Sherm doubtful next week for Atlanta, maybe more games


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Vancouver, WA
If I were a teammate I'd get tired of Wilson's rah rah too. I'd also get tired of Sherm's screaming at everyone from coaches to media to teammates. Still say they're oil and water. I also think QBs are treated differently everywhere.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Yeah Popeye, Sherm could punch someone and you'd probably make an excuse for it. It's just Sherm being Sherm. I get it though, I made plenty of excuses for him when he was here. Even w/all the childish crap he was doing. When someone is on your team, you'll make excuses, it's natural. When he's on another team, different story.
This is the same guy who screamed at the coaches during the game then claimed it didn't happen.
He told a local reporter (an idiot reporter) that he was going to ruin his career, and then told everyone that we don't know what was said. He made sure to bash Russ and Pete MANY times during and after.
But, that's just Sherm being Sherm. Off the field Sherm is a damn good dude. Football Sherm has just become something else. There's a reason he's gone, along with Bennett and Earl.
LOVED them as Hawks, glad they are all gone at this point.


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Dec 18, 2012
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SoulfishHawk":3p0wktay said:
Yeah Popeye, Sherm could punch someone and you'd probably make an excuse for it. It's just Sherm being Sherm. I get it though, I made plenty of excuses for him when he was here. Even w/all the childish crap he was doing. When someone is on your team, you'll make excuses, it's natural. When he's on another team, different story.
This is the same guy who screamed at the coaches during the game then claimed it didn't happen.
He told a local reporter (an idiot reporter) that he was going to ruin his career, and then told everyone that we don't know what was said. He made sure to bash Russ and Pete MANY times during and after.
But, that's just Sherm being Sherm. Off the field Sherm is a damn good dude. Football Sherm has just become something else. There's a reason he's gone, along with Bennett and Earl.
LOVED them as Hawks, glad they are all gone at this point.

I'd defer to you guys on this one for sure, but that isn't the Sherman we've seen in SF. Dunno...might be the fact that instead of being among a group of All-Pro/HOF players in Seattle, he is now "Uncle Sherm" and is a mentor to a much younger crop of players in the secondary.



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Sep 29, 2017
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I think the more importance of the last regular game for the Seahawks is that Dee Ford might not play.


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SoulfishHawk":2v3jgzp2 said:
Yeah Popeye, Sherm could punch someone and you'd probably make an excuse for it. It's just Sherm being Sherm. I get it though, I made plenty of excuses for him when he was here. Even w/all the childish crap he was doing. When someone is on your team, you'll make excuses, it's natural. When he's on another team, different story.

How can it be me being biased because he's on the 9ers now when I said the exact same thing when he was on the Seahawks since I registered in 2013?

some of you guys have been giving me crap about this for eight years now, and I've never wavered, and if anything my take has been supported over time.

As far as the all the behavioral stuff, infighting, backbiting, sideline fistfights, non-team behavior that plagued the Seahawks for years, I've been nothing if not consistent in saying I thought that was a failure of leadership, and Pete Carroll being a good coach who trends way too far to an anything-goes style player's coach. He's the anti-Belichick, and as I've said many times before that's the best thing in the world when things are going well, but when it falls apart, it falls apart quickly.

What I mean by that, and what I've been 100% consistent about for years now, is that I think all of the craziness and outbursts and etc. for Hawks players like Sherman, Thomas, Tate, Lynch, Clark, Bennett, etc. was about 95% on Pete Carrol's leadership failures.

And I think we're seeing the evidence of that.

Why is it that since leaving the Hawks Tate hasn't had any of these problems anymore? Why hasn't Sherman had any of these problems? Why was Lynch suddenly a model player and ultimate team guy on the Raiders too? Why isn't Frank Clark punching teammates on the Chiefs? Really the only thing you can point to is Michael Bennett getting traded to the Cowboys, but even that was pretty mundane and rather than going for blood he wrote it off as a "philosophical disagreement."

To be clear, I AM NOT EXPECTING YOU TO AGREE WITH ME. You guys have been disagreeing with me about this for YEARS now.

What you have to acknowledge however, is that your claim that I'm suddenly defending Sherman out of the blue because he's on the 49ers is a complete and total load of crap. :lol:


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Fair enough. I remember my Niners friends hating him, and we always talked about how certain guys you would love on your team but really can't stand them when they play on a rival. Sports hate is part of the deal. I like off the field Sherm a lot, he's a good dude. Just spends a lot of time in denial, and the way he acted towards Russ, Pete and the coaching staff just was a very bad look. And it flat out contributed to them letting him go. Pete and Russ ALWAYS had his back and never once bad mouthed him. Sometimes it just feels like class vs. ass. Gnome Sayin?


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Aug 20, 2013
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^^^ Yeah, I totally hear what you're saying, although TBF I think Sherman's bad-mouthing of Wilson is a bit overstated.

He yelled at him in practice, true, he said that Russell Wilson can be defended, true, and he said they don't really have a relationship beyond having been teammates during a "very special time for the franchise."

I just think more generally that when you break up a great team the guys who were broken up are going to be critical of that.

It definitely happened w/ the 9ers in the late 80s and 90s too when they moved on from guys like Lott and Rice. I don't think they're bad people, just as I don't think Hawks greats who got cut and traded by the team and were salty about that are bad people either. TBH I think it's kind of to be expected.


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Apr 17, 2012
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Popeyejones":3icjvw28 said:
As far as the all the behavioral stuff, infighting, backbiting, sideline fistfights, non-team behavior that plagued the Seahawks for years, I've been nothing if not consistent in saying I thought that was a failure of leadership, and Pete Carroll being a good coach who trends way too far to an anything-goes style player's coach. He's the anti-Belichick, and as I've said many times before that's the best thing in the world when things are going well, but when it falls apart, it falls apart quickly.

What I mean by that, and what I've been 100% consistent about for years now, is that I think all of the craziness and outbursts and etc. for Hawks players like Sherman, Thomas, Tate, Lynch, Clark, Bennett, etc. was about 95% on Pete Carrol's leadership failures.

And I think we're seeing the evidence of that.

Why is it that since leaving the Hawks Tate hasn't had any of these problems anymore? Why hasn't Sherman had any of these problems? Why was Lynch suddenly a model player and ultimate team guy on the Raiders too? Why isn't Frank Clark punching teammates on the Chiefs? Really the only thing you can point to is Michael Bennett getting traded to the Cowboys, but even that was pretty mundane and rather than going for blood he wrote it off as a "philosophical disagreement."

To be clear, I AM NOT EXPECTING YOU TO AGREE WITH ME. You guys have been disagreeing with me about this for YEARS now.

What you have to acknowledge however, is that your claim that I'm suddenly defending Sherman out of the blue because he's on the 49ers is a complete and total load of crap. :lol:

I can respect everything you said, and explain (away?) most of it. I wont' really try that hard, and don't care if I don't "convert" you to appreciating Pete Carroll's LEADERSHIP, but maybe it will supply some data points to consider.

I'd state it as, during the last 5 years, Pete Carroll has gotten much better at identifying which guys are team-first guys who will buy in and not undermine his program, and has done a much better job of unloading distractions and malcontents who undermine the culture and program he has worked to create. Major error in the Malik McDowell draft situation, but limited damage to the team. A leader can only lead those who are willing to be led.

You did miss one major piece in your list: PERCY HARVIN. Harvin, IMO, checks all the boxes for a Borderline Personality Disordered (BPD) sociopath. I've written quite a bit about it on .NET in the past. You have to have been around one of these people in your own life to truly appreciate the crazy-making and division they bring into whatever setting they are part of. Sherman, also IMO, presents as a Narcissistic Personality Disordered individual, but with milder sociopathy than Harvin, and also Sherman is much *smarter* than Harvin; Sherman is just a very smart guy period. One thing about BPDs and NPDs, is that when they go from one setting where they have worn out their welcome, they will be on their *best behavior* in their new setting for a while, to try to win people over and set others up so they can sell their version that anything bad that happened previously was "everyone else's fault".

Golden Tate, Percy Harvin punching him: That is a classic BPD "toddler rage" episode that Harvin had. 100% on Harvin. It's a sight to see in an adult. Harvin also did a similar thing to his position coach in college. I've experienced it multiple times from BPDs in my personal life. The only part that's on Pete Carroll is that he didn't understand BPD and though Harvin was just another misunderstood young man who Father Flanagan Carroll could turn into a model citizen. I haven't heard rumors about Tate being intimate with the Lions QB's Matthew Stafford's wife, so there's that too. Maybe the Lions GM assigned 2 PI's to tail Stafford's wife to nip that in the bud, like John Lynch should have. ;-)

Frank Clark, punching Germain Ifedi: Good for him. Ifedi undoubtedly deserved it, probably pulled some cheap shot injury risk move on Clark. Clark is a 100% hard worker, solid teammate, I loved him as a Seahawk, root for him as a Chief. Clark did face consequences for the punching incident. Carroll handled this just fine.

Sherman: Sherman did his NPD routine in Seattle, but backed it up with his play. Eventually it just got old in Seattle, and Carroll got tired of the undermining. Sherman is smart and cares about his legacy and has a core of goodness to him. Moving to a new group, he is and will be on his best behavior. I expect him to play out his career with the Niners and be a good player, model citizen and team leader like he's been so far. By now Sherman cares much more about his legacy than about showing up coaches, and he sees the opportunity in SF to be in the limelight at crunch time with the world watching. What more could an NPD want?

Earl Thomas... super hard worker, puts in the film study, but honestly, has emotional control issues and his aero-aviary conduct toward everything Seahawks (IMO) before leaving was truly douche. He's said some dumb things in Baltimore too. He's playing well in Baltimore. Passionate, emotional guy; shows in his preparation and play, but comes out in ill-advised behavior and words at awkward times. Again, a credit to Carroll's leadership to get some great years out of him.

Lynch... well, that's just Marshawn, and we got some really good years out of him. I'd put that in the category of a *credit* to Carroll's leadership, to get those years out of him. And was Lynch really a "model player and ultimate team guy" on the Raiders? I just saw him as a washed-up version of himself, happy to be back in Oakland, and, during the 2017 season, "On September 14, Lynch was fined $12,000 for doing an obscene gesture", and " in Week Seven, Lynch was ejected for running onto the field and shoving an official". "In Week 15, Lynch confronted officials about Derek Carr not scoring while a fumble and touchback occurred; on December 21, Lynch was fined $24,309". Sounds like Marshawn was just being Marshawn in Oakland too; nothing to do with Pete Carroll's leadership at that point.

Michael Bennett... Bennett is who he is, a great player when healthy, and an outspoken drama queen at times to go along with it. Carroll chose to move on from Bennett. Bennett lasted one season with the Eagles. Bennett was suspended by the Patriots for "conduct detrimental to the team", and then immediately traded to Dallas. Bennett is an agitator loose cannon. Carroll played the hand he was dealt, and when Bennett's benefits no longer exceeded costs, unloaded him. Doug Pederson apparently agreed, and Bill Belichick clearly agreed. Jerry Jones... well, drama queens apparently attract each other.

Josh Gordon seems to be working out well so far in Seattle; we shall see.

So, the last two years, the Seahawks have exceeded preseaon expectations. Personally, I attribute that to Pete Carroll's LEADERSHIP and the culture and environment he's created in Seattle. The last few years, Pete has decided to get rid of, or not bring back guys who weren't team-first guys and weren't on board with his program.


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Sep 10, 2010
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There is a solution to that kind of “bad” nice guy leadership, though: having players like Russell Wilson. Wilson has earned respect through his play, which helps Carroll if there are any mutineers. Quality veteran players are how you execute that leadership style.


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Aug 20, 2013
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hawksfansinceday1":11ddsx36 said:
5_Golden_Rings":11ddsx36 said:
49ers are down half their starting defense. This is bad.
Yeah but you're playing Atlanta at home. :sleep:
What does it like NEXT week when you play a good team with a good offense?

Don't know which of these next two games it's going to be, but oh boy have the injuries caught up, and I have no doubt they're dropping one of these next two at least.

I mentioned it in another thread and it's an imperfect measure but they now have over 85 million dollars in salary cap space not playing this week. That's 43% of salary cap disappeared. It's not tenable.

This week they'll be playing without ---




2nd and 3rd string DEs
2nd string DT
2nd string CB


Both starting WRs from week 1
Intended starting slot receiver
Intended starting HB
Starting Center


2nd string TE (who plays a ton in this offense)
Swing tackle
3rd round pick at WR

It really sucks as a fan because of the playoff teams I think they need the first round bye to get more healthy more than anybody, but I honestly believe they're probably too injured to get that. It just sucks.


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Aug 20, 2013
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olyfan63":1qpkchlb said:
I can respect everything you said, and explain (away?) most of it. I wont' really try that hard, and don't care if I don't "convert" you to appreciating Pete Carroll's LEADERSHIP, but maybe it will supply some data points to consider.

Not quoting both of our (long) posts just to avoid walls of old text, but I'm on board with most of what you're saying, despite maybe some baseline disagreement between us (e.g. you're claiming to believe it, but outside of its usefulness for you in this conversation I don't believe that you actually believe that players should be punching their teammates on the sideline because they "deserve" it :lol: ).

Just to be clear though, I wasn't arguing that Carroll is a bad coach. He is, I believe, I very good coach.

