Who’s your Seahawks Mount Rushmore


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May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
Wilson? Hahahahaha 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Did Wilson's agent make the list?
How could anyone whose head isn't up Wilson's ass put Wilson ahead of Easley, Kennedy, and Hutchinson?

The list, in my view, has to start like this:
Largent, of course.
Kennedy, of course.
Jones, of course.
[I've gone in chronological order with these three]

For the fourth spot, you've got competition between two guys already deservedly in the Hall of Fame (Easley and Hutchinson) and one who will get in on the first ballot five years after he retires (Wagner). There's simply no need to add to the list a guy whose only way into the Hall of Fame will be to buy an admission ticket.

I'd put Wagner in there as my fourth with Largent, Jones, and Kennedy, and then I'd end up with the same list as @kidhawk.

Easley was unbelievably impressive in his so-short career. In seven seasons, the guy was first-team All-Pro three times and DPotY once. And if we consider only the Seahawks part of Hutch's career, he was first-team All-Pro twice and second-team All-Pro once in five seasons (with the Vikings, he'd be second-team All-Pro one more time and first-team All-Pro three more times, but I don't think that should count for "Seahawks Rushmore"). In Wagner's 11 seasons with the Seahawks, he's been second-team All-Pro three times and first-team All-Pro six times (he was also second-team All-Pro in his season with that team that changes cities every 20 years or so, but FtR). Wilson will retire without ever having been first-team All-Pro. Wagner, a linebacker, also got more league-MVP votes in 2014 than Wilson, a quarterback, will get in his entire career. So both of the already-in Hall of Famers and the next Seahawks Hall of Fame inductee clearly have better claims to a spot on Seahawks Rushmore than Wilson. I think Wagner's is the strongest of the three.

I think part of the problem is that some of Wilson's fans can't separate their favorite players from the best players. Jim Zorn was my first childhood sports hero and is one of my all-time favorite players, but I don't think he belongs in the Hall of Fame, much less on Seahawks Rushmore (tho' I think he does make it with Wilson, Hasselbeck, and Krieg to Seahawks QB Rushmore). I didn't even resent Krieg for taking the starting-QB job, because I could see that Krieg was better than Zorn at that point. Similarly, while I do think Jacob Green should be in the Hall of Fame, I wouldn't put him on my Seahawks Rushmore, even though he's another one of my all-time favorites.

Yeah, for me it's pretty clearly Largent-Kennedy-Jones-Wagner.
Easley for sure. You're right , his only knock is that he has a shortened career.


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Jun 4, 2010
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Retired Costa Rica
I wonder why it did not come up when I posted as a similar thread. Saw the article and did a quick look before posting. Mods, merge if you want.


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Jan 20, 2013
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Big Walt
Kam (Bam Bam)
Backing it up: Hutch
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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Need to flip that coin over, we have at least 8 that could go on that including Easley and Kennedy, Wagner and Sherman arguably.


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Jan 20, 2013
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Yep, I agree Chris. The Hawks Mount Rushmore needs more room for the players that are worthy...


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2009
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I was talking about this with a buddy of mine and we were looking at what other teams Mount Rushmore would look like and some teams really struggle to come to four worthy players. One teams we struggled with was the Miami Dolphins. Again, hard to come up with four worthy players.


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Aug 16, 2009
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Rick Mirer
Ken Behring
Tommy Kane
Kelly Jennings
1- turned into a first round pick via trade
2- turned into obtaining the owner that got the Seahawks a Super Bowl win
3- turned into jail time
4- played in the first Seahawk Super Bowl

Three out of four ain’t bad


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
Wilson? Hahahahaha 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Did Wilson's agent make the list?
How could anyone whose head isn't up Wilson's ass put Wilson ahead of Easley, Kennedy, and Hutchinson?

The list, in my view, has to start like this:
Largent, of course.
Kennedy, of course.
Jones, of course.
[I've gone in chronological order with these three]

For the fourth spot, you've got competition between two guys already deservedly in the Hall of Fame (Easley and Hutchinson) and one who will get in on the first ballot five years after he retires (Wagner). There's simply no need to add to the list a guy whose only way into the Hall of Fame will be to buy an admission ticket.

I'd put Wagner in there as my fourth with Largent, Jones, and Kennedy, and then I'd end up with the same list as @kidhawk.

