Media starting to get it...


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
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and i now present to you exhibit a)

XL was certainly a blight on the league but a conspiracy to pilot the storylines year after year throughout a $5B industry? With no one ever leaving the folds of the conspiracy and coming clean? Other billionaire owners being ok with it? C'mon. Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity, or something like that. That XL ref was a terrible ref, so was Luckett.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
And it works both ways. We are unfortunately cursed by the general underlying luke warm opinion of Carroll in the media. So as soon as a star like Russ leaves, the default narrative swings back to the team headed by the Rah rah coach who's message is getting old.

But for years after our defense was good, the media continued to claim we were a defensive juggernaut...

Chris Simms just did the same with the Ravens, picking them to win their game this week because of the quality of their D. A quick look at a game or the stats from last year or the year before would prove that the last thing for anyone to count on in betting on the Ravens is their defense. They were last in the league in ypp. last year. LAST. Yet still, they get credit based on performance from 6 years ago. It's not a conspiracy to keep them relevant. It's just dumb, uninformed reporting
more like either too lazy to look it up or too frugal to hire interns to look it up for them.