Packers and the Refs


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Dec 21, 2012
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Graham, WA
pmedic920":7v2d9tr6 said:
On this note, I have a serious question.

What is the rule regarding “off sides” / “neutral zone infraction?

And why does it seem that the Packers get so many free plays out them.

Is it totally up to the refs in f they blow the whistle to stop the play?

I think it somewhat comes down to ref judgement. Just like those game-changing holding calls that appear from nowhere.

The issue is that offsides by itself is not a dead ball foul. A defensive player can jump offside and get back on the d side with no penalty or whistle. Encroachment (contact made presnap) is a dead ball foul. Neutral zone infraction (forcing a false start) is a dead ball foul. Offsides -when accompanied by "player safety risk" ie unabated to QB- is a dead ball foul.

So the whole free play scenario is when a player is offside at the snap, but hasn't done enough to be called for encroachment or NZI, and is not considered to be unabated. That last part is where it's most open to judgement.

Maybe Rodgers is just better at it than the rest of the league, maybe not. The judgement call nature leaves that open for interpretation as well. Seems like a rule that could use some cleaning up. And isn't attempting to draw the defense offside technically a penalty by itself?
Item 5. Attempt to Draw Offside. Any obvious attempt by the quarterback or other player in position to receive the snap to draw an opponent offside is a False Start.


Flyingsquad23":1di4ai99 said:
The Steelers benefited In the 2nd half from 4 penalties for something like 140 yards and a no call on an OPI that stopped a pick 6. Then we have the bulls hat “ giving himself up” call and I say f u c k the NFL
The Steelers and the Pack are the two most criminal enterprises in the NFL

El Caliente

Sep 4, 2014
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Saints fan here, I don’t mind playing the Packers in GB, however, Ya, the refs def add to the probability of GB...with a negative ref rating, winning becomes more difficult


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
I appreciate the responses to my question.


It may be my perception but it sure as Hell seems like AR @ GB gets an awful lot more “free plays” than the rest of the league.



Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
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pmedic920":defsj32o said:
I appreciate the responses to my question.


It may be my perception but it sure as Hell seems like AR @ GB gets an awful lot more “free plays” than the rest of the league.

They do, but a lot of it has to with AR and his center making a point to get the snap off immediately when a guy jumps early. You see a lot of QBs get guys to jump a bit, then get back. Rogers and his center are looking to get that free play and snap the ball right away every time. I see it every weekend where a hardcount gets a guy to jump but they don't snap it and the guy gets back. Those QBs are using the hard count to force the D to reveal their intentions and aren't necessarily looking to get the free play. I scream at the TV when Russell does it and they don't snap the ball. It's one of biggest pet peeves and drives me nuts. One of those things that once you start watching for it you can't un-see it. Kind of like actors in a movie wearing knee pads under their pants. Dead giveaway that a fight or scuffle scene is incoming. Once you notice it or someone points out the knee pads thing, it changes your movie/tv viewing for EVER.


Active member
Oct 19, 2014
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Covington WA
There’s should be a separate forum called “Tin Foil Hat Discussions” so most of us don’t have to waste time on this type of garbage. Every team gets favorable callls some more than others. The whole NFL is pressuring officials to favor a team is such bunk on so many levels that to believe it you have to be delusional. Systemic cheating at that level would take down the entire league and turn it into the WWE. Is the league that much more valuable with the packers winning? Why would other teams stand for it? Why aren’t data analytic sites reporting the discrepancy? Why have the packers been also rans over the last decade?

This all revolves around confirmation bias. You think the refs are favoring the packers so when ever you see a Call go their way, you think you have evidence for your theory. But you discount every other call that doesn’t support your theory. Every fan forum believes the stars are aligned against them.

There are other psychological elements that may be at work such as the halo effect where refs might be unconsciously favoring known great players and penalizing known offenders. But the whole evil empire thing is a load of crap.

Hockey Guy

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2017
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HawkerD":1mu644km said:
There’s should be a separate forum called “Tin Foil Hat Discussions” so most of us don’t have to waste time on this type of garbage. Every team gets favorable callls some more than others. The whole NFL is pressuring officials to favor a team is such bunk on so many levels that to believe it you have to be delusional. Systemic cheating at that level would take down the entire league and turn it into the WWE. Is the league that much more valuable with the packers winning? Why would other teams stand for it? Why aren’t data analytic sites reporting the discrepancy? Why have the packers been also rans over the last decade?

This all revolves around confirmation bias. You think the refs are favoring the packers so when ever you see a Call go their way, you think you have evidence for your theory. But you discount every other call that doesn’t support your theory. Every fan forum believes the stars are aligned against them.

There are other psychological elements that may be at work such as the halo effect where refs might be unconsciously favoring known great players and penalizing known offenders. But the whole evil empire thing is a load of crap.

This would all be 100% true if Tim Donaghy wasn't a thing.