We're sorry, Tical. You were right, please forgive us, Tical


Sep 3, 2017
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John63":3gpmetmv said:
Interesting how there is video, experts etc saying the exact opposite of each other and people pick and choose what they want to believe. For every video making it looks like he can't read defenses there is video showing g he can. Then of course there is common sense he could not have lasted 10 years with the kind of winning percentage and stats and not be able to read defenses. Does he get fooled sometimes yes, just like all QBs, Brady, ridgers mahomes.

But I am of the mind people have made up their mind what they want to believe and nothing will change their mind. So I wish them all a blissful life.

Please show the Vids where he has checked down to his 3rd receiver within 3secs showing him scanning the field he just seems to me he already made up his mind pre snap. Is Russ a great QB HELL YEA has he won more games because of his talent OF COURSE are we going to miss him when he leaves MORE then we're willing to admit.

Once he gets out of here and coached the proper way he'll take it to the next level I truly believe Pete has wasted his talent by not getting him the proper coaching he deserves...............


Jul 22, 2010
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Southwest Washington
Flyingsquad23":2p0neqjj said:
I love a fan that gloats about predicting gloomy days…congratulations on being the smartest
Even a broken clock has the right time twice in 24 hrs. Still not saying much. The naysayers are going to have their day.


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2015
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keasley45":11nioigh said:
massari":11nioigh said:
Tical21":11nioigh said:
The floor is yours...
Good lord, it's been explained to you multiple times on this forum why this is not 100% on Wilson. You just don't see it.

QB Chris Simms on Seahawks offense after Rams game:



A rational person will see that Wilson needs to work on flaws like every other QB, and his is to stop overlooking the open man in the middle in favor of a long bomb, and look to get rid of the ball a fraction faster, while also seeing that the OL, run game and PC aren't helping. Suggesting this is 100% on Wilson like some have been droning on for is irrational.

Without the finger injury causing the accuracy issues, the Hawks win last Tuesday, and many of the previous games as well.

So you quote stats that were bolstered by the fact that in 2020, Pete put the Kakash on the 2 high futility in the second half of the season and went 'boring ' , but more efficient, and effective.

And you ignore the fact that the vast majority of the teams we faced when Russ was 'cooking', were cellar dweller defenses ( and before you ask me to prove that claim, look up my posts, I've already quoted stats that showed we feasted on teams that were ranked in the 20s on defense. The exception being the Pat's which finished strong but started the season poorly.

The Texans tried as well and failed because they suck. But according to your 'proof', that game was just more evidence that Russ IS actually good at 2 high...

Always cherry picking stats, ignoring context, and never posing an actual hypothesis as to what other mysterious condition is stopping Russel from beating 2 high or any evidence to support it.
You mean all this time when people say he's hopeless against cover 2, they actually mean he's fine against cover 2 except when he's playing a defense who are currently playing at a high level?

Weebay thewire

Do we have any statistics showing what his numbers are against cover 2 when playing these defenses? You know, for the hypothesis?


Active member
Nov 16, 2015
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Tical21":1xs1r3vw said:
.....You can call me a Russell hater or whatever you want to.......

Thank you for permission to speak the truth. I see Russell starts to cook again and you bow out once again?

Soooo predictable.

See you again "next slump". :snack:


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
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Seymour":2f1x5qw7 said:
Tical21":2f1x5qw7 said:
.....You can call me a Russell hater or whatever you want to.......

Thank you for permission to speak the truth. I see Russell starts to cook again and you bow out once again?

Soooo predictable.

See you again "next slump". :snack:



Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
Seymour":1hcqhrs6 said:
Tical21":1hcqhrs6 said:
.....You can call me a Russell hater or whatever you want to.......

Thank you for permission to speak the truth. I see Russell starts to cook again and you bow out once again?

Soooo predictable.

See you again "next slump". :snack:

When’d he “cook”?

When he managed games off the back of Penny? Against bum ass teams?


Active member
Nov 16, 2015
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Throwdown":2q9xva81 said:
Seymour":2q9xva81 said:
Tical21":2q9xva81 said:
.....You can call me a Russell hater or whatever you want to.......

Thank you for permission to speak the truth. I see Russell starts to cook again and you bow out once again?

Soooo predictable.

See you again "next slump". :snack:

When’d he “cook”?

When he managed games off the back of Penny? Against bum ass teams?

