Don't make the false assumption that Taylor Swift has nothing to do with the cameramen focusing in on her. If she didn't like it or considered it an invasion of her privacy, she could easily instruct her handlers to pressure the network into keeping their prying eyes away from her. But she knows full well that all that exposure helps enhance her brand and adds to her fortune. She's a willing party to all the attention and exposure they're giving her.
I saw where the total amount of time that Taylor was shown was 55 seconds. That doesn't sound like a lot, but when it's all 3 or 4 second shots, they're flashing her in front us quite often. If it wasn't for her overuse of make-up, particularly that firehouse red lipstick, I wouldn't be that put off by her as they have a ton of stupid distractions, including those hideous commercials. I just roll my eyes and chuckle thinking of all the people who actually like seeing her that often.