What, Me Worry?


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For what it is worth, the story line on Vannett is that he was plagued by back problems in each of his first two years. In an interview, he stated he has worked on strengthening his back and core. He stated he feels better now than at any time previously.

Spin Doctor

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Sep 8, 2009
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I can already see a few problem areas for the Seahawks this season. It is clear that this is a deeply flawed team that has many holes, both on offense and defense.

The main problem on offense is the right side of the line. This is going to be a problem the whole season. Fluker is a good runblocker, but an awful pass blocker, and Ifedi is showing no progress. In fact, in some ways he looks worse than he did last season. Technique wise he is doing everything wrong. He is bending at the back, his footwork is getting all tied up and he is exploited by pass rushers that have good technique regularly. Maybe they should try switching Fluker and Ifedi, Fluker to RT, Ifedi to RG, see if that makes any difference. Fluker actually played better at RT at NY. He still was a bad at pass blocking, but he certainly was not as bad as Ifedi is. Another point of contention with Ifedi is, in many cases he wasn't even getting a hand on the guy in the run game. Sometimes he would just be standing there. He looks confused. One thing is clear to me, Ifedi is not a RT, and he does not belong there.

Running back health. Carson, and Procise are injury problems, Penny is banged up already as well. Finger issues are a bit tricky, they can be season long problems if the fracture was bad enough. Don't think this is the case with Penny, but it is worth watching none the less.

Tight End production. Schottenheimer likes to run two tight end sets, even on passing plays. Unfortunately none of our TE's are exactly known for being great pass catchers.

On defense the problem is much more dire.

Our defense does not have much depth, and our starters at FS and SS are a concern. Tedric Thompson and Delano Hill both are looking really rough. They're getting torched by everyone, and even in run support they don't look great. Their backups don't look much better either. I'm really confused as to why we didn't even take a look a Reid in the draft. We knew at least Chancellor was going to be gone, and that we were actively shopping Thomas. To me Thompson and Delano Hill as you contingency plans is not ideal in any sense of the word.

CB, we have Maxwell whom played okay in a pinch for us last season, and Griffin who looks like outstanding young talent. Maxwell and Flowers are a concern, especially with our questionable safeties behind them. Flowers, like Maxwell last season has looked like a mixed bag.

Defensive line looks like an issue. They were bullied all game long and last game they didn't look too hot against the run either. This is the unit I think that will improve the most over the season, there is some talent I really like on the D-Line.

If we want to do anything this season I suspect that we're going to have to be a more offensively oriented team. The defense looks like a hot dumpster fire at the moment, and it is lacking depth in key areas. On the offense, oddly enough I feel there aren't as many holes, and we have a great Quarterback. Our running game has also looked decent. I really hope Carroll plays to this teams strength, which clearly looks to be our passing game at the moment. Moore, and Brown have looked great, and Marshall looks like he can still contribute. Doug Baldwin is of course Doug Baldwin, the Steve Smith clone. Unfortunately I don't think Carroll or Schottenheimer will do this, both are very stubborn about sticking to their game plan. I think what we need is a quick hit passing game like we saw demonstrated against the Colts with our right side of the line being in question. Unfortunately in this game, Schottenheimer looked like he was trying to do his best Bevell impersonation.


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Jan 1, 2018
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Spin Doctor":26aldutl said:
I can already see a few problem areas for the Seahawks this season. It is clear that this is a deeply flawed team that has many holes, both on offense and defense.

The main problem on offense is the right side of the line. This is going to be a problem the whole season. Fluker is a good runblocker, but an awful pass blocker, and Ifedi is showing no progress. In fact, in some ways he looks worse than he did last season. Technique wise he is doing everything wrong. He is bending at the back, his footwork is getting all tied up and he is exploited by pass rushers that have good technique regularly. Maybe they should try switching Fluker and Ifedi, Fluker to RT, Ifedi to RG, see if that makes any difference. Fluker actually played better at RT at NY. He still was a bad at pass blocking, but he certainly was not as bad as Ifedi is. Another point of contention with Ifedi is, in many cases he wasn't even getting a hand on the guy in the run game. Sometimes he would just be standing there. He looks confused. One thing is clear to me, Ifedi is not a RT, and he does not belong there.

Running back health. Carson, and Procise are injury problems, Penny is banged up already as well. Finger issues are a bit tricky, they can be season long problems if the fracture was bad enough. Don't think this is the case with Penny, but it is worth watching none the less.

Tight End production. Schottenheimer likes to run two tight end sets, even on passing plays. Unfortunately none of our TE's are exactly known for being great pass catchers.

On defense the problem is much more dire.

