Offseason thread 2023-24


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Oct 1, 2023
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Port Angeles Washington in the mountains
I di
People need to cut Dipoto some slack. He's the first guy to improve the organization top to bottom since the 90s. Mariners fans are so used to being out of the playoff race by June that they don't know how to handle a team that's playoff-caliber but not a sure-thing. Missing the playoffs by a game or two is what happens to teams at our current level sometimes.
As for Dipoto's press conference, I actually liked the things that others hated. The average normie is too emotional and not analytical enough to run a franchise. I'd rather have a nerd who can't related to normies than a normie who can't relate to nerds.
I disagree. This team was just a game out of the playoffs with Robinson Cano, Nelson Cruz and Jean segura before Dipoto showed up. He has drastically changed the entire team only to be right where we were when he started, minus one playoff appearance, only to watch the rays, orioles, and rangers pass us up in one day like it was easy and we don’t know what we’re doing. It seems like every big pitcher he signs gets worse and every hitter becomes a k-swinger. Teoscar and Ty swinging at everything a foot off the plate.

Sports Hernia

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The pit
People need to cut Dipoto some slack. He's the first guy to improve the organization top to bottom since the 90s. Mariners fans are so used to being out of the playoff race by June that they don't know how to handle a team that's playoff-caliber but not a sure-thing. Missing the playoffs by a game or two is what happens to teams at our current level sometimes.
As for Dipoto's press conference, I actually liked the things that others hated. The average normie is too emotional and not analytical enough to run a franchise. I'd rather have a nerd who can't related to normies than a normie who can't relate to nerds.
I 100% disagree.

Alienating your fanbase isn’t a wise move on his part. Telling the fanbase to “be patient” when Seattle is the only MLB team to NEVER appear in a World Series is extremely tone deaf, arrogant….. and ignorant of this teams mostly crap history.

I’ve been a fan of this team for 46 years, since day one.
I am seriously questioning my fandom of this team right now. I gave this team 46 years of “patience”, I’m sorry, but I’m all out of patience.
Winning a World Series isn’t a priority and is way down that list.

Priorities are:

1. Profit
2. Profit
3. Profit
4. Profit
5. Profit

6. World Series

They want to win a World Series on THIER terms only.
It simply doesn’t work that way.

The Mariners own players Cal and JP are even calling them out, and rightfully so.

Yesterday showed the Ownership and front offices true colors, and they don’t paint a pretty picture.

John Stanton needs to sell the team.
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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Jerry Dipoto can suck it.
Happy with 54 percent winning percentage?
Telling the fans to be Patient?

What? He is CLUELESS. What an arrogant pri**
They DO NOT care about winning the WS, period, end of story. I guarantee Cal was forced to apologize. And NOTHING he said was wrong.
This team has been to the playoffs 5 TIMES IN THEIR HISTORY. Don't f'in tell us to be patient. Insulting af.

Side note: Simply Seattle has already made up "Win 54 percent" shirts.


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May 15, 2023
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I 100% disagree.

Alienating your fanbase isn’t a wise move on his part. Telling the fanbase to “be patient” when Seattle is the only MLB team to NEVER appear in a World Series is extremely tone deaf, arrogant….. and ignorant of this teams mostly crap history.

I’ve been a fan of this team for 46 years, since day one.
I am seriously questioning my fandom of this team right now. I gave this team 46 years of “patience”, I’m sorry, but I’m all out of patience.
Winning a World Series isn’t a priority and is way down that list.

Priorities are:

1. Profit
2. Profit
3. Profit
4. Profit
5. Profit

6. World Series

They want to win a World Series on THIER terms only.
It simply doesn’t work that way.

The Mariners own players Cal and JP are even calling them out, and rightfully so.

Yesterday showed the Ownership and front offices true colors, and they don’t paint a pretty picture.

John Stanton needs to sell the team.
Being tone-deaf isn't the same thing as being wrong. "Tone-deaf" is more about the people's reaction to what was said than what was actually said. It's like saying someone is wrong because their statement is politically incorrect despite being factually correct. What matters more? The truth, or people's feelings?

For the last 2 decades there was only a couple seasons per decade where we actually had a real chance at the playoffs. When I say "chance" I mean they were actually good enough to not need a 20 game winning streak in September to stay in it. Dipoto is trying to build the Mariners up so that we can be legitimate playoffs contenders 8 out of 10 seasons instead of 2 out of 10.


