What On Earth Is Happening?


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Nov 24, 2009
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Long Island, NY
The D was so good. The Chargers had nothing downfield. I can only recall one long one they tried…and this is a team with Herbert,Allen, and Williams.

I can’t answer what the D was doing on the backend schematically but I can say I did not see any Chargers receivers getting open.

Ekeler did great catching passes but the Charger run was totally shut down.
Tackling has gotten much better. And you see 3-4 hawks players on every tackle. They are starting to believe. Just like the 1980 Olympic hockey team.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Less being out of position. And a couple players pointed out after the game that many of these guys have never played together, so it taking a bit to gel isn't a big surprise.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Let me see if I have this straight.

My good friend who is a diehard Bucs fan said, and I quote:

"Geno Smith is making Tom Brady look like a rookie having his worst day."

Pretty much. Aaron Rodgers looks old. Outside of Mahomes and Allen I am hard pressed to think of a better QB in the NFL right now than Geno Smith.

Did I really just type those words?

DK goes down. Lockett is limping along on a bum hamstring. No worries! Goodwin ends up looking like a starter, scoring two TDs and one of them certainly making SportsCenter.

And Mr. Walker III? He's a poor man's Barry Sanders and that is not a back-handed compliment. At 22-years of age, he is just beginning and boy I cannot wait to see his career unfold for us these coming years. He has IT.

I don't care if you are Team Love Pete or Team Hate Pete. If you saw that sideline moment late in the game when Geno was losing his shit, turned and walked onto the field only to have Pete shout "Geno!" Forcing Geno to turn around to find his coach move his hand from the top to the bottom of his belly as if to say "Center Thyself", you may have just witnessed a true Jedi Mind Trick.

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The defense has done a complete 180 these past two weeks. Will someone with an actual X's and O's IQ please help me (us) understand what in the hell has changed to create such an apparent epiphany?? They don't even look like the same athletes I have watched this past month or more. I did hear from some players tonight saying it really boils down to familiarity. Many of these players were playing together for the first time and they said it took 7 games to finally start becoming familiar enough with each other to trust each other and know what each other is wanting to do on each play. I have to think there's more to it than that, but whatever it is, it's seemingly working quite well.

4-3. All alone for the moment in first place in the NFC West. Dammit, I really should have put some money down on that stupid 5.5 win line. Oh well.

Ryan is a bona fide boss. We legit have a ton of great players on defense and they are starting to show that. Our offense is flat out fun to watch.

I never thought I would live to see the day I say the following words:

I'm glad Russell Wilson is gone.
Remember our convo over a couple pounders of wine at Temple last season?

I was wrong about us sucking, but I did think even then that it was time for the team to move on from Russ and sell high while we still could.

Trade of the decade.


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Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
Buying into Pete Ball. Team looks to me that they are just having fun right now. Guys are stepping up and playing like a team. No spotlight on a selfish media monger. Dare I say the D doesn't look as atrocious too? Not sure where it goes but will just go week to week and enjoy the best seahawk football watched in several years!


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
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I've had the NFL shows in the background all day, and it's been the big theme. Is Rodgers finished? Is Brady finished? Now apparently, Matt Ryan IS finished. In fact, Wilson is essentially getting the day off from all this because his injury kept him from another stinker and being part of the day's conversation.


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Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
Said it yesterday in GameDay chat.
This is all slightly reminiscent.

A bunch of no names playing better than anyone anticipated.

The Giants will be a test for sure, if they handle them like they did the Chargers there’s no telling what might happen in the NFCW.
A hallmark of Peteball or PeteCoaching.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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The turnaround of the defense the past two weeks kind of has me speechless.

It's beyond anything I could have expected. And I celebrate it.

Also: kudos to Ryan Neal. Dude doesn't get enough love. He makes plays. And probably should have gotten more snaps each of the past three seasons.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
The turnaround of the defense the past two weeks kind of has me speechless.

It's beyond anything I could have expected. And I celebrate it.

Also: kudos to Ryan Neal. Dude doesn't get enough love. He makes plays. And probably should have gotten more snaps each of the past three seasons.
That is why about 3 or 4 weeks ago I said "patience padawans the D will get better that is what Pete does"


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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Russell Wilson lost the chip on his shoulder. Like, BIG time.

This team only works when guys have a real chip. No divas.

Russell Wilson, and I've said this before, is Ricky Vaughn at the start of Major League 2. Corporate mf. Not the same player or person.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Sammamish, WA
My problem wasn't with Pete as so much as the coaches he had around him - Waldron, Hurtt, etc. Up till game 3 this season, the Waldron offense was just bland. Now it's a juggernaut and I'll gladly eat crow for being wrong about him and it. Hopefully this stays the course the rest of the season.

As for the defense, whatever took place to right that ship; I'm glad it happened. Seahawks should not be losing games when the offense scores 30+ points. They didn't yesterday. Chargers are an AFC contender. It was a test they passed in flying colors.

They gave the Falcons game away but they made up for it yesterday.


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2022
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Pete is great with the players that make less money than him. It's after they get paid that they start feeling like they'd heard it all before, they know it all and then soon begin to tire of Pete's rah rah rah stuff. What they fail to identify is that it was Carroll that got them where they longed to be and it was Carroll that gave them the tools they needed to get there.

I'm not (yet) the world's biggest Pete Carroll fan but I totally feel he is under appreciated by many of his former vets and that speaks more about who they are than it does about who he is. With Wilson finally gone, I'm now rooting hard for Pete Carroll. With those handcuffs off, I look forward to seeing what he can do going forward. And I find myself as excited for him as I am the fans and franchise. Go Pete.