We lost to the refs, not the Saints.


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Jan 4, 2013
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Phoenix az
twisted_steel2":3ppxruzn said:
For me, I usually don't get angry when we lose... it bums me out, and I mop for an hour or two. But anger? Nah. Win some, you lose some.

But when the officiating seems to be deciding the outcomes on the field, when the officiating becomes the story, when the officiating doesn't let the players decide the outcome? That's when I get angry, that's what drives me crazy.

I quit watching at one point, I think in the 4th quarter... when we got them to a 4th down, stopped their drive! Woohooo! Punt time!

Nope, I penalty to extend the Saints drive, and they're judgement calls, always judgement calls. Never something obvious, always some ticky tack BS.

Notice how they stopped showing the replays of the 'penalties'?

The Shead penalty was jaw dropping.

He literally engaged the receiver at the line of scrimmage, ran with him laterally and then broke on the quick slant beating the receiver to the ball for the break up.

Textbook. Just as it is taught.

You could tell the refs were struggling with what to call it. That they settled on holding was even more absurd.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
Opponent penalties vs. the Seahawks were lowest in the NFL in 2014, 2015 and are 2nd to lowest in 2016? That is a flat out agenda. Period.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014
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Wow can't even vent in seahawk forum. Terrible community when we lose.

El Caliente

Sep 4, 2014
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Hey guys, Saints fan here.

Great game, and I agree, the refs are horrible. It was so weird watching another team get beat by the refs as we are usually the ones getting beat by the refs. Home field advantage for sure, and it is what it is. Can't say that i'm not thankful that karma finally made her way to our side. But this would have been a none issue if the refs were better trained.

As to the game itself. I wasn't sure how we were able to pass on Sherman and Co. with ease, until I read here, and watched in the game that Sherm was dealing with issues with his hand, and Thomas was playing hurt. It made sense. Your line is real though. Holy cow, you guys are as solid as the Hoover dam, nothing is getting through there.

I want to tip my cap to Bevell, thanks for not calling a play for Jimmy to catch the ball on that last play. Every Saints fan was expecting it, so manybe thats why he didn't go to the obvious option (Jimmy), but man, thank you. You throw it up and our small safety duo isn't catching that jump ball.

Good luck going forward.


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Jul 21, 2011
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Bitter":1zva7lso said:
StoneCold":1zva7lso said:
Too many subjective penalties. Penalties that are sometimes called and others not. And they end up deciding the game. I'm not one of those that believe the NFL has it in for some teams, I don't think it's a conspiracy, I think the game is getting away from them, it's out of their control. It is not quite as bad as watching WWE, but i'm quickly tiring of watching a game that is not decided by the players.

Of course it isn't about screwing teams. It is about generating revenue. Teams getting screwed is just collateral damage. There is no real accountability for the refs or the league, so why not do what puts the most money in your pockets.

Just like the NBA, it's a billion dollar business. The league is owned and run by greedy businessmen who obviously are not afraid to compromise the sanctity of the sport in order to generate the best results in order to generate the most income. I've said for years, games aren't fixed, that's too dangerous. But influencing switch a few questionable calls can tilt the field just enough to get the outcome they want. Today was a perfect example.


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Oct 12, 2011
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Lecce, Italy
hawksfansinceday1":1v46gzoi said:
Opponent penalties vs. the Seahawks were lowest in the NFL in 2014, 2015 and are 2nd to lowest in 2016? That is a flat out agenda. Period.

It's not the fact that they are the lowest against all this time. It is that they are so much lower than their average performances. A team will average 6 penalties a game and them BOOM...1 against Seattle. That is where the real travesty lies.


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Nov 2, 2014
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twisted_steel2":wc31lp7o said:
Notice how they stopped showing the replays of the 'penalties'?

Now you mention it..

I'm beginning to feel how I did when I was about 13 and I figured out WWF was all fake.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Orlando, FL
drewba":2os9qh91 said:
Not a fan of blaming referees for a loss, but they played a huge hand in this one.

Seahawks - 11 penalties for 76 yards
Saints - 2 penalties for 10 yards

Plus 2 very questionable calls against the Seahawks D when they would have gotten off the field and 2 more non-calls on the Saints that even Mike Periera said were OPI
I read through what everyone had to say in this thread and think this was a reasonable response to the officiating. I was out of market, so missed the first quarter with the OT game in London.

Were some of those penalties on the o-line? Saw the stupid penalty ET hugging the official. There's nothing that says penalties have to equal out. But, when it's this lopsided and the other team is usually the recipient, ya gotta wonder what's up with that.

Those popping off about "weak fans" merely pointing out the unjust calls/no calls are akin to the those who tolerate bullying by saying the short fat kid should have been able to overcome on his own (or worse - that it's something about the victim that was deserving of the treatment.) Pointing out injustice isn't weak. Using name calling humiliation tactics is bad form.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Just cruising through the Saints Reddit board, seems like most of 'em acknowledge how lopsided the reffing was.

-But are pleasantly surprised they benefited from it, for once. And obviously will take it.
-Or two, feel like the Seahawks ALWAYS get bailed out by the refs, so ya know, karma or something. :roll: