Russell Wilson


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Portland, OR
My main worry with Russell is that he does not run. I understand he wants to be a great pocket passer, but stripping yourself of all the weapons in your arsenal hurts. Have to keep the defense honest.

Last week he went for 120 and it opened up the game. Where was that today?


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Aug 24, 2014
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Jacknut16":g7ndrbdv said:
lsheldon":g7ndrbdv said:
I really don't think that is the real issue at all. His game against the Redskins was plenty impressive. Without his running abilities in that game we would have lost. The failures in today's game goes much deeper than just Russell Wilson.
Agreed, he is a great runner and playmaker, AT TIMES.

But he just isn't a real threat to slice and dice you with accurate passes from the pocket.

that 2nd and 6 to Kearse was an easy pitch and catch for any QB in the league.

When he isn't making hay with his legs he just isn't very special IMHO.

Totally agree!! He is a great runner and playmaker at times, just not an elite qb. I can't imagine this team with RW at qb, no lynch, a weaker defense when he get paid 20 million. bad days ahead for the Seahawks.


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Oct 18, 2013
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Sarlacc83":1m645jmb said:
My main worry with Russell is that he does not run. I understand he wants to be a great pocket passer, but stripping yourself of all the weapons in your arsenal hurts. Have to keep the defense honest.

Last week he went for 120 and it opened up the game. Where was that today?

That's the NFL, you aren't going to get a bucktwenty from your QB except for a week or two a season.

I hate saying it but Wilson succeeds inspite of his height, but it does limit him.
He is so smart and so atheletic, and such a good thrower on the run that we don't have to harp on his lack of sight from the pocket much, but it is a limitation, and he is going to have games like this.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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northseahawk":2ua13wfw said:
The question is, has RW improved at all from 1st year to this year?? I don't see it!

on the other had, Luck is improving year by year in all aspect of the game.

I think that debate can go to rest now.. Luck is a much better qb.
Lol. Am I the first one to call this troll out? Is he supposed to catch all of the dimes he tossed too?


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Aug 27, 2012
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He didn't get in his rhythm and we did not use Marshawn early enough to get him in rhythm. The OC should have called plays to get adjusted to how he was doing so as to build confidence. I saw during practice, every throw he was making receivers were dropping, which means he was a little off. Our possession was so low because of failed drives. even when we got the ball from a fumble, we could not get a touch down.


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Oct 18, 2013
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-The Glove-":21panet6 said:
northseahawk":21panet6 said:
The question is, has RW improved at all from 1st year to this year?? I don't see it!

on the other had, Luck is improving year by year in all aspect of the game.

I think that debate can go to rest now.. Luck is a much better qb.
Lol. Am I the first one to call this troll out? Is he supposed to catch all of the dimes he tossed too?

As a Seahawk fan who has been around since day one I have little doubt which Qb will be regarded as the better of the two, but Wilson helped bring us a superbowl and for that Im eternally grateful.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Not bagging on Wilson . IMHO he is the only reason we are 3-2 not 1-4 .


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Aug 24, 2014
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-The Glove-":2uwi6wjz said:
northseahawk":2uwi6wjz said:
The question is, has RW improved at all from 1st year to this year?? I don't see it!

on the other had, Luck is improving year by year in all aspect of the game.

I think that debate can go to rest now.. Luck is a much better qb.
Lol. Am I the first one to call this troll out? Is he supposed to catch all of the dimes he tossed too?

A troll? Ok.. lol. You can go back to your rw worshiping.


northseahawk":1wmwjfcp said:
-The Glove-":1wmwjfcp said:
northseahawk":1wmwjfcp said:
The question is, has RW improved at all from 1st year to this year?? I don't see it!

on the other had, Luck is improving year by year in all aspect of the game.

I think that debate can go to rest now.. Luck is a much better qb.
Lol. Am I the first one to call this troll out? Is he supposed to catch all of the dimes he tossed too?

A troll? Ok.. lol. You can go back to your rw worshiping.



