jun 5, 2014
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IMHO, suspensions should not be handed down until the criminal proceedings have been completed, period. I might be ok with suspending immediately, but if the player is found not-guilty, he should get his money back. I'm a little tired of this "Twitter Mob Justice" that we are seeing. It seems like the NFL is basing suspension on Twitter outrage, instead of the facts.

I'd base the length of the suspensions based on the crime, e.g., misdemeanor = 1 game, certain felonies 6 games, and perhaps special suspensions fines for certain stuff (e.g., DUI, domestic violence, child abuse, etc.). But again, only after criminal proceedings have been concluded.

The problem Goodell has is he is entirely inconsistent, and acts like a benevolent dictator. Eventually, the masses will turn on you when you do that. As James Harrison said, "it ain't much fun when the rabbit has the gun."

I'd also allow an independent third party to handle appeals.


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Aug 29, 2014
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huskylawyer":2abcxgqo said:
IMHO, suspensions should not be handed down until the criminal proceedings have been completed, period. I might be ok with suspending immediately, but if the player is found not-guilty, he should get his money back. I'm a little tired of this "Twitter Mob Justice" that we are seeing. It seems like the NFL is basing suspension on Twitter outrage, instead of the facts.

I'd base the length of the suspensions based on the crime, e.g., misdemeanor = 1 game, certain felonies 6 games, and perhaps special suspensions fines for certain stuff (e.g., DUI, domestic violence, child abuse, etc.). But again, only after criminal proceedings have been concluded.

The problem Goodell has is he is entirely inconsistent, and acts like a benevolent dictator. Eventually, the masses will turn on you when you do that. As James Harrison said, "it ain't much fun when the rabbit has the gun."

I'd also allow an independent third party to handle appeals.
What about cases like ray rice where the wife doesnt want to take ray to court?


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Jun 5, 2014
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Lxx":22htdwyo said:
huskylawyer":22htdwyo said:
IMHO, suspensions should not be handed down until the criminal proceedings have been completed, period. I might be ok with suspending immediately, but if the player is found not-guilty, he should get his money back. I'm a little tired of this "Twitter Mob Justice" that we are seeing. It seems like the NFL is basing suspension on Twitter outrage, instead of the facts.

I'd base the length of the suspensions based on the crime, e.g., misdemeanor = 1 game, certain felonies 6 games, and perhaps special suspensions fines for certain stuff (e.g., DUI, domestic violence, child abuse, etc.). But again, only after criminal proceedings have been concluded.

The problem Goodell has is he is entirely inconsistent, and acts like a benevolent dictator. Eventually, the masses will turn on you when you do that. As James Harrison said, "it ain't much fun when the rabbit has the gun."

I'd also allow an independent third party to handle appeals.
What about cases like ray rice where the wife doesnt want to take ray to court?

I'd equate "diversion program" as a settlement, therefore domestic violence related violation and 6 games. Second time bye bye permanently.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
I think Goodell is in a no win situation.

The behavior of the players and the NFLPA have really put him to the test. The guy came clean on the Rice situation and I genuinely feel that he didn't see the video until everyone else did. I think the NFL received it, but someone redirected it.

Goodell has been hit with so many items that being consistent became very difficult. The guy has owned up to mistakes and I think he wants to do the right thing. Unfortunately, when he met with Rice I believe he was convinced that there was progress and Rice snowed Roger big time.

If he is lying, it will be huge, but I don't think i could even begin to handle his job.


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Jun 5, 2014
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loafoftatupu":pebq3p4z said:
Unfortunately, when he met with Rice I believe he was convinced that there was progress and Rice snowed Roger big time. .

I'm not really buying that. Ozzie Newsome said, and I quote, "Ray described everything that happened in that video." And media reports have stated that Rice's account matches what is in the video.

Goodell and NFL are just trying to cover their collective butts IMHO.


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Lake Tapps, WA
huskylawyer":wirduinf said:
loafoftatupu":wirduinf said:
Unfortunately, when he met with Rice I believe he was convinced that there was progress and Rice snowed Roger big time. .

I'm not really buying that. Ozzie Newsome said, and I quote, "Ray described everything that happened in that video." And media reports have stated that Rice's account matches what is in the video.

Goodell and NFL are just trying to cover their collective butts IMHO.
Well.. something is inaccurate somewhere. It is totally possible Goodell is a sith lord, I just think that if he really knew what Rice did that the suspension would have been huge to begin with. I thought that there was a meeting that had Roger, Janay and Rice in which Roger was convinced that Rice was doing the right things and displayed a demeanor that showed he was working on rectifying his obvious issue.

At least that is how I read it or heard it.

I just think it is more likely that Rice lied rather than Goodell.