official crow eating


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Apr 30, 2009
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With a White Girl
MizzouHawkGal":1cdh5wae said:
EverydayImRusselin":1cdh5wae said:
I was ambivalent about the hire, but I was ecstatic that Mora was gone.
This. All I cared about was Ruskell and Mora being gone.
Double this. But I was optimistic about Pete.


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Jan 2, 2013
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I was pretty happy with it. There are always going to be two pete groups, even if you've changed your mind and like him now - the people who initially thought that his personality and demeanor is disingenuous and that he is a fraud, and those who had the opposite reaction and are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until he shows otherwise, which he hasn't over decades of coaching.

There are people in the former camp that are always going to feel that first impression of thinking he's a phony and that's always going to linger even if they have changed their opinion about his coaching ability. I was in the later camp as someone who didn't see any reason to doubt the guy until he gave me one.


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May 4, 2009
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Auckland, New Zealand
I was on board with Carroll from the outset simply because he was allowed to select his GM, thus ensuring a compatible relationship which was SO opposite to the previous it's not funny.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Well it's nice to eventually come around to seeing and believing in what is going on here in Seattle, but 5 years is a long time, that Crow should be as old and freezer burned also, much easier to say your in after someone won something then to see what's happening and get in before.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I thought the team quit on Mora at the end of his one and done. He had to go.

In no way was I prescient about Pete though. It was when I realized he was really going to make Seattle a physical D that I was sold.


Jul 27, 2014
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hawknation2014":2rjwxdg1 said:
Carroll won two championships at SC and went 108 games (eight years) without losing a game by more than seven points. I don't feel sorry for you for not knowing he was a great coach.

Not sure I understand the part about "without losing by more than 7". I was at the Oct. 31, 2007 when Oregon beat Pete's USC team 47-20 (and it wasn't even that close). Were you speaking of post-season games?


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, Washington
Tech Worlds":irwsu0fa said:
drdiags":irwsu0fa said:
Wasn't impressed with the new unis when they first came out. BFS and crew loved them, I was kind of blah. Those blue unis with the trimming really pop now on the screen to me. Also love the grey unis. Even the road whites.

That is the last time I will mention unis ever (or at least for awhile).
Seams to me Dr, that you are trying to start another uniform thread.

Shame on you my friend.

Guilty as charged. If BFS was still posting, you know him and Aros would be supercharging this topic. I will go wash my hands for even typing about unis.


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Apr 4, 2010
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Over There
Hawknballs":9lgvptw0 said:
I was pretty happy with it. There are always going to be two pete groups, even if you've changed your mind and like him now - the people who initially thought that his personality and demeanor is disingenuous and that he is a fraud, and those who had the opposite reaction and are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until he shows otherwise, which he hasn't over decades of coaching.

There are people in the former camp that are always going to feel that first impression of thinking he's a phony and that's always going to linger even if they have changed their opinion about his coaching ability. I was in the later camp as someone who didn't see any reason to doubt the guy until he gave me one.
Agreed. I never could understand how people carried on with the "phony" critique of Pete, given his level of consistent success at USC. Phony people might get lucky now and then, but disingenuousness does not lend itself to maintaining elite-level success.

From my personal experience, I was a year-round athlete from 8 to 18 years old. I made tons of friends through sports, but never fit in with the typical meat-head jocks. My freshman football coach was interactive and affable, but also extremely disciplined and tough – much like Pete. My varsity coach was more like a Texas-born Mike Holmgren, personality wise. He delivered messages dogmatically and was quick with a fiery phrase or two when he didn't like what was going on. I always preferred my Pete Carroll-type coach. I felt more involved, inspired, and educated by his style. When Paul Allen got Pete, I was stoked. Pumped & Jacked even.

OP: No harm, no foul. Seeing the light is seeing the light, whenever it happens. :th2thumbs: You're able to recognize and accept an internal shift in perception in response to external evidence. According to interwebz comment sections, a whole lot of human-type people have a really hard time with that.


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Mar 6, 2007
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My memory of Pete's start was that it was total insanity. At the time, it had been roughly 20 years since the last time a major college coach turned into a good NFL hire. John Schneider was at the time of his hiring the youngest GM in the NFL. They were making moves almost every day, nearly 300 roster transactions that first year. They traded away players who were under-rated for pennies on the dollar, which at the time caused major shitstorms in certain quarters.

