The Saints just shat....


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CANHawk":1m9p2yet said:
We already ate your lunch in front of you once, and I see no reason why we don't do it again. Really, all i see are reasons why we beat you up twice as bad next time...
My guess is it was "teriyaki to go"... :mrgreen:


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TheWallE":3d04kj4e said:
Hawk_Nation":3d04kj4e said:
the "shock" factor that was there the first time will be completely gone this time around.

That's some funny S**t right there. In a way your probably right, Im sure the Saints will come in here expecting to get whooped, so there wont be any shock when it does happen.

You don't think the Saints will better suited to play the Seahawks having just played them recently?

The Seahawks are 1-2 in rematches this year and historically when as team has been blown out in the regular season and gets a shot at a rematch in the postseason the team who won the first game has a losing record in the rematch. To say nothing of the fact that #6 seeds are 5-2 in the divisional round since 2005.

I am not saying categorically this will happen to the Seahawks... but there is a lot of history that show cases games like these are far more up for grabs than Seahawks fans are expecting.

Also no Saint fan is 'shating' themselves over the return of Harvin. He played one game this year, and the last time he played the Saints in the playoffs it worked out well for us. He is good, maybe even great... but his impending return is met with a resounding 'meh' from our side.

We took your best shot this year when you had a Healthy defense, and the game was over in the second quarter.

So the only "meh" coming from your side will be on Saturday about 5pm pacific time when we are getting ready for a NFC championship game and you guys are flying home on your rust bucket plane. Maybe the Hawks would be nice enough to give the Saints some tickets to come watch us play?


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Kaepernick is nowhere near the caliber of Drew; he's a one, maybe two read qb. His third choice is to run. Listen, I know we aren't going to dominate you guys on defense and score at will on offense. If I had to compare how I think this game turns out I would point to the Carolina game where we played like garbage in a monsoon, yet still had the lead with one minute left, only this time we will pull it off. The REALITY is we weren't prepared, mentally of physically, the first time around, and this time we definitely will be.


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Tri Cities, WA
why because your Coach painted our logo on your practice field, or brought in 80,000 screaming college kids.

It's real simple dude, we have better personnel accross the board and are hella deep, your strengths play into our strengths. Your team does not fair well if you're looking at the matchups.

But....... Brees is Brees, and Graham is a beast, Sproles is no joke either. NO will have some success, question is will they make enough CRITICAL plays in cold rainy conditions to win the game???

NO is going to have to play mistake free football. And in Cold Rainy Noisy conditions, that's a tough task sometimes especially for a pass orientated offense.


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terrytogo":3kmfwlg9 said:
Kaepernick is nowhere near the caliber of Drew; he's a one, maybe two read qb. His third choice is to run. Listen, I know we aren't going to dominate you guys on defense and score at will on offense. If I had to compare how I think this game turns out I would point to the Carolina game where we played like garbage in a monsoon, yet still had the lead with one minute left, only this time we will pull it off. The REALITY is we weren't prepared, mentally of physically, the first time around, and this time we definitely will be.

You are a team that relies on vocalization of play calls, personnel substitutions, audibles (hah, good luck trying to get everyone on the same page for that) and cadence. All of those things will be severely impaired at CenturyLink Field. That is a fact.

I am sorry to inform you that the REALITY is that the Saints were prepared. This is the NFL. No team goes in unprepared, no matter what Joe Blow on Facebook told you. You got beaten by a very good Seattle football team. You also are not playing Carolina on Saturday, so I am not sure why you are taking solace in your performance in that environment against that team. It means nothing AT ALL.

But if it helps you sleep better at night thinking your team did not prepare to play Seattle the first time, go right ahead and think that. You are wrong though. Seattle WILL beat you up the same or worse in terms of physicality this time around. That is another fact you can bank.

We play big boy football up here in Seattle.


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South Seattle
terrytogo":3gvxgu6l said:
Kaepernick is nowhere near the caliber of Drew; he's a one, maybe two read qb. His third choice is to run. Listen, I know we aren't going to dominate you guys on defense and score at will on offense. If I had to compare how I think this game turns out I would point to the Carolina game where we played like garbage in a monsoon, yet still had the lead with one minute left, only this time we will pull it off. The REALITY is we weren't prepared, mentally of physically, the first time around, and this time we definitely will be.

Cool story bro. :D


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PoCompton, BC Canada
terrytogo":2j3cnusi said:
CANHawk":2j3cnusi said:
terrytogo":2j3cnusi said:
CANHawk":2j3cnusi said:
TerryToGo is hilarious. One game where they barely scraped by a crappy Eagles team that stumbled drunkenly into the playoffs from the crap-tacular NFC Least and all of a sudden they bad. Kay Brah... Kool Story. More like TerryToGo...... back on his meds, cuz he's clearly having delusions.

Last time I checked, you still have the exact same indoor finesse offense that got their asses handed to them by our #1 ranked defense (ie. not the 29th ranked defense you played last week) and there's supposed to be a monsoon on Saturday. Good luck with your little timing routes and finesse stuff. Your big scary Rob Ryan defense that is apparently so bad ass got 300 hung on it by Russell just a few weeks ago in a game where he took his foot off the gas after halftime. In case you aren't a student of history, RW has a history of handing Rob Ryan his big fat ass. And THIS week, you're missing what... your entire starting secondary? But you're in here telling us we're going to lose because Percy Harvin isn't in game shape? Sucka please... First off, we don't even need Percy Harvin to dispatch your candy ass team and second; if he wasn't in a position to make a difference, he wouldn't be playing. That's how Coach Pete rolls homie. Our roster is so deep that we can't afford to waste an active roster spot on a decoy. You'll notice our 2nd round draft pick this year doesn't even dress, because there is THAT much talent ahead of him. Beleedat!

Here's facts brah... We rolled to THE BEST record in the NFL without Percy Harvin and largely without Sidney Rice, yet your entire argument stems from the fact you barely beat the Vikings (in overtime) in 2009. Do you have any concept of how stooooopid that sounds!? Did you say it out loud first before you typed it? SMH...

Nope you're wrong "brah"; my argument is that we will not allow Percy to beat us. I also never said that you were going to lose or that we have a "bad ass" defense. I'm simply hoping that my team wins just as you all are. My reason for visiting this website was to see what the educated hawks fans had to say, but after this reply by you I can clearly see you don't fall in that category.

Sure I do. I also fall into the category that talks a TON of shit and I have a bit of a rep for calling people out on spouting nonsense. sooooo..... yeah.

Your entire argument here was that you're not worried about us because you once shut down Harvin a hundered years ago. And apparently your definition of "shut down" equals 5 catches for 40 yards. Look, you say we overestimate Harvin's importance, but none of us are running around yelling we're going to win because of Percy Harvin. None of the sane ones anyway. He's just the cherry on top of what already amounts to a pretty wicked milkshake. Really, 3/4 of us wouldn't even bat an eye if we found out Percy wasn't going to play. Yet you seem to be hanging your entire argument on the fact that Percy once had a "less than stellar" day 5 years ago.

We already ate your lunch in front of you once, and I see no reason why we don't do it again. Really, all i see are reasons why we beat you up twice as bad next time...

Twice as bad, wow; I've heard it all now.

The reason I'm posting so much about Harvin in this thread is b/c that is what this thread was intended for.
The title suggests that the Saints are scared now that Percy is playing; all I'm saying is that they are not. On the contrary, a couple of Saints have come out and said that they were hoping to play here again to get a shot at redemption. It's been a while since a team has played in seattle twice in one year; the "shock" factor that was there the first time will be completely gone this time around.

Ha! You ain't heard nothin yet cuz I ain't done talkin yet!

Just as one simply does not walk into Modor, one does not simply "get over" the shock factor of playing in Seattle. Since you love to live in the past so much (referring to 2009 and all) you'd think your guys would've know all about playing in Seattle, y'know, since they got all that "experience" in the 2010 playoffs. But no... they pooped themselves again this year when they swung by in December. Hell, they pooped themselves so bad their plane broke down! Things being what they are, I feel pretty confident that they're more than likely going to poop themselves yet again on Saturday...

But hey, just for funzies, lets say Drew somehow gets over the "shock" of playing in front of the 12's. Will he be able to get over the shock of "OMG, it's raining! And I'm dirty! My uniform is all wet! I don't like it when it's wet! And it's cold! I don't like it when it's wet and cold! Whaaaaa.... I need my Nyquil! I'm going to throw another interception so I can go put my big jacket on and stand in front of the heaters!" Lol. We all saw what one of the worst defenses in the league did to king stat-padder when it was cold and dry; 60% and 2 picks. What do you think the LoB is going to do to him when he's cold AND soaked and has Michael Bennett all up in his poo face?

Harvin is almost a non issue. I don't even care if he plays at this point. Seattle's Defense is the star of the show in this game and the Saints rightfully should be pooping themselves. We could punt on first down and probably outscore the Saints. The defense will still put points on the board if our whole offense takes the day off.


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Dec 26, 2012
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Hawk_Nation":2rl2snod said:
terrytogo":2rl2snod said:
Kaepernick is nowhere near the caliber of Drew; he's a one, maybe two read qb. His third choice is to run. Listen, I know we aren't going to dominate you guys on defense and score at will on offense. If I had to compare how I think this game turns out I would point to the Carolina game where we played like garbage in a monsoon, yet still had the lead with one minute left, only this time we will pull it off. The REALITY is we weren't prepared, mentally of physically, the first time around, and this time we definitely will be.

Cool story bro. :D

Right? On one end he is like the first game against Seattle doesn't matter (which I agree with), then spouts off about a game against a completely different team in a different time zone, in a completely different climate and lays claim to some sort of relevance.


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PoCompton, BC Canada
CallMeADawg":1sld8lgn said:
Hawk_Nation":1sld8lgn said:
terrytogo":1sld8lgn said:
Kaepernick is nowhere near the caliber of Drew; he's a one, maybe two read qb. His third choice is to run. Listen, I know we aren't going to dominate you guys on defense and score at will on offense. If I had to compare how I think this game turns out I would point to the Carolina game where we played like garbage in a monsoon, yet still had the lead with one minute left, only this time we will pull it off. The REALITY is we weren't prepared, mentally of physically, the first time around, and this time we definitely will be.

Cool story bro. :D

Right? On one end he is like the first game against Seattle doesn't matter (which I agree with), then spouts off about a game against a completely different team in a different time zone, in a completely different climate and lays claim to some sort of relevance.

THIS is something that you don't understand unless you're actually from here. People look at the rain and say "it was just as wet in Carolina or Miami or wherever" and think it'll be the same here. Then they look at the temperature and say "it was way colder in Philly or New York or wherever" and think it won't be a factor. But they forget to put those two things together. What we know is that it is a wet, damp nasty cold that comes right off the ocean and gets into your bones. It gets into your muscles and your lungs and if you aren't acclimatized to it, it can really mess with you. So there's all that to contend with, THEN you have to play the best defense in the league in the loudest stadium in the world.

Yeah, it's not a mistake that Seattle is thought to have the biggest HFA in the league.


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
For fear of this sounding like a Whiner forum, I'll keep it civil and say this.

No doubt Saints have a good team, Brees is a future HOF'er and rightfully so, Graham more than likely as well. You got some good talent on offense, decent backs/recievers as well.

I absolutely think NO gives us a better game this go round, but the one thing that will not change is the fact that NO defense is middle of the road at best and seriously banged up. yes they'll be facing a sporadic Seattle offense granted, but man do we have some playmakers that will absolutely crush it when they're on. And like i said, if you're pass rush is not effective ALL GAME, you're in trouble big time.

Another thing that won't change, is the noise. Unless you've actually been there for a game, you can't truly appreciate how loud it is, it's so loud you can feel the sound... I can't stress enough how disrupting that is to an opposing offense, and this notion of let's just get ahead and shut them up? Might want to go back and watch the Tampa game? down 21 i believe, ya we don't shut up, ever! We're the loudest stadium in the world, you best believe we hold that very dear!!!

Our D is not giving up 30 i don't care who's under center, i doubt they give up more than 20 in the rain, which means your D is going to have to hold us to less than 20. Pick your poison Gentlemen. You can focus on lynch, but we all saw what happend there, or you can focus on RW and our recievers which you don't have the personnel to do that, but for funzies let's say you take shut them down, all that will do is clear the middle for Lynch and Miller/Willson. good luck...


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Dec 26, 2012
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CANHawk":486vp323 said:
CallMeADawg":486vp323 said:
Hawk_Nation":486vp323 said:
terrytogo":486vp323 said:
Kaepernick is nowhere near the caliber of Drew; he's a one, maybe two read qb. His third choice is to run. Listen, I know we aren't going to dominate you guys on defense and score at will on offense. If I had to compare how I think this game turns out I would point to the Carolina game where we played like garbage in a monsoon, yet still had the lead with one minute left, only this time we will pull it off. The REALITY is we weren't prepared, mentally of physically, the first time around, and this time we definitely will be.

Cool story bro. :D

Right? On one end he is like the first game against Seattle doesn't matter (which I agree with), then spouts off about a game against a completely different team in a different time zone, in a completely different climate and lays claim to some sort of relevance.

THIS is something that you don't understand unless you're actually from here. People look at the rain and say "it was just as wet in Carolina or Miami or wherever" and think it'll be the same here. Then they look at the temperature and say "it was way colder in Philly or New York or wherever" and think it won't be a factor. But they forget to put those two things together. What we know is that it is a wet, damp nasty cold that comes right off the ocean and gets into your bones. It gets into your muscles and your lungs and if you aren't acclimatized to it, it can really mess with you. So there's all that to contend with, THEN you have to play the best defense in the league in the loudest stadium in the world.

