Kearly's offseason plan: 2014 edition


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Aug 22, 2012
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I think Kearly nailed exactly what we will do.

I think we'll find a way to keep Miller around and I think in Pete's strategy Hausch is an important piece and will get paid so. I'd like to see him get multiple years (more guaranteed for a lesser cap hit).

I don't see us restructuring Sherman. I think he's going to get a ridiculous contract in the FA market and everyone knows this. It will be a sad day to see him go but I don't think we can afford to keep him and Thomas (who I find more important). I see us franchising Wilson for a year before signing his long term contract, but that will have to be in good faith with Wilson and if he doesn't like that we'll have to get his contract done and we'll be able to franchise Sherman.

I think Lynch has one more year before the number of carries really takes it's toll. His replacement will have to be found in this years draft as I don't think Michael is what we want.

Bennet has to be paid and has to be on this team. There's no question we re-sign him. I think Tate's market will be large enough where he will be gone for very good money. I also think a lot of what he does is done better by Harvin.


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May 1, 2009
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Portland, OR
I'm pretty sure Bryant is gone if J. Williams is healthy or if the draft yields results.

What Seattle really needs is a 10 million dollar lift in the salary cap. :(


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Apr 30, 2009
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What a relief, you finally get to rosterbate. IT was killing you to wait, wasn't it?

I have to assume that there are a lot of details fans are not privy to that will drive a couple of these decisions. I think the FO is high on Scruggs. How does that affect Bennett? Don't get me wrong, I love what he brings, but any deal he signs with Seattle, no matter how long the contract says it is, has to have a team friendly out at 2 or 3 years, simply because he is smallish for a part time DT, and will be nearing 30 by then. We know how this FO feels about 30.

Even money Schofield ends up on the Titans. I think Pete is high on Mayowa, his Clemons clone. They protected him all year for a reason.

WR will be in flux. There is simply no way we keep Rice at his current number and sign both Baldwin and Tate. Baldwin of course is RFA, but I have to assume Seattle would like to sign him longer than a 1 year tender. I personally think Baldwin could be a 100 catch guy in a different scheme, like New England, so if I were him I would take the one year gamble on myself and not sign anything long term in Seattle. I will add to this that while Seattle is a premier destination for free agents now, I don't think that includes receivers and tight ends. Seattle craves a big body guy, and has 3 small body guys. Harvin isn't going anywhere, so unfortunately one of the duo of Tate and Baldwin is expendable. Especially with Kearse developing nicely.

Miller is gone. McCoy will be back, Willson is developing as a better target, but I could definitely see us getting a cheap FA or rookie blocking tight end. I don't share your high opinion of Kellen Davis.
Bowie and Bailey are certainly a part of the future here in Seattle. We most certainly have a dilemma with Okung, who could be facing toe surgery again. No way he gets extended this year. LMJ is gone, Unger needs a development guy behind him, Breno did develop, but I could see Bowie replacing him purely for the money. I am extremely curious to see how much of the line shuffling late in the year was tied to seeing who they want to keep.

As far as the draft, I think we know by now they will take a CB at some point, an athletic linebacker, and a versatile line player. Will they go after a big body WR and TE early is really my big question. With Percy, I have to wonder if there will be a change in philosophy.

Most of all, I wonder if there is going to be a big surprise cut or lack of interest in signing one of our own that will shock us all. I think there will be a couple of those. There were a handful of guys red shirted this year that we really have no idea how they are medically or what the real opinion of them is in Pete's mind, and that will have a major impact on who stays and who goes.


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Tri-Cities, WA
I think we all have to come to terms with the fact that Pete and John view this more like a college program than a pro franchise when it comes to roster decisions. You get 4-5 cheap years, and unless the player is a pro bowler, you move on to the next guy. Those next guys on this team include guys like Scruggs, Hill, Williams, Simon, Michaels, Willson, Kearse, Bowie, Bailey, Mayowa, etc. And it means guys like Giacomini, McQuistan, McDaniel, McDonald, Thurmond and even Browner and Tate will probably be allowed to walk. And their age, productivity and salary puts Miller, Clemons, Rice, Bryant and even Mebane in the cross hairs.

