I am the biggest critic in the world of the Adams deal. Horrible in every aspect.
Who is to say that Pete and John, as a management team, can't learn from mistakes and get better? Schnieder, in reference to Malik McDowell can be quoted as saying he learned from it and would not repeat it (whatever "it" was) again. Every deal isn't the same. Every deal offers new insight on how to manage similar deals in the future.
Every team in the league makes great decisions and poor decisions. It Isn't an exact science. Put <your replacement here> in Petes place and ponder how he would have fared. Picking in the late twenties (not just in the first round but every round) for almost an entire decade. Consistently picking late because the organization had the second-best winning percentage for that same decade. Answering your expected reply, <your replacement> would not have picked in the late twenties every year because <your replacement> wouldn't have enjoyed equivalent success. Yet some folks can't appreciate the tremendous job that the Pete/Schnieder team have done. I just can't believe how unbelievably entitled some folks are. Completely detached from reality.
Hating the Adams deal doesn't automatically equate to losing my staunch belief in Pete Carroll (as it apparently does for others). Put me in the camp of letting Pete coach for as long as his heart desires and let him retire on his own terms. Then retire his name in the ring of honor and permanently cement his Seahawk legacy within the organization. After he leaves, attempt to retain his positive culture for as long as possible by hiring someone that emulates him.
If you are in the "fire Pete" camp, be prepared for me being a message board adversary. I already don't personally like your "fandom", but I can't get that personal on this forum. I will, however, counter you with non-personal argument as I see fit. If it inevitably appears that I can't talk sense into you, then I will ultimately ignore you. And I have put a couple "fire Pete" antagonists (they are obsessed with it on almost every post) on ignore because I don't come here to read their ill-conceived crap. I just don't make good company for self-entitled, unappreciative people.