He is a very good coach who I think trends too far toward the "player's coach" side of things and always has, and those tendencies (across all sports and all levels) manifest in the same way that they did on the Seahawks. It was, I believe, predictable, because that always happens eventually with that coaching style, and then you just have to mostly clear house, which is what he did.

He's the anti-Belichik who in contrast to Carroll's "loving mother" player's coach style, has a never-satisfied "disapproving father" coaching style. Many players (although not all -- see below) eventually realize that they can never satisfy a coach with this coaching style and they eventually just start tuning him out. This is why for all his gifts Belichik has to constantly rotate through players.

To be sure, some guys can succeed regardless of coaching style (see Wilson, Wagner, Brady, Bruschi etc who can succeed in the long term under either of these styles, and who, I believe, could succeed in the opposite ones too), but many guys can't.

Regarding Harvin, I think bringing him in was a symptom of the problem, not the core problem itself. The Vikings were getting rid of Harvin for precisely what you're describing (I agree he has BPD, and I heard from a doctor friend of mine who is friends with the Hawks team doctors that he's also a hypochondriac which is well known in league doctors circles -- he claims that Harvin's "hip surgery" was actually just an incision that was then sowed up without any actual surgery because it was psychosomatic and there was nothing structurally wrong with Harvin's hip, and that this is what go him back on the field) and people knew that. Carroll has a LONG history of bringing in guys who other teams won't touch (e.g. guys who "fall" in the draft because other teams are shied away by maturity and personal issue -- Ifedi, McDowell, Clark, for some recent examples) and free agents too (Bennett was available for nothing for the same reasons that he eventually caused problems, as was Lynch, Gordon has kept it together for the last month but he's stil Josh Gordon, etc.).

Just to be VERY CLEAR though I don't think this makes Carroll a "bad coach."

It is, I believe, the central flaw for an otherwise good coach. Even the best coaches have flaws, just as even the best QBs have flaws. Acknowledging their flaws doesn't make them bad, it makes them human.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
Popeyejones":s5yaxuer said:
hawksfansinceday1":s5yaxuer said:
5_Golden_Rings":s5yaxuer said:
49ers are down half their starting defense. This is bad.
Yeah but you're playing Atlanta at home. :sleep:
What does it like NEXT week when you play a good team with a good offense?

Don't know which of these next two games it's going to be, but oh boy have the injuries caught up, and I have no doubt they're dropping one of these next two at least.

I mentioned it in another thread and it's an imperfect measure but they now have over 85 million dollars in salary cap space not playing this week. That's 43% of salary cap disappeared. It's not tenable.

This week they'll be playing without ---




2nd and 3rd string DEs
2nd string DT
2nd string CB


Both starting WRs from week 1
Intended starting slot receiver
Intended starting HB
Starting Center


2nd string TE (who plays a ton in this offense)
Swing tackle
3rd round pick at WR

It really sucks as a fan because of the playoff teams I think they need the first round bye to get more healthy more than anybody, but I honestly believe they're probably too injured to get that. It just sucks.
We're pretty much right behind you:

Penny #2 RB out for the season
Dissley starting TE and a skillset not too far below your all-pro at the position, ditto
Britt starting C, ditto
Thompson ditto (though he's not been missed so far he'd be excellent depth)
Clowney our most important D player unlikely to play this week, has missed one game and is limping to the finish line
Ansah has missed 4 games and may miss again this week
Lockett #1 target at WR pro bowl level been hurt for a month and looks a shell of himself
Kendricks starting LB and best combo cover/blitz guy hasn't played a down in the last month
Barton hurt last game replacing Kendricks
Iupati G has missed at least one game iirc
Haynes reserve OL hasn't played a down
Pocic reserve OL and could be replacement for Britt hasn't played since like week 2
Willson backup TE out for the last month
Griffin starting CB may be out this week at least

That's off the top of my head. I think all the teams need to bye including our team as well as yours.


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Jan 13, 2014
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It's so unlikely but man if Atlanta can shock the world, and Sherman and Ford out for the Rams game, the Niners could actually miss the playoffs. As crazy as that sounds.


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Sep 4, 2018
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Popeyejones":1o4g8ee6 said:
hawksfansinceday1":1o4g8ee6 said:
5_Golden_Rings":1o4g8ee6 said:
49ers are down half their starting defense. This is bad.
Yeah but you're playing Atlanta at home. :sleep:
What does it like NEXT week when you play a good team with a good offense?