This team will continue to churn. We will fret, but cream will continue to rise and the team will march on.


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Apr 30, 2009
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On Danario Alexander -- he was so much of an injury concern, San Diego tendered him on an original pick basis last off season. He was an UDFA. And nobody bit.

Then he injured his ACL and missed the whole of 2013.

His career might be over to be fair.


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Jan 13, 2013
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I disagree on McDaniel and Hauschka.
Kickers are a dime a dozen we can find one easily.
As for McDaniel, I think he walks, we have Williams and Hill waiting in the wings to take his spot, let's stay young and cheap at that position. And we should sign mcdonald


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Jan 13, 2013
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and if we could somehow get tate at that price I'd be exctatic


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Apr 30, 2009
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Sarlacc83":wthszoja said:
Scottemojo":wthszoja said:
LMJ is gone,

Poor LaMichael. At least Lemuel Jeanpierre gets to stay.
haha. I took French, and in my head his name was Le'Muel Jean Pierre. So I still screwed up. From now on he is LMJP.
THe real LMJ can suck it.


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Jan 14, 2013
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themunn":fzr7wv5m said:
I got as far as Doug Baldwin 2nd round and the 49ers making a move.

Doug Baldwin moving to SF is as likely as Jacksonville winning the superbowl. I will continue to read. Interesting so far

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the idea. I've even read some Niner fans posting to the effect that they'd like to see it happen.

King Dog

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Aug 9, 2012
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Phoenix, AZ
I'm curious about what you guys think about keeping Jeanpierre and possibly trading / releasing Max Unger in a cap saving move. It looks like Ungers cap hit is $6,100,000 in 2014.

I'm no cap guru or personnel guru, but it didn't seem like there was much drop off when Lem was in there this year and the savings would be substantial unless I don't understand contracts and the cap (which I'll be the first to say that I really don't).


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Mar 15, 2013
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I think Jared Allen over a younger guy is a lot bigger improvement then keeping all our wrs and developing a young guy. Imo you got to find a way to wheel and deal some wrs or other positions, not sure how much value db/carpenter/bryant/kj would bring. Even if everyone signs for friendly deals Where's the long term plan in signing everyone to a couple mill a year range. Imo they will have to let a couple more guys walk and depend on cheap fa vets and rookies, it's our strong suits anyways. And we can't be afraid of change its What got us here in the first place obviously.

Everyone thinks I just hate our players or our wrs and I really don't, I just know if you sign guys like Sherman and rw our cap will be strapped, I feel like signing guys like our wrs will affect our ability to keep wagner/And other players/ corners in the future. I guess we better hope we can just keep pumping out pro bowl corners.

More of a statement than an argument, can tell you put another level into thinking about this then most of us. Thanks For the good read kearly


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King Dog":qduyng2n said:
I'm curious about what you guys think about keeping Jeanpierre and possibly trading / releasing Max Unger in a cap saving move. It looks like Ungers cap hit is $6,100,000 in 2014.

I'm no cap guru or personnel guru, but it didn't seem like there was much drop off when Lem was in there this year and the savings would be substantial unless I don't understand contracts and the cap (which I'll be the first to say that I really don't).
I wondered the same, but I think it unlikely. First, I think Unger was ailing all year with an arm, shoulder, or pec injury of some sort. Second, his recent contract is not that old, so 3.3 million of that 6.1 million due in 2014 is dead money. Cutting Unger would save only 2.8 million.


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Dec 18, 2009
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SonicHawk":1cdhvceu said:
I see us franchising Wilson for a year before signing his long term contract, but that will have to be in good faith with Wilson and if he doesn't like that we'll have to get his contract done and we'll be able to franchise Sherman.

Franchising Wilson wouldn't save you any cap space. I think the cap hit would still be at least $20M.


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Mar 2, 2010
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The only obvious piece I think you're missing is that Percy Harvin's deal will be restructured. His base salary next season is $11m with a cap number of $13.4m. Convert that base salary to $6m with a $5m bonus, and you can bring his cap number down to $9.4. That pays for Golden Tate by itself.

