Oh joy, another Chiefs Niners Super Bowl


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Jan 29, 2024
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This might sound crazy, but I wouldn't mind seeing the 49ers win this one. I'm tired of the chiefs. A younger version of me, full of piss and vinegar would be a little more strident than admitting that.

I should be careful what I wish for though. That being said, I probably won't watch the game.

It really seems like the 49ers time. If not now, then when?
I get where you're coming from with your take on the 49ers. It's funny, I had my phase of despising your Seahawks, mainly because of a few fans who seemed to have a PhD in trash talk with a minor in gloating. But, at the end of the day, I'm a football fan through and through—it's practically the only sport that captures my attention.

As much as there's an emotional high in seeing the 49ers snag a win, it really boils down to the team's preparation and their mental fortitude to clinch the victory. It's not just about wanting it; it's about who's willing to push harder, strategize smarter, and execute their game plan flawlessly when it counts. So, while the heart might yearn for a 49ers triumph, the mind knows it's anyone's game until the final whistle.


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Jan 29, 2024
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"gave an opinion, then you and the other 9er troll". Pretty sure my reading comprehension is just fine.
Correction: I'm the 9er troll they're talking about, serving up cheeky banter so spicy, it makes the hot wings jealous.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Wrong. Been right year after year. Your precious 29ers are about to run out of luck. And it's gonna' be a thing of beauty. Again.

Aussie Seahawk

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2015
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Adelaide, South Australia
It's only the third of all the Superbowls I have previously missed watching with two particular friends here in Adelaide, since the Bears/Patriots rout in the 1985/6 season. Both former absences were because I was away at a conference. In 1991, I was in Dunedin, New Zealand - my first-ever overseas trip, and all paid for!

I was so excited. I turned my transistor radio on when I arrived at my accommodation, to be greeted with "...alo 19" at the tail-end of a news report, so I knew Buffalo had lost.

I don't know how Buffalo fans coped with losing FOUR Superbowls in a row, or Detroit still never even making it to the game. Sport can be so very cruel. Such is life, I suppose.
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