Yeah, it's not a mistake that Seattle is thought to have the biggest HFA in the league.

Yeah, I grew up in West Seattle, across from Sealth High School. I know exactly what you mean about our climate. But hey, let mastermind Peyton paint a Seahawk on his practice field and have his players buy-in that they have the Seattle experience nailed down.

For the love of god, they have people from their PRACTICE SQUAD playing for them in this playoff game against Seattle.


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terrytogo":2q8i3iuc said:
LawlessHawk":2q8i3iuc said:
terrytogo":2q8i3iuc said:
The point I'm making is Harvin isn't as ready as you may think. [And you're an expert on his readiness how?] Our defense isn't afraid of him [you know this as fact? They're painting Seahawks logos on their practice field...]; we've neutralized dynamic playmakers all year long [Hmmm, ok].

Rob Ryan does a great job [was Ryan the DC back in 2009 as per your first example?], and I fully expect a much better defensive performance [that's nice, we fully support your expectations.] than the first time around.

SMH... dude, just stop while your still behind...

It doesn't matter who our DC was the first time around, our head coach, lb coach, and d-line coach are the same; they know what to expect from Harvin.
Painting hawks logos on the field doesn't show trepidation, it's purely psychological.

I have a question for you and don't have to go back very far? Do you consider D. Jackson and McCoy playmakers? Because if you do, they were neutralized on their own field last Saturday.

Is there a reason you consider what you did against Philadelphia more representative of what your team will do against us than..what your against us?


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Nov 28, 2013
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Hawk_Nation":1p891wms said:
TheWallE":1p891wms said:
Hawk_Nation":1p891wms said:
the "shock" factor that was there the first time will be completely gone this time around.

That's some funny S**t right there. In a way your probably right, Im sure the Saints will come in here expecting to get whooped, so there wont be any shock when it does happen.

You don't think the Saints will better suited to play the Seahawks having just played them recently?

The Seahawks are 1-2 in rematches this year and historically when as team has been blown out in the regular season and gets a shot at a rematch in the postseason the team who won the first game has a losing record in the rematch. To say nothing of the fact that #6 seeds are 5-2 in the divisional round since 2005.

I am not saying categorically this will happen to the Seahawks... but there is a lot of history that show cases games like these are far more up for grabs than Seahawks fans are expecting.

Also no Saint fan is 'shating' themselves over the return of Harvin. He played one game this year, and the last time he played the Saints in the playoffs it worked out well for us. He is good, maybe even great... but his impending return is met with a resounding 'meh' from our side.

We took your best shot this year when you had a Healthy defense, and the game was over in the second quarter.

So the only "meh" coming from your side will be on Saturday about 5pm pacific time when we are getting ready for a NFC championship game and you guys are flying home on your rust bucket plane. Maybe the Hawks would be nice enough to give the Saints some tickets to come watch us play?

25 times a team was blown out in the regular season and both teams met in the playoffs
25 times the fans of the team who did the blowing out assumed there was no shot for the other team to win
13 times those fans were wrong and watched as their team who had previously blown their opponent out lose the rematch

The point is historically these remtaches are never the same, and more times then not the loser of the first game got their revenge.

The Saints are a team with experience, talent, a top 5 offense, a top 5 defense, have 12 wins under their belt, and a better QB and Coach combo. They are very much capable of winning this game, even with the addition of Percy Harvin.


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Nov 28, 2013
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Vetamur":1mkad63d said:
Is there a reason you consider what you did against Philadelphia more representative of what your team will do against us than..what your against us?

Because what we did against Philly we have actually done well several times this year. The Saints played good defense against a great offense. They can play good defense against a Seahawk offense that has been borderline bad since our game against you.

Seattle fans put way to much stock in single game results. Disregarding all the Saints did well in their 12 wins because of what they did poor in 1 loss. Thinking Percy Harvin is a true scary threat to either produce or be a big decoy because 1 game he played in the Seattle offense did well above their season average.


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Jan 8, 2014
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Bigpumpkin":1esps2wi said:
Damn...Percy looks anemic!! One solid hit from a 255 lb. LBer looks like it oughta break him in half!! No way can he play an entire game! He may be as fast as "greased lightning", but he is one skinny dude.

DeSean Jackson in Philly is pretty damned scrawny, and he pulls it off.

