Russell Wilson got Outplayed by Dak Prescott


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Sep 18, 2011
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Wilson was solid tonight. Maybe our dumb OC should have used him more?


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Mar 5, 2007
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No Russ got handicapped by a crappy game plan is more like it .

Northwest Seahawk

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Apr 1, 2015
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The O-line sucked tonight that's the reason we couldn't run the ball and the reason Wilson once again had no time to get past his first read.


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Covington WA
A few more passes on second down could have changed the complexion of the whole game. Seemed like a lot of neg or zero gain running plays on second down putting us in 3rd and long. This team needs a short passing game to mix in with the runs.


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mikeak":2xj2lmo0 said:
John63":2xj2lmo0 said:
Hawker8989":2xj2lmo0 said:
That's simply embarrassing. But the O.C. needs to be fired for this game.

Ahh not sure what game you watched

22-33 226 6.8 ypa 1td 1int, 94 qb rating, 1 td running 6 attempts 29 yards 4.8 ypc
18-27 233, 8.6 ypa, 1 td, qb rating 106, 1 td running, 3 attempts 14 yards 4.7 YPC

So, Wilson, had more yards passing, Better QB rating, better YPa no TO. And he did it will little help from our supposed great URN game that avg 3 ypc compared to the 4,8 for Dallas

What got outplayed was our Coaching staff, who waited till 6 minutes or so in the 4th qtr to let Wilson loose

I don't think RW played bad because I blame coaching. So with that said let's take the last drive when Dallas was in prevent and up two scores and show me those stats? The last drive is not indicative of the game but unfortunately it will give the coaches a false belief that we were close

Your argument is take away the stats from one of the few drives they actually went pass heavy? Wouldn't it be more impressive to hit Tyler for 50+ if they are in prevent defense? Kinda goes to show we didn't even need them sitting on the run game to gash deep and yet didn't take nearly enough shots at it.


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5_Golden_Rings":iidj5ksn said:
The deep ball only worked as well as it did because of the commitment to the running game. On at least two of the deepest passes, both times the defender was peaking into the backfield. The two work together in an offense like this. Dallas just has talent all over the place.

What passes are you thinking of? Cause at least to deep balls were really well covered needing to be perfect placement to Doug and Tyler and then the deepest pass was on the last drive to Tyler and they certainly weren't sitting run with 2 minutes left up 2 scores.


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mikeak":14bjr6xh said:
John63":14bjr6xh said:
Hawker8989":14bjr6xh said:
That's simply embarrassing. But the O.C. needs to be fired for this game.

Ahh not sure what game you watched

22-33 226 6.8 ypa 1td 1int, 94 qb rating, 1 td running 6 attempts 29 yards 4.8 ypc
18-27 233, 8.6 ypa, 1 td, qb rating 106, 1 td running, 3 attempts 14 yards 4.7 YPC

So, Wilson, had more yards passing, Better QB rating, better YPa no TO. And he did it will little help from our supposed great URN game that avg 3 ypc compared to the 4,8 for Dallas

What got outplayed was our Coaching staff, who waited till 6 minutes or so in the 4th qtr to let Wilson loose

I don't think RW played bad because I blame coaching. So with that said let's take the last drive when Dallas was in prevent and up two scores and show me those stats? The last drive is not indicative of the game but unfortunately it will give the coaches a false belief that we were close
Can you explain how a 50 yard deep ball and an out route to a well covered receiver on 4th down is taking advantage of prevent defense?


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davidonmi":3uht48f7 said:
mikeak":3uht48f7 said:
John63":3uht48f7 said:
Hawker8989":3uht48f7 said:
That's simply embarrassing. But the O.C. needs to be fired for this game.

Ahh not sure what game you watched

22-33 226 6.8 ypa 1td 1int, 94 qb rating, 1 td running 6 attempts 29 yards 4.8 ypc
18-27 233, 8.6 ypa, 1 td, qb rating 106, 1 td running, 3 attempts 14 yards 4.7 YPC

So, Wilson, had more yards passing, Better QB rating, better YPa no TO. And he did it will little help from our supposed great URN game that avg 3 ypc compared to the 4,8 for Dallas

What got outplayed was our Coaching staff, who waited till 6 minutes or so in the 4th qtr to let Wilson loose

I don't think RW played bad because I blame coaching. So with that said let's take the last drive when Dallas was in prevent and up two scores and show me those stats? The last drive is not indicative of the game but unfortunately it will give the coaches a false belief that we were close
Can you explain how a 50 yard deep ball and an out route to a well covered receiver on 4th down is taking advantage of prevent defense?

Exactly. The situation it would make sense to kinda discount that production would be if he dinked and dunked as they were happy to run the clock out. The Cowboys were not playing to concede a 50 yard completion and pretty quick TD. To me that showed the deep pass could find success even when they were specifically playing against it.


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Dec 26, 2014
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Nah, Seabass pulled a hammy and missed the FG that would have ensured OT.

Sports Hernia

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The pit
semiahmoo":1ncsomw4 said:
Dak played great.

Dallas, overall, is the better team.

Tonight the better team won.

Our 2nd half was ...disappointing on many levels.

That said, a highly entertaining season that exceeded expectations by a mile.

Instead of "rebuilding" perhaps we'll build on this. Going to be interesting given the big ownership question mark and about a 1000 other question marks.
That’s simply wrong.

*allas is not the better team and the better team didn’t win.

Seattle’s coaching staff kept stepping on their own manhood all night long and failed to make adjustments until it’s too late.
Just an average gameplan with average playcalling on both sides of the ball wins the game for Seattle.

