Sherman vs Manning: The double standard


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Dec 2, 2012
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Another Sherman discussion ... This time I want to bring another perspective.
In all the Sherman discussions, people always bring up Manning in contrast. People say how cool and calm he is, how respectful he is of others, and how he wouldn't speak like Sherman.

Not sure if many remember but this happened about 45 days ago in a game against Tennessee.

In the Broncos 51-28 win over Tennessee, Manning threw for 397 yards and four touchdowns despite the fact that the temperature was under 20 degrees at kickoff.

After the win, the usually mild-mannered Manning had some words for anyone who thinks he can't play in cold weather, "Whoever wrote that narrative can shove that where the sun don't shine," Manning told KOA-AM in Denver.

He said it on National TV and it was played a few times by Mike and Mike on ESPN Radio. Few people had issue with it
My question: Where was the outrage of America, when Sunny boy asked someone to go shove it? I'm sure that's the language someone will use to "educate" their kids. I'm sure that's NOT thug behavior.
So, if someone brings up Manning in the Sherman discussion, please remind them of what Manning said about a month ago.
Yes, double standard exists in America. Some might do it intentionally, others just don't seem to look at themselves in the mirror.

Go Hawks


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East Dubuque
Or, when Manning talked about his "idiot kicker" that must of been "getting drunk" after the 2003 Pro Bowl.


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Dec 2, 2012
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Another good one.
I hope America remembers this ... but people have short memories.
RiverHawk":1y380u6a said:
Or, when Manning talked about his "idiot kicker" that must of been "getting drunk" after the 2003 Pro Bowl.


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Jan 8, 2013
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they are different. That is more like what Baldwin said and not Sherman.

My wife has been away and didn't see the game (wouldn't watch anyway) and still knew about Sherman (she is in Taiwan so not like inundated with news). She asked what he said that was so bad. I played her the interview.

Her reaction? "big that all of it? what's LoB


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Lewiston, CA (but Seattle native :)
StorytellerMatt":nv1nrnkx said:
Manning is white. And he doesn't have dreds.
....and the poor little white girl got scurred!

I hear Don Henley singing in the background: "Got the bubble-headed bleach blonde, comes on at five. She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye. It's interesting when people die, give us dirty laundry!"

Actually I like how she came out and defended Sherm, stand up gal there. She's actually one of the better "Fox blondes" out there. (Certainly better than "Chewbacca".....heh.)

Uncle Si

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Guys.... its a news story, and its almost over. Look at it in the window. there are two weeks to fill before the Super bowl.

Shermans interview set off widespread reaction on Social media, including vast amounts of disgusting vitriol. People came to his defense. Thats the story. Not him, but the reaction it invoked.

Thats what this is about. Not Sherman (and certainly not Manning) but the general publics reaction. this story only has legs to it still because of Twitter/Facebook. It gave the media insight into pulse of the NFL audience all at once. No polls, phone calls to radio stations or newspaper opinions. it was a tidal wave of emotion (and to be honest, a shocking reflection of the pervasive uncomortability this country still has with race relations.)

Remember when Moss "mooned" the Packer fans? that was pre-twitter/facebook, and it lasted like 48 hours.


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When Manning said "Shove it where the sun don't shine" he was being funny and ironic. Sure, he was seriously but he couched it differently.

Sherman was raging.

I don't have a problem with either guy and what they said. Like others in the media have already said, Andrews got to Sherm right off the football field after an emotional, hard fought victory and he was still pumped up.

There's no Manning/Sherman double standard. There is a double standard though. If the media types want to have a hissy fit about Sherman's rant, then they shouldn't allow reporters on the field after a game, and instead let them shower and cool off and catch them at a press conference in a controlled environment.

I'm betting they wouldn't like that though. Double standard.


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Feb 9, 2010
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Have payton make a play to win the afc championship, then let someone punch him and poke his eye. Give him 2 minutes to wait and see what he says.

I do think this was a race relations thing. I wonder if there would have been an outcry if Sherm had said the same thing to pam oliver. I bet it would be funny to most people that have a problem with this.


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It is interesting the freaking out of the media, he didn't go and swear a bunch where in a live interview like that it is hard to edit or bleep. It was raw emotion and wimpy whiny people are acting like he told the world to screw him using other words.


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StorytellerMatt":mis7zmgw said:
Manning is white. And he doesn't have dreds.

Or maybe it's a matter of Sherman talking in a huge stage of the playoffs and attacking someone personally? Or maybe it's the fact Peyton has actually earned the respect he gets through 16 seasons of elite play that he let speak for its self for the most part? Lol. Sherman does not deserve the pity you guys give him and the whole feel bad cause he's black act is pathetic. I'm so sick of this crap on here.


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Jan 8, 2013
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Manning has created his image, Sherman tried to get his image out there but frankly is doing a crappy job of shaping it right now.

He needs to decide if he wants to be the WWF villain or not. If so, he needs to embrace the darkness but do it with a wink and nod, so that he let's people know he is in on the joke. And he needs to shut up about Crabtree, nobody cares if someone disrespects you, they care about the image you project.

Sherman got the limelight now, he doesn't need to fix his entire public perception before the big game. Right now, a lot of people don't like him because of a paper-thin exposure to him. A few minutes of TV defined what he is perceived as, and right or wrong, that is what he is stuck with unless he pushes the envelope so that people can see it is an exaggeration (sort of how Owens or Chad Johnson did).

He just cultivated some irrational hatred for being too arrogant and acting like a jerk. That sells to some, and turns off others. A perfect example is Manziel.

He conducts himself as a cocky little pr*ck and every time I see him play I almost root for the guy to get injured. He just annoys me. But why? Because of all these moments in games that he comes off as a jerk and arrogant, almost entitled. Even though if I took all those moments and combined them I would likely come up with a grand total of 15 minutes or less of actual footage where he exhibited that behavior? So it isn't rational.

Manziel could be cool as hell, but here I am judging him on a few seconds between plays. The problem is that he created an emotional response, and there are people that are going to root against him because of it. It is very hard not to "rub people the wrong way" when you do this. People do not like arrogance that seem like threats. If you want to be arrogant, you have to do so in a way that is funny, interesting, or somewhat entertaining (see Charles Barkley).

Sherman needs to stop taking this personally and realize that this Richard Sherman is not the person but a character he is playing. The best thing that Sherman can do is embrace the character, play it to the hilt or go to the Seahawks and ask them to get some PR people to help him recenter this about the team.


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Mr.Hawkbrah":374puzqz said:
StorytellerMatt":374puzqz said:
Manning is white. And he doesn't have dreds.

Or maybe it's a matter of Sherman talking in a huge stage of the playoffs and attacking someone personally? Or maybe it's the fact Peyton has actually earned the respect he gets through 16 seasons of elite play that he let speak for its self for the most part? Lol. Sherman does not deserve the pity you guys give him and the whole feel bad cause he's black act is pathetic. I'm so sick of this crap on here.

You live in fantasy land. If he was a white linebacker, this would be a much smaller story. All you need to do I read twitter, Facebook, etc. The racist venom was spewing. On MLK day, nonetheless


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gargantual":un4u1kd3 said:
StorytellerMatt":un4u1kd3 said:
Manning is white. And he doesn't have dreds.
....and the poor little white girl got scurred!


Actually she was fine and has come to Sherman's defense.


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mjwhitay":3r11kbvx said:
Mr.Hawkbrah":3r11kbvx said:
StorytellerMatt":3r11kbvx said:
Manning is white. And he doesn't have dreds.

Or maybe it's a matter of Sherman talking in a huge stage of the playoffs and attacking someone personally? Or maybe it's the fact Peyton has actually earned the respect he gets through 16 seasons of elite play that he let speak for its self for the most part? Lol. Sherman does not deserve the pity you guys give him and the whole feel bad cause he's black act is pathetic. I'm so sick of this crap on here.

You live in fantasy land. If he was a white linebacker, this would be a much smaller story. All you need to do I read twitter, Facebook, etc. The racist venom was spewing. On MLK day, nonetheless

Or ignore my whole post that's cool. I likely live in a much more real world than you but that's fine. History dictates punishment In our society,... right or wrong, most people only know Sherman from running his mouth. The racist comments are not ok, and I agree a white guy wouldn't be subjected to that as much. But people would still think that white guy is a prick if all they saw was him talking crap. See the post above yours about Johnny football, who doesn't even come off as harsh as sherm.


