My "average guy" take on the Seahawks PED issue


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May 6, 2012
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As I watch the national media spin this PED issue into a frothed frenzy and read articles with fans making comments about the Seadderal Seahawks, I realized that this is just like any other celebrity is treated by our media. For some reason, when our TV watching society smells "blood in the water" there is a finger -pointing rush to judge someone based on a lot of hearsay and assumptions that have never been validated. They have become "assumed facts" because the internet just regurgitates these juicy, sensationalized stories and opinions until everyone believes their own BS. The assumptions have compounded into ridiculousness and unbiased perspective has been lost.

How about a little real perspective...

1) like is Pete Carroll really a "cheat"...I hardly think so. I have actually met Pete and it took about 10 seconds for me to think, this guy is awesome. I only wish I had his energy, mastermind for football and positive outlook. The players respect him and love playing for him. He has coached for many years and is among the most successful college coaches and now making a statement in the NFL. If people think he could be so successful at USC like he was without being an excellent team leader and manager, they are delusional. We don't really know what happened with the whole Reggie Bush thing, but you have to give Pete kudos for what he has accomplished. Pete haters need to just go away.

2) Does Pete have a team that is spiraling out of control with PEDs? Lets see...over 50 players on the roster and we have had 5 PED issues in two years? It is an issue, but I am pretty sure Pete and John have had the right discussions with the team (ultimatums) and pounded their fists on this issue. You see what happened with Josh Portis today...I think they are tired of the players not taking it seriously.

3) Are Bruce Irvin, Brandon Browner, Richard Sherman, Marshawn and the other players horrible and irresponsible people? No! I can tell you they are not. I have also been lucky enough to meet several of the guys and have spoken with Bruce and Richard and many other players. I can tell you that they are good guys that want to play hard and win for Seattle (and support fans and local charities). These guys are college grads who have worked hard at their sport and become wealthy and are still in their twenties...I can't begin to describe how out of control I would have been if I had that kind of paycheck and fame at that young age.

4) why did they take the PEDs when they knew it was not allowed? Well I am pretty sure they all feel pressure to perform... if our jobs and paycheck depended on our physical performance, we would probably look hard at any edge we could find too. I can picture one of these young athletes hearing from some other young athlete that it might be ok to risk getting an edge by taking adderal during off-season training to help with playbook studying and making the team. Bad decision... yes criminal and bad

5) Is Richard Sherman a loud mouth? Well, ok the guy does not back down from an argument (that's for sure) but he backs up what he says and I can't say I have heard him say anything that was not true. Do other team's fans and players hate it? yes. My response...oh well, I think he is a blast to have on our team. I have seen the guy make a point of stopping and spending time with fans and kids at many events. Haters can keep hating, but the guy is a gem.

Personally, I love this team, I love our coaches, I love the whole behind the scenes staff from John Schneider to Sandy Gregory and the others, I love and appreciate all that Paul Allen has done for this city. All the guys have heart and play damn hard. They have fun and they love and appreciate the 12th man (and we support them like no other fans). Their chip on the shoulder attitudes have given Seattle a team that is fun to watch and potentially can win for years and give us a heck of a ride (along with a satisfied feeling we have rarely had in Seattle sports).

So what needs to happen from here...
Pete has already started by his press interviews showing that he is not happy. They need to turn this "opportunity" into a strength and show the character I know they demand of these players. I know Bruce already owned up to it with Twitter, but it would be nice to see Bruce (and maybe Russell standing next to him) do an interview where he just said, "yeah, I made a stupid decision to take a short cut and I really blew it. I really felt the pressure to be great this year and I thought I could get away with something this off-season. But really it just doesn't pay to do this kind of thing. Russell Wilson and coach Carrol got us all together as a team and we talked about the high cost of losing a premier playmaker with this kind of PED use. The players have all made a commitment to each other and we all decided we don't want to win that way. Yeah we've made some mistakes but you will see a team united after this." and then Russell would probably step in and say "Now lets go show the NFL how a real team wins, GO HAWKS!"

Then these guys need to live up to it and not take the stupid risk using these banned substances and go work their asses off this year all the way to the superb owl.

As far as other fans using this PED thing as a way to spin up their hatred for our team...oh well. As far as I'm concerned, they probably still won't love us when we beat their teams this year, but they will respect us. I can't predict the games but when we show that we are a tough physical team again this year with our unexpected success of a QB and possibly win into the playoffs, I will bet there will be a lot more Seahawks fans out there. Harvin, Winfield, Avril, Bennett, Williams, Willson (the other Willson) and all the new talent are going to be a real boost. It's going to be a fun year to be a part of the 12th man, try not to take the insults from the media and internet pundits too seriously and get caught up in their BS and let's just enjoy the ride we know is coming.

hope you don't mind my getting this off my chest.

(borrowing a line from Russell)...GO HAWKS!

blue 22

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Aug 30, 2010
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Honestly... No one will remember this stuff in september... watch.


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May 6, 2012
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yeah, you are probably right, but I just get fired up listening to all the BS out there when I am so excited about our team and what they are accomplishing. So maybe this was just more of a therapeutic session for me. Just send me the bill for listening to my rant LOL

blue 22

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Aug 30, 2010
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bobincovington":nku47byc said:
yeah, you are probably right, but I just get fired up listening to all the BS out there when I am so excited about our team and what they are accomplishing. So maybe this was just more of a therapeutic session for me. Just send me the bill for listening to my rant LOL

I hear ya. Dont focus on what the haters say. Pretty sure pete and john don't.