Our defense does not have much depth, and our starters at FS and SS are a concern. Tedric Thompson and Delano Hill both are looking really rough. They're getting torched by everyone, and even in run support they don't look great. Their backups don't look much better either. I'm really confused as to why we didn't even take a look a Reid in the draft. We knew at least Chancellor was going to be gone, and that we were actively shopping Thomas. To me Thompson and Delano Hill as you contingency plans is not ideal in any sense of the word.

CB, we have Maxwell whom played okay in a pinch for us last season, and Griffin who looks like outstanding young talent. Maxwell and Flowers are a concern, especially with our questionable safeties behind them. Flowers, like Maxwell last season has looked like a mixed bag.

Defensive line looks like an issue. They were bullied all game long and last game they didn't look too hot against the run either. This is the unit I think that will improve the most over the season, there is some talent I really like on the D-Line.

If we want to do anything this season I suspect that we're going to have to be a more offensively oriented team. The defense looks like a hot dumpster fire at the moment, and it is lacking depth in key areas. On the offense, oddly enough I feel there aren't as many holes, and we have a great Quarterback. Our running game has also looked decent. I really hope Carroll plays to this teams strength, which clearly looks to be our passing game at the moment. Moore, and Brown have looked great, and Marshall looks like he can still contribute. Doug Baldwin is of course Doug Baldwin, the Steve Smith clone. Unfortunately I don't think Carroll or Schottenheimer will do this, both are very stubborn about sticking to their game plan. I think what we need is a quick hit passing game like we saw demonstrated against the Colts with our right side of the line being in question. Unfortunately in this game, Schottenheimer looked like he was trying to do his best Bevell impersonation.

McDougald, I thought, played well.


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Jan 1, 2018
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Bobby and K.J. have both been sleep walking through this preseason.

In some ways, it is actually comforting to know that the two biggest issues with the first team defense have come from our two very best defensive players, in failing to fill their lanes properly. Once they return to form, the defense will certainly improve.


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Oct 11, 2016
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Portland, OR
I actually think they ran too much haha. Carson looked good, except at the goal line. We haven't "punched one in" from the goal line since our playoff win against Detroit a year and a half ago. It sucks how Brock was saying how important it would be for Pete to run it in to reclaim our tough, physical, running identity and how the result was a disaster. I would've preferred testing Marshall's viability in the RZ on the play after Carson was stuffed, but there should be more opportunities for that.

The other play that annoyed me was running it on 2nd and 12. That should be a pass play every time unless the defensive alignment is screaming weakness against the run. Again, hopefully they're just testing stuff.


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Mar 4, 2007
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I'm not too worried about our DLine...yet because it not the talent.

Green showed up again. He's the real deal. We didn't see Clark in TC or the 1st preseason game and showed up. And, others Stephen, Johnson, Jones, Reed, Ford, Jefferson broke thru to get behind the line, but they couldn't finish the play as the QB scrambled up the middle for big yards. Or, they would rush upfield, basically running themselves out of the play creating big holes and big runs by their RB.

I hope PC and Norton have narrowed their list of players who'll make the team. Players need to know their assignment, gap control, play within the system, when they'll rotate in based on down/distance, etc. And, I hope they do this in game 3 because everyone is just doing whatever it takes to get behind the line regardless of their assignment. There's a lot of talent, it's time to play within the system.

Now, I'll panic if we see the same issues next week....


Aros":2v1svl5u said:
Okay, so this wasn't the best game we could have drawn up. In fact, most of the game kinda sucked. But there were highlights no question. Remember...IT'S PRESEASON. That's right, take a deep breath.

The first team offense showed serious potential. Russell was Russell...And like the broadcasters mentioned, the most underrated aspect of Russel's game is his ability to throw one of the best deep balls in the league. That ability was on display when he threw that gorgeous ball early (I can't recall to who)...

Despite that fumble on the 1 yard line (UGH!) Carson looked like the REAL DEAL. Damn, I mean it. Hard running, and our starting OL provided some lanes. Over all, even though we settled for field goals on our first string offense, there was a sense that they are going to be okay this year. Fool's Gold? We shall see, but despite the lack of TD's, I just feel our offense is going to be okay.

Now our starting defense?

Hmmm... Mixed bag. Now keep in mind, for whatever reason, the Chargers always seem to have our number, especially with Rivers running the show. At first I was livid when they marched down the field on us at will to score their first TD, but then I thought, "You know what? This is precisely what our rooks need." What a great lesson for our young players...Rivers is one of the best if not most underrated QBs today.

I admit, part of me was in mid-season form, yelling at the TV. Then I caught myself, remembered that this is a whole new football team. A new era. Patience is mandatory.

I am working on it.

Reasonable post but GREAT spin. Are you in public relations?