I said "starts", but yes last 6 games Passer rating well over 100 and that included 3 playoff teams. Look it up, and please state facts not fluff.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
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Seymour":21gk9tnr said:
Throwdown":21gk9tnr said:
Seymour":21gk9tnr said:
Tical21":21gk9tnr said:
.....You can call me a Russell hater or whatever you want to.......

Thank you for permission to speak the truth. I see Russell starts to cook again and you bow out once again?

Soooo predictable.

See you again "next slump". :snack:

When’d he “cook”?

When he managed games off the back of Penny? Against bum ass teams?

I said "starts", but yes last 6 games Passer rating well over 100 and that included 3 playoff teams. Look it up, and please state facts not fluff.

So Wilson had a passer rating over 100 in 9 starts. Over 90 in 11 games. Under 90 in 3. He still finished top 10 in passer rating and ypa and top 12 in tds and QBR despite missing 3 games and playing hurt for most of the season. And prior to getting injured was top 5 in every QB category.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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This is an interesting thread.

6 pages of what I am sure could go 17.

But it begs the question: What is the objective?

What is the endgame?

Is there a crazy belief that getting rid of the only effective QB we have somehow would make us better?

Is there any rational way to expect removing the QB that was the difference between the Seahawks being a 10 win team and being a 5 win team - is somehow a step forward?

Or is the goal to just crash and burn in order to finally remove Pete?

There is no doubt that Wilson is not adept at some traditional QB skills & attributes. He does, however, compensate for it in other ways that still deliver wins. So he can still be effective if not dangerous.

How does removing an unconventional QB, because he lacks some conventional QB skills help?

Do you really believe that Pete can succeed without Wilson? When Pete barely even succeeds WITH Wilson now?

How does cutting our legs off make us run faster?

I suppose you could cling to the misguided belief that suddenly opening up that cap space would give us more to build with?
But then you have to reconcile it against the reality that the person making the decisions with the money tends to overpay for ineffective FAs and has made some of the worst personnel decisions in the history of the franchise.

So what is the goal then? And what is a reasonable expectation without Wilson?
5 wins? 6 ? 7 ?

In Yr 2?

Yr 3?

What does success look like and what would be a sign of failure?
It makes no sense to make any move without a goal. What is the goal?


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
TwistedHusky":2w09ujsn said:
This is an interesting thread.

6 pages of what I am sure could go 17.

But it begs the question: What is the objective?

What is the endgame?

Is there a crazy belief that getting rid of the only effective QB we have somehow would make us better?

Is there any rational way to expect removing the QB that was the difference between the Seahawks being a 10 win team and being a 5 win team - is somehow a step forward?

Or is the goal to just crash and burn in order to finally remove Pete?

There is no doubt that Wilson is not adept at some traditional QB skills & attributes. He does, however, compensate for it in other ways that still deliver wins. So he can still be effective if not dangerous.

How does removing an unconventional QB, because he lacks some conventional QB skills help?

Do you really believe that Pete can succeed without Wilson? When Pete barely even succeeds WITH Wilson now?

How does cutting our legs off make us run faster?

I suppose you could cling to the misguided belief that suddenly opening up that cap space would give us more to build with?
But then you have to reconcile it against the reality that the person making the decisions with the money tends to overpay for ineffective FAs and has made some of the worst personnel decisions in the history of the franchise.

It likely won't end well.

What we know, Pete, Waldron, and Wilson can work well together, last two games showed that.

What we don't know but what we have seen in the past, we get something working but we don't build on it, we reset the buttons and start from scratch, Pete goes back to old formulas on offense and defense and we repeat what we have seen and it takes desperation to change.

We will have turnover granted but core should know everything, we should not have to go back to 1st grade every season and hope they graduate by say game 8 or 9 when we typically start making runs.

The "MEETING" if anything is leaked about it will tell us if they are buying Pete's stay the course or if we need a shift in philosophy and leadership in the team management. Like John having more control and Pete being more about Coaching.


Sep 13, 2021
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Throwdown":2m5eqewz said:
Seymour":2m5eqewz said:
Tical21":2m5eqewz said:
.....You can call me a Russell hater or whatever you want to.......

Thank you for permission to speak the truth. I see Russell starts to cook again and you bow out once again?

Soooo predictable.

See you again "next slump". :snack:

When’d he “cook”?