It'll raise the remaining cap numbers each year by $1m, but they can do this more than once, pushing the really high cap numbers back to 2017/2018 at which point you'd be looking at a whole new deal anyway.


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Nov 11, 2012
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Really glad Jerry Jones just gave his kicker 7 years, at about 3 Million per. Shouldn't inflate Hauschka's price at all.

One guy i'm curious about is Spencer Ware, and what exactly is his role. He strictly a fullback, or more of a hybrid role? (If he is still on the team come next season)


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Mar 15, 2013
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Scottemojo":3bedxt61 said:
King Dog":3bedxt61 said:
I'm curious about what you guys think about keeping Jeanpierre and possibly trading / releasing Max Unger in a cap saving move. It looks like Ungers cap hit is $6,100,000 in 2014.

I'm no cap guru or personnel guru, but it didn't seem like there was much drop off when Lem was in there this year and the savings would be substantial unless I don't understand contracts and the cap (which I'll be the first to say that I really don't).
I wondered the same, but I think it unlikely. First, I think Unger was ailing all year with an arm, shoulder, or pec injury of some sort. Second, his recent contract is not that old, so 3.3 million of that 6.1 million due in 2014 is dead money. Cutting Unger would save only 2.8 million.

Not saying you're wrong, I've read that a lot and something seemed off, but In another thread on here it recapped our injuries with rice, Simon, monstar, scruggs, okung, even nagging injuries with kam, but no mention of unger. If he's not hurt idk what to think other than his trade value being a pro bowler won't get any higher.. :stirthepot:


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Apr 30, 2009
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Great write up Kip, but reading that just made me hate the Harvin deal all the more. I sure hope he's healthy all season and really, Really opens up our offense. Otherwise, he's just a salary cap thorn.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Mr.Hawkbrah":2gfm17mm said:
Scottemojo":2gfm17mm said:
King Dog":2gfm17mm said:
I'm curious about what you guys think about keeping Jeanpierre and possibly trading / releasing Max Unger in a cap saving move. It looks like Ungers cap hit is $6,100,000 in 2014.

I'm no cap guru or personnel guru, but it didn't seem like there was much drop off when Lem was in there this year and the savings would be substantial unless I don't understand contracts and the cap (which I'll be the first to say that I really don't).
I wondered the same, but I think it unlikely. First, I think Unger was ailing all year with an arm, shoulder, or pec injury of some sort. Second, his recent contract is not that old, so 3.3 million of that 6.1 million due in 2014 is dead money. Cutting Unger would save only 2.8 million.

Not saying you're wrong, I've read that a lot and something seemed off, but In another thread on here it recapped our injuries with rice, Simon, monstar, scruggs, okung, even nagging injuries with kam, but no mention of unger. If he's not hurt idk what to think other than his trade value being a pro bowler won't get any higher.. :stirthepot:

The first two games he missed were for an upper arm injury, and that was October, and the injury was sustained in the first week of the season, IIRC. I don't think he forgot how to block between 2012 and 2013, so I suspect his injury was lingering. Like you said, something seemed off. Occam's razor and all that.


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Apr 29, 2013
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1. I don't see this FA keeping BOTH Tate and Baldwin long-term. They already have Percy, and Jermaine Kearse has been developing really well. I also think WR's are the most overpriced commodity out there in the FA market. Given PC's love of the big WR's, I don't see them resigning Tate. They're going to definitely target a bargain "bigger" WR like a Kenny Britt in FA, and also focus on that position in the draft. Lot of WR talent this year in the draft.

2. I do think they try keep Miller via a restructure. Cable/PC love what he brings with his consistency, blocking, and catching. Hoping they can get Miller to take a pay cut. They should also bring back McCoy who is a great blocking TE and should come cheap.

3. Can't see them resigning both McDaniel and McDonald. Jordan Hill is McDonald's replacement (cheaper, younger and just as talented). McDaniel should be easier to resign.

4. I think they'll resign Giacomini and Bennett.

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