You got out coached by Red Garrett of all people, that should be deeply disturbing.


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Nov 21, 2016
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Sox-n-Hawks":cro10o5b said:
Nah, Seabass pulled a hammy and missed the FG that would have ensured OT.

I'm not about to blame a kicker for missing a 56 yard FG. That's not a gimme.

It's also not his fault he is 41 years old and has been more susceptible to injuries recently.

As they say, don't blame the guy who messes up. Blame the guy who hired him.


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Nov 21, 2016
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John63":2gcdpic5 said:
Hawker8989":2gcdpic5 said:
That's simply embarrassing. But the O.C. needs to be fired for this game.

Ahh not sure what game you watched

22-33 226 6.8 ypa 1td 1int, 94 qb rating, 1 td running 6 attempts 29 yards 4.8 ypc
18-27 233, 8.6 ypa, 1 td, qb rating 106, 1 td running, 3 attempts 14 yards 4.7 YPC

So, Wilson, had more yards passing, Better QB rating, better YPa no TO. And he did it will little help from our supposed great URN game that avg 3 ypc compared to the 4,8 for Dallas

What got outplayed was our Coaching staff, who waited till 6 minutes or so in the 4th qtr to let Wilson loose

All true ... and yet ... had our D stopped the Dallas offense in the last six minutes of the game, and got Russ the ball back trailing by just 3, I think we have a good chance of coming away with a victory.


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Dec 26, 2014
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Tusc2000":edh2d1pl said:
Sox-n-Hawks":edh2d1pl said:
Nah, Seabass pulled a hammy and missed the FG that would have ensured OT.

I'm not about to blame a kicker for missing a 56 yard FG. That's not a gimme.

It's also not his fault he is 41 years old and has been more susceptible to injuries recently.

As they say, don't blame the guy who messes up. Blame the guy who hired him.

Or the Brian Schnieder for not making sure we had a backup kicker for a guy that's 90 years old? I agree with that 100%


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Nov 5, 2017
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"Or the Brian Schnieder for not making sure we had a backup kicker for a guy that's 90 years old? I agree with that 100%"

Pretty sure that's not Schnieder's decision. Makes one wonder if another kicker might have been money better spent than several of the people on the 53 that rarely if ever saw the field all year, Procise for example.

It's clear we can not be "run first" if we do not have sufficient road graders to compete with a front seven like Dallas'.


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Dec 26, 2014
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TreeRon":39zbazmh said:
"Or the Brian Schnieder for not making sure we had a backup kicker for a guy that's 90 years old? I agree with that 100%"

Pretty sure that's not Schnieder's decision. Makes one wonder if another kicker might have been money better spent that several of the people on the 53 that rarely if ever saw the field all year, Procise for example.

It's clear we can not be "run first" if we do not have sufficient road graders to compete with a front seven like Dallas'.

No but it's his responsibility as a coach to push the issue to the HC and GM


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Sep 25, 2012
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John63":1wxri0qg said:
Hawker8989":1wxri0qg said:
That's simply embarrassing. But the O.C. needs to be fired for this game.

Ahh not sure what game you watched

22-33 226 6.8 ypa 1td 1int, 94 qb rating, 1 td running 6 attempts 29 yards 4.8 ypc
18-27 233, 8.6 ypa, 1 td, qb rating 106, 1 td running, 3 attempts 14 yards 4.7 YPC

So, Wilson, had more yards passing, Better QB rating, better YPa no TO. And he did it will little help from our supposed great URN game that avg 3 ypc compared to the 4,8 for Dallas

What got outplayed was our Coaching staff, who waited till 6 minutes or so in the 4th qtr to let Wilson loose

Pretty much. Basically Dak had minimal pressure, whereas the Hawks rarely could provide time...especially early. Dak was the dump off king, which was effective to control the bal..


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Nov 5, 2011
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Wow...another tennis match where RW cant get the ball over the net to the opposite player DP. Some day he may. Maybe he needs a longer racket. :2thumbs:


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Madrid, Spain
John63":3u4oo7ru said:
12thmanNY":3u4oo7ru said:
I say keep looking for new OC until you find one that really never has games this bad. And if they don’t trust Russell then find another QB. But cannot have games like this in the playoffs. Why not miss the playoffs and get a better draft pick.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The only problem is the OC is only half the issue the other half is PC this is the way he wants to play.

And PC may be (and is) a good motivator, but I think he's not a good game manager coach: horrible time management, poor in-game adjustments ...


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Nov 21, 2016
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Sox-n-Hawks":1rtsrx0t said:
Tusc2000":1rtsrx0t said:
Sox-n-Hawks":1rtsrx0t said:
Nah, Seabass pulled a hammy and missed the FG that would have ensured OT.

I'm not about to blame a kicker for missing a 56 yard FG. That's not a gimme.

It's also not his fault he is 41 years old and has been more susceptible to injuries recently.

As they say, don't blame the guy who messes up. Blame the guy who hired him.

Or the Brian Schnieder for not making sure we had a backup kicker for a guy that's 90 years old? I agree with that 100%

Sorry, but most NFL teams do not reserve a space on the 53 man roster for a backup kicker. It just isn't done. Every team has an emergency kicker, it's usually someone who can handle kickoffs. In our case, we have an Australian punter who is great at what he does, but he is obviously not skilled at onside kicks. But even the best kickers in the NFL are rarely successfully at onside kicks now. The success rate this year was just 8%.