When he managed games off the back of Penny? Against bum ass teams?

So Wilson sucks? Holy shit this board is stupid sometimes.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
John63":33mqh0bg said:
Interesting how there is video, experts etc saying the exact opposite of each other and people pick and choose what they want to believe. For every video making it looks like he can't read defenses there is video showing g he can. Then of course there is common sense he could not have lasted 10 years with the kind of winning percentage and stats and not be able to read defenses. Does he get fooled sometimes yes, just like all QBs, Brady, ridgers mahomes.

But I am of the mind people have made up their mind what they want to believe and nothing will change their mind. So I wish them all a blissful life.

There's nothing making it 'look like' he's not good at it. And all these expert video's supposedly 'refuting' 'opinion' that he's not good at it is nonsense. Chris Simms? Really? The dude is a talking head who routinely strokes the position of every big name qb in the league.

Kurt Warner dissecting tape, is different than just voicing one's opinion, not based on anything but what you think.

And Kurt Warner then going back and that Russ is one of the best to ever play the position isn't a retraction of his criticism. He can be and is, both. A great qb who struggles often to beat coverages.

Brock and Salk were talking about this the other day after Pete's interview - that the run game is what allows Russ to be who he is, per Pete's own words. It wasn't a throw away comment about how every qb benefits from a run game. He was essentially laying out that the Hawks are best when Russ can lean on a run game that allows him to be an assassin. And he went on to say that he thinks Russ will be ok with it.

He needs the run game to function completely because it's what allows him to beat the defenses that can take away what he doesn't do best. He has proven that he struggles to do it with his arm.

He is great. He is incredible. The team's failures aren't all on him. But as the qb, calling plays making adjustments, and ultimately being the one responsible for facilitating plays, if he struggles with a certain aspect of the game, the whole team will follow suit, unless coaching can devise a workaround. In Seattle the workaround has been a running game that is more than about just offering balance. It's a strategy to open up our qbs game. If we can't do that and when we can't do it, struggle to win anything beyond a regular season game.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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chris98251":2exkl4tx said:
We will have turnover granted but core should know everything, we should not have to go back to 1st grade every season and hope they graduate by say game 8 or 9 when we typically start making runs.

Perfectly stated. I get so tired of people talking about execution when the team rarely if ever builds off of anything. It should not take a half a season before a team finally starts to get it every single year.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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keasley45":xpd55x6q said:
He needs the run game to function completely because it's what allows him to beat the defenses that can take away what he doesn't do best. He has proven that he struggles to do it with his arm.

A good run game helps any QB without a doubt, but your statement isnt entirely true. Russ has carried the team with his arm plenty of times. Remember 2015 when Lynch and Rawls were both hurt and Wilson had a passer rating of over 120 for 5 straight games (longest in league history) to carry the team to the finish? Its harder for him now, but dont sell the guy short (no pun intended).


Sep 13, 2021
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Everytime someone says Russ sucks without a running game I bring up 2015 and every time they ignore it. I hope this running game is here to stay and Penny is a part of it moving forward and I bet Russ does too


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Part of this is that defenses are getting better. Because they have to be.

It used to be that the goal of the pass rusher was not just to sack to the QB, it was to move the QB off their spot. By moving the QB, it limited accuracy.

Hell, we used to have long threads on this site about how a pass rusher on one side would turn the QB, and essentially shut down one side of the field - meanwhile our lockdown corner (Sherman) was locking down the receiver on the other.

But as guys like Mahomes and Allen started to become more common, defenses got more used to the reality that moving a QB wasn't enough.

And it used to be 1 or 2 games a year playing this kind of QB. 1 week isn't going to be enough time to prepare for that.

The same way Georgia Tech used to beat teams that were better than them, because teams were not prepared for that weird offense - mobile quarterbacks had a baked in advantage. Because a key objective was to move the QB and those special QBs WANTED to move.

Well, now it is common and defenses have figured out better ways of dealing with it.

The difference is that Mahomes and other QBs have help when they struggled. Because their coaches helped them, changed or adjusted the offense, and the like. They also have much much better lines.

Even so, almost EVERY mobile QB had less effectiveness this year for large chunks of time, because they had to adjust to how defenses adjusted to them. You don't remember people freaking out about Rodgers and Mahomes struggling?
Go look at the defenses teams were playing then, it will look eerily similar to the defenses that Wilson isn't as effective against.

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