Active member
May 15, 2023
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Jerry Dipoto can suck it.
Happy with 54 percent winning percentage?
Telling the fans to be Patient?

What? He is CLUELESS. What an arrogant pri**
They DO NOT care about winning the WS, period, end of story. I guarantee Cal was forced to apologize. And NOTHING he said was wrong.
This team has been to the playoffs 5 TIMES IN THEIR HISTORY. Don't f'in tell us to be patient. Insulting af.

Side note: Simply Seattle has already made up "Win 54 percent" shirts.
Winning 54% of their games in a decade would not only be a big improvement over what we've had the last 2 decades, but it would also bring us playoff wins.
Winning 54% =/= winning exactly 54% each year. 2 bad seasons out of 10 means that those other 8 seasons will have a greater than 54 winning percentage. It is in those 8 seasons that the playoffs (and eventually World Series) happens.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Saying you want to win 54 percent of your games, telling the fans to be patient makes you confident?
This team has 5 PLAYOFFS IN THEIR ENTIRE HISTORY. They NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER do what it takes to get over the hump.
They've never even been to the world series.
This management and ownership is a JOKE.

Sticking up for an arrogant prick like Dipsh*poto...............who's the clown here?


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Jan 12, 2014
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Dipoto and the front office are getting destroyed by the media. Mainly local but it’s becoming a national story as well. All the sports talk stations have laid into what Jerry said in his press conference.

I think before this season, the fan base was pretty split on Dipoto, me being one of them. But after yesterday, this entire FO regime should apologize to the fans.

In short, they basically said everyone who has criticized them is wrong and they don’t care about us. And when I say us, I’m also talking about his players (Cal and JP).

The 54% statement was just dumb. I get what he was trying to say, but you don’t say that. Just say, “our goal is to win the WS and we are doing everything we can to achieve that.” And don’t ever use the word “patience” with Mariner fans. That word is a no no.

What pissed me off is when he made some comment about “how he’s doing the fans a favor,” by not going all in and risking the future of our team.

Doubt I’ll go to a game next season.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Being tone-deaf isn't the same thing as being wrong. "Tone-deaf" is more about the people's reaction to what was said than what was actually said. It's like saying someone is wrong because their statement is politically incorrect despite being factually correct. What matters more? The truth, or people's feelings?

For the last 2 decades there was only a couple seasons per decade where we actually had a real chance at the playoffs. When I say "chance" I mean they were actually good enough to not need a 20 game winning streak in September to stay in it. Dipoto is trying to build the Mariners up so that we can be legitimate playoffs contenders 8 out of 10 seasons instead of 2 out of 10.
He is wrong as well. He’s had 8 years and 1 playoff team.
If you or I were that crappy at our jobs we would have been fired.

And don’t get me wrong, I like some of Jerry’s trades.

Even with that being said the majority of my gripe with the Mariners ownership. If go out and spend money on QUALITY FA’s it only costs you money. If you make a trade it costs you not only money but talent as well.

As for peoples feelings, that = money.
You keep pissing your fanbase off, it’s going to affect you bank account eventually.

Sports Hernia

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
I would flat out love it if Jerry/ownership would put their money where their mouth was (a few years ago) and they spend a huge chunk and get Ohtani + a supporting cast. I’d shut my fat yapper in a heartbeat and sing their praises.

Jerry and Stanton both said on the radio a few times the $$$ will be there to get top tier free agents stating in the 2022-2023 offseason. It rolls around to that time and they go shopping at the dollar store discount bin, and get Wong, Pollock, and LaStella. They basically sat on their wallet when the time to spend rolled around. I knew it was bullshit whenever I’d hear it, but was hoping to be proven wrong.

Prove me wrong THIS off-season fellas, I dare you.
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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2014
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People need to cut Dipoto some slack. He's the first guy to improve the organization top to bottom since the 90s. Mariners fans are so used to being out of the playoff race by June that they don't know how to handle a team that's playoff-caliber but not a sure-thing. Missing the playoffs by a game or two is what happens to teams at our current level sometimes.
As for Dipoto's press conference, I actually liked the things that others hated. The average normie is too emotional and not analytical enough to run a franchise. I'd rather have a nerd who can't relate to normies than a normie who can't relate to nerds.

