Optical Tracking System for 2024


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Eastern Washington
Well, I don't believe GPS is accurate enough to spot a football on a field quite yet. You need to have the local field gridded out electronically somehow, and in a way that is not line of sight. Spotting the ball in the bottom of the pile has to be better than the current system, not worse. Then, of course, you have to transmit that info to the refs on the field when they position the ball after the play.

I worked in high tech for a lot of years and it seems a bit tricky to me. I've been out of it for a while, though. Seems it should be doable.
When I was in the Marine Corps, right around 2000, I had the opportunity to test a target system the Army was considering implementing for their rifle ranges. The shooter would see where his bullet crossed the plane of the target depicted on a monitor next to his station. It was precise and immediate, and smart. If you were to accidentally shoot at your neighbor's target (which happens occasionally), it would show a big arrow on your monitor pointing at your neighbor's target, while your neighbor's monitor would ignore the shot.

It's obviously a very different technology than what would be used to track a football, but I have no doubt they could implement something effective. And they could do it rather quickly. I imagine it would need a grid of sensors embedded in the field, most likely with 5 yard separation since the field is already divided up that way, thus easy to standardize. Basically a local mini-GPS with ground sensors instead of satellites.
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2022
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Western State
Putting chips in balls
last time that happened , well I was drunk and the salt from the chips caused lotsa chafing but i'm fully recovered and ok with it , as long as the players go along with it i,m ok
try sour cream and onion , hot taki,s or whatever they are , really bad choice
Just as long as they know the risks involved
as far as football , well shoulda done it years ago , thx vinne testicleverde


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2014
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So does the system actually guide the official where to spot the ball, or does it rely on the ref to spot the ball and then indicates whether it is a first down?