Easley was unbelievably impressive in his so-short career. In seven seasons, the guy was first-team All-Pro three times and DPotY once. And if we consider only the Seahawks part of Hutch's career, he was first-team All-Pro twice and second-team All-Pro once in five seasons (with the Vikings, he'd be second-team All-Pro one more time and first-team All-Pro three more times, but I don't think that should count for "Seahawks Rushmore"). In Wagner's 11 seasons with the Seahawks, he's been second-team All-Pro three times and first-team All-Pro six times (he was also second-team All-Pro in his season with that team that changes cities every 20 years or so, but FtR). Wilson will retire without ever having been first-team All-Pro. Wagner, a linebacker, also got more league-MVP votes in 2014 than Wilson, a quarterback, will get in his entire career. So both of the already-in Hall of Famers and the next Seahawks Hall of Fame inductee clearly have better claims to a spot on Seahawks Rushmore than Wilson. I think Wagner's is the strongest of the three.

I think part of the problem is that some of Wilson's fans can't separate their favorite players from the best players. Jim Zorn was my first childhood sports hero and is one of my all-time favorite players, but I don't think he belongs in the Hall of Fame, much less on Seahawks Rushmore (tho' I think he does make it with Wilson, Hasselbeck, and Krieg to Seahawks QB Rushmore). I didn't even resent Krieg for taking the starting-QB job, because I could see that Krieg was better than Zorn at that point. Similarly, while I do think Jacob Green should be in the Hall of Fame, I wouldn't put him on my Seahawks Rushmore, even though he's another one of my all-time favorites.

Yeah, for me it's pretty clearly Largent-Kennedy-Jones-Wagner.

Great post.


Nov 29, 2015
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Paul Allen should def be there...


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2009
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Wilson? Hahahahaha 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Did Wilson's agent make the list?
How could anyone whose head isn't up Wilson's ass put Wilson ahead of Easley, Kennedy, and Hutchinson?

The list, in my view, has to start like this:
Largent, of course.
Kennedy, of course.
Jones, of course.
[I've gone in chronological order with these three]

For the fourth spot, you've got competition between two guys already deservedly in the Hall of Fame (Easley and Hutchinson) and one who will get in on the first ballot five years after he retires (Wagner). There's simply no need to add to the list a guy whose only way into the Hall of Fame will be to buy an admission ticket.

I'd put Wagner in there as my fourth with Largent, Jones, and Kennedy, and then I'd end up with the same list as @kidhawk.

Easley was unbelievably impressive in his so-short career. In seven seasons, the guy was first-team All-Pro three times and DPotY once. And if we consider only the Seahawks part of Hutch's career, he was first-team All-Pro twice and second-team All-Pro once in five seasons (with the Vikings, he'd be second-team All-Pro one more time and first-team All-Pro three more times, but I don't think that should count for "Seahawks Rushmore"). In Wagner's 11 seasons with the Seahawks, he's been second-team All-Pro three times and first-team All-Pro six times (he was also second-team All-Pro in his season with that team that changes cities every 20 years or so, but FtR). Wilson will retire without ever having been first-team All-Pro. Wagner, a linebacker, also got more league-MVP votes in 2014 than Wilson, a quarterback, will get in his entire career. So both of the already-in Hall of Famers and the next Seahawks Hall of Fame inductee clearly have better claims to a spot on Seahawks Rushmore than Wilson. I think Wagner's is the strongest of the three.

I think part of the problem is that some of Wilson's fans can't separate their favorite players from the best players. Jim Zorn was my first childhood sports hero and is one of my all-time favorite players, but I don't think he belongs in the Hall of Fame, much less on Seahawks Rushmore (tho' I think he does make it with Wilson, Hasselbeck, and Krieg to Seahawks QB Rushmore). I didn't even resent Krieg for taking the starting-QB job, because I could see that Krieg was better than Zorn at that point. Similarly, while I do think Jacob Green should be in the Hall of Fame, I wouldn't put him on my Seahawks Rushmore, even though he's another one of my all-time favorites.

Yeah, for me it's pretty clearly Largent-Kennedy-Jones-Wagner.
It’s hard to argue against your points. With this said, Wilson did things as a quarterback that I had never seen before in all my years watching football, which I started back in the early 80s. After XLIX, their offensive line was pretty bad and he was escaping pressure like I’ve never seen before and carrying this team on his back. On top of that, the “never quit“ attitude from footage shown of him on the sidelines was eye-opening and that no matter how far down they were in a game, they were never out of it. He also was playing the toughest position in football and doing it at an extremely high-level.

Again, I don’t necessarily disagree at all with your list, but Wilson certainly deserves in my opinion to be in the discussion.
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Nov 20, 2013
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Middle of cornfields
TL;DR version:

VL;WR (very long; worth-reading) version:

I think it's important that the question is the *Mount Rushmore* of Hawks, not the best Hawks. If we're just going for the best Hawks, then the HOFers would be a good choice (and it's the most popular choice here, with lots of debate about if Wags would replace someone and, if so, whom).

But the Mount Rushmore of Hawks should be about which players defined important eras because that's what Mount Rushmore is all about:
Gutzon Borglum selected these four presidents because from his perspective, they represented the most important events in the history of the United States.

