The Benefits of Superbowl season and Pete Carroll.


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May 9, 2012
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This year has been epic for the Hawks and all of us fans. The swagger and identity that our team has accrued is such a change from the Seahawks of old. The Seahawks are now relevant in more than just playoff and Superbowl talk for the years to come. One particular detail that I find intriguing is several comments from players I have read (and not just Seahawks players) is about the atmosphere that the Hawks camp and coaching staff supply. Michael Bennett and Avril have both said that they were thrilled to be a part of this iron horse that PC/JS are building. Players have gushed about how great it is playing with a master competitor and leader in Russell Wilson.
Success is breeding an environment that is only going to help this organizations ability to keep the talent that we want and bring in the new talent we need. The masterminds behind this have done a great job in this complete tear down and rebuild with a little luck and amazing draft foresight. Players that have watched this from the outside are wanting in. A continuation of thinking outside the box in drafting and the level of competition inside our camp is going to prove monumental in resigning our own players and bringing in key free agents at reasonable contract prices. I for one believe it won't necessarily be so much as a hometown discount as it is a chance to be a part of a championship caliber team with a players environment that has an upside for endorsements due to the notoriety of playing for a team that has a chance to become a dynasty for the new salary cap era.

I AM THRILLED! :0190l:


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
Don't forget a little bit of luck in the timing. I'm not sure we could have turned/churned the roster like we did if not for the uncapped year.

But man it's good to be a Seahawks fan now. :th2thumbs: