Pay Geno now? I think.......


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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Okay. I don't know everything about NFL contracts, much less QB specific contracts. What I do know is that IMO, President Smith has given us enough of a sample size that I would have absolutely no problem at all signing an extension with him now. The distracting nature of that process aside, I would hope that it would not derail the season.

To celebrate my new COMPLETELY AWESOME avatar - seriously - check it out!, I pose the following questions:

Should we pay him now?
Should we pay him if/when we make the playoffs?
Should we pay him over the offseason?

And how much?

I love the dude, obviously - BUT - is he worth 40MM+ a year? It's a tough pill to swallow - but I think so. From what I've seen. I said that we needed an 8 or 9 game sample before $$, and now we're there, with things just getting BETTER every week.

A month old article: says a couple things.

"Huard thinks Smith needs to show the team a bit more before talks start, though. “Give me the rest of October and into early November. Then maybe make that phone call,” he said."

Well, we're right there now. Further, he says:

So what does Huard think the Seahawks should pay Smith assuming he keeps up his high level of play?

“Two years, $30 million deal (with) $20 million guaranteed. Give Geno significant money, but do a deal where it doesn’t hamper you from drafting somebody in the top 10 if there’s someone that you love,” he said.

I don't think that's enough, personally. I know it's probably out there - but sign the dude to 40MM+/big league contract. And get it done before he slips away. It would show alot of confidence in the ENTIRE SYSTEM THAT HAS FLOURISHED UNDER HIM. It would also boost everyone's confidence and stability. If you take a look at all the names on the site that are 40MM+, um, he's outplaying them.

FURTHER, how could a big money deal on him be any more of a risk than the Donks took on Team 3 - and now are wishing they hadn't. He fits our system. Everyone loves him. I say lock that MF up right now, or in the immediate future. We got what we need. Fine, draft someone next year to learn from him, but that's not even the point.

Sign Geno! And, oh ya, did I mention? Check out the new Avatar!
And, Geno for PREZ! That is all.


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Sep 23, 2022
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Coming from a completely nonprofessional position and have never done anything football related when it comes to contracts, I would like to see a full season of work before the Seahawks make any long-term commitment. I love what we've seen so far, I just want to see the next 9 weeks (and hopefully beyond) unfold first to see where Geno is by then.

He fits the Seahawks system quite well. Everyone can see that. Including his agent. His biggest chance for a payday may come right here in the pacific northwest. No guarantees he will get a huge payday elsewhere.
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Lords of Scythia

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Sep 19, 2011
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It's probably cheaper now than at the end of the year when he becomes a Pro Bowler.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
Geno probably doesn't want to do it now. He's better off delaying it to the end of the season, and even going into a bidding war in FA if he wants maximum money. I think something will get done, because I think he wants to stay, and I think the team wants him to. It's a little nerve wracking, I know, but I doubt a deal gets done before Jan/Feb. We have until Mar IIRC, which is the official beginning of FA. Some folks will claim we're overpaying him and some will say we got a bargain. Standard bill of fare.

I've come around. Sign him.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2012
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The only question I have is whether or not there will be any forthcoming disciplinary action taken against Geno by the NFL for the DWI arrest. If so, will that change his value at all?


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Apr 14, 2010
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I'd prefer that we finish the year before those discussions even start, mainly because of the distraction potential and the fact that we need a cohesive plan on re-signing our FAs. Besides Geno, we have Poona, Austin Blythe, and Phil Haynes becoming FAs after this year.

I would like to have Geno back next year (and 2024) but at what cost in losing other FAs?


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2022
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Geno probably doesn't want to do it now. He's better off delaying it to the end of the season, and even going into a bidding war in FA if he wants maximum money. I think something will get done, because I think he wants to stay, and I think the team wants him to. It's a little nerve wracking, I know, but I doubt a deal gets done before Jan/Feb. We have until Mar IIRC, which is the official beginning of FA. Some folks will claim we're overpaying him and some will say we got a bargain. Standard bill of fare.

I've come around. Sign him.

I agree with this. I think he wants to stay, and the club does too. Unless something drastically changes, I doubt a deal won't get done. With everything that happened with Russell Wilson, I doubt Pete and John want to play Russian roulette again at the QB position.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2021
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I've said before he should be returning from Germany with a new contract if we're serious about keeping him and I still believe it. The price isn't going to go down if we wait. Now, Geno might not want to sign a contract by then but if we haven't tried by that point...? Think that would be a mistake.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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Okay. I don't know everything about NFL contracts, much less QB specific contracts. What I do know is that IMO, President Smith has given us enough of a sample size that I would have absolutely no problem at all signing an extension with him now. The distracting nature of that process aside, I would hope that it would not derail the season.

To celebrate my new COMPLETELY AWESOME avatar - seriously - check it out!, I pose the following questions:

Should we pay him now?
Should we pay him if/when we make the playoffs?
Should we pay him over the offseason?

And how much?

I love the dude, obviously - BUT - is he worth 40MM+ a year? It's a tough pill to swallow - but I think so. From what I've seen. I said that we needed an 8 or 9 game sample before $$, and now we're there, with things just getting BETTER every week.

A month old article: says a couple things.

"Huard thinks Smith needs to show the team a bit more before talks start, though. “Give me the rest of October and into early November. Then maybe make that phone call,” he said."

Well, we're right there now. Further, he says:

So what does Huard think the Seahawks should pay Smith assuming he keeps up his high level of play?

“Two years, $30 million deal (with) $20 million guaranteed. Give Geno significant money, but do a deal where it doesn’t hamper you from drafting somebody in the top 10 if there’s someone that you love,” he said.

I don't think that's enough, personally. I know it's probably out there - but sign the dude to 40MM+/big league contract. And get it done before he slips away. It would show alot of confidence in the ENTIRE SYSTEM THAT HAS FLOURISHED UNDER HIM. It would also boost everyone's confidence and stability. If you take a look at all the names on the site that are 40MM+, um, he's outplaying them.

FURTHER, how could a big money deal on him be any more of a risk than the Donks took on Team 3 - and now are wishing they hadn't. He fits our system. Everyone loves him. I say lock that MF up right now, or in the immediate future. We got what we need. Fine, draft someone next year to learn from him, but that's not even the point.

Sign Geno! And, oh ya, did I mention? Check out the new Avatar!
And, Geno for PREZ! That is all.
Well - either it got missed, or no one cares 'how much' ;)

I don't think 2 years/15MM/year is good enough looking at the cap list.

SO, how much?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2011
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If I was JS, I'd be pushing Geno's agent to have a contract in place before the last few weeks to be able to concentrate on the playoffs. I'd be pushing 20something/yr but be ok going into the low 30s for 2 or 3 years. I'd also need little to 0 cap hit in later years to allow for draft and competition.

If I'm Geno's agent, I'd be looking for 40/yr and 3+ years. I'd be ready to go into the off season to push a bidding war. I'd be doing everything legal to get Saints ready to bid up the contract after JS strung them along on RCW trade.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2009
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Long Island, NY
Okay. I don't know everything about NFL contracts, much less QB specific contracts. What I do know is that IMO, President Smith has given us enough of a sample size that I would have absolutely no problem at all signing an extension with him now. The distracting nature of that process aside, I would hope that it would not derail the season.

To celebrate my new COMPLETELY AWESOME avatar - seriously - check it out!, I pose the following questions:

Should we pay him now?
Should we pay him if/when we make the playoffs?
Should we pay him over the offseason?

And how much?

I love the dude, obviously - BUT - is he worth 40MM+ a year? It's a tough pill to swallow - but I think so. From what I've seen. I said that we needed an 8 or 9 game sample before $$, and now we're there, with things just getting BETTER every week.

A month old article: says a couple things.

"Huard thinks Smith needs to show the team a bit more before talks start, though. “Give me the rest of October and into early November. Then maybe make that phone call,” he said."