...jk, it's just too early to draw any real conclusions.


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
nanomoz":3dpt0i4p said:
Good post, boss. Some bright spots. The offense is going to have to score lots of points this year.

One observation that really bothers me: Delano Hill looks awful. Slow to react, out of position constantly, uninspired, and always coming up short. If last night is indicative of what he is, he's not going to be on this team.

He will never be a starter that is for sure. Special Teams wise apparently he is good. If he makes the team it will be for that reason.

You can cross him off the list though as a potential starter, ever.


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Jan 1, 2018
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Fade":3bg4mjao said:
nanomoz":3bg4mjao said:
Good post, boss. Some bright spots. The offense is going to have to score lots of points this year.

One observation that really bothers me: Delano Hill looks awful. Slow to react, out of position constantly, uninspired, and always coming up short. If last night is indicative of what he is, he's not going to be on this team.

He will never be a starter that is for sure. Special Teams wise apparently he is good. If he makes the team it will be for that reason.

You can cross him off the list though as a potential starter, ever.

Hill has looked really bad on special teams, too. Missed tackles and sluggish pursuit.

The rise of Lorenzo Jerome could very well knock Hill off the roster.


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
-- The team definitely needs a FB that can be a sledge hammer. I'm sick of these dudes that play patty cake in the hole.

-- Pete, Schotty, & Norton need to figure out what the hell they are doing on 3rd down. I saw a completely unprepared team on both sides of the ball, on the most important down.

-- Pete is overvaluing the 2 veteran DTs he picked up from MINNE, all they did was get blown off the ball repeatedly. More Poona Ford & more Naz Jones please.

-- Ifedi is actually worse than he was last year. Claim the first RT that comes along on waivers, and it will be an upgrade.

-- The O-Line has no depth.

-- Norton scares the hell out of me. Down in OAK his defenses couldn't get turnovers to save their lives. It is looking the same here. Pete is going to have to step in and be more involved with the D than ever before. It's early, but it isn't looking good for Norton.

-- Austin Davis is no bueno.

-- I hope Pete realizes he is going to have to play offense for 4 qtrs. He can't get away with his "philosophy" anymore as he has enjoyed in season's past.

-- They better not cut David Moore. It will be 10x worse than last year when they cut Kasen.

-- Cut Jon Ryan, and bring in another player to compete at a different position. Jon lost, move on.

-- The 2018 Rookie Class is still looking pretty damn good.

-- Prosise is getting cut. He ran against 2s & 3s and didn't impress.

-- The Offense needs more designed rollouts. Russell is too dynamic on these plays, and yet they are hardly every called.


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Oct 11, 2016
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Portland, OR
Great summary, Fade! It's worth noting that the only turnover we've had on defense was due to a comedic fumbled snap. I hope to see some more, even if against third and fourth stringers, during the next two weeks.


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Jan 1, 2018
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Fade":2xur9u49 said:
-- The team definitely needs a FB that can be a sledge hammer. I'm sick of these dudes that play patty cake in the hole.

-- Pete, Schotty, & Norton need to figure out what the hell they are doing on 3rd down. I saw a completely unprepared team on both sides of the ball, on the most important down.

-- Pete is overvaluing the 2 veteran DTs he picked up from MINNE, all they did was get blown off the ball repeatedly. More Poona Ford & more Naz Jones please.

-- Ifedi is actually worse than he was last year. Claim the first RT that comes along on waivers, and it will be an upgrade.

-- The O-Line has no depth.

-- Norton scares the hell out of me. Down in OAK his defenses couldn't get turnovers to save their lives. It is looking the same here. Pete is going to have to step in and be more involved with the D than ever before. It's early, but it isn't looking good for Norton.

-- Austin Davis is no bueno.

-- I hope Pete realizes he is going to have to play offense for 4 qtrs. He can't get away with his "philosophy" anymore as he has enjoyed in season's past.

-- They better not cut David Moore. It will be 10x worse than last year when they cut Kasen.

-- Cut Jon Ryan, and bring in another player to compete at a different position. Jon lost, move on.

-- The 2018 Rookie Class is still looking pretty damn good.

-- Prosise is getting cut. He ran against 2s & 3s and didn't impress.

-- The Offense needs more designed rollouts. Russell is too dynamic on these plays, and yet they are hardly every called.

Good points.

Shamar Stephens did play very well in the last game. So did Ponna Ford. Tom Johnson had some good moments.

What I don’t understand is the underutilization of the rookies, Rasheem Green and Jacob Martin, with the first team defense.

Ostensibly, that is because they don’t trust the rookies against the run; they don’t think they can hold up. But both Green and Martin have looked strong against the run, particularly Green. He has shown great leverage, held outside contain, and attacked the backfield to make numerous plays against the run.