I think everyone has given Dipoto a ton of credit for what he did years ago in getting the Mariners out of the basement. We are all aware he rebuilt this team and got us Julio. But we are talking about this past season and the future. This year was an absolute failure, just look at our off season signings (LaStella, Pollock, Wong, etc.). And he gave the fans really not faith that anything will change.

My opinion on JD is that he is great for rebuilding a team. But has no idea how to take an 86 win team to a legit WS contender. As you can see, we basically plateaud at 90 wins.

As for what he said yesterday, you don't say that publicly. I'm sure a lot of businesses and organizations run by similar standards (54%), but you don't say that. I'm sure teachers and principals are told they want a certain graduation rate. Do you think when a teacher speaks publicly in front of parents they say, "our goal for the next 10 years, is to have 70% of our students succeed and graduate." No, you don't say that. What you say is, "our goal is to have every kid succeed and graduate." All JD had to do was own his shortcomings (because that's what you are suppose to do as a leader), and strive for better. That's it. Instead he had to be the smartest guy in the room by telling the fans, players and media that we are wrong, and they will continue doing their same old approach.


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Nov 11, 2019
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Jerry Dipoto: Not sure big-name free agent is answer for Mariners​

And while he acknowledged the comments made by Cal Raleigh, J.P. Crawford and others, Dipoto, the team's president of baseball operations, doesn't necessarily believe going out and signing high-profile free agents is the answer to make Seattle better than the other clubs in the AL West.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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The Mariner FO's goal is almost ALWAYS to barely miss the playoffs.

They told me that over a decade ago, its probably baked into their DNA by now.

If you didn't realize that, not sure what you've been watching.

They want to win, but they don't want to win too much. There are reasons for that, but they said the quiet part out loud recently when they talked about a 54% win goal.

Systems in use long-term, generally produce the outcomes they are designed to deliver....or they'd be replaced. They reason the Mariners have such a playoff drought and rarely win anything? Is because that is what the team wants.
This is also why Otani would be crazy/stupid to sign with the Ms. Even though the Ms probably want a 2nd or 3rd tier FA anyway.

The problem is not that the Ms don't believe that signing high profile FAs get them better. They know it. Other teams do it and succeed, they aren't blind.
They problem is they want to be good, but not TOO good. This year was actually a perfect outcome.
In the playoff hunt down the stretch, lots of fan interest accordingly, and just missed the playoffs.
They probably have no choice but to make the playoffs this year or next, but they ideally want a quick exit if they make the playoffs.

The Mariners are not built to win games. They are built to fill stadiums, sell merch, and generate fan interest - while not driving up the cost too much. Remember the Dancing Groundskeepers?


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Nov 11, 2019
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Lets sign Trevor Bauer, send Marco and Woo off for some infield.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2023
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Port Angeles Washington in the mountains
Being tone-deaf isn't the same thing as being wrong. "Tone-deaf" is more about the people's reaction to what was said than what was actually said. It's like saying someone is wrong because their statement is politically incorrect despite being factually correct. What matters more? The truth, or people's feelings?

For the last 2 decades there was only a couple seasons per decade where we actually had a real chance at the playoffs. When I say "chance" I mean they were actually good enough to not need a 20 game winning streak in September to stay in it. Dipoto is trying to build the Mariners up so that we can be legitimate playoffs contenders 8 out of 10 seasons instead of 2 out of 10
Winning 54% of their games in a decade would not only be a big improvement over what we've had the last 2 decades, but it would also bring us playoff wins.
Winning 54% =/= winning exactly 54% each year. 2 bad seasons out of 10 means that those other 8 seasons will have a greater than 54 winning percentage. It is in those 8 seasons that the playoffs (and eventually World Series) happens.
So by this logic we should make the World Series next year??!!!! Woohoo!!!


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2023
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Port Angeles Washington in the mountains
He is wrong as well. He’s had 8 years and 1 playoff team.
If you or I were that crappy at our jobs we would have been fired.

And don’t get me wrong, I like some of Jerry’s trades.

Even with that being said the majority of my gripe with the Mariners ownership. If go out and spend money on QUALITY FA’s it only costs you money. If you make a trade it costs you not only money but talent as well.

As for peoples feelings, that = money.
You keep pissing your fanbase off, it’s going to affect you bank account eventually.
Jerry has some trades… lots of them.

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