When did Seahawk fans started hating the 49ers?

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Mar 3, 2007
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9erEmpire":210q5zss said:
I see so much hatred from Seattle fans towards my favorite team, the 49ers, that I have to ask this? Your team barely joined the NFC West during the realignment. Not enough time to build so much hatred towards us. Before the realignment and up until this year, most 49er fans don't even care for the Seahawks. They never really got a reaction out of the 49er fan base.

You guys consider us your rivals but we consider the Rams are our rivals.

So let me ask, when did your hatred for the 49ers begin?

Don't hate the team, it's the arrogant blowhard fans that I have a hard time with. Unfortunately for me, that includes a lot of family :(


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Sep 20, 2013
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First time poster.

I don't hate any team or player, but I have watched Harblow since he was a Bear. I grew up in the Chicago area, and seen what his attitude has been ever since he was a rookie. I disliked him then, and his attitude has rubbed off on the Niners. I don't think there is a "super" rivalry now, just division rivals trying to win the title. I would root against any team with Harblow as a coach, but it makes it even better that he is coaching our division rivals.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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I didn't hate them until the past couple years. Before there just wasn't that many around. I didn't even know I had that many Ninner friends til like 2011. All of a sudden, these guys are the most vocal, ignorant crap talkers in the world. I wondered where they've been all this time. Add to that, Harbaugh is a horrible human being and Kaep is his protege, its hard not to hate. I was actually starting to come around on Kaep this season. Well, that certainly changed with his words and actions against the Seahawks. Can you really any more of a crybaby? Sulking, running back to the lockerroom with no handshake at all?

Then we have little trolls like you constantly showing up and then disappearing. What a big ass "cat"! It's too loud! You guys need to quiet down!


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May 15, 2013
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Ontario, Oregon
My hatred started just a few years ago when Harbaugh first got there. I never heard a peep from 9ers fans for about 12 years because you guys were the joke of the NFL. Then all of the sudden you FINALLY have a good season and your fans act like you were the 85 Bears. So much arrogance it was mind boggling. I used to actually root for you guys when you weren't playing Seattle. But then again, I root for every terrible team because I like seeing underdogs win, and you guys were god awful for a decade.

BTW I find it funny hearing 9er fans say that the Rams are their main rivals when, if you look at every 49ers forum, all you see is HATE HATE HATE for the Seahawks. Saying otherwise just proves my point of your fan base's arrogance.

P.S. 71-16


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Mar 22, 2013
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Kidnap County
Why would I hate the 49ers. I love it when they come to the Clink because it is always an entertaining beat down that makes my week so much better. I should send the team thank you cards.


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Tri Cities, WA
When Singletary marched them into our stadium like they were a Roman legion.

It's funny because I remember when the Huskies did this to Bill Walsh, another Bay Area cretin, and proceeded to prove they were a bunch of mercenaries.



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Jul 5, 2009
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9erEmpire":16rp1ftp said:
bigtrain21":16rp1ftp said:
9erEmpire":16rp1ftp said:
I see so much hatred from Seattle fans towards my favorite team, the 49ers, that I have to ask this? Your team barely joined the NFC West during the realignment. Not enough time to build so much hatred towards us. Before the realignment and up until this year, most 49er fans don't even care for the Seahawks. They never really got a reaction out of the 49er fan base.

You guys consider us your rivals but we consider the Rams are our rivals.

So let me ask, when did your hatred for the 49ers begin?

Now they bitch and moan about all sorts of things when they lose because the think if their team loses they must have been cheated even though come on now, 71-16 is an absolute annihilation.

Quite a few of you are complete dickheads, you included.

Yea....you guys sure are classy.

You've come to a SEAHAWKS message board specifically to ask about a division rivalry. You shouldn't be surprised to get a response like that. It may be uncalled for but it comes with the territory. If you don't like it, no one's forcing you to post here. That you're willing to use that response to paint the entire message board as unclassy does not speak well of you.