What has Branden Jackson done? No pressure. Nothing to write home about against the run. He has been the invisible man, yet continues to get first team reps, ahead of Green, because he’s a “veteran.”


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Seattle, WA
Aros":bwk4a82j said:
Vannett, Prosise and Ifedi -

I will be the first to admit I might be wrong on Vannett but I have a feeling he's hot garbage. Yes he can catch the occasional ball and look decent. But that drop in the endzone is more telling to his ability than those occasional grabs. Just a gut feeling. As for Ifedi, I am quite positive: He's hot garbage. Prosise? This is his last shot. If (when) he gets injured again, he's done.

To be honest, Vannett didn't drop the TD in the endzone, it was tipper away by the DB from the Chargers. They showed a reply from the sideline that showed it getting deflected away.


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Sammamish, WA
MO Hawk":whrg4qiy said:
Teams have a way of running a short round and turning back just past our LBs but in front of our DBs picking up 8-10 yards. This was a problem last year and I wondered of our new DC would find a solution for that?

Receivers are going to be hard to decide who makes the team. With Baldwin and Locket out we still looked pretty good.

DL not bad, but will Dion play this year?

DB's young and still trying to figure each other out. Played not too bad considering who they were up agains as a QB in the first 2 quarters.

OC - Shottenheimer - He seems to be falling for the same thing Bevell did in abandoning the running game too early and using RW's elusive speed instead of running the plan, the plan being Pete's stated goal of improving the running game and becoming more balanced. Balanced is not what we were last night. I would like to have seen our Run vs. Pass be a little more balanced.

I believe this has less to do with the OC and more about Pete’s infatuation with explosive plays. These work until they get to the red zone and they struggle to score tds. It’s a constant theme here. It’s not a personnel issue, it’s a head coach issue. Hopefully Pete will figure it out.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Meh, the Chargers had all of 7 point of offense the first half. While the Hawks had a fumble at the 1 and a TD called back. Russ was locked in and they were moving the ball just fine. It's a waste of energy to get worked up about game that don't mean squat.


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Nov 21, 2016
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Our ball handlers looked very impressive. Russ, David Moore, Jarron Brown, Chris Carson all showed excellent mid-season form. Our place-kickers delivered FGs when asked.

Both our O-line and D-line were physically manhandled. And nothing good comes out of that, especially in the red zone.

Pretty much everything else. The secondary is a train wreck. No LOB, nothing even remotely resembling it. This D did not look anything like the Seahawks of the past 6 seasons, it looked more like a scab team.

This is going to be one long, crappy, miserable season.


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Aug 18, 2016
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It's a preseason game, but for anyone to say these games don't mean squat...they're fooling themselves into thinking they don't matter :D

This team is going to really struggle. They don't have the firepower to cover up for the subpar D the Hawks will be fielding this year. Russ, if healthy, can account for a few W's, but they have no running game. Carson is an unproven commodity. WR's are good, TE is a mystery and that O-Line is still going to be bad. The D is a former shell of itself. Yes, someone (maybe more than 1) will step up and play better than expected, but this team has way too many holes to make this a 10+ win team.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
They flat out don't matter. See it how you want. But hey, maybe the Browns will be pre-season champs again. Because their 4-0 start before going 0-16 must have really mattered.


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Jan 8, 2013
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This team has one chance: A High Octane Offense.

The best players on this team play on offense. You can argue Wagner as second best player on the team, I can counter with Baldwin. Regardless #1, #2 and likely #4 are all players on offense.

We have been very spoiled by a defense that allows an offense to score less than 10 pts in the half to still stay in games. Those days are over. We need 14 at the half, probably as a minimum just to stay in games.

If they do that, they can still be competitive. If not, they are going to lose more games than we would like.

Either way, getting to the playoffs (beyond the wild card) is probably a tall order for this team - and likely not a reasonable expectation. This will still be a good team but the days of being great are probably a few years in the past minimum.

What the preseason (with the starters in) tells me is the defense is now a weakness, not a strength. But the offense looks better. It looks very 7-9ish in quality to me but some of the systems are being adjusted to, the defense will tighten a little (though we have a DC that still wasn't that great even featuring Mack and Irvin) and hopefully, the offense will get on rails a bit.

We all knew it was a down year now. The 49ers have likely leapfrogged us and the Rams look like the class of the division just on roster strength alone. The Cards are supposed to be the worst team in our division and should keep that title.

We won't be terrible. Just more likely a 7 win team than a 9 but 9 is certainly in the cards if we go all in on offense. The Packers have shown over the past few years that a great QB can power a team to wins in spite of a less effective defense. The signs all point to this being the case.