How Do You Watch The Hawks Games At Home?


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Nov 7, 2023
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I usually watch the game on my phone. My kids break TV’s like they’re getting a reward for it.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
I spend so much time in Germany these days that for me, it's mostly watching on the computer. Honestly, it's become the same when I'm back in Florida or Maryland. And with the ability to start from the beginning at any time, the challenge has become avoiding catching any updates before I can get to the computer. The fact that gamepass doesn't show game scores on their game selection screen is a plus in that regard. So my habit of late is not even watching until they're into thr 2nd quarter or so. That allows me to FF through commercial breaks, challenges, injuries, or whatever at 10 second increments. Usually, by the time I catch up, I get to live action just before the half, which I then spend going back and revisting certain sequences.

Then it's on to the 2nd half, but live.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2019
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I live in Mexico full time. My son plays soccer every Sunday morning so we start gamedays by watching him play. There's some beautiful Mexican ladies who set up a Taco stand at the fields so we always grab lunch before we head home. Games here start at either noon or 3 so if it's 12, we get home just in time to watch. If 3, I'll catch an early game and cheer against the Donks, Stealers, or Whiners since I hate all those teams, or cheer for the Jags since I don't mind them. After the game, my family heads to the beach and I'll either bask in the water and sunset by enjoying a win, or let the water and sunset wash away the disappointment of a loss. Either way Sunday's are always a good day.


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Dec 15, 2011
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The Sunday afternoon and evening games I watch live on Gamepass. The three night games I watch staying in Likely Lads mode to not find out the score the following morning. Last week having a long drive to Scotland I only had time to watch the 40 minutes highlights of every play with commercials, half time and time outs removed.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2014
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Depending on start time I go down to the mancave get all my neon signs on. Then tune all 3 tv‘s to the games I want to watch on YouTube Sunday ticket.
then it’s Bloody Mary time and the festivities begin.
I settle in to my comfy couch and then the wife starts asking when the Niner games is, and my zen is gone.IMG 2132


Active member
Dec 15, 2011
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I have just finished watching last nights game. Can someone explain why a game involving two basement dwellers is Prime.

The presenters are making the best of it. The same as an English comedian playing the Glasgow Empire theatre.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2014
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This is for when you are in the comforts of your own home. The game is about to kickoff and you have the 3 hours to devote to the game if you so desire.

Years ago, long before our Super Bowl championship, social media, DVRs (pausing/fast forward ability), I would sit down and start watching. Every bad play by us was met with some kind of profanity. If there was screaming and throwing objects involved, it would directly correlate with the severity of the bad play or outcome. My girlfriends or wives would usually leave the room or use that time slot to go shopping or visit a friend, lol.

I was one hot mess.

Good heavens, how did your TV survive unbroken in the Behring era?!? I had a good coping mechanism in those years - I was a newlywed, and my wife loves Seahawks football as much as I do. After watching Mirer or McGwire stink it up for a couple of quarters we'd adjourn to the bedroom at halftime, and maybe make it back for the end of the game. Tom Flores was good for my sex life. (Well that just sounds bad. :p )

Nowadays we spend the 15 minutes or so before the game fiddling with the antenna and getting some munchies prepped. We watch in my computer room, it has a good sized TV and I can hang out in the gameday forum and share hot takes with everyone there. The wife will usually fall asleep in her recliner and wake up midway through the third quarter....which is just in time to see the offense start to come alive if it's going to. We're more or less empty nesters now, but when we had kids at home they and the pets knew to stay away, because my wife is the yeller in the family. She's freaked out many a small child or small animal over the years, especially during the first half of the 2010s.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
When the Seahawks are playing on Sunday morning or afternon, I'll multi task. I'll have NFL Red Zone on my tv in my man cave while I'm streaming the Hawks game on my tablet. If the Hawks are on SNF, MNF, or TNF, I'll watch them live. Sometimes, I'll exercise while watching a game, either on my elliptical or the treadmill.

I recently changed TV providers. I used to have Charter Spectrum, but when they got into a spat with ESPN at the start of the football season, it motivated me to dump them and go with Fubo, which has everything I wanted, plus they give you 1000 hours of cloud storage and you can share it on up to 10 devices, so I share my subscription with my daughter and brother-in-law.

This weekend, I'll be heading to Las Vegas and will find a sports bar or sports book to watch the game from. NFL Sundays are cool down there because there'll be people from all over the country wearing their colors, so you can shoot the breeze with fans from other fan bases.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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Turn the game on 5 minutes before it starts. Have something ready to put in the oven. Watch game and celebrate good plays (sometimes on .net) get disgusted with terrible plays and complain (almost always on .net)


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
I usually watch the game on my phone. My kids break TV’s like they’re getting a reward for it.
You’re not a true 12/Seahawk fan until you’ve broken one yourself (during a game).

I threw a remote one time that cost me a $1400. Set.
Well that was the replacement, I think the one a broke was 999


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2014
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Seattle, Washington
I get some food ready and I usually watch the entire game win lose or draw. That Ravens game really got under my skin for some reason. I was white hot pissed off. I literally needed a few days to cool off. It's the only game I turned off at half time, and I sat in my big chair dropping F bombs staring at my wall.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
I typically watch now on an android box where I usually have about 20 or 30 channels to pick from for the game. I try to find the fastest feed which is usually the nfl youtube ticket. I like it because it doesn't show commercials. I always put on a seahawk shirt for the day and plan around the game. I dont get as emotionally vested in the games or outcome anymore but still try to watch while sometimes still following the gameday thread if the game is on the boring side. I used to watch at least one other game on Sunday but now redzone to avoid commercials, bad qb play, and bad officiating. I've been skipping most primetime games this year as the scheduling has been awful. I also won't watch any kc chiefs games as the swift publicity stunt is I guess that means I am not watching this years super bowl. I've tried watching on a phone but its just too small. Gotta have a big screen!


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2014
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Seattle, Washington
You’re not a true 12/Seahawk fan until you’ve broken one yourself (during a game).

I threw a remote one time that cost me a $1400. Set.
Well that was the replacement, I think the one a broke was 999
That Ravens loss made my blood boil. I did the stupidest thing ever, I pushed my TV off it's stand. a 2500 mistake that made me look in the mirror saying, you idiot, why did you do that. In my defense, I had a few friends who are Ravens fans rubbing salt into the wound.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
I've only destroyed my own property a handful of times tv remote for xl*...Playstation remote for the Wilson pick on the goal line...and another tv remote for the Panthers playoff game when they forgot to show up in the first half like they always did in that era...


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
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I’ve spent my game days in a lot of iterations over the years. Probably the last 10-15 years have been fairly similar. I’ll start the morning by preparing some sort of crockpot meal. Once that’s taken care of, I sit my ass down and watch some football!!
My favorite sundays are those with 1:00 games.

The night games are fun because the crockpot meal that has been filling the house with enticing aromas is ready to eat at kickoff. For 1:00 games, and any games, I’ll be seated squarely in my chair with my phone ready for game day chat and kickoff to happen.

For ANY game, I’m invested in every play. The Ravens game had my interest waning but I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss any plays. Maybe a handful. Whether I’m watching a game at home or in a stadium, I’m there til the end. I’ve sat in a pretty empty Quest (?) on a cold wet day more than once.

Part of it may be that I’m a cheapass and want to get my money’s worth. What I really like to do in shitty games is really look at what’s going on if I can. Who’s still trying. Who’s trying to stay upbeat. Who gives a shit. Who looks like they want their mommy. I also still hope they can make something, anything positive happen.

Like a lot of you other older longtime fans, I’ve mellowed a lot since they won XLVIII. Something that you yearned for and dreamed about and hoped for…for years, finally came true. After all those times thinking, I wonder if they’ll ever win a Super Bowl in my lifetime? It happened. On my tv. In my home. In front of my eyes. A definite satisfaction came from that Super Bowl Championship. It definitely took away that days to get over losses mentality.

Close games still get my heart rate up. But I consider that a cardio workout so it’s a win win.

I guess I just can’t not watch them. Part of that’s because I love football. I’ll watch a random middle school game if I’m in the neighborhood. The biggest part is that I’m a Seahawk fan to my core. I spent many hours at training camp in Cheney. If I can find enjoyment in watching guys who probably will never play in an NFL regular season game work on their footwork, I can certainly find something in a shitty game. o_O:cautious::unsure:

In a nutshell, football days are meant for an excuse for being lazy, eating good food and watching the greatest game on earth…… Win, lose or tie.
I’m not one to normally quote my own posts but today is completely different. Instead of my normal game day fun, I’m in Minnesota for my granddaughters 3rd birthday. I won’t even get to watch the game. I have it recording at home and will be checking my phone frequently. One of the few games since 1976 that I won’t be watching live. Go hawks!


Oct 10, 2021
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Here's a question for all you armchair warriors. I now live in Arizona and finding the 'Hawks games is always a problem. It looks like NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube could work, but it has been impossible for me to find out if it is strictly real-time streaming, or can I watch the game later? Since YouTube doesn't answer that question, I mostly get to watch the game recaps. If you know how YouTube (regular YT, not YouTubeTV) presents the game, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks.

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