By the way, I'm new here, first post, so :2:


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Dec 26, 2012
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TheWallE":20udsmpp said:
Hawk_Nation":20udsmpp said:
TheWallE":20udsmpp said:
Hawk_Nation":20udsmpp said:
the "shock" factor that was there the first time will be completely gone this time around.

That's some funny S**t right there. In a way your probably right, Im sure the Saints will come in here expecting to get whooped, so there wont be any shock when it does happen.

You don't think the Saints will better suited to play the Seahawks having just played them recently?

The Seahawks are 1-2 in rematches this year and historically when as team has been blown out in the regular season and gets a shot at a rematch in the postseason the team who won the first game has a losing record in the rematch. To say nothing of the fact that #6 seeds are 5-2 in the divisional round since 2005.

I am not saying categorically this will happen to the Seahawks... but there is a lot of history that show cases games like these are far more up for grabs than Seahawks fans are expecting.

Also no Saint fan is 'shating' themselves over the return of Harvin. He played one game this year, and the last time he played the Saints in the playoffs it worked out well for us. He is good, maybe even great... but his impending return is met with a resounding 'meh' from our side.

We took your best shot this year when you had a Healthy defense, and the game was over in the second quarter.

So the only "meh" coming from your side will be on Saturday about 5pm pacific time when we are getting ready for a NFC championship game and you guys are flying home on your rust bucket plane. Maybe the Hawks would be nice enough to give the Saints some tickets to come watch us play?

25 times a team was blown out in the regular season and both teams meat in the playoffs
25 times the fans of the team who did the blowing out assumed there was no shot for the other team to win
13 times those fans were wrong and watched as their team who had previously blown their opponent out lost the rematch

The point is historically these remtaches are never the same, and more times then not the loser of the first game got their revenge.

The Saints are a team with experience, talent, a top 5 offense, a top 5 defense, have 12 wins under their belt, and a better QB and Coach combo. They are very much capable of winning this game, even with the addition of Percy Harvin.

The Saints are also a team with mounting injuries, players from their practice squad on the roster for the game, and that historically perform poorly on the road and in adverse weather conditions.

Those are relevant points. Now...

That Saints team is travelling to Seattle. Can you look through your data to find out what happened the last time these conditions aligned? After you do so, read the next line:

None of that has any relevancy on the game being played on Saturday.

Your team needs to show up ready to play against Seattle, on the road, in rain and windy conditions, in front of a LOUD and RELENTLESS crowd that you will be unable to silence, unlike that library you had last week in Philly.

Learn to understand what is relevant vs not in life. It helps set your expectations better and tends to lead to more confidence in life.


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Mar 3, 2007
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TheWallE":1gm1ny8a said:
Vetamur":1gm1ny8a said:
Is there a reason you consider what you did against Philadelphia more representative of what your team will do against us than..what your against us?

Because what we did against Philly we have actually done well several times this year. The Saints played good defense against a great offense. They can play good defense against a Seahawk offense that has been borderline bad since our game against you.

Seattle fans put way to much stock in single game results. Disregarding all the Saints did well in their 12 wins because of what they did poor in 1 loss. Thinking Percy Harvin is a true scary threat to either produce or be a big decoy because 1 game he played in the Seattle offense did well above their season average.

Is it single game results we are putting stock in? We did win 12 other games , more often than not the opponent scored 17 points or less. You make it sound like we are hanging out hat on one win. You didnt notice our other 12 wins? You didnt see us beat the Rams with far from our best game, a team that beat yours? We can play games with cherry picking stats all day but its rather funny to suggest a game against a terrible Eagles defense that you won by all of 2 points is far more relevant than the fact that you got blown out by 27 last time in our house.


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Puyallup, WA USA
StorytellerMatt":1g4ezyib said:
Bigpumpkin":1g4ezyib said:
Damn...Percy looks anemic!! One solid hit from a 255 lb. LBer looks like it oughta break him in half!! No way can he play an entire game! He may be as fast as "greased lightning", but he is one skinny dude.

DeSean Jackson in Philly is pretty damned scrawny, and he pulls it off.

By the way, I'm new here, first post, so :2:

Greetings Matt! Great to have you start posting! Come back often.


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
StorytellerMatt":2ezv1wah said:
Bigpumpkin":2ezv1wah said:
Damn...Percy looks anemic!! One solid hit from a 255 lb. LBer looks like it oughta break him in half!! No way can he play an entire game! He may be as fast as "greased lightning", but he is one skinny dude.

DeSean Jackson in Philly is pretty damned scrawny, and he pulls it off.

By the way, I'm new here, first post, so :2:

He's as big as Tate and bigger than Baldwin? I think he'll be just fine. Man we got some tiny recievers, damn.

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