Sherman vs Manning: The double standard


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Eastern Washington
Seriously? Of all the things to get worked up about, this?

Is Manning not allowed to express any negative emotion at all? Or is such an event so rare that it must be pointed out?

There is no media double standard here. What Sherman said and how he said it was newsworthy, precisely because it was so raw, unexpected, and unusual. Manning using one of the more milquetoast expressions available in today's vernacular? Not so much.


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Dec 20, 2011
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Upon further review, Erin looked less like she was scared and more like she was excited. it must be boring getting the same old "both teams played hard" quotes all the time.

I am working on an article right now about how peyton is arguably everything wrong with the NFL.

who watched that afc game and saw those two old geezers playing catch all day. ruining real great qb records with they're trumped up stats due to the new rules. let peyton get touched one time, just one time and watch his game fall apart.


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Mar 15, 2013
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BlueTalon":1wrxwlz8 said:
Seriously? Of all the things to get worked up about, this?

Is Manning not allowed to express any negative emotion at all? Or is such an event so rare that it must be pointed out?

There is no media double standard here. What Sherman said and how he said it was newsworthy, precisely because it was so raw, unexpected, and unusual. Manning using one of the more milquetoast expressions available in today's vernacular? Not so much.

No dude, imagine if Peyton had dreads...

But seriously, that would be funny.


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Apr 11, 2010
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joeseahawks":rbjqnsgt said:
Another Sherman discussion ... This time I want to bring another perspective.
In all the Sherman discussions, people always bring up Manning in contrast. People say how cool and calm he is, how respectful he is of others, and how he wouldn't speak like Sherman.

Not sure if many remember but this happened about 45 days ago in a game against Tennessee.

In the Broncos 51-28 win over Tennessee, Manning threw for 397 yards and four touchdowns despite the fact that the temperature was under 20 degrees at kickoff.

After the win, the usually mild-mannered Manning had some words for anyone who thinks he can't play in cold weather, "Whoever wrote that narrative can shove that where the sun don't shine," Manning told KOA-AM in Denver.

He said it on National TV and it was played a few times by Mike and Mike on ESPN Radio. Few people had issue with it
My question: Where was the outrage of America, when Sunny boy asked someone to go shove it? I'm sure that's the language someone will use to "educate" their kids. I'm sure that's NOT thug behavior.
So, if someone brings up Manning in the Sherman discussion, please remind them of what Manning said about a month ago.
Yes, double standard exists in America. Some might do it intentionally, others just don't seem to look at themselves in the mirror.

Go Hawks
Yeah but, Manning is WHITE, so he can be arrogant, and snide and not be held to the same standards as a darkie.


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Bay Area, CA
StorytellerMatt":7k43s0ym said:
Manning is white. And he doesn't have dreds.

Unfortunately this is accurate.

I had to put some people in their place on Facebook because they were going on and on about how Sherman is an uneducated gang member and how disgusted they were that he was throwing out gang lingo when he said "L.O.B.". They said rumor is that LOB is a shoutout to his hometown gang.

I was so disgusted by that ignorant racism that I just could not stay quiet.

Had to tell them that he is very educated (more than them), that he stayed away from gang life, and that LOB has no ties to gangs whatsoever because it was a name given to the secondary by the fans only within the last year and half.

The ignorance of some people just disgusts me.


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Dec 2, 2012
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To me, the double standard between Manning and Sherman reaction in America is very clear.
Outside of the respective fan bases (and of course the Whiners fan base), I would say that the reaction seems differ depending on Race. Most people who seem to react negatively towards Sherman are the same people who don't have a problem with Manning asking critics, doubters or nay-sayers to shove it.
The reasoning is: Manning has earned it or Manning didn't raise his voice or Manning doesn't put down a team mate.
Well, here is Sherman's perspective.
1. He was going against a coach who doubted him in college. A coach who doubted he could even play that position. A coach who didn't give any team recommendations about him. Basically, a coach who made him lose money...
2. He was dealing with a Media that has been hostile and disrespectful to his team and his co-players
3. He was going against a team that has made arrogant comments about his person. A team that has called them names, a team that alleged, he used banned substances to gain an advantage.
4. Rivalries, rivalries, rivalries between two organizations, two teams that hate one another, ...
5. And of course ... Sherman wants to get his Brand out there too.

Combining this and looking at the price for the outcome of the game, the stage, the timing of Sherman (whom CK7 refused to throw all game long). Sherman feels that the whole organization then decided to win the game ... by throwing to his side ...
I would be just as pumped up as Sherman, I may not use the same words (who cares about words anyway), but I would be reacting with joy and pride and sense of accomplishment as Sherman.
Just imagine this scenario: in 10 days, we will be playing the SB in a cold, windy weather. We all know the trouble Manning has had in this type of weather. Imagine Manning throws the winning TD to win in this type of weather. Wonder what he will say, if asked about his the people who doubt him.


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Jan 8, 2013
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He was also pissed off.

Note the interview right before his famous "rant" ... 1506911877

I really just wish he would do what politicians do and acknowledge some of the argument so it removes ammunition against him.

Just say, "I really hated that guy and I acted like an *ss/jerk. And hours later I was still fuming about things that went on in that game, it took me a while to decompress but I had already given a few interviews by then." and emphasize it. Or go full Dennis Rodman, but the inbetween stuff is a hard place to straddle.

Regardless, to think that if he was white that the backlash would have been as severe is wishful thinking. Riley Cooper was a huge story but only because of how egregious his conduct was and it died down in 3-4 days even then. Someone white calling out players after a game would have been nowhere as huge, he would have just been labeled "intense", maybe a jerk but not the crap we have been hearing from even mainstream news sources.