So, with that in mind, my Rushmore has two easy selections:
1. Largent. He was our first HOFer and was, IMO, the most iconic Hawk from the first era of the franchise. I think Easley was a much better player, but for most Hawk fans, Largent is the face of the 80s teams. His hit on Harden is legend, he broke a the decades-long TD record, etc. He was great, he gave us moments, and he was loyal for his career.

2. Jones. The Holmgren years brought us our first SB appearance and his teams were all about the offense. The fact that the best player in Hawks history played in our first SB and on the side of the line that defined that team makes him an easy choice.

Now it gets tough, because we need a representative of the next most important team (chronologically), the SB-winning team. That team has to have a member of the LOB because the LOB defined that team. I think you could make a good argument for Wags here because he's the only surefire HOF player from that defense. And if you think of him being part of the "LOB defense" then that makes sense. But I always think that the LOB = Kam, ETIII, and Sherm, so for me it has to be one of those guys. I think ETIII was the most important player in terms of scheme because Pete's defense doesn't work without him. But he was never a representative for that defense. Plus, with how he left, there's no way in hell he gets up there. Sherm was the best known face/voice and has The Tip and the interview after that, and he has a marginal HOF case, so you could go with him and I wouldn't argue. But I'm going with...

3. Kam. He was the soul of that defense, the reason the LOB was feared. And he had the most iconic moment of the biggest game of Hawks history. When he laid out Thomas (like Vernon Davis before him) I had no doubt the Hawks would win. He'll never get into the HOF, but the Mount Rushmore isn't about our best players. It's the era-defining ones, and I'll take Kam.

The fourth one is also tough, because I'm not sure there is a fourth important era of Hawks teams. What other team was good enough to demand a representative? None, IMO. We could go with Paul Allen, because he saved the team. But an owner is weird on this, to me at least. You could go with Pete, because obviously, but I would rather have just players. Personal preference and I wouldn't argue with others who are okay with non-players. We could point to the SB-winning team and say we need a second representative because the win is the most important moment in Hawks history, and then you can go with Wags (most likely HOFer), Wilson (most important position), or BeastMode (he was the first player to give the Hawks an identity as a physical team, plus he's my favorite Hawk because he's just awesome). But I think that team doesn't need a second rep. That's why I'd have the fourth face be...

4. Tez. There is nothing about this team or era worth memorializing, but I think he's the second-best Hawk of all time (barely nudging Easley), and he's from a different era than we already have.

We've now got each of the four decades (roughly) represented. Two offense, two defense, different personalities, different positions. This feels well-rounded, respectful of history, and true to the team I've loved watching for 40 years.


Jan 3, 2013
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I think I wrote one way back in the beginning but its a fun exercise so I'll do it again. It would probably be different every time as well because its so hard.

1. Largent: He was the best at his position for a long time and only once the new offensive league changes came did he slide down that list.

2. Jones: Probably the best player in team history at one of the most valuable positions in football. Easy choice.

3. Wilson: I know people will hate this but for nearly a decade he was one of the elites at the toughest and most valuable position in football. He also lead this team during its most successful period in team history to multiple SB trips, near the top of most statistical categories, was a vital part in the zone read offense that was nearly unstoppable and was even better in crunch time like 4th quarter/OT, game winning drives etc. He played through multiple injures and was an absolute warrior on the field.

4. Sherman: This might make people more upset than the Wilson pick but I think Sherman is somewhat underrated in regards to how good his prime was. You can make an argument for best of all time with a lot of the advanced stat stuff during his prime, his tackling was maybe the best in football at his position and he played a massive role in how the defense carried themselves. He has driven me nuts since retiring and might be one of the least favorite players off the field but he was so good. I remember Rogers after he threw the pick to Sherman in the playoff game saying he just avoided half the field after that. That is a massive impaact.
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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Sammamish, WA
After giving this more thought, here's my Seahawk players Mt. Rushmore (actual physical Mt. Rushmore has 4 presidents but my Seahawk Mt Rushmore is not limited to that) -

Steve Largent
Kenny Easley
Cortez Kennedy
Walter Jones
Russell Wilson
Kam Chancellor
Bobby Wagner


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
Strangley this topic entered my thoughts tonight. Looked it up and voila!, it's a topic.
I agree with Big Walt, Tez, Largent. 4th spot goes to Easley, but others deserve mention. Bobby Wagner should be in this group, but there is only 4 spots. Honorable mentions... Bam Bam Chancellor, Doug Baldwin (absolutely), Shawn Alexander, Pete Carroll, Mike Holmgren, DangerRuss. Current players that are already on this radar... DK Metcalf, Spoon. There's been MANY players deserving of mention. Sherm barely misses my list of mentions. That's how competitive I see it. I will edit this post if somehow I've missed a vital mention.
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