Hawkscanner's Post-Draft Breakdown: OFFENSE


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May 1, 2009
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Hawkscanner":3sjgh4az said:
HawkGA":3sjgh4az said:
MontanaHawk05":3sjgh4az said:
HawkGA":3sjgh4az said:
That said, I feel reasonably confident with Joeckel, Rees, and Fant battling it out for left side positions (may the best 2 win!) with Glow likely moving to the right side to take over RG and Ifedi at RT. Ifedi better work out at RT because that is the one position where there really doesn't seem to be much of a bench (Pocic, maybe?). I'm not sure quite where Pocic and the free-agent OG (name escapes me at the moment) will fit into things. Maybe they are able to bump somebody at a spot and if so, great, that just means a better player in a position.

Pete has already announced Joeckel-Glow-Britt-Oday-Ifedi. Of course, that was before the draft.

Just for the record, Huard predicted: Fant - Joeckel - Britt - Pocic - Ifedi

Now, THAT's something that I could buy -- and would agree with Brock in saying ...

Fant (LT)--Joeckel (LG)--Britt (C)--Pocic (RG)--Ifedi (RT) ...

... would make the most sense to me. Luke Joeckel spent virtually all of 2016 there at Jacksonville at LG. In the wake of the Seahawks' signing of Joeckel, many of the experts out there said he was NOT a LT -- he was a guard. Period. Coleman Crawford makes a fairly convincing case (going through the film) of how he thinks George Fant CAN BE the Left Tackle of the future.


Fant has the athleticism and all the tools. BUT ... he needs experience. He needs to learn the position and all its nuances. So, why not put him right next to a guy who's been a starter at the position for a number of years?

Ifedi ... again, him at RT makes a ton of sense. His tools and the way that he plays just seems to scream RT. He struggled last year at Guard and since he primarily played RT in college, why not go with that.

Pocic at RG ... again, just makes a lot of sense to me. He absolutely excelled as an interior lineman for LSU last season.
He was their best lineman and a big factor IMO behind Fournette's success. I think he's got the tools, the demeanor, etc. to do very well there. AND ... being right next to Britt, he's also learning the nuances of playing Center at the NFL Level. As a Center himself, he's going to be paying attention to all those little details. If Britt leaves after this year ... all he does is slide to his left at take over at Center.

So, I agree with Brock Huard that to me ... that group right there makes the most sense.

I would be a little surprised if Glow is the odd man out, but it could certainly happen.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Nice write up "Hawkscanner" :2thumbs:

Coleman Crawford must have published his latest (Ethan Pocic) video review about the same time of your post. So ..... thought it might make an appropriate add on to this thread.


Coleman Crawford continues to spoil us with these videos. :2thumbs:

I'd like to see more size and power at both of the tackle spots. Competition between Ifedi and Pocic on the right side complemented with competition between a much bigger Fant and Joeckel on the left side would be most welcomed. What ever it takes to get that outside zone working again as a requisite for 2017.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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Great writeup HawkScanner. Thanks a Lot. One question I would like to pose is you mentioned the SPARQ and the other length skills and the other one....What were those attached to Alex Collins? I dont know if we did that table last year or not. Sorry I cant remember what it is as I am a bit under the weather after the draft party and the rest of the weekend up north.

This writeup leaves me a bit more optimistic as to what our team has in store. It is a lot more realistic than that I have read up on top. I shall try to finish the single player stats if I can get better.

Off to look at the defensive write up after a nap or maybe tomorrow will work. A harsh cold is no laughing matter.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Good stuff Hawkscanner.

Personally, I think the OL lacked a lot of experience last year, but they were physical and athletic. You didn't see too many guys straight getting beat physically, it was almost always a mental thing. I think the FO gambled too much on them progressing last year, but this year it's reasonable to assume some of them will get better.

The Joekel move was underrated in my mind. We don't need a world beater at Tackle, we just need an average one. Joekel is average. Wilson can mitigate a lot of pass rush by himself.

The other thing is the run game. Pocic comes in there, as well as the guy we picked up from Houston.

On a macro level, I see the FO grabbing larger, more physical WR's that are good at making contested catches. I see this as a hedge in case the OL takes a few games to gel. Wilson needs a few more guys that are large and good at fighting for the ball, guys he can trust to come down with it, or no one does. I think this helps him get rid of the ball more quickly, that and growing chemistry with Graham.

The WR thing bothered me at first, because we have a physical freak in McEvoy, who is the largest WR on the roster. In rewatching some tape, McEvoy rarely caught contested balls, outside of the preseason. The weird thing is, he didn't have to....he gets great separation. I'm still wondering what we do with him with all these WR adds. I feel he had a very successful rookie year after not having playing WR much in college.

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