Jan 3, 2013
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northseahawk":3iy95bos said:
Jacknut16":3iy95bos said:
lsheldon":3iy95bos said:
I really don't think that is the real issue at all. His game against the Redskins was plenty impressive. Without his running abilities in that game we would have lost. The failures in today's game goes much deeper than just Russell Wilson.
Agreed, he is a great runner and playmaker, AT TIMES.

But he just isn't a real threat to slice and dice you with accurate passes from the pocket.

that 2nd and 6 to Kearse was an easy pitch and catch for any QB in the league.

When he isn't making hay with his legs he just isn't very special IMHO.

Totally agree!! He is a great runner and playmaker at times, just not an elite qb. I can't imagine this team with RW at qb, no lynch, a weaker defense when he get paid 20 million. bad days ahead for the Seahawks.

Quit trolling. No one is falling for it.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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northseahawk":1vfpx4f9 said:
-The Glove-":1vfpx4f9 said:
northseahawk":1vfpx4f9 said:
The question is, has RW improved at all from 1st year to this year?? I don't see it!

on the other had, Luck is improving year by year in all aspect of the game.

I think that debate can go to rest now.. Luck is a much better qb.
Lol. Am I the first one to call this troll out? Is he supposed to catch all of the dimes he tossed too?

A troll? Ok.. lol. You can go back to your rw worshiping.
And you can go back your very unwarranted RW hating...he hasn't progressed since he's been in the league? Yeah, you really know what you're talking about


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Sep 25, 2012
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Russell had a bad game. It happens....even for the anointed one, Luck (see his last game in year 2 in the playoffs...some improvement).

Russell could never get in rhythm and our OC failed to dial up effective plays. Instead he just kept getting cuter until that turd in the fourth. Crapping gameplan also, as Dallas seemed prepared for everything. Can't even really blame the D, as the Offense left them out to dry too much.

He's not too short and such bunk. He's risk adverse which can work against them, as he sometimes won't throw and thinks he can work his way out of anything. Unfortunately you can't always wait for the perfect open player. It'll come in time.

What's more problematic is that the offense has no identity any more. Too gimmicky. If it's all misdirection, then it never actually works when the D attacks all parts of it. And please stop using Harvin only behind the LOS.


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Nov 19, 2013
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Kent, wa
Jacknut16":9wibtc47 said:
-The Glove-":9wibtc47 said:
northseahawk":9wibtc47 said:
The question is, has RW improved at all from 1st year to this year?? I don't see it!

on the other had, Luck is improving year by year in all aspect of the game.

I think that debate can go to rest now.. Luck is a much better qb.
Lol. Am I the first one to call this troll out? Is he supposed to catch all of the dimes he tossed too?

As a Seahawk fan who has been around since day one I have little doubt which Qb will be regarded as the better of the two, but Wilson helped bring us a superbowl and for that Im eternally grateful.

You mean the same Seahawk fan who was constantly putting Rw down, and saying how bad he would be and Cassell was better , and how eve now on other boards never give s a complement to RW without a negative comment. That fan, The same fan who does not pay attention to the facts, Rw has a Qb rating form the pocket over 100 and complt% over 64. He had a bad game, as did the o-line, wrs defense, it happens.

As to Luck and Rw this is the first year Luck is even in the conversation with Rw, and even then he is behind Rw in complt%, td/int rate, qb rating. The only things he is ahead in are by product of attempts. So who is better is still very much in the air, and factually may not be known for some time. I am very sure if Rw had Lucks top 10 pass blocking o-line and top Wr corps and offense built around passing he would put up numbers as good as Lucks, but he does not, yet. By the way Luck and Rw are tied for the most 4th qtr/come from behind wins since they have been in the league. Only difference is Rw plays much tougher competition and usually is not the reason they are behind unlike Luck.

Now let me help everyone out Yes Rw had a bad day. that is a fact, The o-line has had a bad season that is a fact. The wr who have had 7 drops in the last 2 weeks have had a bad few weeks, that is a fact and now our defense is not playing great. It happens.

But really we are heaping this all on Rw who had his first game with a Qb rating under 100 this year. Who had his first game without 2 tds throws this year. Who is still in the top 3 in most hit, hurried and sacked QBS, who has had 7 drops in 2 weeks. Really? I could see it if this is what he had been doing all season, but 1 game really? The thing you need to remember is because he only gets to throw the ball 20-25 times he has less margin for error. If he goes 1-10 and he needs to go 15-15 on his next 15 to get to 64%. If you through the ball 35 times like Luck and you go 1-10 you can go 22 for your next 25 and still get to 65%.

Again he played bad I agree, but it is not like he had much if any help at all. Now for some nothing will matter, they just want to say I told yo uso, despite the facts showing them they are wrong, But for some, really the whole team played bad and we want to just blame the QB and worse now say he is not elite, not a top 5 qb, not a player you can win with. You guys do realize that every QB has games like this, most get more help than RW did today, but all QBs have games like this. Even the supposedly way better Luck who did it in the playoffs and cost his team a win. And he did it despite having a much better oline and WRs and playing a much easier opponent.

So lets be rational Rw had a bad game and as he usually does he will bounce back and have a good one, and probably not have another like this all year, despite the fact he still has 6 game against top defenses, unlike Luck who has 1.


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Nov 19, 2013
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Kent, wa
lobohawk":1dj704wz said:
Russell had a bad game. It happens....even for the anointed one, Luck (see his last game in year 2 in the playoffs...some improvement).

Russell could never get in rhythm and our OC failed to dial up effective plays. Instead he just kept getting cuter until that turd in the fourth. Crapping gameplan also, as Dallas seemed prepared for everything. Can't even really blame the D, as the Offense left them out to dry too much.

He's not too short and such bunk. He's risk adverse which can work against them, as he sometimes won't throw and thinks he can work his way out of anything. Unfortunately you can't always wait for the perfect open player. It'll come in time.

What's more problematic is that the offense has no identity any more. Too gimmicky. If it's all misdirection, then it never actually works when the D attacks all parts of it. And please stop using Harvin only behind the LOS.

Agreed but to say Rw has not progressed is just plain silly. He has his best QB rating, Complt%, td/int in his career so obviously he has progressed he just had a bad game. That said how much should he progress when you are top 3 in hits/hurries/sacks and your Wrs have 7 drops in 2 games and they do not get open much, and the playing calling is predictable. He has no true #1 wr, no big WR, and a 10 mi wr who looks pedestrian. FYI those are not excuses they are facts. ALL great QBs have help today he played bad and had no help. Next week it will be different.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
randomation":300j9gi4 said:
Curious did nobody else notice the number of drops there were at least 3 major chunks of yardage including a TD that hit receivers in the hands. Russ wasn't great today but neither were the receivers there were probably more then 3 drops but those were the most egregious yes the final throw was bad but it should have never gotten to that point.
And throw in the 4 or 5 times he had NOBODY open and did have time and this is what you get. Yes, he overthrew guys several times today. Definitely not his best game but he got little help either.


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Nov 3, 2013
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In all its times like this that RW needs to step up after an embarrassing lose and take action by speaking his mind to his coaches !!!! Brady, Manning , Rodgers, Brees .... the elite QBs of the NFL do it. If we are going to compare or even start saying how good he could be now the time to speak out. RW makes the plays on the field not the coaches ... i still believe he's a much more accurate passer than Kaep.. Newton ... RGIII. A couple of bad games doesnt ruin his legacy but leadership will. If he's a leader like they all say .. SHOW RW speak out !!!


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Sep 25, 2012
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Anthony!":23lrfu3u said:
lobohawk":23lrfu3u said:
Russell had a bad game. It happens....even for the anointed one, Luck (see his last game in year 2 in the playoffs...some improvement).

Russell could never get in rhythm and our OC failed to dial up effective plays. Instead he just kept getting cuter until that turd in the fourth. Crapping gameplan also, as Dallas seemed prepared for everything. Can't even really blame the D, as the Offense left them out to dry too much.

He's not too short and such bunk. He's risk adverse which can work against them, as he sometimes won't throw and thinks he can work his way out of anything. Unfortunately you can't always wait for the perfect open player. It'll come in time.

What's more problematic is that the offense has no identity any more. Too gimmicky. If it's all misdirection, then it never actually works when the D attacks all parts of it. And please stop using Harvin only behind the LOS.

Agreed but to say Rw has not progressed is just plain silly. He has his best QB rating, Complt%, td/int in his career so obviously he has progressed he just had a bad game. That said how much should he progress when you are top 3 in hits/hurries/sacks and your Wrs have 7 drops in 2 games and they do not get open much, and the playing calling is predictable. He has no true #1 wr, no big WR, and a 10 mi wr who looks pedestrian. FYI those are not excuses they are facts. ALL great QBs have help today he played bad and had no help. Next week it will be different.

Yes, saying he hasn't progressed is silly and either an emotional over-reaction or a chance to finally voice their bias against Russell. He won't carry the team all the time (just like Luck hasn't regardless of pundits)...but he can make a difference. Russell and Luck have a long way to go to get to the top level. They just need the one thing you can't practice or learn......they just need experience. Only then can they really reach the "elite" level.


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Oct 18, 2013
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Anthony!":3pjejcpu said:
Jacknut16":3pjejcpu said:
-The Glove-":3pjejcpu said:
northseahawk":3pjejcpu said:
The question is, has RW improved at all from 1st year to this year?? I don't see it!

on the other had, Luck is improving year by year in all aspect of the game.

I think that debate can go to rest now.. Luck is a much better qb.
Lol. Am I the first one to call this troll out? Is he supposed to catch all of the dimes he tossed too?

As a Seahawk fan who has been around since day one I have little doubt which Qb will be regarded as the better of the two, but Wilson helped bring us a superbowl and for that Im eternally grateful.

You mean the same Seahawk fan who was constantly putting Rw down, and saying how bad he would be and Cassell was better , and how eve now on other boards never give s a complement to RW without a negative comment. That fan, The same fan who does not pay attention to the facts, Rw has a Qb rating form the pocket over 100 and complt% over 64. He had a bad game, as did the o-line, wrs defense, it happens.

As to Luck and Rw this is the first year Luck is even in the conversation with Rw, and even then he is behind Rw in complt%, td/int rate, qb rating. The only things he is ahead in are by product of attempts. So who is better is still very much in the air, and factually may not be known for some time. I am very sure if Rw had Lucks top 10 pass blocking o-line and top Wr corps and offense built around passing he would put up numbers as good as Lucks, but he does not, yet. By the way Luck and Rw are tied for the most 4th qtr/come from behind wins since they have been in the league. Only difference is Rw plays much tougher competition and usually is not the reason they are behind unlike Luck.

Now let me help everyone out Yes Rw had a bad day. that is a fact, The o-line has had a bad season that is a fact. The wr who have had 7 drops in the last 2 weeks have had a bad few weeks, that is a fact and now our defense is not playing great. It happens.

But really we are heaping this all on Rw who had his first game with a Qb rating under 100 this year. Who had his first game without 2 tds throws this year. Who is still in the top 3 in most hit, hurried and sacked QBS, who has had 7 drops in 2 weeks. Really? I could see it if this is what he had been doing all season, but 1 game really? The thing you need to remember is because he only gets to throw the ball 20-25 times he has less margin for error. If he goes 1-10 and he needs to go 15-15 on his next 15 to get to 64%. If you through the ball 35 times like Luck and you go 1-10 you can go 22 for your next 25 and still get to 65%.

Again he played bad I agree, but it is not like he had much if any help at all. Now for some nothing will matter, they just want to say I told yo uso, despite the facts showing them they are wrong, But for some, really the whole team played bad and we want to just blame the QB and worse now say he is not elite, not a top 5 qb, not a player you can win with. You guys do realize that every QB has games like this, most get more help than RW did today, but all QBs have games like this. Even the supposedly way better Luck who did it in the playoffs and cost his team a win. And he did it despite having a much better oline and WRs and playing a much easier opponent.

So lets be rational Rw had a bad game and as he usually does he will bounce back and have a good one, and probably not have another like this all year, despite the fact he still has 6 game against top defenses, unlike Luck who has 1.

I said Cassel was better?

I stopped reading right there, an outright lie.


May 15, 2012
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This is the life of a short quarterback, no matter how great. I find it amazing.