Well, we're right there now. Further, he says:

So what does Huard think the Seahawks should pay Smith assuming he keeps up his high level of play?

“Two years, $30 million deal (with) $20 million guaranteed. Give Geno significant money, but do a deal where it doesn’t hamper you from drafting somebody in the top 10 if there’s someone that you love,” he said.

I don't think that's enough, personally. I know it's probably out there - but sign the dude to 40MM+/big league contract. And get it done before he slips away. It would show alot of confidence in the ENTIRE SYSTEM THAT HAS FLOURISHED UNDER HIM. It would also boost everyone's confidence and stability. If you take a look at all the names on the site that are 40MM+, um, he's outplaying them.

FURTHER, how could a big money deal on him be any more of a risk than the Donks took on Team 3 - and now are wishing they hadn't. He fits our system. Everyone loves him. I say lock that MF up right now, or in the immediate future. We got what we need. Fine, draft someone next year to learn from him, but that's not even the point.

Sign Geno! And, oh ya, did I mention? Check out the new Avatar!
And, Geno for PREZ! That is all.
I would do 4 years at 20 per fully guaranteed. Or maybe 18 per for 5 years. Not fully guaranteed. Then draft a qb in the next draft or so to let him study behind Geno.

I hope Geno would take a team friendly deal. If he allows the team to sign good players he could totally change his legacy. Unless he wants the bag. Either one I would understand.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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I would do 4 years at 20 per fully guaranteed. Or maybe 18 per for 5 years. Not fully guaranteed. Then draft a qb in the next draft or so to let him study behind Geno.

I hope Geno would take a team friendly deal. If he allows the team to sign good players he could totally change his legacy. Unless he wants the bag. Either one I would understand.
Well we can see if he can pull a Brady - it would go with his personality (not the Brady tide, but the legacy friendly deal)

if something like this were to happen - sooner than later imo - just to say to him and others “you are our guy”

I like it but it won’t be in the spring, would have to be NOW?


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
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I’m a believer now. And his performance warrants it but, I still have trouble dropping $40M a year on a guy.

I hope for something more “friendly”.


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Nov 28, 2014
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Florida and loving GOP country!
I'd let him play through the season with a gentleman's agreement that we will negotiate a new deal after the season. His agent and him could have a number that is far higher than the Hawks are willing to go, and that could cause a huge distraction for the rest of the year.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2014
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I think Geno wants to be here, and I think the Seahawks want him here. The one thing to think about is that he's played 10 years without having a really large contract. While I'm always hopeful about the hometown discount, this contract will be his shot at the big money. Just given his age, he probably won't have another one.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2017
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I think Geno wants to be here, and I think the Seahawks want him here. The one thing to think about is that he's played 10 years without having a really large contract. While I'm always hopeful about the hometown discount, this contract will be his shot at the big money. Just given his age, he probably won't have another one.
I agree Geno and his agent will want o get as much money as they can. If it was a guaranteed superbowl with the Seahawks on $25m or a RW3 like performance on $50m he might choose the former but nothing is guaranteed and I agree this is likely to be his last contract if it is for 3-5 years.

We do not know what is best. Maybe Jerhawk is right and we could have had an 11 win season with Lock, but a 12 win season with Geno wa preferred, if someone offers Geno $60m we let him go and win the SB next season with Lock.

I'm no expert on contracts but is a franchise tag like on Geno to at least get one more season with him?

I do hope however that with the 3 highest paid QBs in the league having losing seasons and the 4th highest not having played a snap, teams will be getting wary of paying silly money to Geno. I expect teams to offer $30m and I am fine with the hawks matching that but if they start offering $50m we have ot either lose him or have the rest of the team suffer due to cap space.


Well-known member
May 1, 2009
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The advantage Geno has in signing now is a guaranteed payday. If his play falters, or if he gets hurt, that would have a substantial hit against his income. So sign now please.
3yr, $54M, $35M guaranteed. Essentially a 2 year deal with an option.

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