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Apr 21, 2011
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Take some perspective on this:

It was 12 months ago that Sherm was interviewing strangers in New Orleans asking, "Who is the best CB in the league? Darelle Revis or Richard Sherman?" and no one recognized him. That was after the Hawks had beat down the Saints too. Sherm was making a name for himself. He was consciously bring attention to himself, the soon-to-be LOB and the Seahawks. Sherm makes around 600K/yr and, to my knowledge, only has that one CLink/DSL promotion to date. Yet, now, there's not much disagreement anywhere that he is the best. He's not only a well-known football player, he's in every news media outlet that exists. I saw pieces on him in the Huffington Post and Al Jazeera. How many other sports personalities can boast that kind of exposure? And a year ago, just 12 months back, he was interviewing football fans and they had no idea who he was. My kids Kindergarten teacher, who doesn't know what a 1st down is, asked me what I thought of Richard Sherman yesterday.

I personally thought he was a little over the top on Sunday night. But he gets a pass with me. He's taken his situation and elevated it to the point where he'll be one of the most sought after endorsements this offseason. In another thread, I saw that his jersey is one of the top 10 sellers. He also has another year to further elevate his exposure before getting a new contract. The average person thinks this is something that has happened to Sherm. ... that his play has been good and people have just latched onto his personality. For those of us that know his background, there's no way a guy that identifies himself with work ethic and intelligence just acts like a lunatic and is out of control. Terry Blount's interview pointed out in an interview that the entire League should be thankful because he's single-handedly kept the NFL on the front page during a week that is usually very low profile.

My point is that it's too easy to just react to Sherm. Everyone does that. As a 12, we know him. I think we have to see that he's conscious in his actions at every opportunity. He's created this personality that benefits everyone around him if managed correctly. ... so I give him a pass and let him manipulate the general public while we 12s sit back and watch.


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The only thing racial is coming from the fans.

Sherman, in trying to get his name out there, rubbed a lot of people wrong last year, which was reflected in him not going to the Pro Bowl, which is mostly a popularity contest. He's rubbed his peers and other fans the wrong way, and sometimes the media.

This year his name is out there. Now he's trying to smooth and cultivate an image. Writing for Peter King and, press conferences, nfl media etc. He's gotten out there as an articulate, intelligent person to most people but you're always going to have hate.

People hate Brady. Peyton Manning. People hate Russell Wilson. People hate Andrew Luck, seriously because he takes away exposure and media acknowledgement of their QB (I'm talking to Seahawks fans here). What have any of those guys done, pretty much to anybody ?

I could give a rat's ass what other fans think about our players, because I know they're going to dislike them, mostly irrationally, because they don't represent their team, fan base, city, tribe....however you want to qualify that. There is definately a tribal mentality among sports fans and NFL fans in particular.

The media crap is another story. They crave sensationalism. They want drama; it creates more of a story. ESPN radio has said this multiple times with multiple hosts....they needed this story. There's always a story before the Superbowl and if Sherman didn't create this, it would've been "Manning going full circle, cementing a legend..blah blah". That's only interesting to a very few and it's bland. Sherm is spicy. So I honestly don't get why many of them are crucifying him when this is what they want.

This is what the NFL wants. Seriously, everyone, even non football fans, knows about this. The NFL, Seahawks and the SB are all getting even more publicity over this. If the NFL didn't want it, they wouldn't have sideline reporters out there right after a game. People seem to forget....the NFL is run by ex players mostly. They know exactly what goes on and what the mentality is.


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StorytellerMatt":1zxfdqeu said:
Manning is white. And he doesn't have dreds.

Probably partly true but PM also has a "good" reputation and typically showers opponents in praise. Sherman has a reputation for talking smack (and backing it up). It's perception I guess. From all I have read/heard, Sherman has nothing but praise for PM.

I admit that have posted my fair share of "Sherman smack" the last few days but will be the first to admit that he is a truly unique and special player that possess a skill set and physical prowess that makes him the best CB in the game today, hands down imo and will require Denver to play a great game if they hope to earn a win.

After reading up on Sherman, I have learned more about the man behind the persona and frankly have changed my opinion about him quite a bit. He is a well educated young man that approaches his job with tremendous energy, passion, preparation and emotion. While I don't exactly agree with how he sometimes carries himself (talking trash and such), it's part of his personality and part of the reason he is the player he is.