I never doubted Pete during this time though. Pete's early days were occasionally maddening (and only because we misunderstood him), but they were consistently fun. Nobody thought he was going to make Seattle good quickly, but we were still amped for the 2010 season just because we were so curious how the team would look after all the moves he made.

There was a lot of comfort too in the fact that his hand-picked GM was the right hand man of Ted Thompson, considered at the time to be the best GM in football.

I always liked Pete's chances because he showed obvious intelligence at USC. The "rah rah" label was just lazy journalism. You don't dominate college football and earn the name "the NFL's 33rd team" by having a great personality.

But what really sold me on him was that first offseason. Zillions of moves. An awesome draft. The team got just a little better while getting way younger and way cheaper. And within a year, the moves we thought were stupid proved to be utter genius in retrospect.


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Nov 5, 2011
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chris98251":1nd18hs5 said:
Well it's nice to eventually come around to seeing and believing in what is going on here in Seattle, but 5 years is a long time, that Crow should be as old and freezer burned also, much easier to say your in after someone won something then to see what's happening and get in before.

I thought we put Stabil on it prior to freezer burn??? Not sure if we vacuum sealed it tho. Cant remember. :twisted:


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2013
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There were two obvious reasons to believe in what Pete was doing. One was his history of success at USC. How've they been since he left? The other was the major house cleaning he did here. We all knew our team was junk. BTW look at that first draft! He's the best thing that's happened to Seattle Sports. :49ersmall:


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Mar 7, 2012
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I was ambivalent because, like kearly mentioned, there were very few coaches who had succeeded in both the ncaa and nfl. I thought the sample size (Jets and Pats) was just too small to make any definitive judgement. And I also questioned a lot of the early moves. I remember a sinking feeling during that NYG blowout loss, wondering if we were about to witness another Mora situation. That game really stands out because it was bitterly cold and we all saw that Whitehurst was a huge mistake. My Charlie chants blew up in my face. Wondered if we were headed back to the early 90s and that feeling sucked.

The BeastQuake sold me. I knew at that moment we were entering a new era and it was going to be truly fun in a way I hadn't experienced since the mid 80s. Even the Holmgren Hawks always felt kinda subdued, desparate, never dominant. But that ragtag crew of nobodies in 2010 actually got fun at the end and had a little spark I'd never seen before.

Felt the same apprehensiveness about Wilson and I'm sure glad they both brought us to the promised land. Who'da thunk we'd have the best coach qb tandem in the nfl so soon? What a crazy radical wonderful ride it's been.


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Oct 14, 2012
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I hated Pete passionately, and hated the hire at the time. Simple reason - Because I'm a Dawg. Now I'd wash & wax his car with a smile on my face. Love him. I'm pleased both him and Mora have achieved success. Go Dawgs, and GO HAWKS!


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Nov 21, 2013
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Eastern Flank of the Cascades
I liked the Carroll hire but really did not know what to expect other than this could not be worse than what was going down.

Then all the change started happening. I remember having a conversation with one of my best Hawk buddies saying if nothing else the team plays with fire and was much more enjoyable to watch. Even at 7-9 you could sense the team was heading in the right direction.

Then last year happened and now we never have to look back!!!!


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Jul 27, 2012
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I am not just saying this after the fact but I was 100% on board with the hire right from the start. I think that had to do with knowing we needed to move on from Mora though.

When Mora was hired I was so excited but it became clear really soon that he was not the right guy to churn the roster over. By the end of the first season I had this sick feeling we would stick with him for a few years and I was so happy when we canned him.


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Aug 31, 2012
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I really never understood why people didn't like the hire. He was a decent coach in NE and led a dynasty in the college ranks. I thought it was a slam dunk hire at the time.


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May 1, 2009
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Portland, OR
I had no idea what to expect, and honestly, I didn't want to be excited after being so stoked for the Mora era. (Which obviously blew up in my face, leaving me cynical as to my ability to prognosticate. ) *erk*


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Mar 7, 2012
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Steve2222":90fip9bt said:
I really never understood why people didn't like the hire. He was a decent coach in NE and led a dynasty in the college ranks. I thought it was a slam dunk hire at the time.
Dennis Erickson comes to mind