This week they'll be playing without ---




Both starting WRs from week 1
Intended starting slot receiver
Intended starting HB
Starting Center

It really sucks as a fan because of the playoff teams I think they need the first round bye to get more healthy more than anybody, but I honestly believe they're probably too injured to get that. It just sucks.

Great teams have both a great offense and defense. The defense has been carrying this team throughout the year . The defense is hurt right now but the offense is relatively healthy. The starting WRs listed here were replaced with better players. The slot receiver and RBs have all been replaced. The C is the main position right now. We'll see if the offense can carry the load. I have a feeling they can.


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Jan 13, 2014
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Popeyejones":jt04glkx said:
hawksfansinceday1":jt04glkx said:
5_Golden_Rings":jt04glkx said:
49ers are down half their starting defense. This is bad.
Yeah but you're playing Atlanta at home. :sleep:
What does it like NEXT week when you play a good team with a good offense?

Don't know which of these next two games it's going to be, but oh boy have the injuries caught up, and I have no doubt they're dropping one of these next two at least.

I mentioned it in another thread and it's an imperfect measure but they now have over 85 million dollars in salary cap space not playing this week. That's 43% of salary cap disappeared. It's not tenable.

This week they'll be playing without ---




2nd and 3rd string DEs
2nd string DT
2nd string CB


Both starting WRs from week 1
Intended starting slot receiver
Intended starting HB
Starting Center


2nd string TE (who plays a ton in this offense)
Swing tackle
3rd round pick at WR

It really sucks as a fan because of the playoff teams I think they need the first round bye to get more healthy more than anybody, but I honestly believe they're probably too injured to get that. It just sucks.

They have the tiebreaker over any team they could finish the same record with except Seattle. So this comment basically means you think the Niners are going to be a wildcard?

I'm taking things one game at a time with the Rams, so I'm just hoping to get a win this week against Dallas. If we do, I'll have some hope against the Niners - but reality is, I've been trying to forge a path to the playoffs that included a loss in week 16 - very unlikely we win that game. Just a bad match up for us. But even if the Rams did beat the Niners, you can still win the division with a win this week against a bad Falcons team and then a win against Seattle in week 17.


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Aug 20, 2013
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hawksfansinceday1":ibh9o8tr said:
Popeyejones":ibh9o8tr said:
hawksfansinceday1":ibh9o8tr said:
5_Golden_Rings":ibh9o8tr said:
49ers are down half their starting defense. This is bad.
Yeah but you're playing Atlanta at home. :sleep:
What does it like NEXT week when you play a good team with a good offense?

Don't know which of these next two games it's going to be, but oh boy have the injuries caught up, and I have no doubt they're dropping one of these next two at least.

I mentioned it in another thread and it's an imperfect measure but they now have over 85 million dollars in salary cap space not playing this week. That's 43% of salary cap disappeared. It's not tenable.

This week they'll be playing without ---




2nd and 3rd string DEs
2nd string DT
2nd string CB


Both starting WRs from week 1
Intended starting slot receiver
Intended starting HB
Starting Center


2nd string TE (who plays a ton in this offense)
Swing tackle
3rd round pick at WR

It really sucks as a fan because of the playoff teams I think they need the first round bye to get more healthy more than anybody, but I honestly believe they're probably too injured to get that. It just sucks.
We're pretty much right behind you:

Penny #2 RB out for the season
Dissley starting TE and a skillset not too far below your all-pro at the position, ditto
Britt starting C, ditto
Thompson ditto (though he's not been missed so far he'd be excellent depth)
Clowney our most important D player unlikely to play this week, has missed one game and is limping to the finish line
Ansah has missed 4 games and may miss again this week
Lockett #1 target at WR pro bowl level been hurt for a month and looks a shell of himself
Kendricks starting LB and best combo cover/blitz guy hasn't played a down in the last month
Barton hurt last game replacing Kendricks
Iupati G has missed at least one game iirc
Haynes reserve OL hasn't played a down
Pocic reserve OL and could be replacement for Britt hasn't played since like week 2
Willson backup TE out for the last month
Griffin starting CB may be out this week at least

That's off the top of my head. I think all the teams need to bye including our team as well as yours.

Yeah, so my point was the 9ers definitively have 11 starters not playing this week, meaning 50% of their starters on offense and defense.

You have three starters definitively out and another three who may be out, meaning you're reaching to get halfway to that total.

Everybody has injuries yes, but you're not making an apples to apples comparison.

That the 9ers are very beat up right now is an observation, not a competition.

Even if it was this IS NOT a competition you want to win. :lol:

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