Is Russell Wilson Fake?


May 15, 2012
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I don't care. It's not real life. Stop pretending.

Cary Kollins

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Jan 13, 2014
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kearly":3jcuua8t said:
rideaducati":3jcuua8t said:
Cam Newton would be fine with the Superman pose and the smiling and goofing around. The hate comes from when things aren't going well for Cam and he pouts like a baby or sulks with the towel over his head. If you're gonna dish it out like he does, you'd better damn well TAKE it a bit better when things don't go your way. That's the way I see it. He can dish it out, but he can't take it coming back. I have little respect for those kind of people.

The towel head stuff is awesome if it's your team that's beating him. I bet it's annoying for Panthers fans though.

The towel narrative is silly.

Cam wears the towel whether the team is winning or losing.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Old boy is just pissed that Russell got Ciara.


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Jul 25, 2012
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Cary Kollins":o2h4vyjy said:
kearly":o2h4vyjy said:
rideaducati":o2h4vyjy said:
Cam Newton would be fine with the Superman pose and the smiling and goofing around. The hate comes from when things aren't going well for Cam and he pouts like a baby or sulks with the towel over his head. If you're gonna dish it out like he does, you'd better damn well TAKE it a bit better when things don't go your way. That's the way I see it. He can dish it out, but he can't take it coming back. I have little respect for those kind of people.

The towel head stuff is awesome if it's your team that's beating him. I bet it's annoying for Panthers fans though.

The towel narrative is silly.

Cam wears the towel whether the team is winning or losing.

The throwing himself on the ground and throwing a fit is silly too, but he does both. When his team is winning, the towel is over his head and he is engaging teammates. When his team is losing, the towel is over his head and he is pouting off by himself.


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May 27, 2011
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Vancouver, WA
I saw Cary Kollins in here and thought it looked funny in terms of spelling and then thought, "Wait, why the heck...."

Anyway, one thing to consider about NFL QBs is that they're all douche bags.

All of them.

The sheer pressure of it requires a certain mindset and a byproduct of that is varying degrees of douche bagery.

People need to just stop having some expectations of something otherwise in their almost religious followings of their teams and nearly praying to specific players like the idols they aren't supposed to. I'm not a Christian or even religious (since that keeps being brought up), but that's one of those good rules in that book. Don't worship men....


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Jan 5, 2013
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Let's just get a few things out of the way.

1) Everybody is allowed to have an opinion, no matter how unpopular it may be.
2) Everybody puts on a facade/act. Everybody. If you claim to have not done that, then you've never left your house, been in a relationship, or interviewed for a job.
3) Social Media has now given a platform for everyone to be heard, and that's not necessarily a good thing (IMO). A vocal minority or contrarians are given more fuel because they are more easily heard.
4) Look up the term "Iconoclast." In essence, people who are held up in high regard usually face resistance from others who try to tear them down. This has been perpetuated nowadays, thanks to point 3 (which has it's positives and negatives).

With that out of the way; anybody who has high ambitions, no matter what that may be in life is bound to write a scripted image of who they are and what they want to be. There's no other way to achieve a goal or become who you want to be, without "acting" like it (developing habits, persona, etc).

Most of us are not gifted enough (in any capacity) to simply wake up and achieve greatness by accident. Russell has been blessed with gifts, but not to the point where he simply needs to get out of bed in the morning. He has spent his life (quite literally) with extreme discipline and routine to achieve what he wants to achieve. Part of this, is acting like the person you want to be. If I want to become the CEO at my company; then it would behoove me to act and dress a certain way. Russell is simply "playing the part" of who he wants to be. It's that simple. I can understand that it rubs people the wrong way, but to say that is "fake," is definitely not fair.

Fake is pretending you help out the community. Russell actually does. He's not doing the typical player-forced community activities that many pro athletes are legitimately forced to do. Children's Hospital is just one example of something that a fake person would not do. A fake person would do that once and pretend they do it all the time. Russell does it all the time, and consistently.

The best example of someone "being real," is Cam Newton after the Super Bowl. Did he receive too much crap about it? For sure. But, there is a reason that people "put on an act," so they don't come across like he did. In Russell's case, he didn't want to seem like a cry baby when he lost the SB, so he "acted" like someone who wasn't a cry baby. Do we really think he wasn't pissed off? Or didn't want to tell reporters to shove it? I have no doubt he used this as positive fuel, but RW is smart enough to understand that how you "act" when faced with adversity, has a big impact on his image.

This was longer than I wanted it to be, but all of us put on an act of how we want people to perceive us. In RW's, people simply don't like the "good guy" image, and will use whatever they can to tear that down. Embellishing a story in a speech meant to motivate students doesn't make him a bad guy or a phony. It's theatre. I wish we could leave it at that.


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Apr 11, 2010
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Tech Worlds":2gyk90lf said:
I like Russell. I like how much time he gives to others.

I just wish he didn't publicize every good deed he does. Makes him look self serving even though I'm sure he isn't.

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A publicists worth his salt, will always try and jockey up the 'good guy' persona, for endorsements and the like, because if you have a sports figure with a huge following like Wilson does, you'll find that they will usually milk it for all its worth (MONEY)

Cary Kollins

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Jan 13, 2014
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vin.couve12":367p98t3 said:
I saw Cary Kollins in here and thought it looked funny in terms of spelling and then thought, "Wait, why the heck...."

Anyway, one thing to consider about NFL QBs is that they're all douche bags.

All of them.

The sheer pressure of it requires a certain mindset and a byproduct of that is varying degrees of douche bagery.

People need to just stop having some expectations of something otherwise in their almost religious followings of their teams and nearly praying to specific players like the idols they aren't supposed to. I'm not a Christian or even religious (since that keeps being brought up), but that's one of those good rules in that book. Don't worship men....

This is true to an extent. Just about every successful QB is going to be at least somewhat of a "delta bravo type-A douche".

Same theory with politicians. You've got to be a pretty big a-hole
and think highly of yourself to go far in politics.


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May 23, 2009
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Cary Kollins":vu5l3nro said:
vin.couve12":vu5l3nro said:
I saw Cary Kollins in here and thought it looked funny in terms of spelling and then thought, "Wait, why the heck...."

Anyway, one thing to consider about NFL QBs is that they're all douche bags.

All of them.

The sheer pressure of it requires a certain mindset and a byproduct of that is varying degrees of douche bagery.

People need to just stop having some expectations of something otherwise in their almost religious followings of their teams and nearly praying to specific players like the idols they aren't supposed to. I'm not a Christian or even religious (since that keeps being brought up), but that's one of those good rules in that book. Don't worship men....

This is true to an extent. Just about every successful QB is going to be at least somewhat of a "delta bravo type-A douche".

Same theory with politicians. You've got to be a pretty big a-hole
and think highly of yourself to go far in politics.

Exactly. You don't get that far without having a fairly large ego, and an overwhelming sense of self-importance - just the way it is. If they're playing well and not actively mean to children - bonus.

It's rare when you can look at a Matt Hasselbeck, Kurt Warner, Brady Quinn and just tell that they're probably as good of a dude as they come across as.

Matt had the rare ability to be proudly Christian, great in the community, play the "teacher's pet" position, get in heated arguments with his HC and still be the coolest guy in the locker room and liked by teammates, opponents, fans and opposing fans. Hass isn't the norm, but it may be Russ's sense of destined for greatness and robotic Jordan/Tiger demeanor that in part takes him to another level than the cooler Hass.


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Jul 10, 2013
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With the robotic answers he gives, it's pretty fake. So yes he's being fake, but I don't think it deserves as much crap as it gets because he's just being safe to avoid all the misquoted drama that tends to happen the second you give the media ANYTHING they can work with to make a story.

You know what happens when you are real in the public eye, you are loved then torn down to shreds. I don't blame him for trying to keep a long career. If I ever became famous and people wanted to know my thoughts, you'd get ever canned response in the book until everyone forgot about me.


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Sep 13, 2013
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MLOhawks":15rae2vl said:
I love Russ on the field, but all his jesus shit off the field is unbearably annoying. Eye-roll city.

Only because of social media, so that's by choice. Kurt Warner would preach that crap at the end of every single game during the interview before he even left the field. If he played currently, he'd probably be 10x worse than Wilson (who likely has a social media account handler that actually 'acts' as him when posting some stuff).

Nothing's changed really, everything is just more accessible now, for better or worse.


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Feb 25, 2010
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Camano Island, WA
1. I have a grandchild that has been at Children's hospital numerous times. When visiting her, on a couple of occasions I was present when RW showed up for his visit. The news that RW is in the building spreads like wild fire. Every nurse, Dr. and child on the campus gets very excited and looks forward to even just seeing RW walk down the hall. The joy of just meeting RW has actually helped many, many kids feel better, and that is the reason he visits, because he needs to as a Christian, not because he's showing off or anything. And his visits are consistently made weekly when his schedule permits. He comes off as genuine to the kids & you can really tell that he personally loves kids in general. That is in no way fake behavior.

2. Like many fans on this board, I have read, seen or heard almost every news item/interview RW has produced. In that time I have come to notice that RW has NEVER had a negative opinion beyond something like "we could have played a little better", etc. RW, always praises his team members, often by name and frequently downplays his own accomplishments. Additionally, RW always has shown extreme confidence and very positive thinking, which IMO has been adopted by his teammates every day since RW became the starting QB. Fake, my ass.

3. The robotic answers that RW gives to the simplistic and stupid questions he's always confronted with is probably par for the course. Some of those media questions are just plain stupid and often are asked by pretty gals that are only there for their T&A "talents". The two guys (I never heard of) doing a "televised" radio show are the real fakes here.

4. IMO, RW is often thought of as "too good to be true", therefore people think he must be fake, and that is the bottom line of the above "report" or whatever it is supposed to be. It's all just Click bait.


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Apr 11, 2010
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Cary Kollins":2inb93ck said:
vin.couve12":2inb93ck said:
I saw Cary Kollins in here and thought it looked funny in terms of spelling and then thought, "Wait, why the heck...."

Anyway, one thing to consider about NFL QBs is that they're all douche bags.

All of them.

The sheer pressure of it requires a certain mindset and a byproduct of that is varying degrees of douche bagery.

People need to just stop having some expectations of something otherwise in their almost religious followings of their teams and nearly praying to specific players like the idols they aren't supposed to. I'm not a Christian or even religious (since that keeps being brought up), but that's one of those good rules in that book. Don't worship men....

This is true to an extent. Just about every successful QB is going to be at least somewhat of a "delta bravo type-A douche".

Same theory with politicians. You've got to be a pretty big a-hole
and think highly of yourself to go far in politics.

Broad brush much?, ^^, you'd have to be a cynic at heart to truly believe this stuff^
There are ACTUALLY people in ALL walks of life that just want to do the right things, and are motivated by their ethics...Not everyone is in the "Dog Eat Dog" frame of mind.


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Aug 12, 2012
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Is Russell Wilson fake?????

Are you asking if Paul Allen has figured out a way to project a hologram that plays football? Well it would certainly explain why he is so hard to tackle.


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Apr 11, 2010
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ZagHawk":3vvmov1e said:
With the robotic answers he gives, it's pretty fake. So yes he's being fake, but I don't think it deserves as much crap as it gets because he's just being safe to avoid all the misquoted drama that tends to happen the second you give the media ANYTHING they can work with to make a story.

You know what happens when you are real in the public eye, you are loved then torn down to shreds. I don't blame him for trying to keep a long career. If I ever became famous and people wanted to know my thoughts, you'd get ever canned response in the book until everyone forgot about me.

I don't see his "Robotic Answers" as being "Fake", I see his general responses as being more measured, as I think he's genuinely trying to keep his image out of the ditch, and not come across as a prick.
He's worked to build an image of being clean cut, hard working.
I know it's hard for a lot of cynical folks to digest, but I think he tries to live as close to the straight and narrow as he possibly can.
Seems like a lot of people in his position are either badass or a nerdly do-gooder with a lot of varying degrees of characters in between.


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Aug 12, 2012
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CamanoIslandJQ":1nxbrgom said:
1. I have a grandchild that has been at Children's hospital numerous times. When visiting her, on a couple of occasions I was present when RW showed up for his visit. The news that RW is in the building spreads like wild fire. Every nurse, Dr. and child on the campus gets very excited and looks forward to even just seeing RW walk down the hall. The joy of just meeting RW has actually helped many, many kids feel better, and that is the reason he visits, because he needs to as a Christian, not because he's showing off or anything. And his visits are consistently made weekly when his schedule permits. He comes off as genuine to the kids & you can really tell that he personally loves kids in general. That is in no way fake behavior.

2. Like many fans on this board, I have read, seen or heard almost every news item/interview RW has produced. In that time I have come to notice that RW has NEVER had a negative opinion beyond something like "we could have played a little better", etc. RW, always praises his team members, often by name and frequently downplays his own accomplishments. Additionally, RW always has shown extreme confidence and very positive thinking, which IMO has been adopted by his teammates every day since RW became the starting QB. Fake, my ass.

3. The robotic answers that RW gives to the simplistic and stupid questions he's always confronted with is probably par for the course. Some of those media questions are just plain stupid and often are asked by pretty gals that are only there for their T&A "talents". The two guys (I never heard of) doing a "televised" radio show are the real fakes here.

4. IMO, RW is often thought of as "too good to be true", therefore people think he must be fake, and that is the bottom line of the above "report" or whatever it is supposed to be. It's all just Click bait.

Thank you for posting this. Is he ... does he understand his responsibilities and maybe adjust his answers and activities ... Yes I think he probably gets it and does it. We used to call that maturity. Our world is a jaded place though and some people will find fault with anything.


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Jan 12, 2014
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I understand what they are saying, simply that it gets tiresome and annoying hearing him talk. I could care less if people find RW's mic skills as fake, as long as he keeps winning us games that is fine with me.


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Jan 17, 2016
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vin.couve12":17kjcsmb said:
I saw Cary Kollins in here and thought it looked funny in terms of spelling and then thought, "Wait, why the heck...."

Anyway, one thing to consider about NFL QBs is that they're all douche bags.

All of them.

The sheer pressure of it requires a certain mindset and a byproduct of that is varying degrees of douche bagery.

People need to just stop having some expectations of something otherwise in their almost religious followings of their teams and nearly praying to specific players like the idols they aren't supposed to. I'm not a Christian or even religious (since that keeps being brought up), but that's one of those good rules in that book. Don't worship men....

What a ridiculous 'straw man' you have invented.

You are claiming that if we don't agree with your harsh opinion on Russell Wilson ("The kid is a fake, annoying . . . ."), then we are ipso facto worshiping him as a perfect person? That is absurd.

I have leveled plenty of criticism against Wilson. I don't think he's perfect. But that doesn't mean I view his personality as negatively as you do. I think he's a generally good guy, who is trying to be a good person, and believes the things he says.


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May 27, 2011
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Vancouver, WA
hawknation2016":34y240ki said:
vin.couve12":34y240ki said:
I saw Cary Kollins in here and thought it looked funny in terms of spelling and then thought, "Wait, why the heck...."

Anyway, one thing to consider about NFL QBs is that they're all douche bags.

All of them.

The sheer pressure of it requires a certain mindset and a byproduct of that is varying degrees of douche bagery.

People need to just stop having some expectations of something otherwise in their almost religious followings of their teams and nearly praying to specific players like the idols they aren't supposed to. I'm not a Christian or even religious (since that keeps being brought up), but that's one of those good rules in that book. Don't worship men....

What a ridiculous 'straw man' you have invented.

You are claiming that if we don't agree with your harsh opinion on Russell Wilson ("The kid is a fake, annoying . . . ."), then we are ipso facto worshiping him as a perfect person? That is absurd.

I have leveled plenty of criticism against Wilson. I don't think he's perfect. But that doesn't mean I view his personality as negatively as you do. I think he's a generally good guy, who is trying to be a good person, and believes the things he says.

It's not harsh. He's like a lot of the high ranking business execs that I work with. I just don't have a shroud of belief over things where money isn't the root. Even for QBs, RW is kind of a different dude and has a lot of high aspirations, such as owning a team. He's not going to get there by being "real."

EDIT: I'm not at all saying that RW is some sort of bad person. I'd probably get along with him just fine as I'm really used to being around people like him. Part of his whole character just isn't all that genuine. It's about as annoying as the young, idealistic hopeful who believes in things to a fault, but again, obviously that doesn't make them bad. Maybe naive, but that's not a crime. Neither is self promoting a brand.


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Apr 11, 2010
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vin.couve12":2xzaf7ox said:
He's not going to get there by being "real."

EDIT: I'm not at all saying that RW is some sort of bad person. I'd probably get along with him just fine as I'm really used to being around people like him. Part of his whole character just isn't all that genuine. It's about as annoying as the young, idealistic hopeful who believes in things to a fault, but again, obviously that doesn't make them bad. Maybe naive, but that's not a crime. Neither is self promoting a brand.

METHOD.............................It's not that he won't get there by being "real', he wouldn't get there by being "Ordinary"
No offense, but I have my doubts that you are "Used To Being Around People Like Him", as there aren't a lot of people that have had overcome the same obstacles that he has......In other words, you won't come across guys like Russell Wilson on every street corner.
He has taken the considered to be "Too Short" to flourish in the NFL as a Quarterback, and shattered the hell out of that ceiling.
It's only "Fake" if you can't back up your aspirations with action.

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