Forgot to say good post by the way! :179422:


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Mar 20, 2013
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Very well said.

Bob in Covington is a voice of reason.

As for the others who they think they know how to run a football team better than Pete Carroll, I have absolutely no use for them and can't stand even being around them. These back-biters, kibbitzers, finger pointers, criticizers, cowards and traitors have been waiting for something, anything as an excuse to bash Pete Carroll and the Seahawks. They should not be considered true Seahawk fans. We need to throw them out and bar them from Century Link Field.



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Apr 30, 2009
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Winning cures a lot of things...Young guys on this team...The whole program is to compete.
These kind of things happen, it's where you sift out the chafe...
But you can bet if this teams wins a lot of games, and dare I say SB...
The fans of less fortunate teams will be screaming Cheaters!
Don't care...


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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Yep winning is all that matters, they can trash talk all they want about us. It doesn't matter and doesn't bother me.


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Mar 20, 2013
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sutz":50rqf0df said:
It takes character to win when you get there.

Screw that. That is so unbelievably wrong-headed and counter-productive.

I absolutely guarantee that Bruce Irvin, Brandon Browner and Richard Sherman have the character to win the Super Bowl. They have much more character and will-to-win than those cowards who are criticizing them. You think they don't? You think we should get rid of them? Why are you even here?

I am tired of this garbage.

Why do you think these players took Adderall in the first place? They wanedt to win so badly that they risked their salaries and reputations so that they coukd work harder and more effectively studying film and the playbook -- in order to better themselves so the team could win. It is the same reason many of the best, brightest and most successful students who are winners, who get into the top medical and law schools take it -- in order to better themselves so that they can have more successful careers.

I am sick and tired of these people kicking the Seahawks at the first sign of anything even remotely negative.



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Nov 20, 2012
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Second everything you said. Great post. I have mentioned alot of this already as well. As much as the media sucks at this kinda stuff, I get more mad that posters here in .net that try to make something out of nothing. If your are on these forums and fans of the hawks, you need to at least give them the benefit of the doubt. I think they have earned that from you.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
bobk3333":3goznclg said:
sutz":3goznclg said:
It takes character to win when you get there.

Screw that. That is so unbelievably wrong-headed and counter-productive.

I absolutely guarantee that Bruce Irvin, Brandon Browner and Richard Sherman have the character to win the Super Bowl. They have much more character and will-to-win than those cowards who are criticizing them. You think they don't? You think we should get rid of them? Why are you even here?

I am tired of this garbage.

Why do you think these players took Adderall in the first place? They wanedt to win so badly that they risked their salaries and reputations so that they coukd work harder and more effectively studying film and the playbook -- in order to better themselves so the team could win. It is the same reason many of the best, brightest and most successful students who are winners, who get into the top medical and law schools take it -- in order to better themselves so that they can have more successful careers.

I am sick and tired of these people kicking the Seahawks at the first sign of anything even remotely negative.

Uh, it says character, not morality. I'm not the one dissing on guys that make mistakes and screaming for their heads. In fact, how they handle these situations will show what kind of character they have.

Get over yourself.



Sep 23, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
Man, I have a friend who was a former NFL player (He was a TE for the Raiders) and a cousin who made it through the first cuts at a Cardinals (yuck) camp a few years back, and both of them say the exact same thing "Everyone in the NFL is on some sort of PED, come sunday morning, you don't want to be the guy not on something, you will get killed"

I believe it to a point. The NFL is all about getting on edge, any way possible. Fast guys run In the NFL 4.28 40 and slow guys run a 4.5 40, and rhe difference in those 1.2 thousandths of a second could mean MILLIONS.

This team isn't "spiraling out of control" We have just been getting caught, and probably tested more frequently because of it.


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Apr 30, 2009
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bobk3333":vm1i7yll said:
sutz":vm1i7yll said:
It takes character to win when you get there.

Screw that. That is so unbelievably wrong-headed and counter-productive.

I absolutely guarantee that Bruce Irvin, Brandon Browner and Richard Sherman have the character to win the Super Bowl. They have much more character and will-to-win than those cowards who are criticizing them. You think they don't? You think we should get rid of them? Why are you even here?

I am tired of this garbage.

Why do you think these players took Adderall in the first place? They wanedt to win so badly that they risked their salaries and reputations so that they coukd work harder and more effectively studying film and the playbook -- in order to better themselves so the team could win. It is the same reason many of the best, brightest and most successful students who are winners, who get into the top medical and law schools take it -- in order to better themselves so that they can have more successful careers.

I am sick and tired of these people kicking the Seahawks at the first sign of anything even remotely negative.




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Oct 13, 2009
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New Joisey
Great Post by O.P. As it now stands, you either hate us or love us.

A couple of years ago, we were the NFC Worst. So it went from us being a laughingstock to the Seadderall Seahawks.
One way or another, it would have been something, anything, for opposing teams and their fans to hate us.

I would rather much be feared (what all this trolling amounts to) than laughed at.

We all we got, we all we need.


May 15, 2012
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We have no one to blame but ourselves as viewers/ fans of the media/ entertainment industry.
Almost all of this is run through advertising dollars which relies on viewer/ listener ratings.
What attracts more attention than bad news, especially someone else ? Bad news sells much better than good news.
It feeds to the majorities (our opponents) hopes.
In non-competitive "news" I guess shows what sick puppies we can be judging by what is often getting the best ratings.