As for myself, the hatred started in 2006. The 9ers were a BAD team that year (just like any other year pre-Harbaugh), but because they swept the Hawks, everyone thought they were world-beaters. Had to endure a pretty annoying offseason in which all the pundits couldn't wait to anoint their asses. Keep in mind that this was a team that had been drafting really high for years and still couldn't put a polished turd on the field. The 9ers trolls who hung around in those days were pretty cocky despite zero accomplishments from their team.

If anything, I like the team itself a lot MORE now that Harbaugh is coach, because they have a lot of likable players who no longer perpetually underachieve. I find Harbaugh's antics annoying, but he's a great coach and I respect what he's done with the organization. Of course, now that the team is actually good, the fans are just that much more unbearable. So overall it's probably a wash.


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Mar 17, 2013
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When you traded Joe Montana to KC, and decided to promote Steve Young as your "new & improved" Franchise QB.

Oh wait, when you troll OUR FORUM to specifically promote your own 9erWhiner Agenda, and then you still complain when you take your medicine, both on the field and on the .net.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Why do I read all of this guy's posts in the voice of Judy Spelman?

Inside, this guy is seething. He knows that next year the Niners will lose in Seattle, he knows that during the off season Kay-pernick not winning in Seattle will be mentioned ad nauseum, he knows there will be mention of other teams trying to imitate Seattle schemes, and most of all he is scared shitless his team will have to play a playoff game in Seattle as they conclude their 2013 season. Worst of all, he saw some of his players quit on the field, so that doubt that they actually have what it takes is just gnawing at him. The rug has been pulled out from under him, and the insecurity is palpable.

What a transparent little princess. This person signed up on a Seahawks board just to let Twelves know he does not consider them a rival. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He thinks the noise is unfair. Deep down, he wants special rules from the league office so his Niners can talk to each other in peace and quiet, just like Bill Walsh intended when he invented the beautiful game. He even drops the cliches about how long he has been a fan, trys a few digs about afc west history, and undoubtedly soon will turn his focus to Pete's smug gum chewing face and all the dirty shit our DB's get away with. Hell yeah, Niner fans, our defensive backs cheat like hell, pop pills and roid up, and we get away with it. Maybe your team should try the same, then maybe one of your starting defensive backs could be good enough play on our practice squad. Maybe one.

I love it. 33. 19. 13. 13. 3. This question was all over Niner fans mouths this week, Do you think the Seahawks have figured out the Niners offense? Hell yes. What is there to figure out? An old running back? Slow shitty receivers? A QB who runs like a deer...at night...into the path of an oncoming truck? A tight end who is afraid to mix it up with the meanies in our secondary?

We have got it better than you.


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May 1, 2009
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Portland, OR
When they decided to jump on this board to defend everything about their awful head coach and show what incredibly ignorant fans they have.

Weird, it's almost like this post was started by another one cut from the same cloth. How is this dude not banned already?


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May 1, 2009
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God's cycling country (Miami, FL)
After a ton of bandwagon 49ers fans started showing up after Harbaugh came to S.F. We literally had two 49ers fans here like, ever, before then. Then we had an influx of the most moronic trolls coming here, and it hasn't really stopped. If any of your friends want to know why they've had trouble getting approved here, it's because the mods have had to significantly stem the tide of 49ers fans because literally for more than a year they were banning 75%+ of 49ers fans within a few days of them being activated here.

It went from "there are 49ers fans on the Internet?" to "wow, we're banning five trolls per day" overnight. Pathetic.


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Feb 23, 2007
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Sarlacc83":1f38otzm said:
When they decided to jump on this board to defend everything about their awful head coach and show what incredibly ignorant fans they have.

Weird, it's almost like this post was started by another one cut from the same cloth. How is this dude not banned already?

How do you know he's not?

AND, you guys need to stop falling for this.
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